#!/bin/bash usage () { echo "Usage: sudo fastboot.sh "; echo "options:"; echo " --help Show this message and exit" echo " --revg Flashes the dtb required for Rev-G J6 EVm which has 10inch panel"; exit 1; } #no args case if [ "$1" = "--help" ] ; then usage fi # Pre-packaged DB export FASTBOOT=${FASTBOOT-"./fastboot"} export PRODUCT_OUT=${PRODUCT_OUT-"./"} echo "Fastboot: $FASTBOOT" echo "Image location: $PRODUCT_OUT" # ============================================================================= # pre-run # ============================================================================= # Verify fastboot program is available # Verify user permission to run fastboot # Verify fastboot detects a device, otherwise exit if [ -f ${FASTBOOT} ]; then fastboot_status=`${FASTBOOT} devices 2>&1` if [ `echo $fastboot_status | grep -wc "no permissions"` -gt 0 ]; then cat <<-EOF >&2 ------------------------------------------- Fastboot requires administrator permissions Please run the script as root or create a fastboot udev rule, e.g: % cat /etc/udev/rules.d/99_android.rules SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0451" OWNER="" GROUP="adm" ------------------------------------------- EOF exit 1 elif [ "X$fastboot_status" = "X" ]; then echo "No device detected. Please ensure that" \ "fastboot is running on the target device" exit -1; else device=`echo $fastboot_status | awk '{print$1}'` echo -e "\nFastboot - device detected: $device\n" fi else echo "Error: fastboot is not available at ${FASTBOOT}" exit -1; fi ## poll the board to find out its configuration #product=`${FASTBOOT} getvar product 2>&1 | grep product | awk '{print$2}'` cpu=`${FASTBOOT} getvar cpu 2>&1 | grep cpu | awk '{print$2}'` cputype=`${FASTBOOT} getvar secure 2>&1 | grep secure | awk '{print$2}'` # Make EMU = HS if [ ${cputype} = "EMU" ] || [ ${cputype} = "HS" ]; then cputype="HS" xloader="${PRODUCT_OUT}${cputype}_QSPI_MLO" fi # If fastboot does not support getvar default to GP if [ ${cputype} = "" ] || [ ${cputype} = "GP" ]; then cputype="GP" xloader="${PRODUCT_OUT}${cputype}_MLO" fi # Based on cpu, decide the dtb to flash, default fall back to J6 if [ ${cpu} = "J6ECO" ]; then environment="${PRODUCT_OUT}dra72-evm-lcd10.dtb" else environment="${PRODUCT_OUT}dra7-evm-lcd7.dtb" fi # Create the filename bootimg="${PRODUCT_OUT}boot.img" uboot="${PRODUCT_OUT}u-boot.img" systemimg="${PRODUCT_OUT}system.img" userdataimg="${PRODUCT_OUT}userdata.img" cacheimg="${PRODUCT_OUT}cache.img" efsimg="${PRODUCT_OUT}efs.img" recoveryimg="${PRODUCT_OUT}recovery.img" # Verify that all the files required for the fastboot flash # process are available if [ ! -e "${bootimg}" ] ; then echo "Missing ${bootimg}" exit -1; fi if [ ! -e "$xloader" ] ; then echo "Missing ${xloader}" exit -1; fi if [ ! -e "${uboot}" ] ; then echo "Missing ${uboot}" exit -1; fi if [ ! -e "${environment}" ] ; then echo "Missing ${environment}" exit -1; fi if [ ! -e "${systemimg}" ] ; then echo "Missing ${systemimg}" exit -1; fi if [ ! -e "${userdataimg}" ] ; then echo "Missing ${userdataimg}" exit -1; fi if [ ! -e "${cacheimg}" ] ; then echo "Missing ${cacheimg}" # exit -1; fi if [ ! -e "${recoveryimg}" ] ; then echo "Missing ${recoveryimg}" exit -1; fi echo "Create GPT partition table" ${FASTBOOT} oem format echo "Setting target for bootloader to SPI" ${FASTBOOT} oem spi sleep 3 echo "Flashing bootloader....." echo " xloader: ${xloader}" ${FASTBOOT} flash xloader ${xloader} sleep 3 ${FASTBOOT} flash bootloader ${uboot} #echo "Reboot: make sure new bootloader runs..." ${FASTBOOT} reboot-bootloader sleep 5 echo "Re-creating GPT partition table with new bootloader" ${FASTBOOT} oem format echo "Flash android partitions" ${FASTBOOT} flash boot ${bootimg} echo "Flashing device tree ${environment}" ${FASTBOOT} flash environment ${environment} ${FASTBOOT} flash recovery ${recoveryimg} ${FASTBOOT} flash system ${systemimg} userdataimg_orig="${userdataimg}.orig" if [ ! -f $userdataimg_orig ]; then cp $userdataimg $userdataimg_orig else cp $userdataimg_orig $userdataimg fi echo "Resizing userdata.img" resizefail=0 userdatasize=`./fastboot getvar userdata_size 2>&1 | grep "userdata_size" | awk '{print$2}'` if [ -n "$userdatasize" ]; then while [ 1 ];do echo Current userdata partition size=${userdatasize} KB if [ -d "./data" ]; then echo "Removing data" rm -rf ./data || resizefail=1 if [ $resizefail -eq 1 ]; then echo "unable to remove data folder" && break fi fi mkdir ./data ./simg2img userdata.img userdata.img.raw mount -o loop -o grpid -t ext4 ./userdata.img.raw ./data || resizefail=1 if [ $resizefail -eq 1 ]; then echo "Mount failed" && break fi ./make_ext4fs -s -l ${userdatasize}K -a data userdata.img data/ sync umount data sync rm -rf ./data rm userdata.img.raw break done else resizefail=1 fi if [ $resizefail -eq 1 ]; then echo "userdata resize failed." echo "Eg: sudo ./fastboot.sh" echo "For now, we are defaulting to original userdata.img" cp $userdataimg_orig $userdataimg fi ${FASTBOOT} flash userdata ${userdataimg} if [ "$1" != "--noefs" ] ; then if [ ! -f ${efsimg} ] ; then echo "Creating efs.img as 16M ext4 img..." test -d ./efs/ || mkdir efs ./make_ext4fs -s -l 16M -a efs efs.img efs/ else echo "Using previously created efs.img..." fi ${FASTBOOT} flash efs ${efsimg} else echo "efs partition is untouched" fi #Create cache.img if [ ! -f ${cacheimg} ] then echo "Creating cache.img as empty ext4 img...." rm -rf /tmp/fastboot-cache mkdir /tmp/fastboot-cache ./make_ext4fs -s -l 256M -a cache ${cacheimg} /tmp/fastboot-cache/ rm -rf /tmp/fastboot-cache fi #flash cache.img ${FASTBOOT} flash cache ${cacheimg} #reboot now #${FASTBOOT} reboot #if [ $resizefail -eq 1 ]; then # echo "--------------------------------------------------" # echo "Attempt was made to resize the userdata partition image" # echo "to the size available on your SOM. But it failed either" # echo "because it failed to remove existing ./data folder or because" # echo "you are not running this script with superuser privileges" # echo "Don't panic! The script just loaded the original userdata.img" # echo "so, things should just work as expected. Just that the size" # echo "of /data will be smaller on target." # echo "" # echo "If you really want to resize userdata.img, remove any existing" # echo "./data folder and run \"sudo ./fastboot.sh\"" # echo "For now, we are defaulting to original userdata.img" # echo "--------------------------------------------------" #fi