# The Bazel APEX ruleset **Example** ``` $ b build //path/to/module:com.android.module.apex --config=android ``` **Code locations** The main entry point is the `apex` macro in [//build/bazel/rules/apex/apex.bzl](https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/master:build/bazel/rules/apex/apex.bzl?q=f:apex.bzl), which expands to the `_apex` rule implementation. Related files in this directory include: * `cc.bzl` for the C/C++ specific aspect that traverses into native dependencies * `toolchain.bzl` for the host toolchain * `transition.bzl` for the configuration transition to add APEX-specific configuration to dependencies, like the APEX name and min sdk version. * `apex_aab.bzl` to repackage APEXes into multi-architecture Android app bundles and APK sets. * `apex_info.bzl` contains ApexInfo and ApexMkInfo providers. These form the main interface of an APEX target. * `apex_key.bzl` for the `apex_key()` rule * `apex_test.bzl` for Starlark analysis tests The bp2build converter (`ConvertWithBp2build`) is located [here](https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/master:build/soong/apex/apex.go;l=3469;drc=4d247e6f21004d3998bf32d46c22111a380b81af). The mixed build handler (`ProcessBazelQueryResponse`) is located [here](https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/master:build/soong/apex/apex.go;l=1888;drc=4d247e6f21004d3998bf32d46c22111a380b81af). **Major features** * Build, compress, and sign APEX `ext4` images and containers for all architectures/bitness * Supports outputs: `.apex`, `.capex` (compressed apex), `.aab` (Android app bundle), `.apks` (APK set) * Supports packaging prebuilts (e.g. tzdata), native shared libs, native binaries, `sh_binary` * Works with `apex`, `override_apex` and `apex_test` Soong module types * Supports AOSP and Google/Go APEX variants * Supports standalone/unbundled APEX builds (fast for development) with `b` and full platform build with `m` (preloaded on system) * Supports generating Mainline quality signals metadata files: required/provided libs, `installed_files.txt` * Internal mainline build scripts is capable of building multi-arch AABs/APKs in a single Bazel invocation **Detailed features** * Bazel build settings/flags in `//build/bazel/rules/apex/BUILD`, like `apexer_verbose` and `unsafe_disable_apex_allowed_deps_check` * ABI stability for native deps * ABI stable stubs are marked as required, and not included within the APEX * non-ABI stable transitive deps are copied into the APEX * Supports testonly APEXes (converted from `apex_test`) * Supports default certificates with product config * Supports default `file_contexts` * Supports `allowed_deps.txt` validation * Supports `apex_available` validation * Supports `min_sdk_version` validation * Supports `logging_parent`, `package_name`, `android_manifest`, `key`. * Supports `apex_manifest.pb` conversion * Supports `canned_fs_config` generation * Supports `file_contexts` generation * Licensing: `NOTICE.html.gz` embedded in the APEX * All host tools are built from source by Bazel, or vendored prebuilts * All actions are fully sandboxed * Ability to build metadata files on the command line with `--output_groups=<coverage_files,backing_libs,...>` **Guardrails / others** * `--config=android` is needed to build for the device. All APEX targets set `target_compatible_with` to android only - no host APEXes. * Comprehensive set of rule analysis tests for in `apex_test.bzl` * Example APEX in `//build/bazel/examples/apex/...` * Unit and integration tests in `//build/bazel/{examples,tests,rules}/apex/...` and `//build/soong/tests/...` **Known issues / gap analysis (non-exhaustive)** Upcoming features are based on Roboleaf module conversion priorities, like Java, Rust, DCLA and API fingerprinting support. * `override_apex` modules are converted to a regular apex with duplicated attributes. These are hidden by bp2build currently and will be cleaned up with macros in the future. * Correct product platform transitions for `apex_aab` to `mainline_modules_*` products * Java support * Rust support