path: root/tools
diff options
authorJean-Michel RIOT <>2021-07-21 11:53:48 +0200
committerThierry Strudel <>2021-08-11 10:32:18 -0700
commita30726eeae8101207032ac0190f002b31138ae3e (patch)
treea1d342136b71a55c1069e04929bb42ccad199341 /tools
parentf8154be81da24eaff17b53827d47e8e0ffe4e026 (diff)
Custom definition of phase difference to AoA mapping
dw3000: add PDoA to AoA lookup tables, refs UWB-1236 mac: use the AoA value computed the driver, refs UWB-1236 Bug: 172565633 Change-Id: I4137fc0d905a5d4cf67b799c6bafc6a7ba2e1829 Signed-off-by: Jean-Michel RIOT <>
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/calibrations/pdoa_lut_generation b/tools/calibrations/pdoa_lut_generation
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dc850ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/calibrations/pdoa_lut_generation
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+import sys
+import math
+import json
+from optparse import OptionParser
+# This defaulr value is sync with:
+# dw3000_calib.c:DW3000_CALIBRATION_PDOA_LUT_MAX
+usage="""%s [options]
+This script aims to dump a binary blob suitable for uwb-stack calibration file.
+It works in two modes :
+ 1. Input JSON LUT
+ 2. Antenna spacing and formula
+== Input JSON LUT ==
+It takes a JSON input on stdin and dumps the corresponding blob on stdout.
+The JSON input must be a list of either:
+ * lists containing 2 items of type float, 1st is assumed to be PDoA, 2nd AoA,
+ * maps containing 'aoa' and 'pdoa' keys, and corresponding values of type float.
+ float values are assumed to be in radian unit.
+== Antenna spacing and formula ==
+This mode uses the theorical math formula to compute AoA value from PDoA measurement.
+It also uses the antenna spacing parameter, please ensure to provide the right value.
+2 sub modes are possible:
+ * PDoA value are provided in list of float that matches the LUT size
+ * --no-json option is specified or empty input is provided, then the tool will
+ split the [-Pi, Pi] range in %d equal parts and use it as PDoA value list
+ os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),
+ )
+# ==== Fixed point / math utils ====
+Q = 11
+K = 2 ** Q
+S16_MAX = ((2 ** 15) - 1)
+S16_MIN = -(2 ** 15)
+speed_of_light_m_per_s = 299702547
+def freq_hz(chan):
+ if chan == 5:
+ return 6.5e9
+ elif chan == 9:
+ return 7.9872e9
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Channel must be either 5 or 9")
+def sat_uf(x):
+ return min(S16_MAX, max(S16_MIN, x))
+def float_to_q11(x):
+ return sat_uf(round(x * K))
+pi_q = float_to_q11(math.pi)
+def pdoa_to_aoa_rad(x, chan, antenna_dist_m):
+ L_M = speed_of_light_m_per_s / freq_hz(chan)
+ phase_m = x * L_M / (2.0 * math.pi)
+ rad = phase_m / antenna_dist_m
+ rad = min(1.0, max(-1.0, rad))
+ return math.asin(rad)
+# ==================================
+def blob_item(pdoa, aoa, fmt, byteorder):
+ pdoa_q11 = float_to_q11(pdoa)
+ aoa_q11 = float_to_q11(aoa)
+ pdoa_bytes = pdoa_q11.to_bytes(2, byteorder=byteorder, signed=True)
+ aoa_bytes = aoa_q11.to_bytes(2, byteorder=byteorder, signed=True)
+ return fmt%(pdoa_bytes[0], pdoa_bytes[1], aoa_bytes[0], aoa_bytes[1])
+def input_json_lut(pdoa_lut, options):
+ print("Generating LUT using 'input JSON LUT' mode...")
+ print("LUT = %s"%str(pdoa_lut))
+ if not isinstance(pdoa_lut, list) \
+ or (options.size_check and (len(pdoa_lut) != options.lut_size)):
+ raise ValueError("input JSON must be list of size %d"
+ %(str(options.lut_size)))
+ blob = ""
+ first_val = True
+ internal_pdoa_lut = []
+ for item in pdoa_lut:
+ if isinstance(item, list) and len(item) == 2:
+ pdoa = item[0]
+ aoa = item[1]
+ elif isinstance(item, dict):
+ # NB: exception raised if key not provided in input data
+ pdoa = item['pdoa']
+ aoa = item['aoa']
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("input JSON list item must of type list \
+[float, float] (PDoA then AoA) or map {'aoa':float, 'pdoa':float}")
+ internal_pdoa_lut.append((pdoa, aoa))
+ internal_pdoa_lut.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
+ for item in internal_pdoa_lut:
+ pdoa = item[0]
+ aoa = item[1]
+ if first_val:
+ first_val = False
+ else:
+ blob += options.sep
+ blob += blob_item(pdoa, aoa, options.fmt, options.byteorder)
+ return blob
+def antenna_spacing_and_formula(pdoa_values, options):
+ print("Generating LUT using 'antenna spacing and formula' mode...")
+ print("PDoA values = %s"%(str(pdoa_values)))
+ print("Antenna spacing (mm) = %f"%(options.antenna_spacing / 1000.0))
+ if not isinstance(pdoa_values, list) \
+ or (options.size_check and (len(pdoa_values) != options.lut_size)):
+ raise ValueError("input JSON must be list of size %d"
+ %(options.lut_size))
+ blob = ""
+ first_val = True
+ for value in pdoa_values:
+ pdoa = float(value) # would raise TypeError
+ aoa = pdoa_to_aoa_rad(pdoa,,
+ options.antenna_spacing / 1000000.0)
+ print("\t%f\t=>\t%f"%(pdoa, aoa))
+ if first_val:
+ first_val = False
+ else:
+ blob += options.sep
+ blob += blob_item(pdoa, aoa, options.fmt, options.byteorder)
+ return blob
+def float_range(start, stop, step):
+ while start < stop:
+ yield float(start)
+ start += step
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
+ parser.add_option("--channel", dest="channel", type="int", default=5,
+ help="UWB Channel (5 or 9, default is 5)")
+ parser.add_option("--formula-mode", dest="formula_mode",
+ action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="selects formula mode")
+ parser.add_option("--antenna-spacing", dest="antenna_spacing",
+ type="int", default=20800,
+ help="sets the antenna pair spacing used in formula \
+ mode, unit is micrometers (default value 20800 \
+ matches Mona Lisa design).")
+ parser.add_option("--byteorder", dest="byteorder",
+ type="string", default=sys.byteorder,
+ help="Override byte order. Default is the system's \
+ byteorder (%s)"%(sys.byteorder))
+ parser.add_option("--lut-size", dest="lut_size",
+ type="int", default=DW3000_CALIBRATION_PDOA_LUT_MAX,
+ help="Override default lut size (%d)"%(DW3000_CALIBRATION_PDOA_LUT_MAX))
+ parser.add_option("--no-size-check", dest="size_check",
+ action="store_false", default=True,
+ help="skips length of the input map.")
+ parser.add_option("--dump-c-array", dest="dump_c_array",
+ action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="Dumps a C array instead of calib blob")
+ parser.add_option("--no-input", dest="read_stdin",
+ action="store_false", default=True,
+ help="Skips reading input on stdin")
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ if options.dump_c_array:
+ options.sep = ",\n"
+ options.fmt = "\t{ 0x%02x%02x, 0x%02x%02x }"
+ options.byteorder = 'big'
+ else:
+ options.sep = ":"
+ options.fmt = "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x"
+ txt_input = ""
+ if options.read_stdin:
+ for line in sys.stdin:
+ txt_input += line
+ if options.formula_mode:
+ if txt_input:
+ pdoa_values = json.loads(txt_input)
+ else:
+ step = 2 * math.pi / (options.lut_size-1)
+ pdoa_values = list(float_range(-math.pi, math.pi, step))
+ blob = antenna_spacing_and_formula(pdoa_values, options)
+ else:
+ pdoa_lut = json.loads(txt_input)
+ blob = input_json_lut(pdoa_lut, options)
+ if options.dump_c_array:
+ print("const dw3000_pdoa_lut_t pdoa_lut = {\n" + blob + "\n};")
+ else:
+ print("antX.antY.chN.pdoa_lut " + blob)