# ============================================== # Policy File of /vendor/bin/atcid Executable File # ============================================== # ============================================== # MTK Policy Rule # ============================================== type atcid, domain; type atcid_exec, exec_type, file_type, vendor_file_type; init_daemon_domain(atcid) set_prop(atcid, vendor_mtk_persist_service_atci_prop) allow atcid block_device:dir search; allow atcid gsmrild_socket:sock_file write; # Date : WK17.21 # Purpose: Allow to use HIDL hwbinder_use(atcid) hal_client_domain(atcid, hal_telephony) allow atcid ttyGS_device:chr_file { read write ioctl open }; allow atcid wmtWifi_device:chr_file { write open }; allow atcid misc2_block_device:blk_file { read write open }; allow atci_service gpu_device:chr_file { read write open ioctl getattr }; allow atcid self:capability sys_time; # Date : WK16.33 # Purpose: Allow to access ged for gralloc_extra functions allow atcid proc_ged:file rw_file_perms; # Date : WK17.23 # Stage: O Migration, SQC # Purpose: Allow to use HAL PQ hal_client_domain(atcid, hal_pq) # Date : WK17.34 # Purpose: Allow to access meta_tst allow atcid meta_tst:unix_stream_socket connectto; # Date : WK18.15 # Purpose: Allow to access power_supply in sysfs allow atcid sysfs_batteryinfo:file { read open }; # Date : WK18.16 # Operation: P migration # Purpose: Allow atcid to get vendor_mtk_tel_switch_prop get_prop(atcid, vendor_mtk_tel_switch_prop) # Date : WK18.21 # Purpose: Allow to use HIDL hwbinder_use(atcid); vndbinder_use(atcid); hal_server_domain(atcid, hal_atci) add_hwservice(hal_atci_server,hal_atci_hwservice) # Date : WK18.21 # Purpose: For special command for customer set_prop(atcid, vendor_mtk_atci_prop) set_prop(atcid, powerctl_prop) allow atcid mnt_vendor_file:dir search; allow atcid nvdata_file:dir { open read write search add_name }; allow atcid nvdata_file:file { open read write create getattr setattr }; allow atcid nvram_device:blk_file { open read write }; allow atcid proc_meminfo:file { open read }; allow atcid sysfs_batteryinfo:dir search; allow atcid sysfs_devices_block:dir search; allow atcid sysfs_devices_block:file { read open }; # Date : WK18.35 # Purpose: Add socket for TelephonyWare ATCI unix_socket_connect(atcid, rild_atci, rild); unix_socket_connect(atcid, rilproxy_atci, rild); unix_socket_connect(atcid, atci_service, atci_service); # Date : WK19.42 # Purpose: Add policy to access ATCI sockets unix_socket_connect(atcid, atci-audio, audiocmdservice_atci); unix_socket_connect(atcid, meta_atci, meta_tst); allow atcid adb_atci_socket:sock_file write;