import commands import subprocess import os import Options import Scripting from waflib import Context out = 'build' top = '.' VERSION = '2012.07' APPNAME = 'glmark2' def options(opt): opt.tool_options('gnu_dirs') opt.tool_options('compiler_cc') opt.tool_options('compiler_cxx') opt.add_option('--enable-gl', action='store_true', dest = 'gl', default = False, help='build using OpenGL 2.0') opt.add_option('--enable-glesv2', action='store_true', dest = 'glesv2', default = False, help='build using OpenGL ES 2.0') opt.add_option('--no-debug', action='store_false', dest = 'debug', default = True, help='disable compiler debug information') opt.add_option('--no-opt', action='store_false', dest = 'opt', default = True, help='disable compiler optimizations') opt.add_option('--data-path', action='store', dest = 'data_path', help='path to main data (also see --data(root)dir)') opt.add_option('--extras-path', action='store', dest = 'extras_path', help='path to additional data (models, shaders, textures)') def configure(ctx): if not and not Options.options.glesv2: ctx.fatal("You must configure using at least one of --enable-gl, --enable-glesv2") ctx.check_tool('gnu_dirs') ctx.check_tool('compiler_cc') ctx.check_tool('compiler_cxx') # Check required headers req_headers = ['stdlib.h', 'string.h', 'unistd.h', 'stdint.h', 'stdio.h', 'jpeglib.h'] for header in req_headers: ctx.check_cxx(header_name = header, auto_add_header_name = True, mandatory = True) # Check for required libs req_libs = [('m', 'm'), ('jpeg', 'jpeg')] for (lib, uselib) in req_libs: ctx.check_cxx(lib = lib, uselib_store = uselib) # Check required functions req_funcs = [('memset', 'string.h', []) ,('sqrt', 'math.h', ['m'])] for func, header, uselib in req_funcs: ctx.check_cxx(function_name = func, header_name = header, uselib = uselib, mandatory = True) # Check required packages req_pkgs = [('x11', 'x11'), ('libpng12', 'libpng12')] for (pkg, uselib) in req_pkgs: ctx.check_cfg(package = pkg, uselib_store = uselib, args = '--cflags --libs', mandatory = True) # Check optional packages opt_pkgs = [('gl', 'gl',, ('egl', 'egl', Options.options.glesv2), ('glesv2', 'glesv2', Options.options.glesv2)] for (pkg, uselib, mandatory) in opt_pkgs: ctx.check_cfg(package = pkg, uselib_store = uselib, args = '--cflags --libs', mandatory = mandatory) ctx.env.append_unique('CXXFLAGS', '-Werror -Wall -Wextra -Wnon-virtual-dtor'.split(' ')) # Prepend -O# and -g flags so that they can be overriden by the # CFLAGS environment variable if Options.options.opt: ctx.env.prepend_value('CXXFLAGS', '-O2') if Options.options.debug: ctx.env.prepend_value('CXXFLAGS', '-g') ctx.env.HAVE_EXTRAS = False if Options.options.extras_path is not None: ctx.env.HAVE_EXTRAS = True ctx.env.append_unique('GLMARK_EXTRAS_PATH', Options.options.extras_path) ctx.env.append_unique('DEFINES', 'GLMARK_EXTRAS_PATH="%s"' % Options.options.extras_path) if Options.options.data_path is not None: data_path = Options.options.data_path else: data_path = os.path.join(ctx.env.DATADIR, 'glmark2') ctx.env.append_unique('GLMARK_DATA_PATH', data_path) ctx.env.append_unique('DEFINES', 'GLMARK_DATA_PATH="%s"' % data_path) ctx.env.append_unique('DEFINES', 'GLMARK_VERSION="%s"' % VERSION) ctx.env.GLMARK2_VERSION = VERSION ctx.env.USE_GL = ctx.env.USE_GLESv2 = Options.options.glesv2 ctx.msg("Prefix", ctx.env.PREFIX, color = 'PINK') ctx.msg("Data path", data_path, color = 'PINK') ctx.msg("Including extras", "Yes" if ctx.env.HAVE_EXTRAS else "No", color = 'PINK'); if ctx.env.HAVE_EXTRAS: ctx.msg("Extras path", Options.options.extras_path, color = 'PINK') ctx.msg("Building GL2 version", "Yes" if ctx.env.USE_GL else "No", color = 'PINK') ctx.msg("Building GLESv2 version", "Yes" if ctx.env.USE_GLESv2 else "No", color = 'PINK') def build(ctx): ctx.recurse('src') ctx.recurse('data') ctx.recurse('doc') class Glmark2Dist(Context.Context): """ Custom dist command that preserves symbolic links""" cmd = "dist" def execute(self): self.recurse([os.path.dirname(Context.g_module.root_path)]) self.archive() def get_files(self): import fnmatch files = [] excludes = ['*.bzr', '*~', './.*waf*', './build*', '*.swp', '*.pyc', '*glmark2-*.tar.gz'] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(top): names_to_remove = [] names = dirnames + filenames for n in names: for exclude in excludes: if fnmatch.fnmatch(os.path.join(dirpath, n), exclude): names_to_remove.append(n) break for d in names_to_remove: if d in dirnames: dirnames.remove(d) if d in filenames: filenames.remove(d) files.extend([os.path.join(dirpath, d) for d in dirnames]) files.extend([os.path.join(dirpath, f) for f in filenames]) return files def archive(self): import tarfile tar = + '-' + VERSION + '.tar.gz', 'w:gz') for f in self.get_files(): tar.add(f, arcname = APPNAME + '-' + VERSION + '/' + f, recursive = False) tar.close()