#!/bin/bash # This build script is used by the build server. # It's supposed to be executed in the directory where it lives. set -x -e if [ -z $BUILD_CONFIG ]; then echo "Please set BUILD_CONFIG!" exit 2 fi if [ -z $BUILD_OUTPUT ]; then echo "Please set output dir BUILD_OUTPUT!" exit 2 fi if [ -z $BUILD_JOBS ]; then BUILD_JOBS=10 fi FILES_TO_ARCHIVE="u-boot.img spl/u-boot-spl.bin" export ARCH=arm export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi- make clean make $BUILD_CONFIG make -j $BUILD_JOBS mkdir -p $BUILD_OUTPUT cp -f $FILES_TO_ARCHIVE $BUILD_OUTPUT if [ "$BUILD_CONFIG" = "omap4_tungsten_config" ]; then make clean make MFG=1 $BUILD_CONFIG make MFG=1 -j $BUILD_JOBS cp -f u-boot.img $BUILD_OUTPUT/factory_u-boot.img make clean make FORCE_FBT=1 $BUILD_CONFIG make FORCE_FBT=1 -j $BUILD_JOBS cp -f u-boot.bin $BUILD_OUTPUT/3RD.unsigned fi