// Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package android import ( "fmt" "testing" "android/soong/android/allowlists" "android/soong/bazel" "github.com/google/blueprint" "github.com/google/blueprint/proptools" ) func TestConvertAllModulesInPackage(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { prefixes allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig packageDir string }{ { prefixes: allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig{ "a": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively, }, packageDir: "a", }, { prefixes: allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig{ "a/b": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively, }, packageDir: "a/b", }, { prefixes: allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig{ "a/b": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively, "a/b/c": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively, }, packageDir: "a/b", }, { prefixes: allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig{ "a": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively, "d/e/f": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively, }, packageDir: "a/b", }, { prefixes: allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig{ "a": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultFalse, "a/b": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively, "a/b/c": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultFalse, }, packageDir: "a/b", }, { prefixes: allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig{ "a": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively, "a/b": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultFalse, "a/b/c": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively, }, packageDir: "a", }, { prefixes: allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig{ "a": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultFalseRecursively, "a/b": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrue, }, packageDir: "a/b", }, { prefixes: allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig{ "a": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultFalseRecursively, "a/b": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively, }, packageDir: "a/b/c", }, } for _, test := range testCases { if ok, _ := bp2buildDefaultTrueRecursively(test.packageDir, test.prefixes); !ok { t.Errorf("Expected to convert all modules in %s based on %v, but failed.", test.packageDir, test.prefixes) } } } func TestModuleOptIn(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { prefixes allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig packageDir string }{ { prefixes: allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig{ "a/b": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultFalse, }, packageDir: "a/b", }, { prefixes: allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig{ "a": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultFalse, "a/b": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively, }, packageDir: "a", }, { prefixes: allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig{ "a/b": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively, }, packageDir: "a", // opt-in by default }, { prefixes: allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig{ "a/b/c": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively, }, packageDir: "a/b", }, { prefixes: allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig{ "a": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively, "d/e/f": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively, }, packageDir: "foo/bar", }, { prefixes: allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig{ "a": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively, "a/b": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultFalse, "a/b/c": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively, }, packageDir: "a/b", }, { prefixes: allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig{ "a": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultFalse, "a/b": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively, "a/b/c": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultFalse, }, packageDir: "a", }, { prefixes: allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig{ "a": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultFalseRecursively, "a/b": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrue, }, packageDir: "a/b/c", }, { prefixes: allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig{ "a": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively, "a/b": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultFalseRecursively, }, packageDir: "a/b/c", }, } for _, test := range testCases { if ok, _ := bp2buildDefaultTrueRecursively(test.packageDir, test.prefixes); ok { t.Errorf("Expected to allow module opt-in in %s based on %v, but failed.", test.packageDir, test.prefixes) } } } type TestBazelModule struct { bazel.TestModuleInfo BazelModuleBase } var _ blueprint.Module = TestBazelModule{} func (m TestBazelModule) Name() string { return m.TestModuleInfo.ModuleName } func (m TestBazelModule) GenerateBuildActions(blueprint.ModuleContext) { } type TestBazelConversionContext struct { omc bazel.OtherModuleTestContext allowlist Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist errors []string } var _ bazelOtherModuleContext = &TestBazelConversionContext{} func (bcc *TestBazelConversionContext) OtherModuleType(m blueprint.Module) string { return bcc.omc.OtherModuleType(m) } func (bcc *TestBazelConversionContext) OtherModuleName(m blueprint.Module) string { return bcc.omc.OtherModuleName(m) } func (bcc *TestBazelConversionContext) OtherModuleDir(m blueprint.Module) string { return bcc.omc.OtherModuleDir(m) } func (bcc *TestBazelConversionContext) ModuleErrorf(format string, args ...interface{}) { bcc.errors = append(bcc.errors, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)) } func (bcc *TestBazelConversionContext) Config() Config { return Config{ &config{ Bp2buildPackageConfig: bcc.allowlist, }, } } var bazelableBazelModuleBase = BazelModuleBase{ bazelProperties: properties{ Bazel_module: bazelModuleProperties{ CanConvertToBazel: true, }, }, } func TestBp2BuildAllowlist(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { description string shouldConvert bool expectedErrors []string module TestBazelModule allowlist Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist }{ { description: "allowlist enables module", shouldConvert: true, module: TestBazelModule{ TestModuleInfo: bazel.TestModuleInfo{ ModuleName: "foo", Typ: "rule1", Dir: "dir1", }, BazelModuleBase: bazelableBazelModuleBase, }, allowlist: Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist{ moduleAlwaysConvert: map[string]bool{ "foo": true, }, }, }, { description: "module in name allowlist and type allowlist fails", shouldConvert: false, expectedErrors: []string{"A module cannot be in moduleAlwaysConvert and also be in moduleTypeAlwaysConvert"}, module: TestBazelModule{ TestModuleInfo: bazel.TestModuleInfo{ ModuleName: "foo", Typ: "rule1", Dir: "dir1", }, BazelModuleBase: bazelableBazelModuleBase, }, allowlist: Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist{ moduleAlwaysConvert: map[string]bool{ "foo": true, }, moduleTypeAlwaysConvert: map[string]bool{ "rule1": true, }, }, }, { description: "module in allowlist and denylist fails", shouldConvert: false, expectedErrors: []string{"a module cannot be in moduleDoNotConvert and also be in moduleAlwaysConvert"}, module: TestBazelModule{ TestModuleInfo: bazel.TestModuleInfo{ ModuleName: "foo", Typ: "rule1", Dir: "dir1", }, BazelModuleBase: bazelableBazelModuleBase, }, allowlist: Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist{ moduleAlwaysConvert: map[string]bool{ "foo": true, }, moduleDoNotConvert: map[string]bool{ "foo": true, }, }, }, { description: "module allowlist and enabled directory", shouldConvert: false, expectedErrors: []string{"A module cannot be in a directory marked Bp2BuildDefaultTrue or Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively and also be in moduleAlwaysConvert. Directory: 'existing/build/dir' Module: 'foo'"}, module: TestBazelModule{ TestModuleInfo: bazel.TestModuleInfo{ ModuleName: "foo", Typ: "rule1", Dir: "existing/build/dir", }, BazelModuleBase: bazelableBazelModuleBase, }, allowlist: Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist{ moduleAlwaysConvert: map[string]bool{ "foo": true, }, defaultConfig: allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig{ "existing/build/dir": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrue, }, }, }, { description: "module allowlist and enabled subdirectory", shouldConvert: false, expectedErrors: []string{"A module cannot be in a directory marked Bp2BuildDefaultTrue or Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively and also be in moduleAlwaysConvert. Directory: 'existing/build/dir' Module: 'foo'"}, module: TestBazelModule{ TestModuleInfo: bazel.TestModuleInfo{ ModuleName: "foo", Typ: "rule1", Dir: "existing/build/dir/subdir", }, BazelModuleBase: bazelableBazelModuleBase, }, allowlist: Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist{ moduleAlwaysConvert: map[string]bool{ "foo": true, }, defaultConfig: allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig{ "existing/build/dir": allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively, }, }, }, { description: "module enabled in unit test short-circuits other allowlists", shouldConvert: true, module: TestBazelModule{ TestModuleInfo: bazel.TestModuleInfo{ ModuleName: "foo", Typ: "rule1", Dir: ".", }, BazelModuleBase: BazelModuleBase{ bazelProperties: properties{ Bazel_module: bazelModuleProperties{ CanConvertToBazel: true, Bp2build_available: proptools.BoolPtr(true), }, }, }, }, allowlist: Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist{ moduleAlwaysConvert: map[string]bool{ "foo": true, }, moduleDoNotConvert: map[string]bool{ "foo": true, }, }, }, } for _, test := range testCases { t.Run(test.description, func(t *testing.T) { bcc := &TestBazelConversionContext{ omc: bazel.OtherModuleTestContext{ Modules: []bazel.TestModuleInfo{ test.module.TestModuleInfo, }, }, allowlist: test.allowlist, } shouldConvert := test.module.shouldConvertWithBp2build(bcc, test.module.TestModuleInfo) if test.shouldConvert != shouldConvert { t.Errorf("Module shouldConvert expected to be: %v, but was: %v", test.shouldConvert, shouldConvert) } errorsMatch := true if len(test.expectedErrors) != len(bcc.errors) { errorsMatch = false } else { for i, err := range test.expectedErrors { if err != bcc.errors[i] { errorsMatch = false } } } if !errorsMatch { t.Errorf("Expected errors to be: %v, but were: %v", test.expectedErrors, bcc.errors) } }) } } func TestBp2buildAllowList(t *testing.T) { allowlist := GetBp2BuildAllowList() for k, v := range allowlists.Bp2buildDefaultConfig { if allowlist.defaultConfig[k] != v { t.Errorf("bp2build default config of %s: expected: %v, got: %v", k, v, allowlist.defaultConfig[k]) } } for k, v := range allowlists.Bp2buildKeepExistingBuildFile { if allowlist.keepExistingBuildFile[k] != v { t.Errorf("bp2build keep existing build file of %s: expected: %v, got: %v", k, v, allowlist.keepExistingBuildFile[k]) } } for _, k := range allowlists.Bp2buildModuleTypeAlwaysConvertList { if !allowlist.moduleTypeAlwaysConvert[k] { t.Errorf("bp2build module type always convert of %s: expected: true, got: %v", k, allowlist.moduleTypeAlwaysConvert[k]) } } for _, k := range allowlists.Bp2buildModuleDoNotConvertList { if !allowlist.moduleDoNotConvert[k] { t.Errorf("bp2build module do not convert of %s: expected: true, got: %v", k, allowlist.moduleDoNotConvert[k]) } } } func TestShouldKeepExistingBuildFileForDir(t *testing.T) { allowlist := NewBp2BuildAllowlist() // entry "a/b2/c2" is moot because of its parent "a/b2" allowlist.SetKeepExistingBuildFile(map[string]bool{"a": false, "a/b1": false, "a/b2": true, "a/b1/c1": true, "a/b2/c2": false}) truths := []string{"a", "a/b1", "a/b2", "a/b1/c1", "a/b2/c", "a/b2/c2", "a/b2/c2/d"} falsities := []string{"a1", "a/b", "a/b1/c"} for _, dir := range truths { if !allowlist.ShouldKeepExistingBuildFileForDir(dir) { t.Errorf("%s expected TRUE but was FALSE", dir) } } for _, dir := range falsities { if allowlist.ShouldKeepExistingBuildFileForDir(dir) { t.Errorf("%s expected FALSE but was TRUE", dir) } } }