# Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Emit commands needed for Motorola devices during OTA installation (installing the MBM, CDT, LBL and BP images).""" import common def FullOTA_InstallEnd(info): try: WriteBPUpdate(info,info.input_zip.read("RADIO/rdl.bin"), info.input_zip.read("RADIO/bp.img")) except KeyError: print ("warning: rdl.bin and/or bp.img not in input target_files; " "skipping BP update") if info.extras.get("mbm", None) == "consumer": try: info.input_zip.getinfo("RADIO/mbm_consumer.bin") Write2FullOTAPackage(info, "mbm", "mbm_consumer.bin") except KeyError, e: print ("warning: mbm_consumer.bin not in input target_files; " "skipping MBM update") else: Write2FullOTAPackage(info, "mbm", "mbm.bin") Write2FullOTAPackage(info, "lbl", "lbl") Write2FullOTAPackage(info, "cdt", "cdt.bin") def IncrementalOTA_InstallEnd(info): WriteBP2IncrementalPackage(info) if info.extras.get("mbm", None) == "consumer": try: info.target_zip.getinfo("RADIO/mbm_consumer.bin") Write2IncrementalPackage(info, "mbm", "mbm_consumer.bin") except KeyError, e: print ("warning: mbm_consumer.bin not in input target_files; " "skipping MBM update") else: Write2IncrementalPackage(info, "mbm", "mbm.bin") Write2IncrementalPackage(info, "lbl", "lbl") Write2IncrementalPackage(info, "cdt", "cdt.bin") #Append BP image and BP update agent(RDL, run in BP side) to package def WriteBPUpdate(info, rdl_bin, bp_bin): common.ZipWriteStr(info.output_zip, "rdl.bin", rdl_bin) common.ZipWriteStr(info.output_zip, "bp.img", bp_bin) # this only works with edify; motorola devices never use amend. info.script.AppendExtra('''assert(package_extract_file("bp.img", "/tmp/bp.img"), package_extract_file("rdl.bin", "/tmp/rdl.bin"), moto.update_cdma_bp("/tmp/rdl.bin", "/tmp/bp.img"), delete("/tmp/bp.img", "/tmp/rdl.bin"));''') #Append BP image and RDL to incremental package def WriteBP2IncrementalPackage(info): try: target_rdl = info.target_zip.read("RADIO/rdl.bin") target_bp = info.target_zip.read("RADIO/bp.img") try: source_bp = info.source_zip.read("RADIO/bp.img") if source_bp == target_bp: print("BP images unchanged; skipping") else: print("BP image changed; including") info.script.Print("Writing RDL/BP image...") WriteBPUpdate(info,target_rdl,target_bp) except KeyError: print("warning: no rdl.bin and/or bp.img in source_files; just use target") info.script.Print("Writing RDL/BP image...") WriteBPUpdate(info,target_rdl,target_bp) except KeyError: print("warning: no rdl.bin and/or bp.img in target_files; not flashing") #Append raw image update to package def Write2FullOTAPackage(info, dev_name, bin_name): try: common.ZipWriteStr(info.output_zip, bin_name, info.input_zip.read("RADIO/"+bin_name)) info.script.WriteRawImage(dev_name, bin_name) except KeyError: print ("warning: no "+ bin_name +" in input target_files; not flashing") #Append raw image update to incremental package def Write2IncrementalPackage(info, dev_name, bin_name): try: file_name = "RADIO/" + bin_name; target = info.target_zip.read(file_name); try: source = info.source_zip.read(file_name); if source == target: print(dev_name + " image unchanged; skipping") else: print(dev_name + " image changed; including") common.ZipWriteStr(info.output_zip, bin_name, target) info.script.WriteRawImage(dev_name, bin_name) except KeyError: print("warning: no "+ bin_name +" in source_files; just use target") common.ZipWriteStr(info.output_zip, bin_name, target) info.script.WriteRawImage(dev_name, bin_name) except KeyError: print("warning: no "+ bin_name +" in target_files; not flashing")