package main import ( "bytes" "path/filepath" "strings" ) // TODO(ukai): use unicode.IsSpace? func isWhitespace(ch rune) bool { switch ch { case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r': return true } return false } func splitSpaces(s string) []string { var r []string tokStart := -1 for i, ch := range s { if isWhitespace(ch) { if tokStart >= 0 { r = append(r, s[tokStart:i]) tokStart = -1 } } else { if tokStart < 0 { tokStart = i } } } if tokStart >= 0 { r = append(r, s[tokStart:]) } Log("splitSpace(%q)=%q", s, r) return r } func splitSpacesBytes(s []byte) (r [][]byte) { tokStart := -1 for i, ch := range s { if isWhitespace(rune(ch)) { if tokStart >= 0 { r = append(r, s[tokStart:i]) tokStart = -1 } } else { if tokStart < 0 { tokStart = i } } } if tokStart >= 0 { r = append(r, s[tokStart:]) } Log("splitSpace(%q)=%q", s, r) return r } // TODO(ukai): use bufio.Scanner? type wordScanner struct { in []byte s int // word starts i int // current pos } func newWordScanner(in []byte) *wordScanner { return &wordScanner{ in: in, } } func (ws *wordScanner) Scan() bool { for ws.s = ws.i; ws.s < len(; ws.s++ { ch := rune([ws.s]) if !isWhitespace(ch) { break } } if ws.s == len( { return false } for ws.i = ws.s; ws.i < len(; ws.i++ { ch := rune([ws.i]) if isWhitespace(ch) { break } } return true } func (ws *wordScanner) Bytes() []byte { return[ws.s:ws.i] } func matchPattern(pat, str string) bool { i := strings.IndexByte(pat, '%') if i < 0 { return pat == str } return strings.HasPrefix(str, pat[:i]) && strings.HasSuffix(str, pat[i+1:]) } func matchPatternBytes(pat, str []byte) bool { i := bytes.IndexByte(pat, '%') if i < 0 { return bytes.Equal(pat, str) } return bytes.HasPrefix(str, pat[:i]) && bytes.HasSuffix(str, pat[i+1:]) } func substPattern(pat, repl, str string) string { ps := strings.SplitN(pat, "%", 2) if len(ps) != 2 { if str == pat { return repl } return str } in := str trimed := str if ps[0] != "" { trimed = strings.TrimPrefix(in, ps[0]) if trimed == in { return str } } in = trimed if ps[1] != "" { trimed = strings.TrimSuffix(in, ps[1]) if trimed == in { return str } } rs := strings.SplitN(repl, "%", 2) if len(rs) != 2 { return repl } return rs[0] + trimed + rs[1] } func substPatternBytes(pat, repl, str []byte) []byte { ps := bytes.SplitN(pat, []byte{'%'}, 2) if len(ps) != 2 { if bytes.Equal(str, pat) { return repl } return str } in := str trimed := str if len(ps[0]) != 0 { trimed = bytes.TrimPrefix(in, ps[0]) if bytes.Equal(trimed, in) { return str } } in = trimed if len(ps[1]) != 0 { trimed = bytes.TrimSuffix(in, ps[1]) if bytes.Equal(trimed, in) { return str } } rs := bytes.SplitN(repl, []byte{'%'}, 2) if len(rs) != 2 { return repl } r := make([]byte, 0, len(rs[0])+len(trimed)+len(rs[1])+1) r = append(r, rs[0]...) r = append(r, trimed...) r = append(r, rs[1]...) return r } func substRef(pat, repl, str string) string { if strings.IndexByte(pat, '%') >= 0 && strings.IndexByte(repl, '%') >= 0 { return substPattern(pat, repl, str) } str = strings.TrimSuffix(str, pat) return str + repl } func stripExt(s string) string { suf := filepath.Ext(s) return s[:len(s)-len(suf)] } func trimLeftSpace(s string) string { for i, ch := range s { if !isWhitespace(ch) { return s[i:] } } return "" } func trimLeftSpaceBytes(s []byte) []byte { for i, ch := range s { if !isWhitespace(rune(ch)) { return s[i:] } } return nil } func trimRightSpaceBytes(s []byte) []byte { for i := len(s) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { ch := s[i] if !isWhitespace(rune(ch)) { return s[:i+1] } } return nil } func trimSpaceBytes(s []byte) []byte { s = trimLeftSpaceBytes(s) return trimRightSpaceBytes(s) } // Strip leading sequences of './' from file names, so that ./file // and file are considered to be the same file. // From func trimLeadingCurdir(s string) string { for strings.HasPrefix(s, "./") { s = s[2:] } return s } func reverse(s string) string { // TODO(ukai): support UTF-8? r := make([]byte, len(s)) for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { r[i] = s[len(s)-1-i] } return string(r) }