AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-08-02Update the version number to 1.5HEADafw-test-harness-1.5mastermarshmallow-devmainJinhui Wang
2016-08-02Minor comments cleanupJinhui Wang
2016-08-01Remove unused importsJinhui Wang
2016-07-29Improve GoogleServicesPageJinhui Wang
2016-07-28Change to not auto close Google Play crash dialog by defaultJinhui Wang
2016-07-28Update Ui watch to auto close dialog with button "Close"Jinhui Wang
2016-07-12Exclude intermediate files from the test hanress zip fileJinhui Wang
2016-07-11Add LICENSEJinhui Wang
2016-07-07Add android:targetSdkVersion to manifestsJinhui Wang
2016-07-06Update test harness build rules for distributionJinhui Wang
2016-07-06Update build rulesJinhui Wang
2016-07-04Wrap AfwTestEncryptDevice to xml config fileJinhui Wang
2016-06-30Update licenses.htmlJinhui Wang
2016-06-30Add licenses.htmlJinhui Wang
2016-06-27Improve READMEJinhui Wang
2016-06-23Added build files for apps/tests/tradefedJinhui Wang
2016-06-22Merge "Import test packages" into afw-test-harness-mncJinhui Wang
2016-06-22Merge "Update a few target preparers" into afw-test-harness-mncJinhui Wang
2016-06-21Update a few target preparersJinhui Wang
2016-06-21Import AfwThSystemUtil moduleJinhui Wang
2016-06-21Import tools/tradefed moduleJinhui Wang
2016-06-21Import test packagesJinhui Wang
2016-06-15Import UiAutomatorLibJinhui Wang
2016-06-10Import AfwThDeviceAdmin appJinhui Wang
2016-06-10Import AfwThCommonLib moduleJinhui Wang
2016-05-09Initial empty repositoryBill Rassieur