// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package kati import ( "reflect" "testing" ) func TestParseExpr(t *testing.T) { for _, tc := range []struct { in string val Value isErr bool }{ { in: "foo", val: literal("foo"), }, { in: "(foo)", val: literal("(foo)"), }, { in: "{foo}", val: literal("{foo}"), }, { in: "$$", val: literal("$"), }, { in: "foo$$bar", val: literal("foo$bar"), }, { in: "$foo", val: expr{&varref{varname: literal("f")}, literal("oo")}, }, { in: "$(foo)", val: &varref{varname: literal("foo")}, }, { in: "$(foo:.c=.o)", val: varsubst{ varname: literal("foo"), pat: literal(".c"), subst: literal(".o"), }, }, { in: "$(subst $(space),$(,),$(foo))/bar", val: expr{ &funcSubst{ fclosure: fclosure{ args: []Value{ literal("(subst"), &varref{ varname: literal("space"), }, &varref{ varname: literal(","), }, &varref{ varname: literal("foo"), }, }, }, }, literal("/bar"), }, }, { in: "$(subst $(space),$,,$(foo))", val: &funcSubst{ fclosure: fclosure{ args: []Value{ literal("(subst"), &varref{ varname: literal("space"), }, &varref{ varname: literal(""), }, expr{ literal(","), &varref{ varname: literal("foo"), }, }, }, }, }, }, { in: `$(shell echo '()')`, val: &funcShell{ fclosure: fclosure{ args: []Value{ literal("(shell"), literal("echo '()'"), }, }, }, }, { in: `${shell echo '()'}`, val: &funcShell{ fclosure: fclosure{ args: []Value{ literal("{shell"), literal("echo '()'"), }, }, }, }, { in: `$(shell echo ')')`, val: expr{ &funcShell{ fclosure: fclosure{ args: []Value{ literal("(shell"), literal("echo '"), }, }, }, literal("')"), }, }, { in: `${shell echo ')'}`, val: &funcShell{ fclosure: fclosure{ args: []Value{ literal("{shell"), literal("echo ')'"), }, }, }, }, { in: `${shell echo '}'}`, val: expr{ &funcShell{ fclosure: fclosure{ args: []Value{ literal("{shell"), literal("echo '"), }, }, }, literal("'}"), }, }, { in: `$(shell make --version | ruby -n0e 'puts $$_[/Make (\d)/,1]')`, val: &funcShell{ fclosure: fclosure{ args: []Value{ literal("(shell"), literal(`make --version | ruby -n0e 'puts $_[/Make (\d)/,1]'`), }, }, }, }, { in: `$(and ${TRUE}, $(X) )`, val: &funcAnd{ fclosure: fclosure{ args: []Value{ literal("(and"), &varref{ varname: literal("TRUE"), }, &varref{ varname: literal("X"), }, }, }, }, }, { in: `$(call func, \ foo)`, val: &funcCall{ fclosure: fclosure{ args: []Value{ literal("(call"), literal("func"), literal(" foo"), }, }, }, }, { in: `$(call func, \)`, val: &funcCall{ fclosure: fclosure{ args: []Value{ literal("(call"), literal("func"), literal(` \`), }, }, }, }, { in: `$(eval ## comment)`, val: &funcNop{ expr: `$(eval ## comment)`, }, }, { in: `$(eval foo = bar)`, val: &funcEvalAssign{ lhs: "foo", op: "=", rhs: literal("bar"), }, }, { in: `$(eval foo :=)`, val: &funcEvalAssign{ lhs: "foo", op: ":=", rhs: literal(""), }, }, { in: `$(eval foo := $(bar))`, val: &funcEvalAssign{ lhs: "foo", op: ":=", rhs: &varref{ literal("bar"), }, }, }, { in: `$(eval foo := $$(bar))`, val: &funcEvalAssign{ lhs: "foo", op: ":=", rhs: literal("$(bar)"), }, }, { in: `$(strip $1)`, val: &funcStrip{ fclosure: fclosure{ args: []Value{ literal("(strip"), paramref(1), }, }, }, }, { in: `$(strip $(1))`, val: &funcStrip{ fclosure: fclosure{ args: []Value{ literal("(strip"), paramref(1), }, }, }, }, } { val, _, err := parseExpr([]byte(tc.in), nil, true) if tc.isErr { if err == nil { t.Errorf(`parseExpr(%q)=_, _, nil; want error`, tc.in) } continue } if err != nil { t.Errorf(`parseExpr(%q)=_, _, %v; want nil error`, tc.in, err) continue } if got, want := val, tc.val; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) { t.Errorf("parseExpr(%[1]q)=%[2]q %#[2]v, _, _;\n want %[3]q %#[3]v, _, _", tc.in, got, want) } } }