// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package android import ( "path/filepath" "reflect" "testing" "github.com/google/blueprint" ) func TestDependingOnModuleInSameNamespace(t *testing.T) { result := GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForTestWithNamespace, dirBpToPreparer(map[string]string{ "dir1": ` soong_namespace { } test_module { name: "a", } test_module { name: "b", deps: ["a"], } `, }), ).RunTest(t) a := getModule(result, "a") b := getModule(result, "b") if !dependsOn(result, b, a) { t.Errorf("module b does not depend on module a in the same namespace") } } func TestDependingOnModuleInRootNamespace(t *testing.T) { result := GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForTestWithNamespace, dirBpToPreparer(map[string]string{ ".": ` test_module { name: "b", deps: ["a"], } test_module { name: "a", } `, }), ).RunTest(t) a := getModule(result, "a") b := getModule(result, "b") if !dependsOn(result, b, a) { t.Errorf("module b in root namespace does not depend on module a in the root namespace") } } func TestImplicitlyImportRootNamespace(t *testing.T) { GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForTestWithNamespace, dirBpToPreparer(map[string]string{ ".": ` test_module { name: "a", } `, "dir1": ` soong_namespace { } test_module { name: "b", deps: ["a"], } `, }), ).RunTest(t) // RunTest will report any errors } func TestDependingOnBlueprintModuleInRootNamespace(t *testing.T) { GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForTestWithNamespace, dirBpToPreparer(map[string]string{ ".": ` blueprint_test_module { name: "a", } `, "dir1": ` soong_namespace { } blueprint_test_module { name: "b", deps: ["a"], } `, }), ).RunTest(t) // RunTest will report any errors } func TestDependingOnModuleInImportedNamespace(t *testing.T) { result := GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForTestWithNamespace, dirBpToPreparer(map[string]string{ "dir1": ` soong_namespace { } test_module { name: "a", } `, "dir2": ` soong_namespace { imports: ["dir1"], } test_module { name: "b", deps: ["a"], } `, }), ).RunTest(t) a := getModule(result, "a") b := getModule(result, "b") if !dependsOn(result, b, a) { t.Errorf("module b does not depend on module a in the same namespace") } } func TestDependingOnModuleInNonImportedNamespace(t *testing.T) { GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForTestWithNamespace, dirBpToPreparer(map[string]string{ "dir1": ` soong_namespace { } test_module { name: "a", } `, "dir2": ` soong_namespace { } test_module { name: "a", } `, "dir3": ` soong_namespace { } test_module { name: "b", deps: ["a"], } `, }), ). ExtendWithErrorHandler(FixtureExpectsOneErrorPattern(`\Qdir3/Android.bp:4:5: "b" depends on undefined module "a". Module "b" is defined in namespace "dir3" which can read these 2 namespaces: ["dir3" "."] Module "a" can be found in these namespaces: ["dir1" "dir2"]\E Or did you mean ["soong_namespace"]?`)). RunTest(t) } func TestDependingOnModuleByFullyQualifiedReference(t *testing.T) { result := GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForTestWithNamespace, dirBpToPreparer(map[string]string{ "dir1": ` soong_namespace { } test_module { name: "a", } `, "dir2": ` soong_namespace { } test_module { name: "b", deps: ["//dir1:a"], } `, }), ).RunTest(t) a := getModule(result, "a") b := getModule(result, "b") if !dependsOn(result, b, a) { t.Errorf("module b does not depend on module a") } } func TestSameNameInTwoNamespaces(t *testing.T) { result := GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForTestWithNamespace, dirBpToPreparer(map[string]string{ "dir1": ` soong_namespace { } test_module { name: "a", id: "1", } test_module { name: "b", deps: ["a"], id: "2", } `, "dir2": ` soong_namespace { } test_module { name: "a", id:"3", } test_module { name: "b", deps: ["a"], id:"4", } `, }), ).RunTest(t) one := findModuleById(result, "1") two := findModuleById(result, "2") three := findModuleById(result, "3") four := findModuleById(result, "4") if !dependsOn(result, two, one) { t.Fatalf("Module 2 does not depend on module 1 in its namespace") } if dependsOn(result, two, three) { t.Fatalf("Module 2 depends on module 3 in another namespace") } if !dependsOn(result, four, three) { t.Fatalf("Module 4 does not depend on module 3 in its namespace") } if dependsOn(result, four, one) { t.Fatalf("Module 4 depends on module 1 in another namespace") } } func TestSearchOrder(t *testing.T) { result := GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForTestWithNamespace, dirBpToPreparer(map[string]string{ "dir1": ` soong_namespace { } test_module { name: "a", id: "1", } `, "dir2": ` soong_namespace { } test_module { name: "a", id:"2", } test_module { name: "b", id:"3", } `, "dir3": ` soong_namespace { } test_module { name: "a", id:"4", } test_module { name: "b", id:"5", } test_module { name: "c", id:"6", } `, ".": ` test_module { name: "a", id: "7", } test_module { name: "b", id: "8", } test_module { name: "c", id: "9", } test_module { name: "d", id: "10", } `, "dir4": ` soong_namespace { imports: ["dir1", "dir2", "dir3"] } test_module { name: "test_me", id:"0", deps: ["a", "b", "c", "d"], } `, }), ).RunTest(t) testMe := findModuleById(result, "0") if !dependsOn(result, testMe, findModuleById(result, "1")) { t.Errorf("test_me doesn't depend on id 1") } if !dependsOn(result, testMe, findModuleById(result, "3")) { t.Errorf("test_me doesn't depend on id 3") } if !dependsOn(result, testMe, findModuleById(result, "6")) { t.Errorf("test_me doesn't depend on id 6") } if !dependsOn(result, testMe, findModuleById(result, "10")) { t.Errorf("test_me doesn't depend on id 10") } if numDeps(result, testMe) != 4 { t.Errorf("num dependencies of test_me = %v, not 4\n", numDeps(result, testMe)) } } func TestTwoNamespacesCanImportEachOther(t *testing.T) { GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForTestWithNamespace, dirBpToPreparer(map[string]string{ "dir1": ` soong_namespace { imports: ["dir2"] } test_module { name: "a", } test_module { name: "c", deps: ["b"], } `, "dir2": ` soong_namespace { imports: ["dir1"], } test_module { name: "b", deps: ["a"], } `, }), ).RunTest(t) // RunTest will report any errors } func TestImportingNonexistentNamespace(t *testing.T) { GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForTestWithNamespace, dirBpToPreparer(map[string]string{ "dir1": ` soong_namespace { imports: ["a_nonexistent_namespace"] } test_module { name: "a", deps: ["a_nonexistent_module"] } `, }), ). // should complain about the missing namespace and not complain about the unresolvable dependency ExtendWithErrorHandler(FixtureExpectsOneErrorPattern(`\Qdir1/Android.bp:2:5: module "soong_namespace": namespace a_nonexistent_namespace does not exist\E`)). RunTest(t) } func TestNamespacesDontInheritParentNamespaces(t *testing.T) { GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForTestWithNamespace, dirBpToPreparer(map[string]string{ "dir1": ` soong_namespace { } test_module { name: "a", } `, "dir1/subdir1": ` soong_namespace { } test_module { name: "b", deps: ["a"], } `, }), ). ExtendWithErrorHandler(FixtureExpectsOneErrorPattern(`\Qdir1/subdir1/Android.bp:4:5: "b" depends on undefined module "a". Module "b" is defined in namespace "dir1/subdir1" which can read these 2 namespaces: ["dir1/subdir1" "."] Module "a" can be found in these namespaces: ["dir1"]\E Or did you mean ["soong_namespace"]?`)). RunTest(t) } func TestModulesDoReceiveParentNamespace(t *testing.T) { GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForTestWithNamespace, dirBpToPreparer(map[string]string{ "dir1": ` soong_namespace { } test_module { name: "a", } `, "dir1/subdir": ` test_module { name: "b", deps: ["a"], } `, }), ).RunTest(t) // RunTest will report any errors } func TestNamespaceImportsNotTransitive(t *testing.T) { GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForTestWithNamespace, dirBpToPreparer(map[string]string{ "dir1": ` soong_namespace { } test_module { name: "a", } `, "dir2": ` soong_namespace { imports: ["dir1"], } test_module { name: "b", deps: ["a"], } `, "dir3": ` soong_namespace { imports: ["dir2"], } test_module { name: "c", deps: ["a"], } `, }), ). ExtendWithErrorHandler(FixtureExpectsOneErrorPattern(`\Qdir3/Android.bp:5:5: "c" depends on undefined module "a". Module "c" is defined in namespace "dir3" which can read these 3 namespaces: ["dir3" "dir2" "."] Module "a" can be found in these namespaces: ["dir1"]\E Or did you mean ["b"]?`)). RunTest(t) } func TestTwoNamepacesInSameDir(t *testing.T) { GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForTestWithNamespace, dirBpToPreparer(map[string]string{ "dir1": ` soong_namespace { } soong_namespace { } `, }), ). ExtendWithErrorHandler(FixtureExpectsOneErrorPattern(`\Qdir1/Android.bp:4:5: namespace dir1 already exists\E`)). RunTest(t) } func TestNamespaceNotAtTopOfFile(t *testing.T) { GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForTestWithNamespace, dirBpToPreparer(map[string]string{ "dir1": ` test_module { name: "a" } soong_namespace { } `, }), ). ExtendWithErrorHandler(FixtureExpectsOneErrorPattern(`\Qdir1/Android.bp:5:5: a namespace must be the first module in the file\E`)). RunTest(t) } func TestTwoModulesWithSameNameInSameNamespace(t *testing.T) { GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForTestWithNamespace, dirBpToPreparer(map[string]string{ "dir1": ` soong_namespace { } test_module { name: "a" } test_module { name: "a" } `, }), ). ExtendWithErrorHandler(FixtureExpectsOneErrorPattern(`\Qdir1/Android.bp:7:5: module "a" already defined dir1/Android.bp:4:5 <-- previous definition here\E`)). RunTest(t) } func TestDeclaringNamespaceInNonAndroidBpFile(t *testing.T) { GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForTestWithNamespace, FixtureWithRootAndroidBp(` build = ["include.bp"] `), FixtureAddTextFile("include.bp", ` soong_namespace { } `), ). ExtendWithErrorHandler(FixtureExpectsOneErrorPattern( `\Qinclude.bp:2:5: A namespace may only be declared in a file named Android.bp\E`, )). RunTest(t) } // so that the generated .ninja file will have consistent names func TestConsistentNamespaceNames(t *testing.T) { result := GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForTestWithNamespace, dirBpToPreparer(map[string]string{ "dir1": "soong_namespace{}", "dir2": "soong_namespace{}", "dir3": "soong_namespace{}", }), ).RunTest(t) ns1, _ := result.NameResolver.namespaceAt("dir1") ns2, _ := result.NameResolver.namespaceAt("dir2") ns3, _ := result.NameResolver.namespaceAt("dir3") actualIds := []string{ns1.id, ns2.id, ns3.id} expectedIds := []string{"1", "2", "3"} if !reflect.DeepEqual(actualIds, expectedIds) { t.Errorf("Incorrect namespace ids.\nactual: %s\nexpected: %s\n", actualIds, expectedIds) } } // so that the generated .ninja file will have consistent names func TestRename(t *testing.T) { GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForTestWithNamespace, dirBpToPreparer(map[string]string{ "dir1": ` soong_namespace { } test_module { name: "a", deps: ["c"], } test_module { name: "b", rename: "c", } `, }), ).RunTest(t) // RunTest will report any errors } func TestNamespace_Exports(t *testing.T) { result := GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForTestWithNamespace, FixtureModifyProductVariables(func(variables FixtureProductVariables) { variables.NamespacesToExport = []string{"dir1"} }), dirBpToPreparer(map[string]string{ "dir1": ` soong_namespace { } test_module { name: "a", } `, "dir2": ` soong_namespace { } test_module { name: "b", } `, }), ).RunTest(t) aModule := result.Module("a", "") AssertBoolEquals(t, "a exported", true, aModule.ExportedToMake()) bModule := result.Module("b", "") AssertBoolEquals(t, "b not exported", false, bModule.ExportedToMake()) } // some utils to support the tests var prepareForTestWithNamespace = GroupFixturePreparers( FixtureRegisterWithContext(registerNamespaceBuildComponents), FixtureRegisterWithContext(func(ctx RegistrationContext) { ctx.PreArchMutators(RegisterNamespaceMutator) }), FixtureModifyContext(func(ctx *TestContext) { ctx.RegisterModuleType("test_module", newTestModule) ctx.Context.RegisterModuleType("blueprint_test_module", newBlueprintTestModule) ctx.PreDepsMutators(func(ctx RegisterMutatorsContext) { ctx.BottomUp("rename", renameMutator) }) }), ) // dirBpToPreparer takes a map from directory to the contents of the Android.bp file and produces a // FixturePreparer. func dirBpToPreparer(bps map[string]string) FixturePreparer { files := make(MockFS, len(bps)) files["Android.bp"] = []byte("") for dir, text := range bps { files[filepath.Join(dir, "Android.bp")] = []byte(text) } return files.AddToFixture() } func dependsOn(result *TestResult, module TestingModule, possibleDependency TestingModule) bool { depends := false visit := func(dependency blueprint.Module) { if dependency == possibleDependency.module { depends = true } } result.VisitDirectDeps(module.module, visit) return depends } func numDeps(result *TestResult, module TestingModule) int { count := 0 visit := func(dependency blueprint.Module) { count++ } result.VisitDirectDeps(module.module, visit) return count } func getModule(result *TestResult, moduleName string) TestingModule { return result.ModuleForTests(moduleName, "") } func findModuleById(result *TestResult, id string) (module TestingModule) { visit := func(candidate blueprint.Module) { testModule, ok := candidate.(*testModule) if ok { if testModule.properties.Id == id { module = newTestingModule(result.config, testModule) } } } result.VisitAllModules(visit) return module } type testModule struct { ModuleBase properties struct { Rename string Deps []string Id string } } func (m *testModule) DepsMutator(ctx BottomUpMutatorContext) { if m.properties.Rename != "" { ctx.Rename(m.properties.Rename) } for _, d := range m.properties.Deps { ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), nil, d) } } func (m *testModule) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ModuleContext) { } func renameMutator(ctx BottomUpMutatorContext) { if m, ok := ctx.Module().(*testModule); ok { if m.properties.Rename != "" { ctx.Rename(m.properties.Rename) } } } func newTestModule() Module { m := &testModule{} m.AddProperties(&m.properties) InitAndroidModule(m) return m } type blueprintTestModule struct { blueprint.SimpleName properties struct { Deps []string } } func (b *blueprintTestModule) DynamicDependencies(_ blueprint.DynamicDependerModuleContext) []string { return b.properties.Deps } func (b *blueprintTestModule) GenerateBuildActions(blueprint.ModuleContext) { } func newBlueprintTestModule() (blueprint.Module, []interface{}) { m := &blueprintTestModule{} return m, []interface{}{&m.properties, &m.SimpleName.Properties} }