/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. * * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #if GRALLOC_USE_GRALLOC1_API == 1 #include #else #include #endif #include "mali_gralloc_module.h" #include "gralloc_priv.h" static mali_gralloc_format_caps dpu_runtime_caps; static mali_gralloc_format_caps vpu_runtime_caps; static mali_gralloc_format_caps gpu_runtime_caps; static mali_gralloc_format_caps cam_runtime_caps; static pthread_mutex_t caps_init_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static bool runtime_caps_read = false; #define MALI_GRALLOC_GPU_LIB_NAME "libGLES_mali.so" #if defined(__LP64__) #define MALI_GRALLOC_GPU_LIBRARY_PATH1 "/vendor/lib64/egl/" #define MALI_GRALLOC_GPU_LIBRARY_PATH2 "/system/lib64/egl/" #else #define MALI_GRALLOC_GPU_LIBRARY_PATH1 "/vendor/lib/egl/" #define MALI_GRALLOC_GPU_LIBRARY_PATH2 "/system/lib/egl/" #endif #define GRALLOC_AFBC_MIN_SIZE 75 static bool get_block_capabilities(bool hal_module, const char *name, mali_gralloc_format_caps *block_caps) { void *dso_handle = NULL; bool rval = false; /* Look for MALI_GRALLOC_FORMATCAPS_SYM_NAME_STR symbol in user-space drivers * to determine hw format capabilities. */ if (!hal_module) { dso_handle = dlopen(name, RTLD_LAZY); } else { /* libhardware does some heuristics to find hal modules * and then stores the dso handle internally. Use this. */ const struct hw_module_t *module = { NULL }; if (hw_get_module(name, &module) >= 0) { dso_handle = module->dso; } } if (dso_handle) { void *sym = dlsym(dso_handle, MALI_GRALLOC_FORMATCAPS_SYM_NAME_STR); if (sym) { memcpy((void *)block_caps, sym, sizeof(mali_gralloc_format_caps)); rval = true; } if (!hal_module) { dlclose(dso_handle); } } return rval; } static int map_flex_formats(uint64_t req_format) { /* Map Android flexible formats to internal base formats */ if(req_format == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED || req_format == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_888) { req_format = MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_NV12; } return req_format; } static bool is_afbc_supported(int req_format_mapped) { bool rval = true; /* These base formats we currently don't support with compression */ switch (req_format_mapped) { case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_RAW16: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_RAW12: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_RAW10: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_BLOB: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_P010: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_P210: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_Y410: case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_422_I: rval = false; break; } return rval; } static bool is_android_yuv_format(int req_format) { bool rval = false; switch (req_format) { case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12: case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_Y8: case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_Y16: case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_888: case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_422_888: case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_444_888: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_NV12: case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED: rval = true; break; } return rval; } static bool is_afbc_allowed(int buffer_size) { bool afbc_allowed = false; (void)buffer_size; #if MALI_DISPLAY_VERSION == 550 || MALI_DISPLAY_VERSION == 650 #if GRALLOC_DISP_W != 0 && GRALLOC_DISP_H != 0 afbc_allowed = ((buffer_size * 100) / (GRALLOC_DISP_W * GRALLOC_DISP_H)) >= GRALLOC_AFBC_MIN_SIZE; #else /* If display size is not valid then always allow AFBC */ afbc_allowed = true; #endif #else /* For cetus, always allow AFBC */ afbc_allowed = true; #endif return afbc_allowed; } static bool is_afbc_format(uint64_t internal_format) { return (internal_format & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBCENABLE_MASK) != 0; } static uint64_t determine_best_format(int req_format, mali_gralloc_producer_type producer, mali_gralloc_consumer_type consumer, uint64_t producer_runtime_mask, uint64_t consumer_runtime_mask) { /* Default is to return the requested format */ uint64_t internal_format = req_format; uint64_t dpu_mask = dpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask; uint64_t gpu_mask = gpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask; uint64_t vpu_mask = vpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask; uint64_t cam_mask = cam_runtime_caps.caps_mask; if (producer == MALI_GRALLOC_PRODUCER_GPU && gpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_OPTIONS_PRESENT) { gpu_mask &= producer_runtime_mask; if (consumer == MALI_GRALLOC_CONSUMER_GPU_OR_DISPLAY) { gpu_mask &= consumer_runtime_mask; dpu_mask &= consumer_runtime_mask; if (gpu_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_SPLITBLK && dpu_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_SPLITBLK) { internal_format |= MALI_GRALLOC_INTFMT_AFBC_SPLITBLK; } else if (gpu_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_BASIC && dpu_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_BASIC) { internal_format |= MALI_GRALLOC_INTFMT_AFBC_BASIC; if (gpu_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_TILED_HEADERS && dpu_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_TILED_HEADERS) { internal_format |= MALI_GRALLOC_INTFMT_AFBC_TILED_HEADERS; } } } else if (consumer == MALI_GRALLOC_CONSUMER_GPU_EXCL) { gpu_mask &= consumer_runtime_mask; /* When GPU acts as both producer and consumer it prefers 16x16 superblocks */ if (gpu_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_BASIC) { internal_format |= MALI_GRALLOC_INTFMT_AFBC_BASIC; } if (gpu_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_TILED_HEADERS) { internal_format |= MALI_GRALLOC_INTFMT_AFBC_TILED_HEADERS; } } else if (consumer == MALI_GRALLOC_CONSUMER_VIDEO_ENCODER) { vpu_mask &= consumer_runtime_mask; if (internal_format == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12 || internal_format == MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_NV12) { if (gpu_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_BASIC && vpu_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_BASIC) { internal_format |= MALI_GRALLOC_INTFMT_AFBC_BASIC; } if (gpu_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_TILED_HEADERS && vpu_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_TILED_HEADERS) { internal_format |= MALI_GRALLOC_INTFMT_AFBC_TILED_HEADERS; } } } } else if (producer == MALI_GRALLOC_PRODUCER_VIDEO_DECODER && vpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_OPTIONS_PRESENT) { vpu_mask &= producer_runtime_mask; if (consumer == MALI_GRALLOC_CONSUMER_GPU_OR_DISPLAY) { gpu_mask &= consumer_runtime_mask; dpu_mask &= consumer_runtime_mask; if (internal_format == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12) { if (vpu_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_BASIC && gpu_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_BASIC && dpu_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_BASIC) { internal_format |= MALI_GRALLOC_INTFMT_AFBC_BASIC; } if (vpu_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_TILED_HEADERS && gpu_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_TILED_HEADERS && dpu_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_TILED_HEADERS) { internal_format |= MALI_GRALLOC_INTFMT_AFBC_TILED_HEADERS; } } } else if (consumer == MALI_GRALLOC_CONSUMER_GPU_EXCL) { gpu_mask &= consumer_runtime_mask; if (internal_format == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12) { if (gpu_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_BASIC && vpu_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_BASIC) { internal_format |= MALI_GRALLOC_INTFMT_AFBC_BASIC; } if (gpu_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_TILED_HEADERS && vpu_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_TILED_HEADERS) { internal_format |= MALI_GRALLOC_INTFMT_AFBC_TILED_HEADERS; } } } else if (consumer == MALI_GRALLOC_CONSUMER_VIDEO_ENCODER) { /* Fall-through. To be decided.*/ } } else if (producer == MALI_GRALLOC_PRODUCER_CAMERA && cam_runtime_caps.caps_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_OPTIONS_PRESENT) { if (consumer == MALI_GRALLOC_CONSUMER_GPU_OR_DISPLAY) { /* Fall-through. To be decided.*/ } else if (consumer == MALI_GRALLOC_CONSUMER_GPU_EXCL) { /* Fall-through. To be decided.*/ } else if (consumer == MALI_GRALLOC_CONSUMER_VIDEO_ENCODER) { /* Fall-through. To be decided.*/ } } return internal_format; } static uint64_t decode_internal_format(uint64_t req_format, mali_gralloc_format_type type) { uint64_t internal_format, me_mask, base_format, mapped_base_format; if (type == MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_TYPE_USAGE) { internal_format = GRALLOC_PRIVATE_FORMAT_UNWRAP((int)req_format); } else if (type == MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_TYPE_INTERNAL) { internal_format = req_format; } else { internal_format = 0; goto out; } me_mask = internal_format & MALI_GRALLOC_INTFMT_ME_EXT_MASK; if (me_mask > 0 && ((me_mask - 1) & me_mask) != 0) { ALOGE("Internal format contains multiple mutually exclusive modifier bits: %" PRIx64, internal_format); internal_format = 0; goto out; } base_format = internal_format & MALI_GRALLOC_INTFMT_FMT_MASK; /* Even though private format allocations are intended to be for specific * formats, certain test cases uses the flexible formats that needs to be mapped * to internal ones. */ mapped_base_format = map_flex_formats((uint32_t)base_format); /* Validate the internal base format passed in */ switch (mapped_base_format) { case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_RGBA_8888: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_RGBX_8888: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_RGB_888: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_RGB_565: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_BGRA_8888: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_YV12: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_Y8: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_Y16: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_RAW16: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_RAW12: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_RAW10: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_BLOB: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_NV12: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_NV21: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_YUV422_8BIT: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_Y0L2: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_P010: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_P210: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_Y210: case MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_INTERNAL_Y410: if (mapped_base_format != base_format) { internal_format = (internal_format & MALI_GRALLOC_INTFMT_EXT_MASK) | mapped_base_format; } break; default: ALOGE("Internal base format requested is unrecognized: %" PRIx64, internal_format); internal_format = 0; break; } out: return internal_format; } static bool determine_producer(mali_gralloc_producer_type *producer, uint64_t *producer_runtime_mask, int req_format, int usage) { bool rval = true; /* Default to GPU */ *producer = MALI_GRALLOC_PRODUCER_GPU; if (usage & (GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_READ_MASK | GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_WRITE_MASK)) { rval = false; } else if (usage & GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_RENDER) { if (is_android_yuv_format(req_format)) { if (gpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_YUV_NOWRITE) { *producer_runtime_mask &= ~MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBCENABLE_MASK; } else { /* All GPUs that can write YUV AFBC can only do it in 16x16, optionally with tiled */ *producer_runtime_mask &= ~(MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_SPLITBLK | MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_WIDEBLK); } } *producer = MALI_GRALLOC_PRODUCER_GPU; } else if (usage & GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_CAMERA_MASK) { *producer = MALI_GRALLOC_PRODUCER_CAMERA; } /* HW_TEXTURE+HW_COMPOSER+EXTERNAL_DISP is a definition set by * stagefright for "video decoder". We check for it here. */ else if ((usage & (GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_TEXTURE | GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_COMPOSER | GRALLOC_USAGE_EXTERNAL_DISP)) == (GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_TEXTURE | GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_COMPOSER | GRALLOC_USAGE_EXTERNAL_DISP)) { *producer = MALI_GRALLOC_PRODUCER_VIDEO_DECODER; } return rval; } static bool determine_consumer(mali_gralloc_consumer_type *consumer, uint64_t *consumer_runtime_mask, int req_format, int usage) { bool rval = true; /* Default to GPU */ *consumer = MALI_GRALLOC_CONSUMER_GPU_EXCL; if (usage & (GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_READ_MASK | GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_WRITE_MASK)) { rval = false; } /* When usage explicitly targets a consumer, as it does with GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_FB, * we pick DPU even if there are no runtime capabilities present. */ else if (usage & GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_FB) { *consumer = MALI_GRALLOC_CONSUMER_GPU_OR_DISPLAY; } else if (usage & GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_VIDEO_ENCODER) { if (is_android_yuv_format(req_format)) { if (vpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_YUV_NOREAD) *consumer_runtime_mask &= ~MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBCENABLE_MASK; } else { *consumer_runtime_mask &= ~MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBCENABLE_MASK; } *consumer = MALI_GRALLOC_CONSUMER_VIDEO_ENCODER; } /* GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_COMPOSER is by default applied by SurfaceFlinger so we can't exclusively rely on it * to determine consumer. When a buffer is targeted for either we reject the DPU when it lacks * runtime capabilities, in favor of the more capable GPU. */ else if ((usage & (GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_TEXTURE | GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_COMPOSER)) == (GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_TEXTURE | GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_COMPOSER) && dpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_OPTIONS_PRESENT) { *consumer = MALI_GRALLOC_CONSUMER_GPU_OR_DISPLAY; } else if (usage & GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_TEXTURE) { *consumer = MALI_GRALLOC_CONSUMER_GPU_EXCL; } return rval; } /* * Here we determine format capabilities for the 4 IPs we support. * For now these are controlled by build defines, but in the future * they should be read out from each user-space driver. */ static void determine_format_capabilities() { /* Loading libraries can take some time and * we may see many allocations at boot. */ pthread_mutex_lock(&caps_init_mutex); if (runtime_caps_read) { goto already_init; } memset((void *)&dpu_runtime_caps, 0, sizeof(dpu_runtime_caps)); memset((void *)&vpu_runtime_caps, 0, sizeof(vpu_runtime_caps)); memset((void *)&gpu_runtime_caps, 0, sizeof(gpu_runtime_caps)); memset((void *)&cam_runtime_caps, 0, sizeof(cam_runtime_caps)); /* Determine DPU format capabilities */ if (!get_block_capabilities(true, "hwcomposer", &dpu_runtime_caps)) { #if MALI_DISPLAY_VERSION >= 500 dpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask |= MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_OPTIONS_PRESENT; dpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask |= MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_BASIC; #if MALI_DISPLAY_VERSION >= 550 dpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask |= MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_SPLITBLK; #endif #endif } /* Determine GPU format capabilities */ if (access(MALI_GRALLOC_GPU_LIBRARY_PATH1 MALI_GRALLOC_GPU_LIB_NAME, R_OK) == 0) { get_block_capabilities(false, MALI_GRALLOC_GPU_LIBRARY_PATH1 MALI_GRALLOC_GPU_LIB_NAME, &gpu_runtime_caps); } else if (access(MALI_GRALLOC_GPU_LIBRARY_PATH2 MALI_GRALLOC_GPU_LIB_NAME, R_OK) == 0) { get_block_capabilities(false, MALI_GRALLOC_GPU_LIBRARY_PATH2 MALI_GRALLOC_GPU_LIB_NAME, &gpu_runtime_caps); } if ((gpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask & MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_OPTIONS_PRESENT) == 0) { ALOGW("Failed to find GPU block configuration in %s. Using static build configuration.", MALI_GRALLOC_GPU_LIB_NAME); #if MALI_GPU_SUPPORT_AFBC_BASIC == 1 gpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask |= MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_OPTIONS_PRESENT; gpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask |= MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_BASIC; /* Need to verify when to remove this */ gpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask |= MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_YUV_NOWRITE; #if MALI_SUPPORT_AFBC_SPLITBLK == 1 gpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask |= MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_SPLITBLK; #endif #if MALI_SUPPORT_AFBC_WIDEBLK == 1 gpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask |= MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_SPLITBLK; gpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask |= MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_WIDEBLK; #endif #if MALI_USE_YUV_AFBC_WIDEBLK != 1 gpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask |= MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_WIDEBLK_YUV_DISABLE; #endif #if MALI_SUPPORT_AFBC_TILED_HEADERS == 1 gpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask |= MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_SPLITBLK; gpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask |= MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_WIDEBLK; gpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask |= MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_TILED_HEADERS; #endif #endif /* MALI_GPU_SUPPORT_AFBC_BASIC == 1 */ } /* Determine VPU format capabilities */ #if MALI_VIDEO_VERSION == 500 || MALI_VIDEO_VERSION == 550 vpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask |= MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_OPTIONS_PRESENT; vpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask |= MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_BASIC; vpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask |= MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_YUV_NOREAD; #endif #if MALI_VIDEO_VERSION == 61 vpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask |= MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_OPTIONS_PRESENT; vpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask |= MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_BASIC; vpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask |= MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBC_TILED_HEADERS; #endif /* Build specific capability changes */ #if GRALLOC_ARM_NO_EXTERNAL_AFBC == 1 { dpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask &= ~MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBCENABLE_MASK; gpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask &= ~MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBCENABLE_MASK; vpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask &= ~MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBCENABLE_MASK; cam_runtime_caps.caps_mask &= ~MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBCENABLE_MASK; } #endif runtime_caps_read = true; already_init: pthread_mutex_unlock(&caps_init_mutex); ALOGV("GPU format capabilities 0x%" PRIx64, gpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask); ALOGV("DPU format capabilities 0x%" PRIx64, dpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask); ALOGV("VPU format capabilities 0x%" PRIx64, vpu_runtime_caps.caps_mask); ALOGV("CAM format capabilities 0x%" PRIx64, cam_runtime_caps.caps_mask); } uint64_t mali_gralloc_select_format(uint64_t req_format, mali_gralloc_format_type type, uint64_t usage, int buffer_size) { uint64_t internal_format = 0; mali_gralloc_consumer_type consumer; mali_gralloc_producer_type producer; uint64_t producer_runtime_mask = ~(0ULL); uint64_t consumer_runtime_mask = ~(0ULL); uint64_t req_format_mapped = 0; if (!runtime_caps_read) { /* * It is better to initialize these when needed because * not all processes allocates memory. */ determine_format_capabilities(); } /* A unique usage specifies that an internal format is in req_format */ if (usage & MALI_GRALLOC_USAGE_PRIVATE_FORMAT || type == MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_TYPE_INTERNAL) { internal_format = decode_internal_format(req_format, type); goto out; } /* Re-map special Android formats */ req_format_mapped = map_flex_formats(req_format); /* Determine producer/consumer */ if (!determine_producer(&producer, &producer_runtime_mask, req_format, usage) || !determine_consumer(&consumer, &consumer_runtime_mask, req_format, usage)) { /* Failing to determine producer/consumer usually means * client has requested sw rendering. */ internal_format = req_format_mapped; goto out; } /* * Determine runtime capability limitations */ /* Disable AFBC based on unique usage */ if ((usage & MALI_GRALLOC_USAGE_NO_AFBC) == MALI_GRALLOC_USAGE_NO_AFBC) { if (is_android_yuv_format(req_format_mapped)) { ALOGE("It is invalid to specify NO_AFBC usage flags when allocating YUV formats.\ Requested fmt: 0x%" PRIx64 " Re-Mapped fmt: 0x%" PRIx64, req_format, req_format_mapped); internal_format = 0; goto out; } producer_runtime_mask &= ~MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBCENABLE_MASK; } /* Disable AFBC based on buffer dimensions */ else if (!is_afbc_allowed(buffer_size)) { producer_runtime_mask &= ~MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBCENABLE_MASK; } else if (!is_afbc_supported(req_format_mapped)) { producer_runtime_mask &= ~MALI_GRALLOC_FORMAT_CAPABILITY_AFBCENABLE_MASK; } /* Automatically select format in case producer/consumer identified */ internal_format = determine_best_format(req_format_mapped, producer, consumer, producer_runtime_mask, consumer_runtime_mask); out: ALOGV("mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x%08" PRIx64 " req_fmt_mapped=0x%" PRIx64 " internal_format=0x%" PRIx64 " usage=0x%" PRIx64, req_format, req_format_mapped, internal_format, usage); return internal_format; } extern "C" { void mali_gralloc_get_gpu_caps(struct mali_gralloc_format_caps *gpu_caps) { if (gpu_caps != NULL) { if (!runtime_caps_read) { determine_format_capabilities(); } memcpy(gpu_caps, (void *)&gpu_runtime_caps, sizeof(struct mali_gralloc_format_caps)); } } }