// Copyright 2020 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package bp2build const ( // The default `load` preamble for every generated queryview BUILD file. soongModuleLoad = `package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) load("//build/bazel/queryview_rules:soong_module.bzl", "soong_module") ` // A macro call in the BUILD file representing a Soong module, with space // for expanding more attributes. soongModuleTargetTemplate = `soong_module( name = "%s", soong_module_name = "%s", soong_module_type = "%s", soong_module_variant = "%s", soong_module_deps = %s, %s)` ruleTargetTemplate = `%s( name = "%s", %s)` unnamedRuleTargetTemplate = `%s( %s)` // A simple provider to mark and differentiate Soong module rule shims from // regular Bazel rules. Every Soong module rule shim returns a // SoongModuleInfo provider, and can only depend on rules returning // SoongModuleInfo in the `soong_module_deps` attribute. providersBzl = `SoongModuleInfo = provider( fields = { "name": "Name of module", "type": "Type of module", "variant": "Variant of module", }, ) ` // The soong_module rule implementation in a .bzl file. soongModuleBzl = ` %s load("//build/bazel/queryview_rules:providers.bzl", "SoongModuleInfo") def _generic_soong_module_impl(ctx): return [ SoongModuleInfo( name = ctx.attr.soong_module_name, type = ctx.attr.soong_module_type, variant = ctx.attr.soong_module_variant, ), ] generic_soong_module = rule( implementation = _generic_soong_module_impl, attrs = { "soong_module_name": attr.string(mandatory = True), "soong_module_type": attr.string(mandatory = True), "soong_module_variant": attr.string(), "soong_module_deps": attr.label_list(providers = [SoongModuleInfo]), }, ) soong_module_rule_map = { %s} _SUPPORTED_TYPES = ["bool", "int", "string"] def _is_supported_type(value): if type(value) in _SUPPORTED_TYPES: return True elif type(value) == "list": supported = True for v in value: supported = supported and type(v) in _SUPPORTED_TYPES return supported else: return False # soong_module is a macro that supports arbitrary kwargs, and uses soong_module_type to # expand to the right underlying shim. def soong_module(name, soong_module_type, **kwargs): soong_module_rule = soong_module_rule_map.get(soong_module_type) if soong_module_rule == None: # This module type does not have an existing rule to map to, so use the # generic_soong_module rule instead. generic_soong_module( name = name, soong_module_type = soong_module_type, soong_module_name = kwargs.pop("soong_module_name", ""), soong_module_variant = kwargs.pop("soong_module_variant", ""), soong_module_deps = kwargs.pop("soong_module_deps", []), ) else: supported_kwargs = dict() for key, value in kwargs.items(): if _is_supported_type(value): supported_kwargs[key] = value soong_module_rule( name = name, **supported_kwargs, ) ` // A rule shim for representing a Soong module type and its properties. moduleRuleShim = ` def _%[1]s_impl(ctx): return [SoongModuleInfo()] %[1]s = rule( implementation = _%[1]s_impl, attrs = %[2]s ) ` )