# ============================================== # Policy File of /system/bin/volte_rcs_ua Executable File # ============================================== # Type Declaration # ============================================== type volte_rcs_ua, domain; type volte_rcs_ua_exec, exec_type, file_type; type rcs_ua_proxy_socket, file_type; # ============================================== # MTK Policy Rule # ============================================== #permissive volte_rcs_ua; init_daemon_domain(volte_rcs_ua) # Date : WK14.42 # Operation : Migration # Purpose : for VoLTE L early bring up and first call allow volte_rcs_ua socket_device:sock_file write; allow volte_rcs_ua volte_stack:unix_stream_socket connectto; allow volte_rcs_ua node:udp_socket node_bind; allow volte_rcs_ua self:udp_socket { bind create }; allow volte_rcs_ua self:udp_socket read; # Date : 2015/11/5 # Operation : M Migration # Purpose : For rcs ua connect to stack by local socket unix_socket_connect(volte_rcs_ua, volte_stack, volte_stack) allow volte_rcs_ua rcs_ua_proxy_socket:sock_file write;