AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-08-03Check Java version for launching cloud devices.HEADmastermainStas Negara
2015-07-28Close TightVNC Viewer when cloud device is malfunctioning.Stas Negara
2015-07-28Add intelligent VNC keep alive thread.Stas Negara
2015-07-28Closing blank VNC Viewer kills the cloud device.Stas Negara
2015-07-28Add blank VNC window for launching cloud devices.Stas Negara
2015-07-28Initial usage of TightVNC in cloud testing plugin.Stas Negara
2015-07-28Switch to a newer version of cloud testing API library.Stas Negara
2015-07-24Renamed AndroidFacet#isGradleProject to "requiresAndroidModel".Alex Ruiz
2015-07-07Merge "Handle additional skipped test execution states." into studio-1.4-devStas Negara
2015-07-06Handle additional skipped test execution states.Stas Negara
2015-07-01Refactor Cloud Tools plugin into two and Moves Google-LoginBenjamin Wulfe
2015-06-25Honor cancelled login into google cloud.gradle_1.3.1gradle_1.3.0-beta4studio-1.3-releasestudio-1.3-devStas Negara
2015-06-25Do not count physical devices when they are not shown.Stas Negara
2015-06-25Adjust the default cloud device config. to app's settings.Stas Negara
2015-06-15Do not show physical devices for single device configs.Stas Negara
2015-06-12Fix potential concurrency issue for cloud project id.Stas Negara
2015-06-08Scroll to first checked element when a dimension is clicked.gradle_1.3.0-beta3Stas Negara
2015-06-08Show dimension values for empty initial cloud device config.Stas Negara
2015-06-08Fix text truncation issue of multi-clicked radio buttons.Stas Negara
2015-06-04Fix the problem with unchecking radio buttons.Stas Negara
2015-06-04Click on a non-toggable tree group expands/collapses it.Stas Negara
2015-05-29Look up app and test APKs via Android Studio artifacts.gradle_1.3.0-beta2studio-1.4-releaseStas Negara
2015-05-27Fixed radio configs indentation, spacing, and coloring.Stas Negara
2015-05-26Remove recursive computing of fake coverage.gradle_1.3.0-beta1Stas Negara
2015-05-24Distinguish between physical and virtual devices in results.Stas Negara
2015-05-22Update to the latest changes in Testing API.Stas Negara
2015-05-22Prevent breaking when API release date is null.Stas Negara
2015-05-21Add user activity tracking.Stas Negara
2015-05-19Intermittent discovery API issues should not need restart.Stas Negara
2015-05-15Checked/selected dimension values should use bold text font.Stas Negara
2015-05-15Replace "Default Device" with the actual device + API name.Stas Negara
2015-05-15Use cloud device icon in cloud device configuration.Stas Negara
2015-05-15Stop polling for launching cloud device if an error happens.Stas Negara
2015-05-15Support new release date format for OS releases from API.Stas Negara
2015-05-15Update the link to the web page with test execution results.Stas Negara
2015-05-14Disable screenshot comparison action for the root node.Stas Negara
2015-05-14Make debug a matrix configuration selection context sensitive.Stas Negara
2015-05-13Enforce single value choice for each cloud device dimension.Stas Negara
2015-05-08Updated cloud icons for better Darcula experience.Stas Negara
2015-05-08Stop sending history id.Stas Negara
2015-05-07Detect from an external source whether our plugin is ready.Stas Negara
2015-05-07Fixed the link to the test results on the web.Stas Negara
2015-05-05Add a link to see test execution results on the web.Stas Negara
2015-05-05Cancel cloud matrix tests if user terminates the execution.Stas Negara
2015-05-05Support showing cloud device configuration in devices table.Stas Negara
2015-05-05Add debug for a chosen configuration of a cloud matrix run.Stas Negara
2015-04-16Keep track of launching cloud devices for devices Negara
2015-04-07Add default cloud device configuration.Stas Negara
2015-04-07Add support for launching cloud devices.Stas Negara
2015-03-11Match loading and no image sizes with the expected image size. Do not redunda...gradle_1.2.3gradle_1.2.2gradle_1.2.1gradle_1.2.0-rc1gradle_1.2.0-beta1gradle_1.2.0studio-1.2-releasestudio-1.2-devStas Negara