AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-04-01Import translations. DO NOT MERGEHEADandroid-wear-o-preview-4android-wear-o-preview-3android-o-preview-4android-o-preview-3android-o-preview-2android-n-iot-preview-4n-iot-preview-4mastermainBill Yi
2017-04-01shamu: Add libbt-vendor in device.mkMyles Watson
2017-03-31shamu: Add libbt-vendor in device.mkMyles Watson
2017-03-15Remove obsolete ENABLE_TREBLE references.Steven Moreland
2017-03-14Remove obsolete ENABLE_TREBLE Moreland
2017-03-07shamu: Move wpa_supplicant to vendor partitionRoshan Pius
2017-03-07shamu: Move wpa_supplicant to vendor partitionRoshan Pius
2017-02-16Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBill Yi
2017-02-16Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBill Yi
2017-02-06Add libstagefright hw as a depdency for camera. am: 94db44447c am: 47c678f28eMartijn Coenen
2017-02-06Add libstagefright hw as a depdency for camera. am: 94db44447cMartijn Coenen
2017-02-06Add libstagefright hw as a depdency for camera.Martijn Coenen
2017-02-06Add libstagefright hw as a depdency for Coenen
2017-02-02Build the new Bluetooth HAL am: 14a148a069 am: bbc92942c0Myles Watson
2017-02-02Build the new Bluetooth HAL am: 14a148a069Myles Watson
2017-02-02Build the new Bluetooth HALMyles Watson
2017-02-02Build the new Bluetooth HALMyles Watson
2017-01-19Merge changes from topic 'am-c912808ef06040968a6a3578778fd0b5' into nyc-mr2-d...Android Build Merger (Role)
2017-01-19Revert "Revert "Revert "Path fix for backend connection to FE upon call disco...Eric Laurent
2017-01-19Revert "Revert "Revert "Path fix for backend connection to FE upon call disco...Eric Laurent
2017-01-19Revert "audio: fix headset + speaker path" am: 9388a729d0 am: 3925384f9dEric Laurent
2017-01-19Revert "audio: fix headset + speaker path" am: 9388a729d0 am: 3925384f9dEric Laurent
2017-01-19Revert "Revert "Revert "Path fix for backend connection to FE upon call disco...nougat-mr2-devEric Laurent
2017-01-19Revert "Revert "Revert "Path fix for backend connection to FE upon call disco...Eric Laurent
2017-01-19Revert "audio: fix headset + speaker path" am: 9388a729d0Eric Laurent
2017-01-19Revert "audio: fix headset + speaker path" am: 9388a729d0Eric Laurent
2017-01-19Revert "Revert "Revert "Path fix for backend connection to FE upon call disco...Eric Laurent
2017-01-19Revert "audio: fix headset + speaker path"Eric Laurent
2017-01-12Revert "Revert "Revert "Path fix for backend connection to FE upon call disco...Eric Laurent
2017-01-12Revert "audio: fix headset + speaker path"Eric Laurent
2017-01-12shamu: add first_api_level propertyVineeta Srivastava
2017-01-12shamu: add first_api_level propertyVineeta Srivastava
2017-01-11Replace ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES am: 6d29d7ab64 am: 6ee1de47f2Jaekyun Seok
2017-01-11Replace ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES am: 6d29d7ab64Jaekyun Seok
2017-01-11Replace ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIESandroid-n-mr2-preview-1sdk-releaseJaekyun Seok
2016-12-15Allow bluetooth service to access bluetooth directory and add /logs (10/14)Ajay Panicker
2016-12-05Allow bluetooth service to access bluetooth directory and add /logs (10/14)Ajay Panicker
2016-11-23audio: fix headset + speaker path am: 161ffb5fef am: 77771887e1Eric Laurent
2016-11-23audio: fix headset + speaker path am: 161ffb5fefEric Laurent
2016-11-21Import translations. DO NOT MERGE am: bad16bd66d -s oursBill Yi
2016-11-21Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBill Yi
2016-11-20Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBill Yi
2016-11-05Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBill Yi
2016-11-04Import translations. DO NOT MERGEBill Yi
2016-10-28audio: fix headset + speaker path am: 161ffb5fef am: 77771887e1Eric Laurent
2016-10-28audio: fix headset + speaker path am: 161ffb5fefEric Laurent
2016-10-28audio: fix headset + speaker pathEric Laurent
2016-10-27audio: fix headset + speaker pathEric Laurent
2016-10-18Merge "Separate ambient display triggers" into nyc-mr1-dev am: f7cbd2380bAdrian Roos