# ============================================== # MTK Policy Rule # ============ # Date : WK14.31 # Operation : Migration # Purpose : for L early bring up allow bootanim self:netlink_socket { read bind create write}; allow bootanim proc_secmem:file { read open}; # Date : WK14.32 # Operation : Migration # Purpose : for playing boot tone allow bootanim mediaserver:binder call; allow bootanim mediaserver:binder transfer; # Date : WK14.36 # Operation : Migration # Purpose : for ui allow bootanim guiext-server:binder call; allow bootanim guiext-server:binder transfer; # Date : WK14.37 # Operation : Migration # Purpose : for op allow bootanim terservice:binder call; allow bootanim property_socket:sock_file write; allow bootanim init:unix_stream_socket connectto; allow bootanim custom_file:dir search; allow bootanim custom_file:file open; allow bootanim custom_file:file read; allow bootanim bootani_prop:property_service set; # Date : WK14.43 # Operation : Migration # Purpose : for policy migration allow bootanim debug_prop:property_service set; # Date : WK14.46 # Operation : Migration # Purpose : for MTK Emulator HW GPU allow bootanim qemu_pipe_device:chr_file rw_file_perms; # Date : WK15.30 # Operation : Migration # Purpose : for device bring up, not to block early migration/sanity allow bootanim mediaserver_service:service_manager find; allow bootanim terservice_service:service_manager find; # Date : WK15.42 # Operation : Migration # Purpose : RGX 1.5 DDK requires client to have fifo permission allow bootanim surfaceflinger:fifo_file rw_file_perms;