# ============================================== # MTK Policy Rule # ============================================== # permissive system_app; typeattribute system_app mlstrustedsubject; # Date : 2014/07/31 # Stage: BaseUT # Purpose :[CdsInfo][CdsInfo uses net shell commands to get network information and write WI-FI MAC address by NVRAM] # Package Name: com.mediatek.connectivity allow system_app nvram_agent_binder:binder call; # Date: 2014/08/01 # Operation: BaseUT # Purpose: [Settings][Settings used list views need velocity tracker access touch dev] # Package: com.android.settings allow system_app touch_device:chr_file { read ioctl open }; # Date: 2014/08/04 # Stage: BaseUT # Purpose: [MTKThermalManager][View thermal zones and coolers, and change thermal policies] # Package Name: com.mediatek.mtkthermalmanager allow system_app apk_private_data_file:dir getattr; allow system_app asec_image_file:dir getattr; allow system_app dontpanic_data_file:dir getattr; allow system_app drm_data_file:dir getattr; allow system_app install_data_file:file getattr; allow system_app lost_found_data_file:dir getattr; allow system_app media_data_file:dir getattr; allow system_app property_data_file:dir getattr; allow system_app shell_data_file:dir search; allow system_app thermal_manager_exec:file { read execute open execute_no_trans }; allow system_app proc_thermal:dir search; allow system_app proc_thermal:file { read getattr open write }; allow system_app proc_mtkcooler:dir search; allow system_app proc_mtkcooler:file { read getattr open write }; allow system_app proc_mtktz:dir search; allow system_app proc_mtktz:file { read getattr open write }; allow system_app proc_slogger:file { read getattr open write }; # Date: 2014/08/21 # Stage: BaseUT # Purpose: [AtciService][Atci Service will use atci_serv_fw_socket to connect to atci_service which in native layer] # Package Name: com.mediatek.atci.service allow system_app atci_serv_fw_socket:sock_file write; allow system_app atci_service:unix_stream_socket connectto; # Date: 2014/08/29 # Stage: BaseUT # Purpose: [BatteryWarning][View update graphics] # Package Name: com.mediatek.batterywarning allow system_app guiext-server:binder { transfer call }; # Date: 2015/07/24 # Stage: BaseUT # Purpose: [HotKnot][HotKnot service will add into ServiceManager] # Package Name: com.mediatek.hotknot.service allow system_app mtk_hotknot_service:service_manager add; # Date: 2014/09/02 # Operation: BaseUT # Purpose: [HotKnot][HotKnot service will use hoknot device node] # Package: com.mediatek.hotknot.service allow system_app hotknot_device:chr_file { read write ioctl open }; # Date: 2014/09/02 # Operation: BaseUT # Purpose: [HotKnot][HotKnot service will use devmap_device device node] # Package: com.mediatek.hotknot.service allow system_app devmap_device:chr_file { read ioctl open }; # Date: 2014/09/02 # Operation: BaseUT # Purpose: [HotKnot][HotKnot service will use mtkfb device node] # Package: com.mediatek.hotknot.service allow system_app graphics_device:chr_file { read write ioctl open }; allow system_app graphics_device:dir search; # Data : 2014/09/09 # Operation : Migration # Purpose : [Privacy protection lock][com.mediatek.ppl need to bind ppl_agent service to read/write nvram file] # Package name : com.mediatek.ppl allow system_app ppl_agent:binder call; # Date: 2014/10/7 # Operation: SQC # Purpose: [sysoper][sysoper will create folder /cache/recovery] # Package: com.mediatek.systemupdate.sysoper allow system_app cache_file:dir { write create add_name }; allow system_app cache_file:file { write create open }; # Date : 2014/10/08 # Operation : BaseUT # Purpose : [op01 agps setting][mtk_agpsd establishes the local socket as agpsd for all A-GPS # application to do something with mtk_agpsd in system app] # Package: com.mediatek.op01.plugin unix_socket_connect(system_app, agpsd, mtk_agpsd); # Date : 2014/10/28 # Operation: SQC # Purpose : ALPS01761930 # Package: com.android.settings allow system_app asec_apk_file:file r_file_perms; # Date : WK14.46 # Operation : Migration # Purpose : for MTK Emulator HW GPU allow system_app qemu_pipe_device:chr_file rw_file_perms; # Date : WK14.46 # Operation : Migration # Package: org.simalliance.openmobileapi.service # Purpose : ALPS01820916, for SmartcardService allow system_app system_app_data_file:file execute; # Date : 2014/11/17 # Operation: SQC # Purpose : [Settings][Battery module will call batterystats API, and it will read /sys/kernel/debug/wakeup_sources] # Package: com.android.settings allow system_app debugfs:file r_file_perms; # Date : 2014/11/18 # Operation : SQC # Purpose : for oma dm fota recovery update allow system_app ctl_rbfota_prop:property_service set; # Date: 2015/04/08 # Stage: IT # Purpose: [RCS][RCS will use rcs_ua_proxy to connect to volte_rcs_ua which in native layer] # Package Name: com.orangelasb.rcs:core allow system_app ril_volte_stack_rcsuaproxy_prop:property_service set; allow system_app rcs_ua_proxy_socket:sock_file write; allow system_app volte_rcs_ua:unix_stream_socket connectto; # Date : 2014/11/19 # Operation: SQC # Purpose: [Settings][RenderThread][operate device file failed] # Package: com.android.settings allow system_app proc_secmem:file rw_file_perms; # Date : 2014/11/20 # Operation: SQC # Purpose: [Settings][Developer options module will communicate with all Services through binder call] # Package: com.android.settings binder_call(system_app, MtkCodecService) # Date : 2014/11/26 # Operation: SQC # Purpose: [Settings][Browser][warning kernel API'selinux enforce violation:sdcardd' when do stress test with ' AT_ST_Browser_Test.rar'] # Package: com.android.settings allow system_app platform_app_tmpfs:file write; # Date : 2015/01/13 # Operation: SQC # Purpose: access ashmem of isolated_app # Package: com.fw.upgrade.sysoper dontaudit system_app isolated_app_tmpfs:file write; # Date : 2015/01/14 # Operation: SQC # Purpose: access ashmem of untrusted_app # Package: android.ui dontaudit system_app untrusted_app_tmpfs:file write; # Date : 2015/01/27 # Operation: SQC # Purpose: It's not normal behavior, that system_app want to access radio_file_data # Package: android.ui dontaudit system_app radio_data_file:dir search; # Date : WK15.30 # Operation : Migration # Purpose : for device bring up, not to block early migration/sanity allow system_app system_app_service:service_manager add; allow system_app drmserver:drmservice openDecryptSession; # Date: 2015/07/24 # Stage: Migration # Purpose: [MTKThermalManager][View thermal zones and coolers, and change thermal policies] # Package Name: com.mediatek.mtkthermalmanager allow system_app thermal_manager_data_file:file { open getattr read write create}; allow system_app thermal_manager_data_file:file { open setattr lock }; allow system_app thermal_manager_data_file:dir { search getattr open read write setattr add_name }; # Date: 2015/09/10 # Stage: Migration # Purpose: [HotKnot] Allow HotKnot service to start/stop hotknot_native_service allow system_app hotknot_prop:property_service set; # Date : 2015/06/12 # Operation: TEEI integration # Purpose: access for fp device and client device of TEEI # Package: teei allow system_app teei_fp_device:chr_file rw_file_perms; allow system_app teei_client_device:chr_file r_file_perms; # Data: 2015/10/28 # Stage: SQC # Purpose: [SystemUI] Allow IMG GPU to touch sw_sync allow system_app sw_sync_device:chr_file { read write getattr open };