path: root/bazel.BUILD
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-08-25Implement cc_aidl_library to handle AIDL srcs in cc_library and cc_binaryVinh Tran
2021-04-26Add comment about the :empty filegroup.Lukacs T. Berki
2021-04-22Disable compile sandboxing, add global incl constChris Parsons
2021-02-23nazel/mixed builds: add libc to ninja_build's output_groups.Jingwen Chen
2021-01-20Add output_root_input_dirs to main BUILD fileChris Parsons
2020-12-15Add .minibootstrap/bpglob to output_root_inputsChris Parsons
2020-11-24Add comment for the purpose of output_root_inputs.Jingwen Chen
2020-11-11Read paths to Ninja files from soong_uiJingwen Chen
2020-11-09Use lunch repo rule to find ninja filenames.Jingwen Chen
2020-11-03Add Kati suffix bug number to TODOJingwen Chen
2020-11-02Add a repo rule for lunch variables like TARGET_PRODUCT and TARGET_BUILD_VARI...Rupert Shuttleworth
2020-10-13Check in initial set of Bazel config files: host-specific bazelrc,Jingwen Chen