path: root/ueventd.mako.rc
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-09-26mako: change group ownership of /dev/mdm from system to radioagathon.jung
2012-09-04mako: change UID of kickstart process from root to systemSungmin Choi
2012-08-21audio: enable RTAC for audio calibrationty.lee
2012-08-07mako: audio: enable the QACT connectionSungmin Choi
2012-08-02mako: add service related to widevineSungmin Choi
2012-07-31mako: NFC: Include NFC product files, NFCEE access files.Martijn Coenen
2012-07-19Fix permissions for /dev/msm_dsps nodeAjay Dudani
2012-07-18mako: bluetooth: bring upjeonghoon.lim
2012-07-08mako: Set permissions for msm camera nodesAjay Dudani
2012-07-02mako: fix permissions for video decoder device nodesHaynes Mathew George
2012-06-21mako: init script changes to bring up modemAbhishek Adappa
2012-06-21mako: set permissions on msm media filesIliyan Malchev
2012-06-18mako: Add permissions for msm_rotatorNaseer Ahmed
2012-06-11initial mako supportIliyan Malchev