package main // elfdiff compares two ELF files. Each one can be a standalone file or an archive (.a file) // member. import ( "android/bazel/mkcompare" "bytes" "debug/elf" "flag" "fmt" "io" "os" "sort" "strconv" "strings" ) type myElf struct { *elf.File path string sectionsByName map[string]*elf.Section } func always(_ string) bool { return true } func processArgs() { flag.Parse() if len(flag.Args()) != 2 { maybeQuit(fmt.Errorf("usage: %s REF-ELF OUR-ELF\n", os.Args[0])) os.Exit(1) } } func maybeQuit(err error) { if err == nil { return } fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) os.Exit(1) } func main() { processArgs() elfRef := elfRead(flag.Arg(0)) elfOur := elfRead(flag.Arg(1)) missing, common, extra := mkcompare.Classify(elfRef.sectionsByName, elfOur.sectionsByName, always) var hasDiff bool newDifference := func() { if !hasDiff { hasDiff = true } } if len(missing)+len(extra) > 0 { newDifference() } if len(missing) > 0 { sort.Strings(missing) fmt.Print("Missing sections:\n ", strings.Join(missing, "\n "), "\n") } if len(extra) > 0 { sort.Strings(extra) fmt.Print("Extra sections:\n ", strings.Join(extra, "\n "), "\n") } commonDiff := false newCommonDifference := func(format string, args ...interface{}) { if !commonDiff { fmt.Print("Sections that differ:\n") commonDiff = true } newDifference() fmt.Printf(format, args...) } sort.Strings(common) for _, sname := range common { sectionRef := elfRef.sectionsByName[sname] sectionOur := elfOur.sectionsByName[sname] refSize := int64(sectionRef.Size) ourSize := int64(sectionOur.Size) if refSize != ourSize { newCommonDifference(" %s:%d%+d\n", sname, refSize, ourSize-refSize) continue } dataOur, err := sectionOur.Data() maybeQuit(err) dataRef, err := sectionRef.Data() maybeQuit(err) if bytes.Compare(dataRef, dataOur) != 0 { newCommonDifference(" %s:%d(data)\n", sname, refSize) } } if hasDiff { os.Exit(1) } } const arMagic = "!\n" const arExtendedEntry = "//" // elfRead returns ELF file reader for URI. If URI has () format, // is an archive (usually an .a file) and is an ELF file in it. func elfRead(path string) *myElf { var reader io.ReaderAt var err error n := strings.LastIndex(path, "(") if n > 0 && strings.HasSuffix(path, ")") { reader = newArchiveReader(path[0:n], path[n+1:len(path)-1]) } else { reader, err = os.Open(path) maybeQuit(err) } res := &myElf{path: path} res.File, err = elf.NewFile(reader) maybeQuit(err) // Build ELF sections map. Only allocatable sections are considered. res.sectionsByName = make(map[string]*elf.Section) for _, s := range res.File.Sections { if _, ok := res.sectionsByName[s.Name]; ok { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: duplicate section %s, ignoring\n", res.path, s.Name) continue } if s.Flags&elf.SHF_ALLOC != 0 && s.Type != elf.SHT_NOBITS { res.sectionsByName[s.Name] = s } } return res } type memberHeader []byte const headerSize = 60 // memberHeader represents a member in an archive. It implements os.ReaderAt interface // so it can be passed to elf.NewFile type memberReader struct { file *os.File start int64 size int64 } func (m memberReader) ReadAt(p []byte, off int64) (n int, err error) { nToRead := int64(len(p)) nHas := m.size - off if nHas <= 0 { return 0, io.EOF } if nToRead > nHas { nToRead = nHas } return m.file.ReadAt(p[0:nToRead], m.start+off) } func (h memberHeader) memberSize() int64 { n, err := strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSpace(string(h[48:58])), 10, 64) maybeQuit(err) return (n + 1) & -2 // The size is always an even number } // newArchiveReader returns a reader for an archive member. // The format of the ar archive is sort of documented in Wikipedia: // func newArchiveReader(path string, member string) io.ReaderAt { f, err := os.Open(path) maybeQuit(err) fStat, err := f.Stat() maybeQuit(err) fileSize := fStat.Size() var nextHeaderPos int64 = 8 var contentPos int64 var header memberHeader = make([]byte, headerSize) // fill the buffer, reading from given position. readFully := func(buf []byte, at int64) { n, err := f.ReadAt(buf, at) maybeQuit(err) if n < len(buf) { maybeQuit(fmt.Errorf("%s is corrupt, read %d bytes instead of %d\n", path, n, len(buf))) } } // Read the header, update contents and next header pointers readHeader := func() { readFully(header, nextHeaderPos) contentPos = nextHeaderPos + headerSize nextHeaderPos = contentPos + header.memberSize() } // Read the file header buf := make([]byte, len(arMagic)) readFully(buf, 0) if bytes.Compare([]byte(arMagic), buf) != 0 { maybeQuit(fmt.Errorf("%s is not an ar archive\n", path)) } entry := []byte(member + "/") // `/` is member name sentinel if len(entry) <= 16 { // the name fits into a section header, so just scan the sections. for nextHeaderPos < fileSize { readHeader() if bytes.Compare(entry, header[0:len(entry)]) == 0 { return &memberReader{f, contentPos, header.memberSize()} } } } else { // If section's name is `/` followed by digits, these digits are an offset to // its real name in the 'extended names' section. // The name of the extended names section is `//`, and it should precede the // sections with longer names. var extendedNames []byte for nextHeaderPos < fileSize { readHeader() if bytes.Compare(header[0:2], []byte(arExtendedEntry)) == 0 { extendedNames = make([]byte, header.memberSize()) readFully(extendedNames, contentPos) } else if bytes.Compare(header[0:1], []byte("/")) != 0 { continue } if off, err := strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSpace(string(header[1:16])), 10, 64); err == nil { // A section with extended name. if extendedNames == nil { maybeQuit(fmt.Errorf("%s: extended names entry is missing in archive\n", path)) } if off+int64(len(entry)) <= int64(len(extendedNames)) && bytes.Compare(entry, extendedNames[off:off+int64(len(entry))]) == 0 { return &memberReader{f, contentPos, header.memberSize()} } } } } maybeQuit(fmt.Errorf("%s: no such member %s", path, member)) return nil }