/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=13228 TEST(netdb, freeaddrinfo_NULL) { freeaddrinfo(nullptr); } TEST(netdb, getaddrinfo_NULL_host) { // It's okay for the host argument to be NULL, as long as service isn't. addrinfo* ai = nullptr; ASSERT_EQ(0, getaddrinfo(nullptr, "smtp", nullptr, &ai)); // (sockaddr_in::sin_port and sockaddr_in6::sin6_port overlap.) ASSERT_EQ(25U, ntohs(reinterpret_cast(ai->ai_addr)->sin_port)); freeaddrinfo(ai); } TEST(netdb, getaddrinfo_NULL_service) { // It's okay for the service argument to be NULL, as long as host isn't. addrinfo* ai = nullptr; ASSERT_EQ(0, getaddrinfo("localhost", nullptr, nullptr, &ai)); ASSERT_TRUE(ai != nullptr); freeaddrinfo(ai); } TEST(netdb, getaddrinfo_NULL_hints) { addrinfo* ai = nullptr; ASSERT_EQ(0, getaddrinfo("localhost", "9999", nullptr, &ai)); bool saw_tcp = false; bool saw_udp = false; for (addrinfo* p = ai; p != nullptr; p = p->ai_next) { ASSERT_TRUE(p->ai_family == AF_INET || p->ai_family == AF_INET6); if (p->ai_socktype == SOCK_STREAM) { ASSERT_EQ(IPPROTO_TCP, p->ai_protocol); saw_tcp = true; } else if (p->ai_socktype == SOCK_DGRAM) { ASSERT_EQ(IPPROTO_UDP, p->ai_protocol); saw_udp = true; } } ASSERT_TRUE(saw_tcp); ASSERT_TRUE(saw_udp); freeaddrinfo(ai); } TEST(netdb, getaddrinfo_service_lookup) { addrinfo* ai = nullptr; ASSERT_EQ(0, getaddrinfo("localhost", "smtp", nullptr, &ai)); ASSERT_EQ(SOCK_STREAM, ai->ai_socktype); ASSERT_EQ(IPPROTO_TCP, ai->ai_protocol); ASSERT_EQ(25, ntohs(reinterpret_cast(ai->ai_addr)->sin_port)); freeaddrinfo(ai); } TEST(netdb, getaddrinfo_hints) { addrinfo hints; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_INET; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; addrinfo* ai = nullptr; ASSERT_EQ(0, getaddrinfo( "localhost", "9999", &hints, &ai)); ASSERT_TRUE(ai != nullptr); // In glibc, getaddrinfo() converts ::1 to for localhost, // so one or two addrinfo may be returned. addrinfo* tai = ai; while (tai != nullptr) { ASSERT_EQ(AF_INET, tai->ai_family); ASSERT_EQ(SOCK_STREAM, tai->ai_socktype); ASSERT_EQ(IPPROTO_TCP, tai->ai_protocol); tai = tai->ai_next; } freeaddrinfo(ai); } TEST(netdb, getaddrinfo_ip6_localhost) { addrinfo* ai = nullptr; ASSERT_EQ(0, getaddrinfo("ip6-localhost", nullptr, nullptr, &ai)); ASSERT_TRUE(ai != nullptr); ASSERT_GE(ai->ai_addrlen, static_cast(sizeof(sockaddr_in6))); ASSERT_TRUE(ai->ai_addr != nullptr); sockaddr_in6 *addr = reinterpret_cast(ai->ai_addr); ASSERT_EQ(addr->sin6_family, AF_INET6); ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(&addr->sin6_addr, &in6addr_loopback, sizeof(in6_addr))); freeaddrinfo(ai); } TEST(netdb, getnameinfo_salen) { sockaddr_storage ss; memset(&ss, 0, sizeof(ss)); sockaddr* sa = reinterpret_cast(&ss); char tmp[16]; ss.ss_family = AF_INET; socklen_t too_much = sizeof(ss); socklen_t just_right = sizeof(sockaddr_in); socklen_t too_little = sizeof(sockaddr_in) - 1; ASSERT_EQ(0, getnameinfo(sa, too_much, tmp, sizeof(tmp), nullptr, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)); ASSERT_STREQ("", tmp); ASSERT_EQ(0, getnameinfo(sa, just_right, tmp, sizeof(tmp), nullptr, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)); ASSERT_STREQ("", tmp); ASSERT_EQ(EAI_FAMILY, getnameinfo(sa, too_little, tmp, sizeof(tmp), nullptr, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)); ss.ss_family = AF_INET6; just_right = sizeof(sockaddr_in6); too_little = sizeof(sockaddr_in6) - 1; too_much = just_right + 1; ASSERT_EQ(0, getnameinfo(sa, too_much, tmp, sizeof(tmp), nullptr, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)); ASSERT_STREQ("::", tmp); ASSERT_EQ(0, getnameinfo(sa, just_right, tmp, sizeof(tmp), nullptr, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)); ASSERT_STREQ("::", tmp); ASSERT_EQ(EAI_FAMILY, getnameinfo(sa, too_little, tmp, sizeof(tmp), nullptr, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)); } TEST(netdb, getnameinfo_localhost) { sockaddr_in addr; char host[NI_MAXHOST]; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(sockaddr_in)); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(0x7f000001); ASSERT_EQ(0, getnameinfo(reinterpret_cast(&addr), sizeof(addr), host, sizeof(host), nullptr, 0, 0)); ASSERT_STREQ(host, "localhost"); } static void VerifyLocalhostName(const char* name) { // Test possible localhost name and aliases, which depend on /etc/hosts or /system/etc/hosts. ASSERT_TRUE(strcmp(name, "localhost") == 0 || strcmp(name, "ip6-localhost") == 0 || strcmp(name, "ip6-loopback") == 0) << name; } TEST(netdb, getnameinfo_ip6_localhost) { sockaddr_in6 addr; char host[NI_MAXHOST]; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(sockaddr_in6)); addr.sin6_family = AF_INET6; addr.sin6_addr = in6addr_loopback; ASSERT_EQ(0, getnameinfo(reinterpret_cast(&addr), sizeof(addr), host, sizeof(host), nullptr, 0, 0)); VerifyLocalhostName(host); } static void VerifyLocalhost(hostent *hent) { ASSERT_TRUE(hent != nullptr); VerifyLocalhostName(hent->h_name); for (size_t i = 0; hent->h_aliases[i] != nullptr; ++i) { VerifyLocalhostName(hent->h_aliases[i]); } ASSERT_EQ(hent->h_addrtype, AF_INET); ASSERT_EQ(hent->h_addr[0], 127); ASSERT_EQ(hent->h_addr[1], 0); ASSERT_EQ(hent->h_addr[2], 0); ASSERT_EQ(hent->h_addr[3], 1); } TEST(netdb, gethostbyname) { hostent* hp = gethostbyname("localhost"); VerifyLocalhost(hp); } TEST(netdb, gethostbyname2) { hostent* hp = gethostbyname2("localhost", AF_INET); VerifyLocalhost(hp); } TEST(netdb, gethostbyname_r) { hostent hent; hostent *hp; char buf[512]; int err; int result = gethostbyname_r("localhost", &hent, buf, sizeof(buf), &hp, &err); ASSERT_EQ(0, result); VerifyLocalhost(hp); // Change hp->h_addr to test reentrancy. hp->h_addr[0] = 0; hostent hent2; hostent *hp2; char buf2[512]; result = gethostbyname_r("localhost", &hent2, buf2, sizeof(buf2), &hp2, &err); ASSERT_EQ(0, result); VerifyLocalhost(hp2); ASSERT_EQ(0, hp->h_addr[0]); } TEST(netdb, gethostbyname2_r) { hostent hent; hostent *hp; char buf[512]; int err; int result = gethostbyname2_r("localhost", AF_INET, &hent, buf, sizeof(buf), &hp, &err); ASSERT_EQ(0, result); VerifyLocalhost(hp); // Change hp->h_addr to test reentrancy. hp->h_addr[0] = 0; hostent hent2; hostent *hp2; char buf2[512]; result = gethostbyname2_r("localhost", AF_INET, &hent2, buf2, sizeof(buf2), &hp2, &err); ASSERT_EQ(0, result); VerifyLocalhost(hp2); ASSERT_EQ(0, hp->h_addr[0]); } TEST(netdb, gethostbyaddr) { in_addr addr = { htonl(0x7f000001) }; hostent *hp = gethostbyaddr(&addr, sizeof(addr), AF_INET); VerifyLocalhost(hp); } TEST(netdb, gethostbyaddr_r) { in_addr addr = { htonl(0x7f000001) }; hostent hent; hostent *hp; char buf[512]; int err; int result = gethostbyaddr_r(&addr, sizeof(addr), AF_INET, &hent, buf, sizeof(buf), &hp, &err); ASSERT_EQ(0, result); VerifyLocalhost(hp); // Change hp->h_addr to test reentrancy. hp->h_addr[0] = 0; hostent hent2; hostent *hp2; char buf2[512]; result = gethostbyaddr_r(&addr, sizeof(addr), AF_INET, &hent2, buf2, sizeof(buf2), &hp2, &err); ASSERT_EQ(0, result); VerifyLocalhost(hp2); ASSERT_EQ(0, hp->h_addr[0]); } TEST(netdb, gethostbyname_r_ERANGE) { hostent hent; hostent *hp; char buf[4]; // Use too small buffer. int err; int result = gethostbyname_r("localhost", &hent, buf, sizeof(buf), &hp, &err); EXPECT_EQ(NETDB_INTERNAL, err); EXPECT_EQ(ERANGE, result); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, hp); } TEST(netdb, gethostbyname2_r_ERANGE) { hostent hent; hostent *hp; char buf[4]; // Use too small buffer. int err; int result = gethostbyname2_r("localhost", AF_INET, &hent, buf, sizeof(buf), &hp, &err); EXPECT_EQ(NETDB_INTERNAL, err); EXPECT_EQ(ERANGE, result); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, hp); } TEST(netdb, gethostbyaddr_r_ERANGE) { in_addr addr = { htonl(0x7f000001) }; hostent hent; hostent *hp; char buf[4]; // Use too small buffer. int err; int result = gethostbyaddr_r(&addr, sizeof(addr), AF_INET, &hent, buf, sizeof(buf), &hp, &err); EXPECT_EQ(NETDB_INTERNAL, err); EXPECT_EQ(ERANGE, result); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, hp); } TEST(netdb, gethostbyname_r_HOST_NOT_FOUND) { hostent hent; hostent *hp; char buf[BUFSIZ]; int err; int result = gethostbyname_r("does.not.exist.google.com", &hent, buf, sizeof(buf), &hp, &err); EXPECT_EQ(HOST_NOT_FOUND, err); EXPECT_EQ(0, result); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, hp); } TEST(netdb, gethostbyname2_r_HOST_NOT_FOUND) { hostent hent; hostent *hp; char buf[BUFSIZ]; int err; int result = gethostbyname2_r("does.not.exist.google.com", AF_INET, &hent, buf, sizeof(buf), &hp, &err); EXPECT_EQ(HOST_NOT_FOUND, err); EXPECT_EQ(0, result); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, hp); } TEST(netdb, gethostbyaddr_r_HOST_NOT_FOUND) { in_addr addr = { htonl(0xffffffff) }; hostent hent; hostent *hp; char buf[BUFSIZ]; int err; int result = gethostbyaddr_r(&addr, sizeof(addr), AF_INET, &hent, buf, sizeof(buf), &hp, &err); EXPECT_EQ(HOST_NOT_FOUND, err); EXPECT_EQ(0, result); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, hp); } TEST(netdb, getservbyname) { // smtp is TCP-only, so we know we'll get 25/tcp back. servent* s = getservbyname("smtp", nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(s != nullptr); ASSERT_STREQ("smtp", s->s_name); ASSERT_EQ(25, ntohs(s->s_port)); ASSERT_STREQ("tcp", s->s_proto); // We get the same result by explicitly asking for tcp. s = getservbyname("smtp", "tcp"); ASSERT_TRUE(s != nullptr); ASSERT_STREQ("smtp", s->s_name); ASSERT_EQ(25, ntohs(s->s_port)); ASSERT_STREQ("tcp", s->s_proto); // And we get a failure if we explicitly ask for udp. s = getservbyname("smtp", "udp"); ASSERT_TRUE(s == nullptr); // But there are actually udp services. s = getservbyname("echo", "udp"); ASSERT_TRUE(s != nullptr); ASSERT_STREQ("echo", s->s_name); ASSERT_EQ(7, ntohs(s->s_port)); ASSERT_STREQ("udp", s->s_proto); } TEST(netdb, getservbyport) { // smtp is TCP-only, so we know we'll get 25/tcp back. servent* s = getservbyport(htons(25), nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(s != nullptr); ASSERT_STREQ("smtp", s->s_name); ASSERT_EQ(25, ntohs(s->s_port)); ASSERT_STREQ("tcp", s->s_proto); // We get the same result by explicitly asking for tcp. s = getservbyport(htons(25), "tcp"); ASSERT_TRUE(s != nullptr); ASSERT_STREQ("smtp", s->s_name); ASSERT_EQ(25, ntohs(s->s_port)); ASSERT_STREQ("tcp", s->s_proto); // And we get a failure if we explicitly ask for udp. s = getservbyport(htons(25), "udp"); ASSERT_TRUE(s == nullptr); // But there are actually udp services. s = getservbyport(htons(7), "udp"); ASSERT_TRUE(s != nullptr); ASSERT_STREQ("echo", s->s_name); ASSERT_EQ(7, ntohs(s->s_port)); ASSERT_STREQ("udp", s->s_proto); } TEST(netdb, endnetent_getnetent_setnetent) { setnetent(0); setnetent(1); endnetent(); while (getnetent() != nullptr) { } } TEST(netdb, getnetbyaddr) { getnetbyaddr(0, 0); } TEST(netdb, getnetbyname) { getnetbyname("x"); } TEST(netdb, endprotoent_getprotoent_setprotoent) { setprotoent(0); setprotoent(1); endprotoent(); while (getprotoent() != nullptr) { } } TEST(netdb, getprotobyname) { getprotobyname("tcp"); } TEST(netdb, getprotobynumber) { getprotobynumber(6); } TEST(netdb, endservent_getservent_setservent) { setservent(0); setservent(1); endservent(); size_t service_count = 0; while (getservent() != nullptr) { ++service_count; } ASSERT_GT(service_count, 0U); } TEST(netdb, getservbyname_getservent_conflicts) { // Calling getservbyname shouldn't affect getservent's iteration order. endservent(); while (getservent() != nullptr) { ASSERT_TRUE(getservbyname("smtp", "tcp") != nullptr); } } TEST(netdb, getservbyport_getservent_conflicts) { // Calling getservbyport shouldn't affect getservent's iteration order. endservent(); while (getservent() != nullptr) { ASSERT_TRUE(getservbyport(htons(25), "tcp") != nullptr); } } TEST(netdb, endservent_resets) { endservent(); std::string first_service(getservent()->s_name); endservent(); ASSERT_EQ(first_service, std::string(getservent()->s_name)); } TEST(netdb, setservent_resets) { endservent(); std::string first_service(getservent()->s_name); setservent(0); ASSERT_EQ(first_service, std::string(getservent()->s_name)); } TEST(netdb, endhostent_gethostent_sethostent) { sethostent(0); sethostent(1); endhostent(); size_t host_count = 0; while (gethostent() != nullptr) { ++host_count; } ASSERT_GT(host_count, 0U); } TEST(netdb, endhostent_resets) { endhostent(); std::string first_host(gethostent()->h_name); endhostent(); ASSERT_EQ(first_host, std::string(gethostent()->h_name)); } TEST(netdb, sethostent_resets) { endhostent(); std::string first_host(gethostent()->h_name); sethostent(0); ASSERT_EQ(first_host, std::string(gethostent()->h_name)); }