# ============================================== # MTK Policy Rule # ============ # Data : WK14.42 # Operation : Migration # Purpose : Video playback allow surfaceflinger sw_sync_device:chr_file { rw_file_perms }; allow surfaceflinger debug_prop:property_service set; # Date : WK16.33 # Purpose: Allow to access ged for gralloc_extra functions allow surfaceflinger proc_ged:file rw_file_perms; allowxperm surfaceflinger proc_ged:file ioctl { proc_ged_ioctls }; # Date : W16.42 # Operation : Integration # Purpose : DRM / DRI GPU driver required allow surfaceflinger gpu_device:dir search; # Date : WK17.12 # Purpose: Fix bootup fail allow surfaceflinger proc_bootprof:file r_file_perms; #============= surfaceflinger ============== allow surfaceflinger debugfs_ion:dir search; # Date : WK17.30 # Operation : O Migration # Purpose: Allow to access cmdq driver allow surfaceflinger mtk_cmdq_device:chr_file { read ioctl open }; # Date : W17.39 # Perform Binder IPC. binder_use(surfaceflinger) binder_call(surfaceflinger, binderservicedomain) binder_call(surfaceflinger, appdomain) binder_call(surfaceflinger, mtkbootanimation) binder_service(surfaceflinger) allow surfaceflinger mtkbootanimation:dir search; allow surfaceflinger mtkbootanimation:file { read getattr open }; # Date : W17.43 # Operation : Migration # Purpose: Allow to access perfmgr allow surfaceflinger proc_perfmgr:dir {read search}; allow surfaceflinger proc_perfmgr:file {open read ioctl}; allowxperm surfaceflinger proc_perfmgr:file ioctl { PERFMGR_FPSGO_QUEUE PERFMGR_FPSGO_DEQUEUE PERFMGR_FPSGO_QUEUE_CONNECT PERFMGR_FPSGO_BQID PERFMGR_FPSGO_VSYNC }; # Date : WK17.43 # Operation : Debug # Purpose: Allow to dump HWC backtrace get_prop(surfaceflinger, graphics_hwc_pid_prop) get_prop(surfaceflinger, graphics_hwc_latch_unsignaled_prop) allow surfaceflinger hal_graphics_composer_default:dir search; allow surfaceflinger hal_graphics_composer_default:lnk_file read; # Date : WK18.36 # Operation : Debug # Purpose: Allow to dump buffer queue get_prop(surfaceflinger, debug_bq_dump_prop) # Date : WK19.4 # Operation : P Migration # Purpose: Allow to access /dev/mdp_device driver allow surfaceflinger mdp_device:chr_file rw_file_perms; # Date : WK19.09 # Purpose: Allow to access property dev/mdp_sync #============= surfaceflinger ============== allow surfaceflinger mtk_mdp_device:chr_file rw_file_perms; # Date : WK18.43 # Operation : HDR # Purpose: Allow to skip aosp hdr solution get_prop(surfaceflinger, graphics_hwc_hdr_prop)