/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2018 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to use this Software with Cadence processor cores only and * not with any other processors and platforms, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************************/ #define MODULE_TAG FIO /******************************************************************************* * Includes ******************************************************************************/ #include "xf.h" #include #include /******************************************************************************* * Tracing configuration ******************************************************************************/ TRACE_TAG(INIT, 1); TRACE_TAG(CMD, 1); TRACE_TAG(RSP, 1); /******************************************************************************* * Local constants - tbd ******************************************************************************/ /* ...proxy setup ioctl */ #define XF_PROXY_SETUP_IOCTL _IO('P', 0x0) /* ...proxy close ioctl */ #define XF_PROXY_CLOSE_IOCTL _IO('P', 0x1) #define HIFI_DSP_MISC_DRIVER "/dev/hifi_misc" #ifndef GJB_COMMENT #define HIFI_MISC_IOCTL_XAF_IPC_MSG_SEND _IOW('A', 0x7c, xf_proxy_message_driv_t) #define HIFI_MISC_IOCTL_XAF_IPC_MSG_RECV _IOR('A', 0x7d, xf_proxy_message_driv_t) #define HIFI_MISC_IOCTL_XAF_IPC_VMSG_PTR _IOR('A', 0x7e, xf_proxy_message_driv_t) #endif //u8 remote_ipc_pool[XF_CFG_REMOTE_IPC_POOL_SIZE]; /******************************************************************************* * Internal IPC API implementation ******************************************************************************/ /* ...pass command to remote DSP */ int xf_ipc_send(xf_proxy_ipc_data_t *ipc, xf_proxy_msg_t *msg, void *b) { /* ...unused arg */ (void) b; int fd = ipc->fd; int ret; #ifdef GJB_COMMENT TRACE(CMD, _b("C[%08x]:(%x,%08x,%u)"), msg->id, msg->opcode, msg->address, msg->length); /* ...pass message to kernel driver */ XF_CHK_ERR(write(fd, msg, sizeof(*msg)) == sizeof(*msg), -errno); #else ret = ioctl(fd, HIFI_MISC_IOCTL_XAF_IPC_MSG_SEND, msg);// GJB:-Verify th return value with driver implementation. #endif /* ...communication mutex is still locked! */ return 0; } /* ...wait for response availability */ int xf_ipc_wait(xf_proxy_ipc_data_t *ipc, u32 timeout) { int fd = ipc->fd; fd_set rfds; struct timeval tv; /* ...specify waiting set */ FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(fd, &rfds); /* ...set timeout value if given */ (timeout ? tv.tv_sec = timeout / 1000, tv.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000 : 0); /* ...wait until there is a data in file */ // XF_CHK_ERR(select(fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, (timeout ? &tv : NULL)) >= 0, -errno); select(fd+1,&rfds,NULL,NULL,(timeout? &tv: NULL)); /* ...check if descriptor is set */ return (FD_ISSET(fd, &rfds) ? 0 : -ETIMEDOUT); } /* ...read response from proxy */ int xf_ipc_recv(xf_proxy_ipc_data_t *ipc, xf_proxy_msg_t *msg, void **buffer) { int fd = ipc->fd; int r; xf_proxy_msg_t temp; #ifdef GJB_COMMENT /* ...get message header from file */ if ((r = read(fd, msg, sizeof(*msg))) == sizeof(*msg)) { TRACE(RSP, _b("R[%08x]:(%x,%u,%08x)"), msg->id, msg->opcode, msg->length, msg->address); /* ...translate shared address into local pointer */ XF_CHK_ERR((*buffer = xf_ipc_a2b(ipc, msg->address)) != (void *)-1, -EBADFD); /* ...return positive result indicating the message has been received */ return sizeof(*msg); } #else if ((r = ioctl(fd, HIFI_MISC_IOCTL_XAF_IPC_MSG_RECV, &temp)) == sizeof(temp)) { msg->id = temp.id; msg->opcode = temp.opcode; msg->length = temp.length; *buffer = xf_ipc_a2b(ipc, temp.address); /* ...translate shared address into local pointer */ XF_CHK_ERR((*buffer = xf_ipc_a2b(ipc, temp.address)) != (void *)-1, -EBADFD); msg->address = temp.address; return sizeof(*msg); } #endif else { /* ...if no response is available, return 0 result */ return XF_CHK_API(errno == EAGAIN ? 0 : -errno); } } /******************************************************************************* * Internal API functions implementation ******************************************************************************/ /* ...open proxy interface on proper DSP partition */ int xf_ipc_open(xf_proxy_ipc_data_t *ipc, u32 core, void *p_shmem) { //XF_CHK_ERR((p_shmem != NULL), -errno); //size_t xf_cfg_remote_ipc_pool_size = *(size_t *)p_shmem;//user configured shmem pool size: minimum 256 KB /* ...unused arg */ (void) p_shmem; #ifdef GJB_COMMENT /* ...open file handle */ XF_CHK_ERR((ipc->fd = open("/dev/xtensa-proxy", O_RDWR)) >= 0, -errno); /* ...pass shread memory core for this proxy instance */ XF_CHK_ERR(ioctl(ipc->fd, XF_PROXY_SETUP_IOCTL, core) >= 0, -errno); #else XF_CHK_ERR((ipc->fd = open(HIFI_DSP_MISC_DRIVER, O_RDWR,0)) >= 0, -errno); #endif /* ...create pipe for asynchronous response delivery */ XF_CHK_ERR(pipe(ipc->pipe) == 0, -errno); /* ...map entire shared memory region (not too good - tbd) */ // ipc->shmem = remote_ipc_pool; // ioctl(ipc->fd, HIFI_MISC_IOCTL_XAF_IPC_VMSG_PTR, ipc->shmem); #if 1 //allocate 256 KB constant size XF_CHK_ERR((ipc->shmem = mmap(NULL, XF_CFG_REMOTE_IPC_POOL_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, ipc->fd, 0)) != MAP_FAILED, -errno); #else XF_CHK_ERR((ipc->shmem = mmap(NULL, xf_cfg_remote_ipc_pool_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, ipc->fd, 0)) != MAP_FAILED, -errno); #endif TRACE(INIT, _b("proxy-%u interface opened"), core); return 0; } /* ...close proxy handle */ void xf_ipc_close(xf_proxy_ipc_data_t *ipc, u32 core) { /* ...unmap shared memory region */ // (void)munmap(ipc->shmem, XF_CFG_REMOTE_IPC_POOL_SIZE); /* ...close asynchronous response delivery pipe */ close(ipc->pipe[0]), close(ipc->pipe[1]); /* ...close proxy file handle */ close(ipc->fd); TRACE(INIT, _b("proxy-%u interface closed"), core); }