1. Patch ddmlib to increase test installation and execution timeout. 2. Add the app.xml plan with following test cases excluded: android.app.cts.ProgressDialogTest#testSetMessage android.app.cts.ProgressDialogTest#testSetProgressStyle These tests do not run to completion and keep rebooting models. These tests keep waiting for the application to be idle (mInstrumentation.waitForIdleSync) and eventually timeout. We found that in some emulators, it takes more time to process one display frame and that causes the idle handler not able to process many enqueued messages. The workaround for this problem is to increase DEFAULT_FRAME_DELAY to 300ms instead of default 10ms. 3. split libcore.libcore package to 5 smaller packages android.core.tests.libcore.package.libcore1.xml : including dalvik, icu, internal, io, icu, javax, net, reflect, util, xml test suites. android.core.tests.libcore.package.libcore2.xml : including java.awt, java.io, java.lang test suites android.core.tests.libcore.package.libcore3.xml : including java.math, java.net, java.nio test suites android.core.tests.libcore.package.libcore4.xml : including java.security and java.sql test suites android.core.tests.libcore.package.libcore5.xml : including java.text and java.util test suites 4. split libcore.org package to 7 smaller packages android.core.tests.libcore.package.org1.xml: including org.apache.json, org.apache.w3c test suites android.core.tests.libcore.package.org2.xml: including annotation, crypto, luni, nio, regex, security test suites of org.apache.harmony android.core.tests.libcore.package.org3.xml: including javax, internal test suites of org.apache.harmony.tests android.core.tests.libcore.package.org4.xml: including io, lang test suites of org.apache.harmony.tests.java android.core.tests.libcore.package.org5.xml: including math, net test suites of org.apache.harmony.tests.java android.core.tests.libcore.package.org5.xml: including nio test suite of org.apache.harmony.tests.java android.core.tests.libcore.package.org5.xml: including text, util test suites of org.apache.harmony.tests.java 4. Add the graphics.xml plan with following cases excluded: android.opengl.cts.CompressedTextureTest#testTextureETC1 android.opengl.cts.CompressedTextureTest#testTexturePVRTC android.opengl.cts.CompressedTextureTest#testTextureS3TC android.opengl.cts.CompressedTextureTest#testTextureUncompressed