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authorandroid-build-team Robot <>2018-04-12 07:21:51 +0000
committerandroid-build-team Robot <>2018-04-12 07:21:51 +0000
commit1676bc304518a8851b34a45fd1be5cdfc4f0e202 (patch)
parenta52688e8b93b47a40a8ea70f9abba4feb48b97e6 (diff)
parent1b3adf02ce3c7d184c77a764b6b56741ede784ea (diff)
Snap for 4716599 from 1b3adf02ce3c7d184c77a764b6b56741ede784ea to pi-release
Change-Id: I23b9438a24c9b7f5a974cd2bf39e5c4b3391e171
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 929 deletions
diff --git a/firmware/os/algos/calibration/magnetometer/mag_gyro_cal.c b/firmware/os/algos/calibration/magnetometer/mag_gyro_cal.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 29a7ba07..00000000
--- a/firmware/os/algos/calibration/magnetometer/mag_gyro_cal.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-#include "calibration/magnetometer/mag_gyro_cal.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include "calibration/util/cal_log.h"
-#include "common/math/macros.h"
-#define SINGULAR_TOL (1e-4f)
-static bool allDiagonalsLessThan(struct Mat33 *matrix, float threshold) {
- return matrix->elem[0][0] < threshold && matrix->elem[1][1] < threshold &&
- matrix->elem[2][2] < threshold;
-static void calculatingAndSettingBias(struct MagGyroCal *mgc,
- struct Mat33 *first_sum_inverse,
- struct Vec3 *bias) {
- // Calculate bias, since we have high trust into this estimates.
- mat33Apply(bias, first_sum_inverse, &mgc->mgac.second_sum_average);
- // Setting bias update.
- mgc->x_bias = bias->x;
- mgc->y_bias = bias->y;
- mgc->z_bias = bias->z;
-void magGyroCalBatchReset(struct MagGyroBatchCal *mgbc) {
- mgbc->first_sample = true;
- mgbc->start_time_ns = 0;
- mgbc->timestamp_buffer_ns = 0;
- initZeroMatrix(&mgbc->first_sum_update);
- initVec3(&mgbc->last_mag_sample, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
- initVec3(&mgbc->second_sum_update, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
-static void magGyroCalAverageReset(struct MagGyroAverageCal *mgac) {
- initZeroMatrix(&mgac->first_sum_average);
- initVec3(&mgac->second_sum_average, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
- initVec3(&mgac->confidence_metric, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
- mgac->medium_accuracy_bias_update = false;
- initVec3(&mgac->bias_running, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
-void magGyroCalReset(struct MagGyroCal *mgc) {
- // Reset Batch Cal.
- magGyroCalBatchReset(&mgc->mgbc);
- // Reset Avarge Cal.
- magGyroCalAverageReset(&mgc->mgac);
- initVec3(&mgc->mgac.confidence_metric,
- mgc->algo_parameters.confidence_threshold_start,
- mgc->algo_parameters.confidence_threshold_start,
- mgc->algo_parameters.confidence_threshold_start);
-void magGyroCalGetBias(struct MagGyroCal *mgc, float *x, float *y, float *z) {
- *x = mgc->x_bias;
- *y = mgc->y_bias;
- *z = mgc->z_bias;
-void magGyroCalInit(struct MagGyroCal *mgc,
- const struct MagGyroCalParameters *params) {
- // Tuning parameters.
- memcpy(&mgc->algo_parameters, params, sizeof(mgc->algo_parameters));
- // Bias Updates set to zero.
- mgc->x_bias = 0.0f;
- mgc->y_bias = 0.0f;
- mgc->z_bias = 0.0f;
- // Reseting Algo.
- magGyroCalReset(mgc);
-void magGyroCalBatchUpdate(struct MagGyroBatchCal *mgbc,
- uint64_t sample_time_ns, float mag_x_ut,
- float mag_y_ut, float mag_z_ut, float gyro_x_rps,
- float gyro_y_rps, float gyro_z_rps) {
- // local variables, only needed for math on single samples.
- struct Vec3 mag_data;
- struct Vec3 gyro_data;
- struct Vec3 mag_data_dot;
- struct Vec3 cross_mag_gyro;
- struct Vec3 second_sum;
- struct Vec3 yi;
- struct Mat33 first_sum;
- struct Mat33 w;
- struct Mat33 w_trans;
- float odr_hz_int;
- // Creating gyro and mag vector.
- initVec3(&mag_data, mag_x_ut, mag_y_ut, mag_z_ut);
- initVec3(&gyro_data, gyro_x_rps, gyro_y_rps, gyro_z_rps);
- // Saving first sample in a batch and skipping the rest, this is done in order
- // to do the discrete time derivative. x_dot = x(n) - x(n-1).
- if (mgbc->first_sample) {
- initVec3(&mgbc->last_mag_sample, mag_x_ut, mag_y_ut, mag_z_ut);
- mgbc->first_sample = false;
- mgbc->start_time_ns = sample_time_ns;
- mgbc->timestamp_buffer_ns = sample_time_ns;
- return;
- }
- // checking if delta time can become zero or negative.
- if (sample_time_ns <= mgbc->timestamp_buffer_ns) {
- // Timestamp is not monotonic, resetting batch.
- magGyroCalBatchReset(mgbc);
- return;
- }
- // Calculating time delta between this sample and the sample before.
- float delta_time_ns = (float)(sample_time_ns - mgbc->timestamp_buffer_ns);
- // Calculating 1/deltaT = ODR [Hz], for time derivative.
- odr_hz_int = 1 / (delta_time_ns * NANOS_TO_SEC);
- mgbc->timestamp_buffer_ns = sample_time_ns;
- // creating mag_dot.
- // mag_data_dot = (mag_data - last_mag_sample) * odr.
- vec3SubVecs(&mag_data_dot, &mag_data, &mgbc->last_mag_sample);
- vec3ScalarMul(&mag_data_dot, odr_hz_int);
- // Cross product (gyro x mag).
- vec3Cross(&cross_mag_gyro, &gyro_data, &mag_data);
- // Saving data into memory, for next derivative.
- initVec3(&mgbc->last_mag_sample, mag_x_ut, mag_y_ut, mag_z_ut);
- // calculating yi = mag_dot + (gyro x mag).
- vec3AddVecs(&yi, &mag_data_dot, &cross_mag_gyro);
- // creating skew-symmetric matrix.
- // / 0, -w3, w2 \.
- // w = | w3, 0, -w1 |.
- // \ -w2, w1, 0 /.
- w.elem[0][0] = 0;
- w.elem[0][1] = -gyro_z_rps;
- w.elem[0][2] = gyro_y_rps;
- w.elem[1][0] = gyro_z_rps;
- w.elem[1][1] = 0;
- w.elem[1][2] = -gyro_x_rps;
- w.elem[2][0] = -gyro_y_rps;
- w.elem[2][1] = gyro_x_rps;
- w.elem[2][2] = 0;
- // calculating second_sum:
- // second_sum = w^T * yi.
- mat33Transpose(&w_trans, &w);
- mat33Apply(&second_sum, &w_trans, &yi);
- // calculating first sum:
- // first_sum = w^T * w.
- mat33MultiplyTransposed(&first_sum, &w, &w);
- // Updating sums.
- mat33Add(&mgbc->first_sum_update, &first_sum);
- vec3Add(&mgbc->second_sum_update, &second_sum);
-enum MagUpdate magGyroCalBiasUpdate(struct MagGyroCal *mgc,
- struct Mat33 *first_sum_inverse) {
- struct Vec3 bias;
- // Testing for medium accuracy.
- if (allDiagonalsLessThan(first_sum_inverse,
- mgc->algo_parameters.confidence_threshold_medium)) {
- // Testing for high accuracy, will leave the function here if true.
- if (allDiagonalsLessThan(first_sum_inverse,
- mgc->algo_parameters.confidence_threshold_high)) {
- // Calculate bias, since we have high trust into this estimates.
- calculatingAndSettingBias(mgc, first_sum_inverse, &bias);
- // Resetting everything since we have found the bias.
- magGyroCalReset(mgc);
- // Return high accuracy indicator.
- }
- // Only will reach this point if accuracy is between high and medium, now
- // we test for if we already have a medium update.
- if (mgc->mgac.medium_accuracy_bias_update == false) {
- // Calculate bias, since we have high trust into the estimates.
- calculatingAndSettingBias(mgc, first_sum_inverse, &bias);
- // Resetting Batch, since we are not done yet.
- magGyroCalBatchReset(&mgc->mgbc);
- // Setting medium_accuracy_bias_update to "true".
- mgc->mgac.medium_accuracy_bias_update = true;
- // Return medium accuracy indicator.
- // already have an medium update, still calculate the actual offset, can
- // be used for log files and manual bias extractions.
- } else {
- // Calculate bias, since we have high trust into the estimates.
- mat33Apply(&bias, first_sum_inverse, &mgc->mgac.second_sum_average);
- // Setting bias update.
- mgc->mgac.bias_running = bias;
- // Resetting Batch, since we are not done yet.
- magGyroCalBatchReset(&mgc->mgbc);
- // Return no update indicator.
- return NO_UPDATE;
- }
- }
- // Have not gotten to medium accuracy, reset the batch.
- magGyroCalBatchReset(&mgc->mgbc);
- // Return no update indicator.
- return NO_UPDATE;
-enum MagUpdate magGyroCalRun(struct MagGyroCal *mgc, uint64_t sample_time_ns,
- float mag_x_ut, float mag_y_ut, float mag_z_ut,
- float gyro_x_rps, float gyro_y_rps,
- float gyro_z_rps) {
- struct Mat33 first_sum_inverse;
- // Running samples into the batch function.
- magGyroCalBatchUpdate(&mgc->mgbc, sample_time_ns, mag_x_ut, mag_y_ut,
- mag_z_ut, gyro_x_rps, gyro_y_rps, gyro_z_rps);
- // Timeout, reset and start over, return MAGGYRO_TIMEOUT.
- if ((sample_time_ns - mgc->mgbc.start_time_ns) >=
- mgc->algo_parameters.max_run_time_in_ns) {
- magGyroCalReset(mgc);
- }
- // Early return if batch not complete.
- if ((sample_time_ns - mgc->mgbc.start_time_ns) <=
- mgc->algo_parameters.batch_window_in_ns) {
- return NO_UPDATE;
- }
- // Updating the average matrix.
- mat33Add(&mgc->mgac.first_sum_average, &mgc->mgbc.first_sum_update);
- // Testing for singular matrix.
- if (fabsf(mat33Determinant(&mgc->mgac.first_sum_average)) > SINGULAR_TOL) {
- // Inverse of the average system matrix.
- mat33Invert(&first_sum_inverse, &mgc->mgac.first_sum_average);
- // Testing if the confidence metric has been improved.
- if (first_sum_inverse.elem[0][0] < mgc->mgac.confidence_metric.x &&
- first_sum_inverse.elem[1][1] < mgc->mgac.confidence_metric.y &&
- first_sum_inverse.elem[2][2] < mgc->mgac.confidence_metric.z) {
- // Updating the second_sum vector.
- vec3Add(&mgc->mgac.second_sum_average, &mgc->mgbc.second_sum_update);
- // Updating the confidence metric.
- initVec3(&mgc->mgac.confidence_metric, first_sum_inverse.elem[0][0],
- first_sum_inverse.elem[1][1], first_sum_inverse.elem[2][2]);
- // Testing for Bias update and leaving the function.
- return magGyroCalBiasUpdate(mgc, &first_sum_inverse);
- }
- // No improvement, removing the last batch from the average.
- mat33Sub(&mgc->mgac.first_sum_average, &mgc->mgbc.first_sum_update);
- // Resetting Batch, since we are not done yet.
- magGyroCalBatchReset(&mgc->mgbc);
- // Returning no bias update.
- return NO_UPDATE;
- }
- return NO_UPDATE;
diff --git a/firmware/os/algos/calibration/magnetometer/mag_gyro_cal.h b/firmware/os/algos/calibration/magnetometer/mag_gyro_cal.h
deleted file mode 100644
index edf92e88..00000000
--- a/firmware/os/algos/calibration/magnetometer/mag_gyro_cal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
- * This module contains the algorithms for producing a magnetometer offset
- * calibration. The algorithm is based on the paper “Adaptive Estimation of
- * Measurement Bias in Three-Dimensional Field Sensors with Angular-Rate
- * Sensors: Theory and Comparative Experimental Evaluation” by G. Troni and L.
- * Whitcomb and uses gyroscope data as well as magnetometer data. We use a batch
- * method, resulting in a Linear Least-Squares Fit (Section III B of the paper).
- * We define the following mathematical setup:
- *
- * wi (wx,wy,wx) -> are the gyroscope readings [RAD/s]
- * xi -> are the magnetometer readings [uT]
- * xi_dot -> is the derivative of xi
- *
- * Form here we can define:
- *
- * yi = xi_dot + (wi x xi) (x denotes the cross product)
- *
- * and
- *
- * / 0 -wz wy \
- * Wi =| wz 0 -wx |
- * \ -wy wx 0 /
- *
- * which we can use to define, what we call first sum and second sum
- *
- * firstSum = sum( Wi^2)
- *
- * and
- *
- * secondSum = sum(Wi yi)
- *
- * The bias is calculated the following way
- *
- * b = inverse(firstSum) * secondSum
- *
- * Notice that we use the diagonal of the matrix “inverse(firstSum)” as a
- * confidence metric, to make a accuracy assessment.
- *
- * The algorithm expects time synchronized magnetometer and gyro data, any delay
- * shift between those two greater than 5-10ms will result in poor accuracy.
- * Furthermore, the minimum sample rate of the sensors should be higher than 50
- * Hz.
- */
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include "calibration/magnetometer/mag_cal.h"
-#include "common/math/mat.h"
-#include "common/math/vec.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-// Algo Batch Data Struct.
-struct MagGyroBatchCal {
- // Batch Start time.
- uint64_t start_time_ns;
- // Time Stamp Buffer. Variable used to calculate 1/deltaT = odr_in_hz, where
- // 1/deltaT is used to calculate the derivative of the mag signal.
- uint64_t timestamp_buffer_ns;
- // First sample in batch indicator.
- bool first_sample;
- // Matrix and vector definition.
- struct Mat33 first_sum_update;
- struct Vec3 last_mag_sample;
- struct Vec3 second_sum_update;
-// Algorithm tuning Parameter struct.
-struct MagGyroCalParameters {
- // Batch window size.
- uint64_t batch_window_in_ns;
- // Algo resets after max_run_time.
- uint64_t max_run_time_in_ns;
- // Confidence Threshold.
- // The confidence metric is explained in go/magcalp design document.
- // Furthermore more details are given as well on how to tune it. Confidence
- // Threshold high accuracy.
- float confidence_threshold_high;
- // Confidence Threshold medium accuracy.
- float confidence_threshold_medium;
- // Confidence Threshold start. Don't want to start with a bad matrix.
- float confidence_threshold_start;
-// Data Struct for the Batch average function.
-struct MagGyroAverageCal {
- // Matrix and vector definition.
- struct Mat33 first_sum_average;
- struct Vec3 second_sum_average;
- // Medium accuracy bias update.
- bool medium_accuracy_bias_update;
- // Confidence Metric.
- struct Vec3 confidence_metric;
- // Running biases update.
- struct Vec3 bias_running;
-// Main algo data Struct.
-struct MagGyroCal {
- // Algorithm tuning parameters.
- struct MagGyroCalParameters algo_parameters;
- // Single batch struct. We use batches, which in turn get again averaged over
- // time. The single batch is the amount of data that we do the Linear
- // Least-Squares fit on and decide if we will add this to the averaging based
- // on the confidence metric. Notice that we do on every batch a matrix
- // inversion, hence in order to save power it is beneficial to make the batch
- // size reasonably large. This is controlled by the “batch_window_in_ns”.
- struct MagGyroBatchCal mgbc;
- // Algo average struct.
- struct MagGyroAverageCal mgac;
- // New bias update.
- float x_bias;
- float y_bias;
- float z_bias;
-// Algorithm initialization.
-void magGyroCalInit(struct MagGyroCal *mgc,
- const struct MagGyroCalParameters *params);
-// Resets the batch struct.
-void magGyroCalReset(struct MagGyroCal *mgc);
-// Gets the current MagGyro bias estimate.
-void magGyroCalGetBias(struct MagGyroCal *mgc, float *x, float *y, float *z);
-// Main algorithm runner function.
-// sample_time_ns in [ns].
-// mag_x_ut, mag_y_ut, mag_z_ut are in [uT].
-// gyro_x_rps, gyro_y_rps, gyro_z_rps are in [RAD/s].
-// odr_hz is in [Hz].
-enum MagUpdate magGyroCalRun(struct MagGyroCal *mgc, uint64_t sample_time_ns,
- float mag_x_ut, float mag_y_ut, float mag_z_ut,
- float gyro_x_rps, float gyro_y_rps,
- float gyro_z_rps);
-//////// Function exposed for testing ///////////////////////////////////
-// Updating sensor data into the batch.
-// sample_time_ns in [ns].
-// mag_x_ut, mag_y_ut, mag_z_ut are in [uT].
-// gyro_x_rps, gyro_y_rps, gyro_z_rps are in [RAD/s].
-// odr_hz is in [Hz].
-void magGyroCalBatchUpdate(struct MagGyroBatchCal *mgbc,
- uint64_t sample_time_ns, float mag_x_ut,
- float mag_y_ut, float mag_z_ut, float gyro_x_rps,
- float gyro_y_rps, float gyro_z_rps);
-// Checks metrics and classifies bias update into either:
-// NO_UPDATE and no bias is updated
-// UPDATE_BIAS_MEDIUM bias is update with medium accuracy.
-// UPDATE_BIAS_HIGH bias is update with high accuracy.
-enum MagUpdate magGyroCalBiasUpdate(struct MagGyroCal *mgc,
- struct Mat33 *first_sum_inverse);
-// Resetting the batch struct.
-void magGyroCalBatchReset(struct MagGyroBatchCal *mgbc);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/firmware/os/algos/calibration/synchronizer/ b/firmware/os/algos/calibration/synchronizer/
deleted file mode 100644
index a485389b..00000000
--- a/firmware/os/algos/calibration/synchronizer/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-#include "calibration/synchronizer/synchronizer.h"
-#include "calibration/util/cal_log.h"
-namespace synchronizer {
-namespace {
-// Alias to simplify the access to SensorIndex.
-using SensorIndex = online_calibration::SensorIndex;
-// Seeks through data_to_interpolate_to and data_to_interpolate queues so that
-// first two entries of data_to_interpolate have timestamps that straddle the
-// timestamp of the first entry of data_to_interpolate_to. Leading queue items
-// are popped and discarded to perform seeking.
-// Assumes both data_to_interpolate_to and data_to_interpolate sorted by
-// strictly increasing timestamp.
-// Returns True if seeking was achieved. Returns false if seeking could not
-// be achieved, such is if either pointer was null or they contain data
-// streams which cannot be made to straddle in time.
-bool SeekStraddle(
- chre::ArrayQueue<online_calibration::SensorData,
- Synchronizer::kInputBufferSize>* data_to_interpolate_to,
- chre::ArrayQueue<online_calibration::SensorData,
- Synchronizer::kInputBufferSize>* data_to_interpolate) {
- // If either is a null pointer, return false
- if (data_to_interpolate_to == nullptr || data_to_interpolate == nullptr) {
- "Unexpected null pointer during seek!");
- return false;
- }
- // If data_to_interpolate_to and data_to_interpolate are the same, no seeking.
- if (reinterpret_cast<void*>(data_to_interpolate_to) ==
- reinterpret_cast<void*>(data_to_interpolate)) {
- return true;
- }
- // Check that queues are not empty and time min/max aren't impossible.
- if (data_to_interpolate_to->empty() || data_to_interpolate->empty() ||
- data_to_interpolate->front().timestamp_nanos >
- data_to_interpolate_to->back().timestamp_nanos ||
- data_to_interpolate->back().timestamp_nanos <
- data_to_interpolate_to->front().timestamp_nanos) {
- return false;
- }
- // Seek in data_to_interpolate_to until first entry of data_to_interpolate
- // precedes first of data_to_interpolate_to.
- while (!data_to_interpolate_to->empty() &&
- data_to_interpolate->front().timestamp_nanos >
- data_to_interpolate_to->front().timestamp_nanos) {
- data_to_interpolate_to->pop();
- }
- // Check that data_to_interpolate_to still has at least one element.
- if (data_to_interpolate_to->empty()) {
- return false;
- }
- // Seek in data_to_interpolate until 1st and 2nd entries straddle first
- // data_to_interpolate_to entry.
- while (data_to_interpolate->size() > 1 &&
- !((*data_to_interpolate)[0].timestamp_nanos <=
- data_to_interpolate_to->front().timestamp_nanos &&
- (*data_to_interpolate)[1].timestamp_nanos >=
- data_to_interpolate_to->front().timestamp_nanos)) {
- data_to_interpolate->pop();
- }
- // data_to_interpolate must either match exactly, or have >=2 elements to
- // interpolate
- if (data_to_interpolate->front().timestamp_nanos ==
- data_to_interpolate_to->front().timestamp_nanos) {
- return true;
- } else if (data_to_interpolate->size() < 2) {
- return false;
- }
- // Check that data_to_interpolate still has at least two elements and they
- // straddle the first entry of data_to_interpolate_to.
- if ((*data_to_interpolate)[0].timestamp_nanos >
- data_to_interpolate_to->front().timestamp_nanos ||
- (*data_to_interpolate)[1].timestamp_nanos <
- data_to_interpolate_to->front().timestamp_nanos) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-// Performs linear interpolation for a single axis.
-float SingleAxisLinearInterpolation(float tb_minus_ta, float tc_minus_ta,
- float va, float vc) {
- return va + (vc - va) * (tb_minus_ta / tc_minus_ta);
-// Interpolates data_to_interpolate using timestamps in
-// data_to_interpolate_to, writing to interpolated the resulting 3-axis
-// measurement vector and timestamp that matches a timestamp in
-// data_to_interpolate_to. For this to be possible, data_to_interpolate
-// must have at least two timestamps which straddle a timestamp in
-// data_to_interpolate_to.
-// The input queues are assumed to have strictly increasing timestamps.
-// First, this uses SeekStraddle() to pop off entries of each queue until the
-// first two entries of data_to_interpolate have timestamps that straddle the
-// timestamp of the first entry of data_to_interpolate_to. Then linear
-// interpolation proceeds and results are written to interpolated.
-// Returns true if interpolation was possible. Returns false if any of the
-// inputs are nullptr or if interpolation was not possible given the
-// timestamps in the data queues.
-bool SeekAndInterpolateLinear(
- chre::ArrayQueue<online_calibration::SensorData,
- Synchronizer::kInputBufferSize>* data_to_interpolate_to,
- chre::ArrayQueue<online_calibration::SensorData,
- Synchronizer::kInputBufferSize>* data_to_interpolate,
- online_calibration::SensorData* interpolated) {
- // Seek until first two entries of data_to_interpolate straddle first entry of
- // data_to_interpolate_to. Seek function also checks that
- // data_to_interpolate_to and data_to_interpolate are not nullptr.
- if (!SeekStraddle(data_to_interpolate_to, data_to_interpolate) ||
- interpolated == nullptr) {
- return false;
- }
- // Use some local variables to avoid repeated pointer dereferencing.
- // data_to_interpolate_to and data_to_interpolate queues guaranteed by seek
- // function to be non-empty.
- online_calibration::SensorData data_to_interpolate_to_0 =
- data_to_interpolate_to->front();
- const online_calibration::SensorData data_to_interpolate_0 =
- data_to_interpolate->front();
- online_calibration::SensorData data_to_interpolate_1;
- // Avoid floating point math if possible: check if timestamps match exactly.
- if (data_to_interpolate_to_0.timestamp_nanos ==
- data_to_interpolate_0.timestamp_nanos) {
- *interpolated = data_to_interpolate_0;
- return true;
- } else if (data_to_interpolate->size() > 1) {
- data_to_interpolate_1 = (*data_to_interpolate)[1];
- if (data_to_interpolate_to_0.timestamp_nanos ==
- data_to_interpolate_1.timestamp_nanos) {
- *interpolated = data_to_interpolate_1;
- return true;
- }
- } else {
-// Size was 1 and first entries didn't match, so interpolation impossible!
- "Unexpected queue state while attempting interpolation!");
- return false;
- }
- // Linearly interpolate data_to_interpolate at data_to_interpolate_to's 0th
- // entry timepoint. Interpolate vector vb between va, vc at time tb where
- // ta < tb < tc.
- const float tb_minus_ta =
- static_cast<float>(data_to_interpolate_to_0.timestamp_nanos -
- data_to_interpolate_0.timestamp_nanos);
- const float tc_minus_ta =
- static_cast<float>(data_to_interpolate_1.timestamp_nanos -
- data_to_interpolate_0.timestamp_nanos);
- if (data_to_interpolate_0.type ==
- online_calibration::SensorType::kAccelerometerMps2 ||
- data_to_interpolate_0.type ==
- online_calibration::SensorType::kGyroscopeRps ||
- data_to_interpolate_0.type ==
- online_calibration::SensorType::kMagnetometerUt) {
- // Perform linear interpolation for 3-axis sensor and populate the result
- // struct.
- interpolated->data[SensorIndex::kXAxis] = SingleAxisLinearInterpolation(
- tb_minus_ta, tc_minus_ta,
- interpolated->data[SensorIndex::kYAxis] = SingleAxisLinearInterpolation(
- tb_minus_ta, tc_minus_ta,
- interpolated->data[SensorIndex::kZAxis] = SingleAxisLinearInterpolation(
- tb_minus_ta, tc_minus_ta,
- interpolated->timestamp_nanos = data_to_interpolate_to_0.timestamp_nanos;
- interpolated->type = data_to_interpolate_0.type;
- return true;
- } else if (data_to_interpolate_0.type ==
- online_calibration::SensorType::kTemperatureCelsius ||
- data_to_interpolate_0.type ==
- online_calibration::SensorType::kBarometerHpa) {
- // Perform linear interpolation for 1-axis sensor and populate the result
- // struct.
- interpolated->data[SensorIndex::kSingleAxis] =
- SingleAxisLinearInterpolation(
- tb_minus_ta, tc_minus_ta,
- interpolated->timestamp_nanos = data_to_interpolate_to_0.timestamp_nanos;
- interpolated->type = data_to_interpolate_0.type;
- return true;
- } else {
- "Invalid sensor_type in SeekAndInterpolateLinear");
- return false;
- }
-// Attempts to add a SensorData measurement to a deque of them, returning
-// whether the new measurement was strictly greater in time than the last
-// entry in the queue. If it was not, measurement is not added and false is
-// returned. This function is primarily for code compactness: several queues
-// of measurements are appended-to in this same manner.
-bool AddMeasurementToDeque(
- const online_calibration::SensorData& measurement,
- chre::ArrayQueue<online_calibration::SensorData,
- Synchronizer::kInputBufferSize>* mutable_deque) {
- // Push measurement onto the measurement queue if sequential.
- if (mutable_deque->empty() ||
- (!mutable_deque->empty() &&
- measurement.timestamp_nanos > mutable_deque->back().timestamp_nanos)) {
- mutable_deque->push(measurement);
- return true;
- } else {
- "measurement timestamp: %lu was not strictly greater than existing"
- "queued timestamps.",
- measurement.timestamp_nanos);
- return false;
- }
-} // namespace
- : Synchronizer(online_calibration::SensorType::kGyroscopeRps,
- online_calibration::SensorType::kAccelerometerMps2) {}
- const online_calibration::SensorType& sensor_to_interpolate_to,
- const online_calibration::SensorType& sensor_to_interpolate) {
- if (sensor_to_interpolate_to == sensor_to_interpolate) {
- "Sensor_types are equal! Using default settings!");
- sensor_to_interpolate_to_ = online_calibration::SensorType::kGyroscopeRps;
- sensor_to_interpolate_ = online_calibration::SensorType::kAccelerometerMps2;
- } else {
- // Setting sensors.
- sensor_to_interpolate_to_ = sensor_to_interpolate_to;
- sensor_to_interpolate_ = sensor_to_interpolate;
- }
-bool Synchronizer::SetDataToInterpolateToSensorType(
- const online_calibration::SensorType& sensor_type) {
- if (sensor_type == sensor_to_interpolate_) {
- "Sensor_type in SetDataToInterpolateToSensorType is "
- "already used!");
- return false;
- }
- if (sensor_type == online_calibration::SensorType::kUndefined) {
- "Invalid sensor_type in SetDataToInterpolateToSensorType");
- return false;
- }
- sensor_to_interpolate_to_ = sensor_type;
- return true;
-bool Synchronizer::SetDataToInterpolateSensorType(
- const online_calibration::SensorType& sensor_type) {
- if (sensor_type == sensor_to_interpolate_to_) {
- "Sensor_type in SetDataToInterpolateSensorType is already used!");
- return false;
- }
- if (sensor_type == online_calibration::SensorType::kUndefined) {
- "Invalid sensor_type in SetDataToInterpolateSensorType");
- return false;
- }
- sensor_to_interpolate_ = sensor_type;
- return true;
-void Synchronizer::AddMeasurement(const online_calibration::SensorData& meas) {
- online_calibration::SensorType sensor_type = meas.type;
- if (sensor_type == sensor_to_interpolate_to_) {
- if (input_sensor_to_interpolate_to_.full()) {
- "input_sensor_to_interpolate_to queue is full! "
- "Removing front element from queue");
- input_sensor_to_interpolate_to_.pop();
- }
- if (AddMeasurementToDeque(meas, &input_sensor_to_interpolate_to_)) {
- // Add succeeded. Process applicable measurement queue.
- ProcessMeasurementQueues();
- }
- }
- if (sensor_type == sensor_to_interpolate_) {
- if (input_sensor_to_interpolate_.full()) {
- "input_sensor_to_interpolate queue is full !"
- "Removing front element from queue");
- input_sensor_to_interpolate_.pop();
- }
- if (AddMeasurementToDeque(meas, &input_sensor_to_interpolate_)) {
- // Add succeeded. Process applicable measurement queue.
- ProcessMeasurementQueues();
- }
- }
-bool Synchronizer::ConsumeSynchronizedMeasurementQueues(
- /*first sensor*/ online_calibration::SensorData* sensor_to_interpolate_to,
- /*second sensor*/ online_calibration::SensorData* sensor_to_interpolate) {
- if (!synchronized_first_and_second_queues_.empty()) {
- *sensor_to_interpolate_to =
- synchronized_first_and_second_queues_.front().first;
- *sensor_to_interpolate =
- synchronized_first_and_second_queues_.front().second;
- synchronized_first_and_second_queues_.pop();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-void Synchronizer::ProcessMeasurementQueues() {
- // Results of interpolation written here.
- online_calibration::SensorData interpolated;
- // Process the queues, interpolating and queuing up measurements.
- while (SeekAndInterpolateLinear(&input_sensor_to_interpolate_to_,
- &input_sensor_to_interpolate_,
- &interpolated)) {
- synchronized_first_and_second_queues_.push(
- std::pair<online_calibration::SensorData,
- online_calibration::SensorData>(
- input_sensor_to_interpolate_to_.front(), interpolated));
- // Pop off data_to_interpolate_to measurement used to create this sample.
- // data_to_interpolate will be cleaned up next seek.
- input_sensor_to_interpolate_to_.pop();
- }
-} // namespace synchronizer
diff --git a/firmware/os/algos/calibration/synchronizer/synchronizer.h b/firmware/os/algos/calibration/synchronizer/synchronizer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a0ef4cf..00000000
--- a/firmware/os/algos/calibration/synchronizer/synchronizer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
- * This is a sensor data synchronizer module that interpolates buffers (queues)
- * of streamed measurements with respect to a user-selected input master stream
- * to set the timebase. To perform synchronization, a sensor (sensor_data.h)
- * is selected to define the resulting synchronized time axis. The second
- * selected sensor is interpolated to the first sensor's timescale. This
- * produces a synchronized queue of measurement pairs.
- */
-#include "calibration/online_calibration/common_data/sensor_data.h"
-#include "chre/util/array_queue.h"
-namespace synchronizer {
- * Buffers measurements and synchronizes them using interpolation.
- *
- * Processes input streams of sensors and queues up output streams.
- */
-class Synchronizer {
- public:
- // Input buffer size = 400 gives 1 second of buffer for a input sensor data
- // rate of 400 Hz.
- static constexpr int kInputBufferSize = 400;
- // The output buffer size can store 10 sample, hist code has to ensure to
- // grab the data before overflow.
- static constexpr int kOutputBufferSize = 10;
- Synchronizer();
- Synchronizer(const online_calibration::SensorType& sensor_to_interpolate_to,
- const online_calibration::SensorType& sensor_to_interpolate);
- // Sets the sensor (first) to which the second sensor is interpolated to.
- // Hence this sensor timebase is the master of the synchronized data stream.
- // Notice that "sensor_to_interpolate_to_" cannot be equal
- // "sensor_to_interpolate_", so this function cannot synchronize two accel's
- // to each other.
- // TODO(b/70861106): Change interface to a master slave approach.
- // Sensors available (sensor_data.h).
- bool SetDataToInterpolateToSensorType(
- const online_calibration::SensorType& sensor_type);
- // Sets the sensor (second) which will be interpolated. Notice that
- // "sensor_to_interpolate_to_" cannot be equal "sensor_to_interpolate_".
- // Sensors available (sensor_data.h).
- bool SetDataToInterpolateSensorType(
- const online_calibration::SensorType& sensor_type);
- // Adds measurements. Uses the type in SensorData to identify
- // sensor_to_interpolate and sensor_to_interpolate_to sensors.
- void AddMeasurement(const online_calibration::SensorData& meas);
- // Processes the synchronization queues in chronological order. Processing
- // involves popping off each queue element and passing it to the specified
- // function target of corresponding sensor type.
- //
- // Returns true if at least one element is in the sensor queue, and populates
- // the synchronzied sensor data structs.
- bool ConsumeSynchronizedMeasurementQueues(
- /*sensor_to_interpolate_to*/
- online_calibration::SensorData* sensor_to_interpolate_to,
- /*sensor_to_interpolate*/
- online_calibration::SensorData* sensor_to_interpolate);
- private:
- // Attempts to pair up "sensor_to_interpolate_to" (first) and
- // "sensor_to_interpolate" (second) measurements buffered by the
- // AddMeasurement() function, interpolating one using the other as a
- // data_to_interpolate_to timescale if necessary.
- //
- // If interpolated measurements are generated, they are queued in this
- // function.
- void ProcessMeasurementQueues();
- // Queue of synchronized measurements.
- chre::ArrayQueue<
- std::pair<online_calibration::SensorData, online_calibration::SensorData>,
- kOutputBufferSize>
- synchronized_first_and_second_queues_;
- // Enums set which measurement defines the data_to_interpolate_to (first)
- // timebase, against which sensor_to_interpolate is interpolated (second).
- online_calibration::SensorType sensor_to_interpolate_to_;
- online_calibration::SensorType sensor_to_interpolate_;
- // Queues of time-ordered measurements for interpolation within this class.
- chre::ArrayQueue<online_calibration::SensorData, kInputBufferSize>
- input_sensor_to_interpolate_to_;
- chre::ArrayQueue<online_calibration::SensorData, kInputBufferSize>
- input_sensor_to_interpolate_;
-} // namespace synchronizer