# # Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open-Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # on init chmod 666 /dev/diag on post-fs-data # Modem logging collection mkdir /data/vendor/radio 0777 radio radio mkdir /data/vendor/radio/diag_logs 0777 system system rm /data/vendor/radio/diag_logs/logs/diag_poweron_log.qmdl # WLAN logging collection mkdir /data/vendor/wifi 0777 system system mkdir /data/vendor/wifi/cnss_diag 0777 system system service diag_mdlog_start /vendor/bin/diag_mdlog class late_start user shell group system diag media_rw socket diag_router stream 0666 system system disabled oneshot service diag_mdlog_stop /vendor/bin/diag_mdlog -k class late_start user shell group system diag media_rw disabled oneshot on boot && property:persist.vendor.sys.modem.diag.mdlog=* rm /data/vendor/radio/diag_logs/diag_mdlog_pid setprop vendor.sys.modem.diag.mdlog ${persist.vendor.sys.modem.diag.mdlog} on property:vendor.sys.modem.diag.mdlog=true start diag_mdlog_start on property:vendor.sys.modem.diag.mdlog=false start diag_mdlog_stop on property:persist.vendor.sys.cnss.diag_qxdm=true start vendor.cnss_diag on property:persist.vendor.sys.cnss.diag_qxdm=false stop vendor.cnss_diag on property:persist.vendor.sys.cnss.diag_txt=true start vendor.cnss_diag_txt on property:persist.vendor.sys.cnss.diag_txt=false stop vendor.cnss_diag_txt service vendor.cnss_diag /vendor/bin/cnss_diag -q -u -w class late_start user system group system disabled oneshot service vendor.cnss_diag_txt /vendor/bin/cnss_diag -s -f -m /data/vendor/wifi/cnss_diag/cnss_diag.conf class late_start user system group system disabled oneshot on property:vendor.debug.ramdump.force_crash=true write /proc/sysrq-trigger "c" on property:ro.vendor.bluetooth.ftm_enabled=true start ftmd service ftmd /vendor/bin/ftmdaemon class late_start user root group bluetooth net_bt_admin misc diag net_bt disabled oneshot on property:vendor.sys.logger.bluetooth=true setprop persist.vendor.service.bdroid.snooplog true setprop persist.vendor.service.bdroid.fwsnoop true on property:vendor.sys.logger.bluetooth=false setprop persist.vendor.service.bdroid.snooplog false setprop persist.vendor.service.bdroid.fwsnoop false on property:persist.bluetooth.btsnoopenable=true setprop persist.vendor.service.bdroid.soclog true on property:persist.bluetooth.btsnoopenable=false setprop persist.vendor.service.bdroid.soclog false on property:vendor.usb.config=* start usbd on property:persist.vendor.usb.usbradio.config=* start usbd