diff options
authorAndroid Build Coastguard Worker <>2023-11-08 00:02:00 +0000
committerAndroid Build Coastguard Worker <>2023-11-08 00:02:00 +0000
commit6d828bc80bb0c4d70b17781a1e634894dc57cb86 (patch)
parent8afed913f03331a79c47a48e692462accd616abe (diff)
parent070f48f6532d5cd764e3280b0c5f6dadc612edb0 (diff)
Snap for 11065517 from 070f48f6532d5cd764e3280b0c5f6dadc612edb0 to 24Q1-release
Change-Id: I8c3a042dafe528274316a64880b2394faaff456a
4 files changed, 11 insertions, 367 deletions
diff --git a/gbl/ b/gbl/
index b5fc6ec..49f1d23 100644
--- a/gbl/
+++ b/gbl/
@@ -6,48 +6,31 @@ can be loaded directly from the firmware.
## Build
-The library and the EFI application can be built using the
-[](tools/build/ script. There are two ways of invoking
-### Build from AOSP
-If this repo is checked out from a full
-[AOSP]( or
+The GBL project are intended to be built from the
[Android Bootloader](
-super project, you can simply run
-python3 <output directory>
+super project checkout.
-The script will auto select the needed dependencies from the super project.
-After build completes, the EFI image will be available in
-`<output director>/gbl/`. By default, the script builds for all of `x86_64`,
-`x86_32`, `aarch64` and `riscv64` architectures. If you only want to build for
-a subset, append option `--arch <x86_64|x86_32|aarch64|riscv64>` one by one.
+To build the EFI application:
-### Build without AOSP
+./tools/bazel run //u-boot:gbl_efi_dist --extra_toolchains=@gbl//toolchain:all
+The above builds the EFI application for all of `x86_64`, `x86_32`, `aarch64`
+and `riscv64` platforms.
-If a full super project checkout is too heavy-weight, use the following options,
-which only requires a Bazel binary.
+To run the set of unit tests:
-python3 \
- --bazel=<path to Bazel executable> \
- <output directory>
+./tools/bazel test @gbl//tests --extra_toolchains=@gbl//toolchain:all
-The above command will automatically download necessary toolchains from
-Android prebuilts.
## Run on emulator
### Run on Cuttlefish
If you have a main AOSP checkout and is setup to run
[Cuttlefish](, you can
-run the EFI image directly with it:
+run the EFI image directly with:
launch_cvd --android_efi_loader=<path to the EFI image> ...
diff --git a/gbl/WORKSPACE.bazel b/gbl/WORKSPACE.bazel
index 4fe1ea6..b151725 100644
--- a/gbl/WORKSPACE.bazel
+++ b/gbl/WORKSPACE.bazel
@@ -13,7 +13,3 @@
# limitations under the License.
workspace(name = "gbl")
-load("@gbl//:workspace.bzl", "define_gbl_workspace")
diff --git a/gbl/tools/build/ b/gbl/tools/build/
deleted file mode 100644
index ea6c28e..0000000
--- a/gbl/tools/build/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# See gbl/ for usage.
-import argparse
-import os
-import pathlib
-import shutil
-import sys
-import subprocess
-# GBL bazel root.
-GBL_DIR = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parents[2]
-# Super project root directory.
-# Assumes that the project is checkout as "bootable/libbootloader/gbl"
-SUPER_PROJECT_ROOT = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parents[5]
-ARCHS = ["x86_64", "x86_32", "aarch64", "riscv64"]
-# Version used by Trusty and u-boot
-DEFAULT_CLANG_VERSION = "clang-r475365b"
-DEFAULT_LINUX_SYS_ROOT_VERSION = "x86_64-linux-glibc2.17-4.8"
-def parse_args():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument("--aosp_root", help="Path to Android root source")
- parser.add_argument("--bazel", help="Override path to bazel executable")
- parser.add_argument("--test", action="store_true", help="Run unittests")
- parser.add_argument(
- "--arch",
- help="Add a specific target architecture to build list",
- action='append',
- choices=ARCHS)
- parser.add_argument("out", help="Output directory")
- return parser.parse_args()
- "build") / "soong" / "scripts" / ""
-def aosp_get_clang() -> str:
- try:
- check=True,
- text=True,
- capture_output=True,
- cwd=str(SUPER_PROJECT_ROOT)).stdout.strip('\n')
- except:
- return None
-def get_clang_version() -> str:
- from_env = os.environ.get("GBL_CLANG_VERSION", None)
- if from_env:
- return f"clang-{from_env}"
- if aosp_get_clang():
- return aosp_get_clang()
-def run_bazel(bazel, out, args):
- """Wrapper for running bazel command"""
- command = [bazel, f"--output_user_root={out}"] + args
-, cwd=str(GBL_DIR), check=True)
-def main() -> int:
- args = parse_args()
- if args.bazel:
- # Standalone build
- bazel = pathlib.Path(args.bazel).resolve()
- else:
- # Assume the project lives in a super project.
- print(f"Looking for super project at: {SUPER_PROJECT_ROOT}")
- llvm = str(SUPER_PROJECT_ROOT / "prebuilts" / "clang" / "host" /
- "linux-x86" / get_clang_version())
- sysroot = str(SUPER_PROJECT_ROOT / "prebuilts" / "gcc" / "linux-x86" /
- bazel = (SUPER_PROJECT_ROOT / "prebuilts" / "bazel" / "linux-x86_64" /
- "bazel")
- if not os.path.isdir(str(llvm)):
- raise EnvironmentError(f"LLVM not found at {llvm}")
- if not os.path.isdir(str(sysroot)):
- raise EnvironmentError(f"Linux sysroot not found at {sysroot}")
- if not bazel.exists():
- raise EnvironmentError(f"Bazel binary not found {bazel}")
- os.environ["GBL_LLVM_PREBUILTS"] = str(llvm)
- os.environ["GBL_LINUX_SYSROOT"] = str(sysroot)
- print(f'LLVM: {os.environ["GBL_LLVM_PREBUILTS"]}')
- print(f'Linux Sysroot: {os.environ["GBL_LINUX_SYSROOT"]}')
- archs = args.arch if args.arch else ARCHS
- out_dir = (pathlib.Path(args.out) / "gbl").resolve()
- os.makedirs(str(out_dir), exist_ok=True)
- print(f"Output: {out_dir}")
- print(f"Target architectures: {archs}")
- if args.test:
- run_bazel(bazel, out_dir,
- ["test", "@gbl//tests", "--verbose_failures"])
- out_paths = []
- for arch in archs:
- run_bazel(bazel, out_dir,
- ["build", f"@gbl//efi:{arch}", "--verbose_failures"])
- out_path = out_dir / f"gbl_{arch}.efi"
- # Delete old image first. Otherwise if the image doesn't have write permission,
- # copy fails.
- out_path.unlink(missing_ok=True)
- shutil.copy(
- (GBL_DIR / "bazel-bin" / "efi" / f"gbl_{arch}.efi").resolve(),
- out_path)
- out_paths.append(out_path)
- for path in out_paths:
- print(f"Image output at {path}")
- return 0
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/gbl/workspace.bzl b/gbl/workspace.bzl
deleted file mode 100644
index eac8db7..0000000
--- a/gbl/workspace.bzl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-This file contains rules and logic to initialize GBL workspace.
-load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
-load("@gbl//toolchain:gbl_workspace_util.bzl", "gbl_llvm_prebuilts")
-def _android_external_rust_crate_archive(name, rev, build_file):
- crate_url = "" + \
- "{}/+archive/{}.tar.gz".format(name, rev)
- http_archive(
- name = name,
- url = crate_url,
- build_file = build_file,
- )
-def fetch_remote_dependencies():
- """Download external dpendencies needed by GBL"""
- # Bazel rust rules, i.e. `rust_library()`/`rust_binary()` etc.
- http_archive(
- name = "rules_rust",
- url = "",
- )
- # Dependency of `@rules_rust`.
- http_archive(
- name = "rules_rust_tinyjson",
- build_file = "@rules_rust//util/process_wrapper:BUILD.tinyjson.bazel",
- url = "",
- )
- # Fetch LLVM prebuilts. We used the same prebuilt branch used by Trusty and u-boot.
- http_archive(
- name = "llvm_linux_x86_64_prebuilts",
- url = "",
- build_file_content = "",
- )
- # Fetch Linux sysroot which is needed to configure host toolchain.
- http_archive(
- name = "linux_x86_64_sysroot",
- url = "",
- build_file_content = "",
- )
- # Fetch Android upstream rust prebuilts:
- #
- http_archive(
- name = "rust_prebuilts",
- build_file = "@gbl//toolchain:BUILD.android_rust_prebuilts.bazel",
- url = "",
- )
- # Fetch `bindgen` from Android upstream prebuilts. It is part of
- #
- http_archive(
- name = "bindgen",
- build_file_content = """exports_files(["bindgen"])""",
- url = "",
- )
- # Fetch `elfutils` repo which contains ELF definitions needed for the `libelf` library.
- http_archive(
- name = "elfutils",
- build_file_content = """
- name = "elf_type_header",
- hdrs = ["libelf/elf.h"],
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
- url = "",
- )
- # Fetch `googletest` for C/C++ unit-tests
- http_archive(
- name = "googletest",
- url = "",
- )
- # Following are third party rust crates from android/external/rust/crates used by GBL.
- #
- # Note: To pull in a new crate, Add a new _android_external_rust_crate_archive() rule below to
- # fetch the crate and provide a BUILD file for it. Android.bp is a good reference for writing
- # BUILD file as for most part it has an one-to-one mapping to a Bazel rule. If the target
- # crate has additional dependencies, repeat for all of them until all needed crates are
- # fetched.
- _android_external_rust_crate_archive(
- name = "bitflags",
- rev = "4cb5dac10a9ca8a0c9b78ea24f0f23e7972576e2",
- build_file = "@gbl//android_external_rust_crates:BUILD.bitflags.bazel",
- )
- _android_external_rust_crate_archive(
- name = "byteorder",
- rev = "69440f2e49ba4d846f091a57c1826a268d04656e",
- build_file = "@gbl//android_external_rust_crates:BUILD.byteorder.bazel",
- )
- _android_external_rust_crate_archive(
- name = "cfg-if",
- rev = "3a308fd77901411c7ed5161012cebeb2cf8dab1a",
- build_file = "@gbl//android_external_rust_crates:BUILD.cfg-if.bazel",
- )
- _android_external_rust_crate_archive(
- name = "crc32fast",
- rev = "7225fa79b53d6a75f4dadcd974ca82c666044953",
- build_file = "@gbl//android_external_rust_crates:BUILD.crc32fast.bazel",
- )
- _android_external_rust_crate_archive(
- name = "hex",
- rev = "1ddb3bec93394eeb62ee4f4187e8579b489c3d07",
- build_file = "@gbl//android_external_rust_crates:BUILD.hex.bazel",
- )
- _android_external_rust_crate_archive(
- name = "proc-macro2",
- rev = "5c471c4a5c3e80c810dadb19c5996e420426c3bc",
- build_file = "@gbl//android_external_rust_crates:BUILD.proc-macro2.bazel",
- )
- _android_external_rust_crate_archive(
- name = "quote",
- rev = "9791b3d2d985ed9aae113fc5112e9a607c6c5741",
- build_file = "@gbl//android_external_rust_crates:BUILD.quote.bazel",
- )
- _android_external_rust_crate_archive(
- name = "syn",
- rev = "035a68a559d23e0f60aa2c274a4b4c6f7247bc3b",
- build_file = "@gbl//android_external_rust_crates:BUILD.syn.bazel",
- )
- _android_external_rust_crate_archive(
- name = "unicode-ident",
- rev = "2d1f5f891da7f9645c864e54fa08a0aabc7ab65f",
- build_file = "@gbl//android_external_rust_crates:BUILD.unicode-ident.bazel",
- )
- _android_external_rust_crate_archive(
- name = "zerocopy",
- rev = "38d9439810f66c9f287a7f1caee1f6e3cf076d38",
- build_file = "@gbl//android_external_rust_crates:BUILD.zerocopy.bazel",
- )
- _android_external_rust_crate_archive(
- name = "zerocopy-derive",
- rev = "e987328e0df1334022cb8ada4233e672a2e4ea0e",
- build_file = "@gbl//android_external_rust_crates:BUILD.zerocopy-derive.bazel",
- )
-def define_gbl_workspace(name = None):
- """Set up worksapce for building GBL targets
- This rule API can be used to integrate GBL build targets into other projects that use Bazel
- build system. To do so, simply call this API in the project's WORKSPACE.bazel file.
- Args:
- name (String): Placeholder for buildifier check.
- """
- fetch_remote_dependencies()
- # Set up a repo to export llvm tool/library/header/sysroot paths
- gbl_llvm_prebuilts(name = "gbl_llvm_prebuilts")
- # Register all the LLVM/Rust toolchains.
- native.register_toolchains("@gbl//toolchain:all")