/**************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** *** *** This header was automatically generated from a Linux kernel header *** of the same name, to make information necessary for userspace to *** call into the kernel available to libc. It contains only constants, *** structures, and macros generated from the original header, and thus, *** contains no copyrightable information. *** *** To edit the content of this header, modify the corresponding *** source file (e.g. under external/kernel-headers/original/) then *** run bionic/libc/kernel/tools/update_all.py *** *** Any manual change here will be lost the next time this script will *** be run. You've been warned! *** **************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _ASM_SGIARCS_H #define _ASM_SGIARCS_H #include #include /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define PROM_ESUCCESS 0x00 #define PROM_E2BIG 0x01 #define PROM_EACCESS 0x02 #define PROM_EAGAIN 0x03 /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define PROM_EBADF 0x04 #define PROM_EBUSY 0x05 #define PROM_EFAULT 0x06 #define PROM_EINVAL 0x07 /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define PROM_EIO 0x08 #define PROM_EISDIR 0x09 #define PROM_EMFILE 0x0a #define PROM_EMLINK 0x0b /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define PROM_ENAMETOOLONG 0x0c #define PROM_ENODEV 0x0d #define PROM_ENOENT 0x0e #define PROM_ENOEXEC 0x0f /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define PROM_ENOMEM 0x10 #define PROM_ENOSPC 0x11 #define PROM_ENOTDIR 0x12 #define PROM_ENOTTY 0x13 /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define PROM_ENXIO 0x14 #define PROM_EROFS 0x15 #define PROM_EADDRNOTAVAIL 0x1f #define PROM_ETIMEDOUT 0x20 /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define PROM_ECONNABORTED 0x21 #define PROM_ENOCONNECT 0x22 enum linux_devclass { system, processor, cache, adapter, controller, peripheral, memory /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ }; enum linux_devtypes { Arc, Cpu, Fpu, picache, pdcache, /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ sicache, sdcache, sccache, memdev, eisa_adapter, tc_adapter, scsi_adapter, dti_adapter, multifunc_adapter, dsk_controller, tp_controller, cdrom_controller, worm_controller, serial_controller, net_controller, disp_controller, /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ parallel_controller, ptr_controller, kbd_controller, audio_controller, misc_controller, disk_peripheral, flpy_peripheral, tp_peripheral, modem_peripheral, monitor_peripheral, printer_peripheral, ptr_peripheral, kbd_peripheral, term_peripheral, line_peripheral, /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ net_peripheral, misc_peripheral, anon }; enum linux_identifier { bogus, ronly, removable, consin, consout, input, output /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ }; struct linux_component { enum linux_devclass class; enum linux_devtypes type; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ enum linux_identifier iflags; USHORT vers; USHORT rev; ULONG key; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ ULONG amask; ULONG cdsize; ULONG ilen; _PULONG iname; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ }; typedef struct linux_component pcomponent; struct linux_sysid { char vend[8], prod[8]; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ }; enum arcs_memtypes { arcs_eblock, arcs_rvpage, /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ arcs_fcontig, arcs_free, arcs_bmem, arcs_prog, /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ arcs_atmp, arcs_aperm, }; enum arc_memtypes { /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ arc_eblock, arc_rvpage, arc_free, arc_bmem, /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ arc_prog, arc_atmp, arc_aperm, arc_fcontig, /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ }; union linux_memtypes { enum arcs_memtypes arcs; enum arc_memtypes arc; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ }; struct linux_mdesc { union linux_memtypes type; ULONG base; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ ULONG pages; }; struct linux_tinfo { unsigned short yr; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ unsigned short mnth; unsigned short day; unsigned short hr; unsigned short min; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ unsigned short sec; unsigned short msec; }; struct linux_vdirent { /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ ULONG namelen; unsigned char attr; char fname[32]; }; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ enum linux_omode { rdonly, wronly, rdwr, wronly_creat, rdwr_creat, wronly_ssede, rdwr_ssede, dirent, dirent_creat }; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ enum linux_seekmode { absolute, relative }; enum linux_mountops { /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ media_load, media_unload }; struct linux_bigint { #ifdef __MIPSEL__ /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ u32 lo; s32 hi; #else s32 hi; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ u32 lo; #endif }; struct linux_finfo { /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ struct linux_bigint begin; struct linux_bigint end; struct linux_bigint cur; enum linux_devtypes dtype; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ unsigned long namelen; unsigned char attr; char name[32]; }; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ struct linux_romvec { LONG load; LONG invoke; LONG exec; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ LONG halt; LONG pdown; LONG restart; LONG reboot; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ LONG imode; LONG _unused1; LONG next_component; LONG child_component; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ LONG parent_component; LONG component_data; LONG child_add; LONG comp_del; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ LONG component_by_path; LONG cfg_save; LONG get_sysid; LONG get_mdesc; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ LONG _unused2; LONG get_tinfo; LONG get_rtime; LONG get_vdirent; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ LONG open; LONG close; LONG read; LONG get_rstatus; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ LONG write; LONG seek; LONG mount; LONG get_evar; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ LONG set_evar; LONG get_finfo; LONG set_finfo; LONG cache_flush; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ LONG TestUnicodeCharacter; LONG GetDisplayStatus; }; typedef struct _SYSTEM_PARAMETER_BLOCK { /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ ULONG magic; #define PROMBLOCK_MAGIC 0x53435241 ULONG len; USHORT ver; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ USHORT rev; _PLONG rs_block; _PLONG dbg_block; _PLONG gevect; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ _PLONG utlbvect; ULONG rveclen; _PVOID romvec; ULONG pveclen; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ _PVOID pvector; ULONG adap_cnt; ULONG adap_typ0; ULONG adap_vcnt0; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ _PVOID adap_vector; ULONG adap_typ1; ULONG adap_vcnt1; _PVOID adap_vector1; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ } SYSTEM_PARAMETER_BLOCK, *PSYSTEM_PARAMETER_BLOCK; #define PROMBLOCK ((PSYSTEM_PARAMETER_BLOCK) (int)0xA0001000) #define ROMVECTOR ((struct linux_romvec *) (long)(PROMBLOCK)->romvec) union linux_cache_key { /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ struct param { #ifdef __MIPSEL__ unsigned short size; unsigned char lsize; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ unsigned char bsize; #else unsigned char bsize; unsigned char lsize; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ unsigned short size; #endif } info; unsigned long allinfo; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ }; struct linux_cdata { char *name; int mlen; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ enum linux_devtypes type; }; #define SGIPROM_STDIN 0 #define SGIPROM_STDOUT 1 /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define SGIPROM_ROFILE 0x01 #define SGIPROM_HFILE 0x02 #define SGIPROM_SFILE 0x04 #define SGIPROM_AFILE 0x08 /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define SGIPROM_DFILE 0x10 #define SGIPROM_DELFILE 0x20 struct sgi_partition { unsigned char flag; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define SGIPART_UNUSED 0x00 #define SGIPART_ACTIVE 0x80 unsigned char shead, ssect, scyl; unsigned char systype; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ unsigned char ehead, esect, ecyl; unsigned char rsect0, rsect1, rsect2, rsect3; unsigned char tsect0, tsect1, tsect2, tsect3; }; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ #define SGIBBLOCK_MAGIC 0xaa55 #define SGIBBLOCK_MAXPART 0x0004 struct sgi_bootblock { unsigned char _unused[446]; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ struct sgi_partition partitions[SGIBBLOCK_MAXPART]; unsigned short magic; }; struct sgi_bparm_block { /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ unsigned short bytes_sect; unsigned char sect_clust; unsigned short sect_resv; unsigned char nfats; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ unsigned short nroot_dirents; unsigned short sect_volume; unsigned char media_type; unsigned short sect_fat; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ unsigned short sect_track; unsigned short nheads; unsigned short nhsects; }; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ struct sgi_bsector { unsigned char jmpinfo[3]; unsigned char manuf_name[8]; struct sgi_bparm_block info; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ }; #define SMB_DEBUG_MAGIC 0xfeeddead struct linux_smonblock { unsigned long magic; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ void (*handler)(void); unsigned long dtable_base; int (*printf)(const char *fmt, ...); unsigned long btable_base; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ unsigned long mpflushreqs; unsigned long ntab; unsigned long stab; int smax; /* WARNING: DO NOT EDIT, AUTO-GENERATED CODE - SEE TOP FOR INSTRUCTIONS */ }; #endif