# Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # This file sets variables that control the way modules are built # thorughout the system. It should not be used to conditionally # disable makefiles (the proper mechanism to control what gets # included in a build is to use PRODUCT_PACKAGES in a product # definition file). # # WARNING: This line must come *before* including the proprietary # variant, so that it gets overwritten by the parent (which goes # against the traditional rules of inheritance). # The proprietary variant sets USE_CAMERA_STUB := false, this way # we use the camera stub when the vendor tree isn't present, and # the true camera library when the vendor tree is available. Similarly, # we set USE_PROPRIETARY_AUDIO_EXTENSIONS to true in the proprietary variant as # well. USE_CAMERA_STUB := true USE_PROPRIETARY_AUDIO_EXTENSIONS := false # Use a smaller subset of system fonts to keep image size lower SMALLER_FONT_FOOTPRINT := true # inherit from the proprietary version # needed for BP-flashing updater extensions -include vendor/moto/stingray/BoardConfigVendor.mk TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM := tegra TARGET_CPU_ABI := armeabi-v7a TARGET_CPU_ABI2 := armeabi TARGET_CPU_SMP := true TARGET_ARCH := arm TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT := armv7-a ARCH_ARM_HAVE_TLS_REGISTER := true TARGET_USERIMAGES_USE_EXT4 := true BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE := 251658240 BOARD_USERDATAIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE := 31399067648 BOARD_FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE := 4096 # Wifi related defines BOARD_WPA_SUPPLICANT_DRIVER := NL80211 WPA_SUPPLICANT_VERSION := VER_0_8_X BOARD_WPA_SUPPLICANT_PRIVATE_LIB := lib_driver_cmd_bcmdhd BOARD_HOSTAPD_DRIVER := NL80211 BOARD_HOSTAPD_PRIVATE_LIB := lib_driver_cmd_bcmdhd BOARD_WLAN_DEVICE := bcmdhd #WIFI_DRIVER_MODULE_PATH := "/system/lib/modules/bcm4329.ko" WIFI_DRIVER_FW_PATH_PARAM := "/sys/module/bcmdhd/parameters/firmware_path" WIFI_DRIVER_FW_PATH_STA := "/vendor/firmware/fw_bcmdhd.bin" WIFI_DRIVER_FW_PATH_AP := "/vendor/firmware/fw_bcmdhd_apsta.bin" WIFI_DRIVER_FW_PATH_P2P := "/vendor/firmware/fw_bcmdhd_p2p.bin" BOARD_USES_GENERIC_AUDIO := false BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH := true BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH_BCM := true BOARD_HAVE_GPS := true USE_OPENGL_RENDERER := true BOARD_EGL_CFG := device/moto/wingray/egl.cfg ifneq ($(HAVE_NVIDIA_PROP_SRC),false) # needed for source compilation of nvidia libraries -include vendor/nvidia/proprietary_src/build/definitions.mk -include vendor/nvidia/build/definitions.mk endif TARGET_RECOVERY_UI_LIB := librecovery_ui_stingray TARGET_RECOVERY_PIXEL_FORMAT := "RGBX_8888" # Avoid the generation of ldrcc instructions NEED_WORKAROUND_CORTEX_A9_745320 := true BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE := androidboot.carrier=wifi-only product_type=w # Use the open-source board-info file if none was set by the vendor # config. TARGET_BOARD_INFO_FILE ?= device/moto/wingray/board-info.txt