Android TV (1080p) tv_1080p Google xlarge 55.0 xhdpi long 1920 1080 40.05 40.05 none notouch notouch Bluetooth Wifi NFC LightSensor GPS true qwerty dpad 2 hard 7811891 0 Generic CPU Generic GPU armeabi-v7a x86 plugged-in tv_1080p 20- true 2.0 false The device in landscape orientation land keyshidden navexposed The device in landscape orientation with a keyboard open land keysexposed navexposed android-tv Android TV (720p) tv_720p Google xlarge 55.0 tvdpi long 1280 720 26.70 26.70 none notouch notouch Bluetooth Wifi NFC LightSensor GPS true qwerty dpad 2 hard 7811891 0 Generic CPU Generic GPU armeabi-v7a x86 plugged-in tv_720p 20- true 2.0 false The device in landscape orientation land keyshidden navexposed The device in landscape orientation with a keyboard open land keysexposed navexposed android-tv