#!/bin/bash INSTALLER_DIR="`dirname ${0}`" ECHO_PREFIX="=== " # for cases that don't run "lunch hikey960-userdebug" if [ -z "${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}" ]; then ANDROID_BUILD_TOP=$(cd ${INSTALLER_DIR}/../../../../../; pwd) ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT="${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/out/target/product/hikey960" fi if [ ! -d "${ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT}" ]; then echo ${ECHO_PREFIX}"error in locating out directory, check if it exist" exit fi echo ${ECHO_PREFIX}"android out dir:${ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT}" . "${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/device/linaro/hikey/vendor-package-ver.sh" VENDOR_DIR=$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/vendor/linaro/hikey960/${EXPECTED_LINARO_VENDOR_VERSION}/ # TODO: Pull one-time recovery/qdl path out of standard install # Flash bootloader firmware files if [ ! -d "${VENDOR_DIR}/" ]; then echo "FLASH-ALL-AOSP: Missing vendor firmware package?" echo " Make sure the vendor binaries have been downloaded from" echo " ${VND_PKG_URL}" echo " and extracted to $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP." exit fi pushd $VENDOR_DIR/bootloader/ function check_partition_table_version () { fastboot erase reserved if [ $? -eq 0 ] then IS_PTABLE_1MB_ALIGNED=true else IS_PTABLE_1MB_ALIGNED=false fi } function flashing_atf_uefi () { fastboot flash ptable prm_ptable.img fastboot flash xloader hisi-sec_xloader.img fastboot reboot-bootloader fastboot flash fastboot l-loader.bin fastboot flash fip fip.bin fastboot flash nvme hisi-nvme.img fastboot flash fw_lpm3 hisi-lpm3.img fastboot flash trustfirmware hisi-bl31.bin fastboot reboot-bootloader fastboot flash ptable prm_ptable.img fastboot flash xloader hisi-sec_xloader.img fastboot flash fastboot l-loader.bin fastboot flash fip fip.bin fastboot flash boot "${ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT}"/boot.img fastboot flash super "${ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT}"/super.img fastboot flash userdata "${ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT}"/userdata.img fastboot format cache } function upgrading_ptable_1mb_aligned () { fastboot flash xloader hisi-sec_xloader.img fastboot flash ptable hisi-ptable.img fastboot flash fastboot hisi-fastboot.img fastboot reboot-bootloader } echo ${ECHO_PREFIX}"Checking partition table version..." check_partition_table_version if [ "${IS_PTABLE_1MB_ALIGNED}" == "true" ] then echo ${ECHO_PREFIX}"Partition table is 1MB aligned. Flashing ATF/UEFI..." flashing_atf_uefi else echo ${ECHO_PREFIX}"Partition table is 512KB aligned." echo ${ECHO_PREFIX}"Upgrading to 1MB aligned version..." upgrading_ptable_1mb_aligned echo ${ECHO_PREFIX}"Flashing ATF/UEFI..." flashing_atf_uefi echo ${ECHO_PREFIX}"Done" fi fastboot reboot popd