# NOTE: THIS FILE IS EXPERIMENTAL FOR THE BAZEL MIGRATION AND NOT USED FOR # YOUR BUILDS CURRENTLY. # # It is not yet the source of truth for your build. If you're looking to modify # the build file, modify the Android.bp file instead. Do *not* modify this file # unless you have coordinated with the team managing the Soong to Bazel # migration. load("//build/kleaf:kernel.bzl", "kernel_module") kernel_module( name = "mali_pixel.cloudripper", srcs = glob([ "**/*.c", "**/*.h", "Kbuild", ]) + [ "//private/google-modules/gpu/common:headers", ], outs = [ "mali_pixel.ko", ], kernel_build = "//private/gs-google:cloudripper", visibility = [ "//private/google-modules/gpu/mali_kbase:__pkg__", "//private/gs-google:__pkg__", ], )