// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package cc import ( "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "reflect" "regexp" "runtime" "strings" "testing" "android/soong/android" "android/soong/bazel/cquery" ) func init() { registerTestMutators(android.InitRegistrationContext) } func TestMain(m *testing.M) { os.Exit(m.Run()) } var prepareForCcTest = android.GroupFixturePreparers( PrepareForTestWithCcIncludeVndk, android.FixtureModifyProductVariables(func(variables android.FixtureProductVariables) { variables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current") variables.ProductVndkVersion = StringPtr("current") variables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("29") }), ) var ccLibInApex = "cc_lib_in_apex" var apexVariationName = "apex28" var apexVersion = "28" func registerTestMutators(ctx android.RegistrationContext) { ctx.PostDepsMutators(func(ctx android.RegisterMutatorsContext) { ctx.BottomUp("apex", testApexMutator).Parallel() ctx.BottomUp("mixed_builds_prep", mixedBuildsPrepareMutator).Parallel() }) } func mixedBuildsPrepareMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) { if m := ctx.Module(); m.Enabled() { if mixedBuildMod, ok := m.(android.MixedBuildBuildable); ok { if mixedBuildMod.IsMixedBuildSupported(ctx) && android.MixedBuildsEnabled(ctx) { mixedBuildMod.QueueBazelCall(ctx) } } } } func testApexMutator(mctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) { modules := mctx.CreateVariations(apexVariationName) apexInfo := android.ApexInfo{ ApexVariationName: apexVariationName, MinSdkVersion: android.ApiLevelForTest(apexVersion), } mctx.SetVariationProvider(modules[0], android.ApexInfoProvider, apexInfo) } // testCcWithConfig runs tests using the prepareForCcTest // // See testCc for an explanation as to how to stop using this deprecated method. // // deprecated func testCcWithConfig(t *testing.T, config android.Config) *android.TestContext { t.Helper() result := prepareForCcTest.RunTestWithConfig(t, config) return result.TestContext } // testCc runs tests using the prepareForCcTest // // Do not add any new usages of this, instead use the prepareForCcTest directly as it makes it much // easier to customize the test behavior. // // If it is necessary to customize the behavior of an existing test that uses this then please first // convert the test to using prepareForCcTest first and then in a following change add the // appropriate fixture preparers. Keeping the conversion change separate makes it easy to verify // that it did not change the test behavior unexpectedly. // // deprecated func testCc(t *testing.T, bp string) *android.TestContext { t.Helper() result := prepareForCcTest.RunTestWithBp(t, bp) return result.TestContext } // testCcNoVndk runs tests using the prepareForCcTest // // See testCc for an explanation as to how to stop using this deprecated method. // // deprecated func testCcNoVndk(t *testing.T, bp string) *android.TestContext { t.Helper() config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil) config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("29") return testCcWithConfig(t, config) } // testCcNoProductVndk runs tests using the prepareForCcTest // // See testCc for an explanation as to how to stop using this deprecated method. // // deprecated func testCcNoProductVndk(t *testing.T, bp string) *android.TestContext { t.Helper() config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil) config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current") config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("29") return testCcWithConfig(t, config) } // testCcErrorWithConfig runs tests using the prepareForCcTest // // See testCc for an explanation as to how to stop using this deprecated method. // // deprecated func testCcErrorWithConfig(t *testing.T, pattern string, config android.Config) { t.Helper() prepareForCcTest. ExtendWithErrorHandler(android.FixtureExpectsAtLeastOneErrorMatchingPattern(pattern)). RunTestWithConfig(t, config) } // testCcError runs tests using the prepareForCcTest // // See testCc for an explanation as to how to stop using this deprecated method. // // deprecated func testCcError(t *testing.T, pattern string, bp string) { t.Helper() config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil) config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current") config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("29") testCcErrorWithConfig(t, pattern, config) return } // testCcErrorProductVndk runs tests using the prepareForCcTest // // See testCc for an explanation as to how to stop using this deprecated method. // // deprecated func testCcErrorProductVndk(t *testing.T, pattern string, bp string) { t.Helper() config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil) config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current") config.TestProductVariables.ProductVndkVersion = StringPtr("current") config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("29") testCcErrorWithConfig(t, pattern, config) return } const ( coreVariant = "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared" vendorVariant = "android_vendor.29_arm64_armv8-a_shared" productVariant = "android_product.29_arm64_armv8-a_shared" recoveryVariant = "android_recovery_arm64_armv8-a_shared" ) // Test that the PrepareForTestWithCcDefaultModules provides all the files that it uses by // running it in a fixture that requires all source files to exist. func TestPrepareForTestWithCcDefaultModules(t *testing.T) { android.GroupFixturePreparers( PrepareForTestWithCcDefaultModules, android.PrepareForTestDisallowNonExistentPaths, ).RunTest(t) } func TestVendorSrc(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testCc(t, ` cc_library { name: "libTest", srcs: ["foo.c"], no_libcrt: true, nocrt: true, system_shared_libs: [], vendor_available: true, target: { vendor: { srcs: ["bar.c"], }, }, } `) ld := ctx.ModuleForTests("libTest", vendorVariant).Rule("ld") var objs []string for _, o := range ld.Inputs { objs = append(objs, o.Base()) } if len(objs) != 2 || objs[0] != "foo.o" || objs[1] != "bar.o" { t.Errorf("inputs of libTest must be []string{\"foo.o\", \"bar.o\"}, but was %#v.", objs) } } func checkInstallPartition(t *testing.T, ctx *android.TestContext, name, variant, expected string) { mod := ctx.ModuleForTests(name, variant).Module().(*Module) partitionDefined := false checkPartition := func(specific bool, partition string) { if specific { if expected != partition && !partitionDefined { // The variant is installed to the 'partition' t.Errorf("%s variant of %q must not be installed to %s partition", variant, name, partition) } partitionDefined = true } else { // The variant is not installed to the 'partition' if expected == partition { t.Errorf("%s variant of %q must be installed to %s partition", variant, name, partition) } } } socSpecific := func(m *Module) bool { return m.SocSpecific() || m.socSpecificModuleContext() } deviceSpecific := func(m *Module) bool { return m.DeviceSpecific() || m.deviceSpecificModuleContext() } productSpecific := func(m *Module) bool { return m.ProductSpecific() || m.productSpecificModuleContext() } systemExtSpecific := func(m *Module) bool { return m.SystemExtSpecific() } checkPartition(socSpecific(mod), "vendor") checkPartition(deviceSpecific(mod), "odm") checkPartition(productSpecific(mod), "product") checkPartition(systemExtSpecific(mod), "system_ext") if !partitionDefined && expected != "system" { t.Errorf("%s variant of %q is expected to be installed to %s partition,"+ " but installed to system partition", variant, name, expected) } } func TestInstallPartition(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() t.Helper() ctx := prepareForCcTest.RunTestWithBp(t, ` cc_library { name: "libsystem", } cc_library { name: "libsystem_ext", system_ext_specific: true, } cc_library { name: "libproduct", product_specific: true, } cc_library { name: "libvendor", vendor: true, } cc_library { name: "libodm", device_specific: true, } cc_library { name: "liball_available", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, } cc_library { name: "libsystem_ext_all_available", system_ext_specific: true, vendor_available: true, product_available: true, } cc_library { name: "liball_available_odm", odm_available: true, product_available: true, } cc_library { name: "libproduct_vendoravailable", product_specific: true, vendor_available: true, } cc_library { name: "libproduct_odmavailable", product_specific: true, odm_available: true, } `).TestContext checkInstallPartition(t, ctx, "libsystem", coreVariant, "system") checkInstallPartition(t, ctx, "libsystem_ext", coreVariant, "system_ext") checkInstallPartition(t, ctx, "libproduct", productVariant, "product") checkInstallPartition(t, ctx, "libvendor", vendorVariant, "vendor") checkInstallPartition(t, ctx, "libodm", vendorVariant, "odm") checkInstallPartition(t, ctx, "liball_available", coreVariant, "system") checkInstallPartition(t, ctx, "liball_available", productVariant, "product") checkInstallPartition(t, ctx, "liball_available", vendorVariant, "vendor") checkInstallPartition(t, ctx, "libsystem_ext_all_available", coreVariant, "system_ext") checkInstallPartition(t, ctx, "libsystem_ext_all_available", productVariant, "product") checkInstallPartition(t, ctx, "libsystem_ext_all_available", vendorVariant, "vendor") checkInstallPartition(t, ctx, "liball_available_odm", coreVariant, "system") checkInstallPartition(t, ctx, "liball_available_odm", productVariant, "product") checkInstallPartition(t, ctx, "liball_available_odm", vendorVariant, "odm") checkInstallPartition(t, ctx, "libproduct_vendoravailable", productVariant, "product") checkInstallPartition(t, ctx, "libproduct_vendoravailable", vendorVariant, "vendor") checkInstallPartition(t, ctx, "libproduct_odmavailable", productVariant, "product") checkInstallPartition(t, ctx, "libproduct_odmavailable", vendorVariant, "odm") } func checkVndkModule(t *testing.T, ctx *android.TestContext, name, subDir string, isVndkSp bool, extends string, variant string) { t.Helper() mod := ctx.ModuleForTests(name, variant).Module().(*Module) // Check library properties. lib, ok := mod.compiler.(*libraryDecorator) if !ok { t.Errorf("%q must have libraryDecorator", name) } else if lib.baseInstaller.subDir != subDir { t.Errorf("%q must use %q as subdir but it is using %q", name, subDir, lib.baseInstaller.subDir) } // Check VNDK properties. if mod.vndkdep == nil { t.Fatalf("%q must have `vndkdep`", name) } if !mod.IsVndk() { t.Errorf("%q IsVndk() must equal to true", name) } if mod.IsVndkSp() != isVndkSp { t.Errorf("%q IsVndkSp() must equal to %t", name, isVndkSp) } // Check VNDK extension properties. isVndkExt := extends != "" if mod.IsVndkExt() != isVndkExt { t.Errorf("%q IsVndkExt() must equal to %t", name, isVndkExt) } if actualExtends := mod.getVndkExtendsModuleName(); actualExtends != extends { t.Errorf("%q must extend from %q but get %q", name, extends, actualExtends) } } func checkWriteFileOutput(t *testing.T, params android.TestingBuildParams, expected []string) { t.Helper() content := android.ContentFromFileRuleForTests(t, params) actual := strings.FieldsFunc(content, func(r rune) bool { return r == '\n' }) assertArrayString(t, actual, expected) } func checkVndkOutput(t *testing.T, ctx *android.TestContext, output string, expected []string) { t.Helper() vndkSnapshot := ctx.SingletonForTests("vndk-snapshot") checkWriteFileOutput(t, vndkSnapshot.Output(output), expected) } func checkVndkLibrariesOutput(t *testing.T, ctx *android.TestContext, module string, expected []string) { t.Helper() got := ctx.ModuleForTests(module, "android_common").Module().(*vndkLibrariesTxt).fileNames assertArrayString(t, got, expected) } func TestVndk(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() bp := ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_private", vendor_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, private: true, }, nocrt: true, stem: "libvndk-private", } cc_library { name: "libvndk_product", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, target: { vendor: { cflags: ["-DTEST"], }, product: { cflags: ["-DTEST"], }, }, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp", vendor_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true, }, nocrt: true, suffix: "-x", } cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp_private", vendor_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true, private: true, }, nocrt: true, target: { vendor: { suffix: "-x", }, }, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp_product_private", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true, private: true, }, nocrt: true, target: { vendor: { suffix: "-x", }, product: { suffix: "-x", }, }, } cc_library { name: "libllndk", llndk: { symbol_file: "libllndk.map.txt", export_llndk_headers: ["libllndk_headers"], } } cc_library { name: "libclang_rt.hwasan-llndk", llndk: { symbol_file: "libclang_rt.hwasan.map.txt", } } cc_library_headers { name: "libllndk_headers", llndk: { llndk_headers: true, }, export_include_dirs: ["include"], } llndk_libraries_txt { name: "llndk.libraries.txt", } vndkcore_libraries_txt { name: "vndkcore.libraries.txt", } vndksp_libraries_txt { name: "vndksp.libraries.txt", } vndkprivate_libraries_txt { name: "vndkprivate.libraries.txt", } vndkproduct_libraries_txt { name: "vndkproduct.libraries.txt", } vndkcorevariant_libraries_txt { name: "vndkcorevariant.libraries.txt", insert_vndk_version: false, } ` config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil) config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current") config.TestProductVariables.ProductVndkVersion = StringPtr("current") config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("29") ctx := testCcWithConfig(t, config) // subdir == "" because VNDK libs are not supposed to be installed separately. // They are installed as part of VNDK APEX instead. checkVndkModule(t, ctx, "libvndk", "", false, "", vendorVariant) checkVndkModule(t, ctx, "libvndk_private", "", false, "", vendorVariant) checkVndkModule(t, ctx, "libvndk_product", "", false, "", vendorVariant) checkVndkModule(t, ctx, "libvndk_sp", "", true, "", vendorVariant) checkVndkModule(t, ctx, "libvndk_sp_private", "", true, "", vendorVariant) checkVndkModule(t, ctx, "libvndk_sp_product_private", "", true, "", vendorVariant) checkVndkModule(t, ctx, "libvndk_product", "", false, "", productVariant) checkVndkModule(t, ctx, "libvndk_sp_product_private", "", true, "", productVariant) // Check VNDK snapshot output. snapshotDir := "vndk-snapshot" snapshotVariantPath := filepath.Join("out/soong", snapshotDir, "arm64") vndkLibPath := filepath.Join(snapshotVariantPath, fmt.Sprintf("arch-%s-%s", "arm64", "armv8-a")) vndkLib2ndPath := filepath.Join(snapshotVariantPath, fmt.Sprintf("arch-%s-%s", "arm", "armv7-a-neon")) vndkCoreLibPath := filepath.Join(vndkLibPath, "shared", "vndk-core") vndkSpLibPath := filepath.Join(vndkLibPath, "shared", "vndk-sp") llndkLibPath := filepath.Join(vndkLibPath, "shared", "llndk-stub") vndkCoreLib2ndPath := filepath.Join(vndkLib2ndPath, "shared", "vndk-core") vndkSpLib2ndPath := filepath.Join(vndkLib2ndPath, "shared", "vndk-sp") llndkLib2ndPath := filepath.Join(vndkLib2ndPath, "shared", "llndk-stub") variant := "android_vendor.29_arm64_armv8-a_shared" variant2nd := "android_vendor.29_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared" snapshotSingleton := ctx.SingletonForTests("vndk-snapshot") CheckSnapshot(t, ctx, snapshotSingleton, "libvndk", "libvndk.so", vndkCoreLibPath, variant) CheckSnapshot(t, ctx, snapshotSingleton, "libvndk", "libvndk.so", vndkCoreLib2ndPath, variant2nd) CheckSnapshot(t, ctx, snapshotSingleton, "libvndk_product", "libvndk_product.so", vndkCoreLibPath, variant) CheckSnapshot(t, ctx, snapshotSingleton, "libvndk_product", "libvndk_product.so", vndkCoreLib2ndPath, variant2nd) CheckSnapshot(t, ctx, snapshotSingleton, "libvndk_sp", "libvndk_sp-x.so", vndkSpLibPath, variant) CheckSnapshot(t, ctx, snapshotSingleton, "libvndk_sp", "libvndk_sp-x.so", vndkSpLib2ndPath, variant2nd) CheckSnapshot(t, ctx, snapshotSingleton, "libllndk", "libllndk.so", llndkLibPath, variant) CheckSnapshot(t, ctx, snapshotSingleton, "libllndk", "libllndk.so", llndkLib2ndPath, variant2nd) snapshotConfigsPath := filepath.Join(snapshotVariantPath, "configs") CheckSnapshot(t, ctx, snapshotSingleton, "llndk.libraries.txt", "llndk.libraries.txt", snapshotConfigsPath, "android_common") CheckSnapshot(t, ctx, snapshotSingleton, "vndkcore.libraries.txt", "vndkcore.libraries.txt", snapshotConfigsPath, "android_common") CheckSnapshot(t, ctx, snapshotSingleton, "vndksp.libraries.txt", "vndksp.libraries.txt", snapshotConfigsPath, "android_common") CheckSnapshot(t, ctx, snapshotSingleton, "vndkprivate.libraries.txt", "vndkprivate.libraries.txt", snapshotConfigsPath, "android_common") CheckSnapshot(t, ctx, snapshotSingleton, "vndkproduct.libraries.txt", "vndkproduct.libraries.txt", snapshotConfigsPath, "android_common") checkVndkOutput(t, ctx, "vndk/vndk.libraries.txt", []string{ "LLNDK: libc.so", "LLNDK: libdl.so", "LLNDK: libft2.so", "LLNDK: libllndk.so", "LLNDK: libm.so", "VNDK-SP: libc++.so", "VNDK-SP: libvndk_sp-x.so", "VNDK-SP: libvndk_sp_private-x.so", "VNDK-SP: libvndk_sp_product_private-x.so", "VNDK-core: libvndk-private.so", "VNDK-core: libvndk.so", "VNDK-core: libvndk_product.so", "VNDK-private: libft2.so", "VNDK-private: libvndk-private.so", "VNDK-private: libvndk_sp_private-x.so", "VNDK-private: libvndk_sp_product_private-x.so", "VNDK-product: libc++.so", "VNDK-product: libvndk_product.so", "VNDK-product: libvndk_sp_product_private-x.so", }) checkVndkLibrariesOutput(t, ctx, "llndk.libraries.txt", []string{"libc.so", "libclang_rt.hwasan-llndk.so", "libdl.so", "libft2.so", "libllndk.so", "libm.so"}) checkVndkLibrariesOutput(t, ctx, "vndkcore.libraries.txt", []string{"libvndk-private.so", "libvndk.so", "libvndk_product.so"}) checkVndkLibrariesOutput(t, ctx, "vndksp.libraries.txt", []string{"libc++.so", "libvndk_sp-x.so", "libvndk_sp_private-x.so", "libvndk_sp_product_private-x.so"}) checkVndkLibrariesOutput(t, ctx, "vndkprivate.libraries.txt", []string{"libft2.so", "libvndk-private.so", "libvndk_sp_private-x.so", "libvndk_sp_product_private-x.so"}) checkVndkLibrariesOutput(t, ctx, "vndkproduct.libraries.txt", []string{"libc++.so", "libvndk_product.so", "libvndk_sp_product_private-x.so"}) checkVndkLibrariesOutput(t, ctx, "vndkcorevariant.libraries.txt", nil) } func TestVndkWithHostSupported(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testCc(t, ` cc_library { name: "libvndk_host_supported", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, host_supported: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_host_supported_but_disabled_on_device", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, host_supported: true, enabled: false, target: { host: { enabled: true, } } } vndkcore_libraries_txt { name: "vndkcore.libraries.txt", } `) checkVndkLibrariesOutput(t, ctx, "vndkcore.libraries.txt", []string{"libvndk_host_supported.so"}) } func TestVndkLibrariesTxtAndroidMk(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() bp := ` llndk_libraries_txt { name: "llndk.libraries.txt", insert_vndk_version: true, }` config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil) config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current") config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("29") ctx := testCcWithConfig(t, config) module := ctx.ModuleForTests("llndk.libraries.txt", "android_common") entries := android.AndroidMkEntriesForTest(t, ctx, module.Module())[0] assertArrayString(t, entries.EntryMap["LOCAL_MODULE_STEM"], []string{"llndk.libraries.29.txt"}) } func TestVndkUsingCoreVariant(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() bp := ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk2", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, private: true, }, nocrt: true, } vndkcorevariant_libraries_txt { name: "vndkcorevariant.libraries.txt", insert_vndk_version: false, } ` config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil) config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current") config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("29") config.TestProductVariables.VndkUseCoreVariant = BoolPtr(true) setVndkMustUseVendorVariantListForTest(config, []string{"libvndk"}) ctx := testCcWithConfig(t, config) checkVndkLibrariesOutput(t, ctx, "vndkcorevariant.libraries.txt", []string{"libc++.so", "libvndk2.so", "libvndk_sp.so"}) } func TestDataLibs(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() bp := ` cc_test_library { name: "test_lib", srcs: ["test_lib.cpp"], gtest: false, } cc_test { name: "main_test", data_libs: ["test_lib"], gtest: false, } ` config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil) config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current") config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("29") config.TestProductVariables.VndkUseCoreVariant = BoolPtr(true) ctx := testCcWithConfig(t, config) module := ctx.ModuleForTests("main_test", "android_arm_armv7-a-neon").Module() testBinary := module.(*Module).linker.(*testBinary) outputFiles, err := module.(android.OutputFileProducer).OutputFiles("") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Expected cc_test to produce output files, error: %s", err) return } if len(outputFiles) != 1 { t.Errorf("expected exactly one output file. output files: [%s]", outputFiles) return } if len(testBinary.dataPaths()) != 1 { t.Errorf("expected exactly one test data file. test data files: [%s]", testBinary.dataPaths()) return } outputPath := outputFiles[0].String() testBinaryPath := testBinary.dataPaths()[0].SrcPath.String() if !strings.HasSuffix(outputPath, "/main_test") { t.Errorf("expected test output file to be 'main_test', but was '%s'", outputPath) return } if !strings.HasSuffix(testBinaryPath, "/test_lib.so") { t.Errorf("expected test data file to be 'test_lib.so', but was '%s'", testBinaryPath) return } } func TestDataLibsRelativeInstallPath(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() bp := ` cc_test_library { name: "test_lib", srcs: ["test_lib.cpp"], relative_install_path: "foo/bar/baz", gtest: false, } cc_binary { name: "test_bin", relative_install_path: "foo/bar/baz", compile_multilib: "both", } cc_test { name: "main_test", data_libs: ["test_lib"], data_bins: ["test_bin"], gtest: false, } ` config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil) config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current") config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("29") config.TestProductVariables.VndkUseCoreVariant = BoolPtr(true) ctx := testCcWithConfig(t, config) module := ctx.ModuleForTests("main_test", "android_arm_armv7-a-neon").Module() testBinary := module.(*Module).linker.(*testBinary) outputFiles, err := module.(android.OutputFileProducer).OutputFiles("") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected cc_test to produce output files, error: %s", err) } if len(outputFiles) != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected exactly one output file. output files: [%s]", outputFiles) } if len(testBinary.dataPaths()) != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected exactly one test data file. test data files: [%s]", testBinary.dataPaths()) } outputPath := outputFiles[0].String() if !strings.HasSuffix(outputPath, "/main_test") { t.Errorf("expected test output file to be 'main_test', but was '%s'", outputPath) } entries := android.AndroidMkEntriesForTest(t, ctx, module)[0] if !strings.HasSuffix(entries.EntryMap["LOCAL_TEST_DATA"][0], ":test_lib.so:foo/bar/baz") { t.Errorf("expected LOCAL_TEST_DATA to end with `:test_lib.so:foo/bar/baz`,"+ " but was '%s'", entries.EntryMap["LOCAL_TEST_DATA"][0]) } if !strings.HasSuffix(entries.EntryMap["LOCAL_TEST_DATA"][1], ":test_bin:foo/bar/baz") { t.Errorf("expected LOCAL_TEST_DATA to end with `:test_bin:foo/bar/baz`,"+ " but was '%s'", entries.EntryMap["LOCAL_TEST_DATA"][1]) } } func TestTestBinaryTestSuites(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() bp := ` cc_test { name: "main_test", srcs: ["main_test.cpp"], test_suites: [ "suite_1", "suite_2", ], gtest: false, } ` ctx := prepareForCcTest.RunTestWithBp(t, bp).TestContext module := ctx.ModuleForTests("main_test", "android_arm_armv7-a-neon").Module() entries := android.AndroidMkEntriesForTest(t, ctx, module)[0] compatEntries := entries.EntryMap["LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE"] if len(compatEntries) != 2 { t.Errorf("expected two elements in LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE. got %d", len(compatEntries)) } if compatEntries[0] != "suite_1" { t.Errorf("expected LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE to be`suite_1`,"+ " but was '%s'", compatEntries[0]) } if compatEntries[1] != "suite_2" { t.Errorf("expected LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE to be`suite_2`,"+ " but was '%s'", compatEntries[1]) } } func TestTestLibraryTestSuites(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() bp := ` cc_test_library { name: "main_test_lib", srcs: ["main_test_lib.cpp"], test_suites: [ "suite_1", "suite_2", ], gtest: false, } ` ctx := prepareForCcTest.RunTestWithBp(t, bp).TestContext module := ctx.ModuleForTests("main_test_lib", "android_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared").Module() entries := android.AndroidMkEntriesForTest(t, ctx, module)[0] compatEntries := entries.EntryMap["LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE"] if len(compatEntries) != 2 { t.Errorf("expected two elements in LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE. got %d", len(compatEntries)) } if compatEntries[0] != "suite_1" { t.Errorf("expected LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE to be`suite_1`,"+ " but was '%s'", compatEntries[0]) } if compatEntries[1] != "suite_2" { t.Errorf("expected LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE to be`suite_2`,"+ " but was '%s'", compatEntries[1]) } } func TestVndkWhenVndkVersionIsNotSet(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testCcNoVndk(t, ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk-private", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, private: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libllndk", llndk: { symbol_file: "libllndk.map.txt", export_llndk_headers: ["libllndk_headers"], } } cc_library_headers { name: "libllndk_headers", llndk: { symbol_file: "libllndk.map.txt", }, export_include_dirs: ["include"], } `) checkVndkOutput(t, ctx, "vndk/vndk.libraries.txt", []string{ "LLNDK: libc.so", "LLNDK: libdl.so", "LLNDK: libft2.so", "LLNDK: libllndk.so", "LLNDK: libm.so", "VNDK-SP: libc++.so", "VNDK-core: libvndk-private.so", "VNDK-core: libvndk.so", "VNDK-private: libft2.so", "VNDK-private: libvndk-private.so", "VNDK-product: libc++.so", "VNDK-product: libvndk-private.so", "VNDK-product: libvndk.so", }) } func TestVndkModuleError(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // Check the error message for vendor_available and product_available properties. testCcErrorProductVndk(t, "vndk: vendor_available must be set to true when `vndk: {enabled: true}`", ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } `) testCcErrorProductVndk(t, "vndk: vendor_available must be set to true when `vndk: {enabled: true}`", ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } `) testCcErrorProductVndk(t, "product properties must have the same values with the vendor properties for VNDK modules", ` cc_library { name: "libvndkprop", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, target: { vendor: { cflags: ["-DTEST",], }, }, } `) } func TestVndkDepError(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // Check whether an error is emitted when a VNDK lib depends on a system lib. testCcError(t, "dependency \".*\" of \".*\" missing variant", ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, shared_libs: ["libfwk"], // Cause error nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libfwk", nocrt: true, } `) // Check whether an error is emitted when a VNDK lib depends on a vendor lib. testCcError(t, "dependency \".*\" of \".*\" missing variant", ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, shared_libs: ["libvendor"], // Cause error nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvendor", vendor: true, nocrt: true, } `) // Check whether an error is emitted when a VNDK-SP lib depends on a system lib. testCcError(t, "dependency \".*\" of \".*\" missing variant", ` cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true, }, shared_libs: ["libfwk"], // Cause error nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libfwk", nocrt: true, } `) // Check whether an error is emitted when a VNDK-SP lib depends on a vendor lib. testCcError(t, "dependency \".*\" of \".*\" missing variant", ` cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true, }, shared_libs: ["libvendor"], // Cause error nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvendor", vendor: true, nocrt: true, } `) // Check whether an error is emitted when a VNDK-SP lib depends on a VNDK lib. testCcError(t, "module \".*\" variant \".*\": \\(.*\\) should not link to \".*\"", ` cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true, }, shared_libs: ["libvndk"], // Cause error nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } `) // Check whether an error is emitted when a VNDK lib depends on a non-VNDK lib. testCcError(t, "module \".*\" variant \".*\": \\(.*\\) should not link to \".*\"", ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, shared_libs: ["libnonvndk"], nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libnonvndk", vendor_available: true, nocrt: true, } `) // Check whether an error is emitted when a VNDK-private lib depends on a non-VNDK lib. testCcError(t, "module \".*\" variant \".*\": \\(.*\\) should not link to \".*\"", ` cc_library { name: "libvndkprivate", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, private: true, }, shared_libs: ["libnonvndk"], nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libnonvndk", vendor_available: true, nocrt: true, } `) // Check whether an error is emitted when a VNDK-sp lib depends on a non-VNDK lib. testCcError(t, "module \".*\" variant \".*\": \\(.*\\) should not link to \".*\"", ` cc_library { name: "libvndksp", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true, }, shared_libs: ["libnonvndk"], nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libnonvndk", vendor_available: true, nocrt: true, } `) // Check whether an error is emitted when a VNDK-sp-private lib depends on a non-VNDK lib. testCcError(t, "module \".*\" variant \".*\": \\(.*\\) should not link to \".*\"", ` cc_library { name: "libvndkspprivate", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true, private: true, }, shared_libs: ["libnonvndk"], nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libnonvndk", vendor_available: true, nocrt: true, } `) } func TestDoubleLoadbleDep(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // okay to link : LLNDK -> double_loadable VNDK testCc(t, ` cc_library { name: "libllndk", shared_libs: ["libdoubleloadable"], llndk: { symbol_file: "libllndk.map.txt", } } cc_library { name: "libdoubleloadable", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, double_loadable: true, } `) // okay to link : LLNDK -> VNDK-SP testCc(t, ` cc_library { name: "libllndk", shared_libs: ["libvndksp"], llndk: { symbol_file: "libllndk.map.txt", } } cc_library { name: "libvndksp", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true, }, } `) // okay to link : double_loadable -> double_loadable testCc(t, ` cc_library { name: "libdoubleloadable1", shared_libs: ["libdoubleloadable2"], vendor_available: true, double_loadable: true, } cc_library { name: "libdoubleloadable2", vendor_available: true, double_loadable: true, } `) // okay to link : double_loadable VNDK -> double_loadable VNDK private testCc(t, ` cc_library { name: "libdoubleloadable", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, double_loadable: true, shared_libs: ["libnondoubleloadable"], } cc_library { name: "libnondoubleloadable", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, private: true, }, double_loadable: true, } `) // okay to link : LLNDK -> core-only -> vendor_available & double_loadable testCc(t, ` cc_library { name: "libllndk", shared_libs: ["libcoreonly"], llndk: { symbol_file: "libllndk.map.txt", } } cc_library { name: "libcoreonly", shared_libs: ["libvendoravailable"], } // indirect dependency of LLNDK cc_library { name: "libvendoravailable", vendor_available: true, double_loadable: true, } `) } func TestDoubleLoadableDepError(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // Check whether an error is emitted when a LLNDK depends on a non-double_loadable VNDK lib. testCcError(t, "module \".*\" variant \".*\": link.* \".*\" which is not LL-NDK, VNDK-SP, .*double_loadable", ` cc_library { name: "libllndk", shared_libs: ["libnondoubleloadable"], llndk: { symbol_file: "libllndk.map.txt", } } cc_library { name: "libnondoubleloadable", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, } `) // Check whether an error is emitted when a LLNDK depends on a non-double_loadable vendor_available lib. testCcError(t, "module \".*\" variant \".*\": link.* \".*\" which is not LL-NDK, VNDK-SP, .*double_loadable", ` cc_library { name: "libllndk", no_libcrt: true, shared_libs: ["libnondoubleloadable"], llndk: { symbol_file: "libllndk.map.txt", } } cc_library { name: "libnondoubleloadable", vendor_available: true, } `) // Check whether an error is emitted when a LLNDK depends on a non-double_loadable indirectly. testCcError(t, "module \".*\" variant \".*\": link.* \".*\" which is not LL-NDK, VNDK-SP, .*double_loadable", ` cc_library { name: "libllndk", shared_libs: ["libcoreonly"], llndk: { symbol_file: "libllndk.map.txt", } } cc_library { name: "libcoreonly", shared_libs: ["libvendoravailable"], } // indirect dependency of LLNDK cc_library { name: "libvendoravailable", vendor_available: true, } `) // The error is not from 'client' but from 'libllndk' testCcError(t, "module \"libllndk\".* links a library \"libnondoubleloadable\".*double_loadable", ` cc_library { name: "client", vendor_available: true, double_loadable: true, shared_libs: ["libllndk"], } cc_library { name: "libllndk", shared_libs: ["libnondoubleloadable"], llndk: { symbol_file: "libllndk.map.txt", } } cc_library { name: "libnondoubleloadable", vendor_available: true, } `) } func TestCheckVndkMembershipBeforeDoubleLoadable(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() testCcError(t, "module \"libvndksp\" variant .*: .*: VNDK-SP must only depend on VNDK-SP", ` cc_library { name: "libvndksp", shared_libs: ["libanothervndksp"], vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true, } } cc_library { name: "libllndk", shared_libs: ["libanothervndksp"], } cc_library { name: "libanothervndksp", vendor_available: true, } `) } func TestVndkExt(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // This test checks the VNDK-Ext properties. bp := ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk2", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, target: { vendor: { suffix: "-suffix", }, product: { suffix: "-suffix", }, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_ext", vendor: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk", }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk2_ext", vendor: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk2", }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_ext_product", product_specific: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk", }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk2_ext_product", product_specific: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk2", }, nocrt: true, } ` config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil) config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current") config.TestProductVariables.ProductVndkVersion = StringPtr("current") config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("29") ctx := testCcWithConfig(t, config) checkVndkModule(t, ctx, "libvndk_ext", "vndk", false, "libvndk", vendorVariant) checkVndkModule(t, ctx, "libvndk_ext_product", "vndk", false, "libvndk", productVariant) mod_vendor := ctx.ModuleForTests("libvndk2_ext", vendorVariant).Module().(*Module) assertString(t, mod_vendor.outputFile.Path().Base(), "libvndk2-suffix.so") mod_product := ctx.ModuleForTests("libvndk2_ext_product", productVariant).Module().(*Module) assertString(t, mod_product.outputFile.Path().Base(), "libvndk2-suffix.so") } func TestVndkExtWithoutBoardVndkVersion(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // This test checks the VNDK-Ext properties when BOARD_VNDK_VERSION is not set. ctx := testCcNoVndk(t, ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_ext", vendor: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk", }, nocrt: true, } `) // Ensures that the core variant of "libvndk_ext" can be found. mod := ctx.ModuleForTests("libvndk_ext", coreVariant).Module().(*Module) if extends := mod.getVndkExtendsModuleName(); extends != "libvndk" { t.Errorf("\"libvndk_ext\" must extend from \"libvndk\" but get %q", extends) } } func TestVndkExtWithoutProductVndkVersion(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // This test checks the VNDK-Ext properties when PRODUCT_PRODUCT_VNDK_VERSION is not set. ctx := testCcNoProductVndk(t, ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_ext_product", product_specific: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk", }, nocrt: true, } `) // Ensures that the core variant of "libvndk_ext_product" can be found. mod := ctx.ModuleForTests("libvndk_ext_product", coreVariant).Module().(*Module) if extends := mod.getVndkExtendsModuleName(); extends != "libvndk" { t.Errorf("\"libvndk_ext_product\" must extend from \"libvndk\" but get %q", extends) } } func TestVndkExtError(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // This test ensures an error is emitted in ill-formed vndk-ext definition. testCcError(t, "must set `vendor: true` or `product_specific: true` to set `extends: \".*\"`", ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_ext", vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk", }, nocrt: true, } `) testCcError(t, "must set `extends: \"\\.\\.\\.\"` to vndk extension", ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_ext", vendor: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } `) testCcErrorProductVndk(t, "must set `extends: \"\\.\\.\\.\"` to vndk extension", ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_ext_product", product_specific: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } `) testCcErrorProductVndk(t, "must not set at the same time as `vndk: {extends: \"\\.\\.\\.\"}`", ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_ext_product", product_specific: true, vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk", }, nocrt: true, } `) } func TestVndkExtInconsistentSupportSystemProcessError(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // This test ensures an error is emitted for inconsistent support_system_process. testCcError(t, "module \".*\" with mismatched support_system_process", ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp_ext", vendor: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk", support_system_process: true, }, nocrt: true, } `) testCcError(t, "module \".*\" with mismatched support_system_process", ` cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_ext", vendor: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk_sp", }, nocrt: true, } `) } func TestVndkExtVendorAvailableFalseError(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // This test ensures an error is emitted when a VNDK-Ext library extends a VNDK library // with `private: true`. testCcError(t, "`extends` refers module \".*\" which has `private: true`", ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, private: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_ext", vendor: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk", }, nocrt: true, } `) testCcErrorProductVndk(t, "`extends` refers module \".*\" which has `private: true`", ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, private: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_ext_product", product_specific: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk", }, nocrt: true, } `) } func TestVendorModuleUseVndkExt(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // This test ensures a vendor module can depend on a VNDK-Ext library. testCc(t, ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_ext", vendor: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk", }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp_ext", vendor: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk_sp", support_system_process: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvendor", vendor: true, shared_libs: ["libvndk_ext", "libvndk_sp_ext"], nocrt: true, } `) } func TestVndkExtUseVendorLib(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // This test ensures a VNDK-Ext library can depend on a vendor library. testCc(t, ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_ext", vendor: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk", }, shared_libs: ["libvendor"], nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvendor", vendor: true, nocrt: true, } `) // This test ensures a VNDK-SP-Ext library can depend on a vendor library. testCc(t, ` cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp_ext", vendor: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk_sp", support_system_process: true, }, shared_libs: ["libvendor"], // Cause an error nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvendor", vendor: true, nocrt: true, } `) } func TestProductVndkExtDependency(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() bp := ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_ext_product", product_specific: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk", }, shared_libs: ["libproduct_for_vndklibs"], nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp_ext_product", product_specific: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk_sp", support_system_process: true, }, shared_libs: ["libproduct_for_vndklibs"], nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libproduct", product_specific: true, shared_libs: ["libvndk_ext_product", "libvndk_sp_ext_product"], nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libproduct_for_vndklibs", product_specific: true, nocrt: true, } ` config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil) config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current") config.TestProductVariables.ProductVndkVersion = StringPtr("current") config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("29") testCcWithConfig(t, config) } func TestVndkSpExtUseVndkError(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // This test ensures an error is emitted if a VNDK-SP-Ext library depends on a VNDK // library. testCcError(t, "module \".*\" variant \".*\": \\(.*\\) should not link to \".*\"", ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp_ext", vendor: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk_sp", support_system_process: true, }, shared_libs: ["libvndk"], // Cause an error nocrt: true, } `) // This test ensures an error is emitted if a VNDK-SP-Ext library depends on a VNDK-Ext // library. testCcError(t, "module \".*\" variant \".*\": \\(.*\\) should not link to \".*\"", ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_ext", vendor: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk", }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp_ext", vendor: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk_sp", support_system_process: true, }, shared_libs: ["libvndk_ext"], // Cause an error nocrt: true, } `) } func TestVndkUseVndkExtError(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // This test ensures an error is emitted if a VNDK/VNDK-SP library depends on a // VNDK-Ext/VNDK-SP-Ext library. testCcError(t, "dependency \".*\" of \".*\" missing variant", ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_ext", vendor: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk", }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk2", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, shared_libs: ["libvndk_ext"], nocrt: true, } `) testCcError(t, "module \".*\" variant \".*\": \\(.*\\) should not link to \".*\"", ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_ext", vendor: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk", }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk2", vendor_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, target: { vendor: { shared_libs: ["libvndk_ext"], }, }, nocrt: true, } `) testCcError(t, "dependency \".*\" of \".*\" missing variant", ` cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp_ext", vendor: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk_sp", support_system_process: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp_2", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true, }, shared_libs: ["libvndk_sp_ext"], nocrt: true, } `) testCcError(t, "module \".*\" variant \".*\": \\(.*\\) should not link to \".*\"", ` cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp_ext", vendor: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk_sp", }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp2", vendor_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, target: { vendor: { shared_libs: ["libvndk_sp_ext"], }, }, nocrt: true, } `) } func TestEnforceProductVndkVersion(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() bp := ` cc_library { name: "libllndk", llndk: { symbol_file: "libllndk.map.txt", } } cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_sp", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true, }, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libva", vendor_available: true, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libpa", product_available: true, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libboth_available", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, nocrt: true, srcs: ["foo.c"], target: { vendor: { suffix: "-vendor", }, product: { suffix: "-product", }, } } cc_library { name: "libproduct_va", product_specific: true, vendor_available: true, nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libprod", product_specific: true, shared_libs: [ "libllndk", "libvndk", "libvndk_sp", "libpa", "libboth_available", "libproduct_va", ], nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvendor", vendor: true, shared_libs: [ "libllndk", "libvndk", "libvndk_sp", "libva", "libboth_available", "libproduct_va", ], nocrt: true, } ` ctx := prepareForCcTest.RunTestWithBp(t, bp).TestContext checkVndkModule(t, ctx, "libvndk", "", false, "", productVariant) checkVndkModule(t, ctx, "libvndk_sp", "", true, "", productVariant) mod_vendor := ctx.ModuleForTests("libboth_available", vendorVariant).Module().(*Module) assertString(t, mod_vendor.outputFile.Path().Base(), "libboth_available-vendor.so") mod_product := ctx.ModuleForTests("libboth_available", productVariant).Module().(*Module) assertString(t, mod_product.outputFile.Path().Base(), "libboth_available-product.so") ensureStringContains := func(t *testing.T, str string, substr string) { t.Helper() if !strings.Contains(str, substr) { t.Errorf("%q is not found in %v", substr, str) } } ensureStringNotContains := func(t *testing.T, str string, substr string) { t.Helper() if strings.Contains(str, substr) { t.Errorf("%q is found in %v", substr, str) } } // _static variant is used since _shared reuses *.o from the static variant vendor_static := ctx.ModuleForTests("libboth_available", strings.Replace(vendorVariant, "_shared", "_static", 1)) product_static := ctx.ModuleForTests("libboth_available", strings.Replace(productVariant, "_shared", "_static", 1)) vendor_cflags := vendor_static.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"] ensureStringContains(t, vendor_cflags, "-D__ANDROID_VNDK__") ensureStringContains(t, vendor_cflags, "-D__ANDROID_VENDOR__") ensureStringNotContains(t, vendor_cflags, "-D__ANDROID_PRODUCT__") product_cflags := product_static.Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"] ensureStringContains(t, product_cflags, "-D__ANDROID_VNDK__") ensureStringContains(t, product_cflags, "-D__ANDROID_PRODUCT__") ensureStringNotContains(t, product_cflags, "-D__ANDROID_VENDOR__") } func TestEnforceProductVndkVersionErrors(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() testCcErrorProductVndk(t, "dependency \".*\" of \".*\" missing variant:\n.*image:product.29", ` cc_library { name: "libprod", product_specific: true, shared_libs: [ "libvendor", ], nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvendor", vendor: true, nocrt: true, } `) testCcErrorProductVndk(t, "dependency \".*\" of \".*\" missing variant:\n.*image:product.29", ` cc_library { name: "libprod", product_specific: true, shared_libs: [ "libsystem", ], nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libsystem", nocrt: true, } `) testCcErrorProductVndk(t, "dependency \".*\" of \".*\" missing variant:\n.*image:product.29", ` cc_library { name: "libprod", product_specific: true, shared_libs: [ "libva", ], nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libva", vendor_available: true, nocrt: true, } `) testCcErrorProductVndk(t, "non-VNDK module should not link to \".*\" which has `private: true`", ` cc_library { name: "libprod", product_specific: true, shared_libs: [ "libvndk_private", ], nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndk_private", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, private: true, }, nocrt: true, } `) testCcErrorProductVndk(t, "dependency \".*\" of \".*\" missing variant:\n.*image:product.29", ` cc_library { name: "libprod", product_specific: true, shared_libs: [ "libsystem_ext", ], nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libsystem_ext", system_ext_specific: true, nocrt: true, } `) testCcErrorProductVndk(t, "dependency \".*\" of \".*\" missing variant:\n.*image:", ` cc_library { name: "libsystem", shared_libs: [ "libproduct_va", ], nocrt: true, } cc_library { name: "libproduct_va", product_specific: true, vendor_available: true, nocrt: true, } `) } func TestMakeLinkType(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() bp := ` cc_library { name: "libvndk", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, } cc_library { name: "libvndksp", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true, }, } cc_library { name: "libvndkprivate", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, private: true, }, } cc_library { name: "libvendor", vendor: true, } cc_library { name: "libvndkext", vendor: true, vndk: { enabled: true, extends: "libvndk", }, } vndk_prebuilt_shared { name: "prevndk", version: "27", target_arch: "arm", binder32bit: true, vendor_available: true, product_available: true, vndk: { enabled: true, }, arch: { arm: { srcs: ["liba.so"], }, }, } cc_library { name: "libllndk", llndk: { symbol_file: "libllndk.map.txt", } } cc_library { name: "libllndkprivate", llndk: { symbol_file: "libllndkprivate.map.txt", private: true, } } llndk_libraries_txt { name: "llndk.libraries.txt", } vndkcore_libraries_txt { name: "vndkcore.libraries.txt", } vndksp_libraries_txt { name: "vndksp.libraries.txt", } vndkprivate_libraries_txt { name: "vndkprivate.libraries.txt", } vndkcorevariant_libraries_txt { name: "vndkcorevariant.libraries.txt", insert_vndk_version: false, } ` config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil) config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current") config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("29") // native:vndk ctx := testCcWithConfig(t, config) checkVndkLibrariesOutput(t, ctx, "vndkcore.libraries.txt", []string{"libvndk.so", "libvndkprivate.so"}) checkVndkLibrariesOutput(t, ctx, "vndksp.libraries.txt", []string{"libc++.so", "libvndksp.so"}) checkVndkLibrariesOutput(t, ctx, "llndk.libraries.txt", []string{"libc.so", "libdl.so", "libft2.so", "libllndk.so", "libllndkprivate.so", "libm.so"}) checkVndkLibrariesOutput(t, ctx, "vndkprivate.libraries.txt", []string{"libft2.so", "libllndkprivate.so", "libvndkprivate.so"}) vendorVariant27 := "android_vendor.27_arm64_armv8-a_shared" tests := []struct { variant string name string expected string }{ {vendorVariant, "libvndk", "native:vndk"}, {vendorVariant, "libvndksp", "native:vndk"}, {vendorVariant, "libvndkprivate", "native:vndk_private"}, {vendorVariant, "libvendor", "native:vendor"}, {vendorVariant, "libvndkext", "native:vendor"}, {vendorVariant, "libllndk", "native:vndk"}, {vendorVariant27, "prevndk.vndk.27.arm.binder32", "native:vndk"}, {coreVariant, "libvndk", "native:platform"}, {coreVariant, "libvndkprivate", "native:platform"}, {coreVariant, "libllndk", "native:platform"}, } for _, test := range tests { t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) { module := ctx.ModuleForTests(test.name, test.variant).Module().(*Module) assertString(t, module.makeLinkType, test.expected) }) } } var staticLinkDepOrderTestCases = []struct { // This is a string representation of a map[moduleName][]moduleDependency . // It models the dependencies declared in an Android.bp file. inStatic string // This is a string representation of a map[moduleName][]moduleDependency . // It models the dependencies declared in an Android.bp file. inShared string // allOrdered is a string representation of a map[moduleName][]moduleDependency . // The keys of allOrdered specify which modules we would like to check. // The values of allOrdered specify the expected result (of the transitive closure of all // dependencies) for each module to test allOrdered string // outOrdered is a string representation of a map[moduleName][]moduleDependency . // The keys of outOrdered specify which modules we would like to check. // The values of outOrdered specify the expected result (of the ordered linker command line) // for each module to test. outOrdered string }{ // Simple tests { inStatic: "", outOrdered: "", }, { inStatic: "a:", outOrdered: "a:", }, { inStatic: "a:b; b:", outOrdered: "a:b; b:", }, // Tests of reordering { // diamond example inStatic: "a:d,b,c; b:d; c:d; d:", outOrdered: "a:b,c,d; b:d; c:d; d:", }, { // somewhat real example inStatic: "bsdiff_unittest:b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i; e:b", outOrdered: "bsdiff_unittest:c,d,e,b,f,g,h,i; e:b", }, { // multiple reorderings inStatic: "a:b,c,d,e; d:b; e:c", outOrdered: "a:d,b,e,c; d:b; e:c", }, { // should reorder without adding new transitive dependencies inStatic: "bin:lib2,lib1; lib1:lib2,liboptional", allOrdered: "bin:lib1,lib2,liboptional; lib1:lib2,liboptional", outOrdered: "bin:lib1,lib2; lib1:lib2,liboptional", }, { // multiple levels of dependencies inStatic: "a:b,c,d,e,f,g,h; f:b,c,d; b:c,d; c:d", allOrdered: "a:e,f,b,c,d,g,h; f:b,c,d; b:c,d; c:d", outOrdered: "a:e,f,b,c,d,g,h; f:b,c,d; b:c,d; c:d", }, // shared dependencies { // Note that this test doesn't recurse, to minimize the amount of logic it tests. // So, we don't actually have to check that a shared dependency of c will change the order // of a library that depends statically on b and on c. We only need to check that if c has // a shared dependency on b, that that shows up in allOrdered. inShared: "c:b", allOrdered: "c:b", outOrdered: "c:", }, { // This test doesn't actually include any shared dependencies but it's a reminder of what // the second phase of the above test would look like inStatic: "a:b,c; c:b", allOrdered: "a:c,b; c:b", outOrdered: "a:c,b; c:b", }, // tiebreakers for when two modules specifying different orderings and there is no dependency // to dictate an order { // if the tie is between two modules at the end of a's deps, then a's order wins inStatic: "a1:b,c,d,e; a2:b,c,e,d; b:d,e; c:e,d", outOrdered: "a1:b,c,d,e; a2:b,c,e,d; b:d,e; c:e,d", }, { // if the tie is between two modules at the start of a's deps, then c's order is used inStatic: "a1:d,e,b1,c1; b1:d,e; c1:e,d; a2:d,e,b2,c2; b2:d,e; c2:d,e", outOrdered: "a1:b1,c1,e,d; b1:d,e; c1:e,d; a2:b2,c2,d,e; b2:d,e; c2:d,e", }, // Tests involving duplicate dependencies { // simple duplicate inStatic: "a:b,c,c,b", outOrdered: "a:c,b", }, { // duplicates with reordering inStatic: "a:b,c,d,c; c:b", outOrdered: "a:d,c,b", }, // Tests to confirm the nonexistence of infinite loops. // These cases should never happen, so as long as the test terminates and the // result is deterministic then that should be fine. { inStatic: "a:a", outOrdered: "a:a", }, { inStatic: "a:b; b:c; c:a", allOrdered: "a:b,c; b:c,a; c:a,b", outOrdered: "a:b; b:c; c:a", }, { inStatic: "a:b,c; b:c,a; c:a,b", allOrdered: "a:c,a,b; b:a,b,c; c:b,c,a", outOrdered: "a:c,b; b:a,c; c:b,a", }, } // converts from a string like "a:b,c; d:e" to (["a","b"], {"a":["b","c"], "d":["e"]}, [{"a", "a.o"}, {"b", "b.o"}]) func parseModuleDeps(text string) (modulesInOrder []android.Path, allDeps map[android.Path][]android.Path) { // convert from "a:b,c; d:e" to "a:b,c;d:e" strippedText := strings.Replace(text, " ", "", -1) if len(strippedText) < 1 { return []android.Path{}, make(map[android.Path][]android.Path, 0) } allDeps = make(map[android.Path][]android.Path, 0) // convert from "a:b,c;d:e" to ["a:b,c", "d:e"] moduleTexts := strings.Split(strippedText, ";") outputForModuleName := func(moduleName string) android.Path { return android.PathForTesting(moduleName) } for _, moduleText := range moduleTexts { // convert from "a:b,c" to ["a", "b,c"] components := strings.Split(moduleText, ":") if len(components) != 2 { panic(fmt.Sprintf("illegal module dep string %q from larger string %q; must contain one ':', not %v", moduleText, text, len(components)-1)) } moduleName := components[0] moduleOutput := outputForModuleName(moduleName) modulesInOrder = append(modulesInOrder, moduleOutput) depString := components[1] // convert from "b,c" to ["b", "c"] depNames := strings.Split(depString, ",") if len(depString) < 1 { depNames = []string{} } var deps []android.Path for _, depName := range depNames { deps = append(deps, outputForModuleName(depName)) } allDeps[moduleOutput] = deps } return modulesInOrder, allDeps } func TestStaticLibDepReordering(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testCc(t, ` cc_library { name: "a", static_libs: ["b", "c", "d"], stl: "none", } cc_library { name: "b", stl: "none", } cc_library { name: "c", static_libs: ["b"], stl: "none", } cc_library { name: "d", stl: "none", } `) variant := "android_arm64_armv8-a_static" moduleA := ctx.ModuleForTests("a", variant).Module().(*Module) actual := ctx.ModuleProvider(moduleA, StaticLibraryInfoProvider).(StaticLibraryInfo). TransitiveStaticLibrariesForOrdering.ToList().RelativeToTop() expected := GetOutputPaths(ctx, variant, []string{"a", "c", "b", "d"}) if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, expected) { t.Errorf("staticDeps orderings were not propagated correctly"+ "\nactual: %v"+ "\nexpected: %v", actual, expected, ) } } func TestStaticLibDepReorderingWithShared(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testCc(t, ` cc_library { name: "a", static_libs: ["b", "c"], stl: "none", } cc_library { name: "b", stl: "none", } cc_library { name: "c", shared_libs: ["b"], stl: "none", } `) variant := "android_arm64_armv8-a_static" moduleA := ctx.ModuleForTests("a", variant).Module().(*Module) actual := ctx.ModuleProvider(moduleA, StaticLibraryInfoProvider).(StaticLibraryInfo). TransitiveStaticLibrariesForOrdering.ToList().RelativeToTop() expected := GetOutputPaths(ctx, variant, []string{"a", "c", "b"}) if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, expected) { t.Errorf("staticDeps orderings did not account for shared libs"+ "\nactual: %v"+ "\nexpected: %v", actual, expected, ) } } func checkEquals(t *testing.T, message string, expected, actual interface{}) { t.Helper() if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, expected) { t.Errorf(message+ "\nactual: %v"+ "\nexpected: %v", actual, expected, ) } } func TestLlndkLibrary(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() result := prepareForCcTest.RunTestWithBp(t, ` cc_library { name: "libllndk", stubs: { versions: ["1", "2"] }, llndk: { symbol_file: "libllndk.map.txt", }, export_include_dirs: ["include"], } cc_prebuilt_library_shared { name: "libllndkprebuilt", stubs: { versions: ["1", "2"] }, llndk: { symbol_file: "libllndkprebuilt.map.txt", }, } cc_library { name: "libllndk_with_external_headers", stubs: { versions: ["1", "2"] }, llndk: { symbol_file: "libllndk.map.txt", export_llndk_headers: ["libexternal_llndk_headers"], }, header_libs: ["libexternal_headers"], export_header_lib_headers: ["libexternal_headers"], } cc_library_headers { name: "libexternal_headers", export_include_dirs: ["include"], vendor_available: true, } cc_library_headers { name: "libexternal_llndk_headers", export_include_dirs: ["include_llndk"], llndk: { symbol_file: "libllndk.map.txt", }, vendor_available: true, } cc_library { name: "libllndk_with_override_headers", stubs: { versions: ["1", "2"] }, llndk: { symbol_file: "libllndk.map.txt", override_export_include_dirs: ["include_llndk"], }, export_include_dirs: ["include"], } `) actual := result.ModuleVariantsForTests("libllndk") for i := 0; i < len(actual); i++ { if !strings.HasPrefix(actual[i], "android_vendor.29_") { actual = append(actual[:i], actual[i+1:]...) i-- } } expected := []string{ "android_vendor.29_arm64_armv8-a_shared_current", "android_vendor.29_arm64_armv8-a_shared", "android_vendor.29_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared_current", "android_vendor.29_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared", } android.AssertArrayString(t, "variants for llndk stubs", expected, actual) params := result.ModuleForTests("libllndk", "android_vendor.29_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared").Description("generate stub") android.AssertSame(t, "use VNDK version for default stubs", "current", params.Args["apiLevel"]) checkExportedIncludeDirs := func(module, variant string, expectedDirs ...string) { t.Helper() m := result.ModuleForTests(module, variant).Module() f := result.ModuleProvider(m, FlagExporterInfoProvider).(FlagExporterInfo) android.AssertPathsRelativeToTopEquals(t, "exported include dirs for "+module+"["+variant+"]", expectedDirs, f.IncludeDirs) } checkExportedIncludeDirs("libllndk", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared", "include") checkExportedIncludeDirs("libllndk", "android_vendor.29_arm64_armv8-a_shared", "include") checkExportedIncludeDirs("libllndk_with_external_headers", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared", "include") checkExportedIncludeDirs("libllndk_with_external_headers", "android_vendor.29_arm64_armv8-a_shared", "include_llndk") checkExportedIncludeDirs("libllndk_with_override_headers", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared", "include") checkExportedIncludeDirs("libllndk_with_override_headers", "android_vendor.29_arm64_armv8-a_shared", "include_llndk") } func TestLlndkHeaders(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testCc(t, ` cc_library_headers { name: "libllndk_headers", export_include_dirs: ["my_include"], llndk: { llndk_headers: true, }, } cc_library { name: "libllndk", llndk: { symbol_file: "libllndk.map.txt", export_llndk_headers: ["libllndk_headers"], } } cc_library { name: "libvendor", shared_libs: ["libllndk"], vendor: true, srcs: ["foo.c"], no_libcrt: true, nocrt: true, } `) // _static variant is used since _shared reuses *.o from the static variant cc := ctx.ModuleForTests("libvendor", "android_vendor.29_arm_armv7-a-neon_static").Rule("cc") cflags := cc.Args["cFlags"] if !strings.Contains(cflags, "-Imy_include") { t.Errorf("cflags for libvendor must contain -Imy_include, but was %#v.", cflags) } } func checkRuntimeLibs(t *testing.T, expected []string, module *Module) { actual := module.Properties.AndroidMkRuntimeLibs if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, expected) { t.Errorf("incorrect runtime_libs for shared libs"+ "\nactual: %v"+ "\nexpected: %v", actual, expected, ) } } const runtimeLibAndroidBp = ` cc_library { name: "liball_available", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, no_libcrt : true, nocrt : true, system_shared_libs : [], } cc_library { name: "libvendor_available1", vendor_available: true, runtime_libs: ["liball_available"], no_libcrt : true, nocrt : true, system_shared_libs : [], } cc_library { name: "libvendor_available2", vendor_available: true, runtime_libs: ["liball_available"], target: { vendor: { exclude_runtime_libs: ["liball_available"], } }, no_libcrt : true, nocrt : true, system_shared_libs : [], } cc_library { name: "libproduct_vendor", product_specific: true, vendor_available: true, no_libcrt : true, nocrt : true, system_shared_libs : [], } cc_library { name: "libcore", runtime_libs: ["liball_available"], no_libcrt : true, nocrt : true, system_shared_libs : [], } cc_library { name: "libvendor1", vendor: true, no_libcrt : true, nocrt : true, system_shared_libs : [], } cc_library { name: "libvendor2", vendor: true, runtime_libs: ["liball_available", "libvendor1", "libproduct_vendor"], no_libcrt : true, nocrt : true, system_shared_libs : [], } cc_library { name: "libproduct_available1", product_available: true, runtime_libs: ["liball_available"], no_libcrt : true, nocrt : true, system_shared_libs : [], } cc_library { name: "libproduct1", product_specific: true, no_libcrt : true, nocrt : true, system_shared_libs : [], } cc_library { name: "libproduct2", product_specific: true, runtime_libs: ["liball_available", "libproduct1", "libproduct_vendor"], no_libcrt : true, nocrt : true, system_shared_libs : [], } ` func TestRuntimeLibs(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testCc(t, runtimeLibAndroidBp) // runtime_libs for core variants use the module names without suffixes. variant := "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared" module := ctx.ModuleForTests("libvendor_available1", variant).Module().(*Module) checkRuntimeLibs(t, []string{"liball_available"}, module) module = ctx.ModuleForTests("libproduct_available1", variant).Module().(*Module) checkRuntimeLibs(t, []string{"liball_available"}, module) module = ctx.ModuleForTests("libcore", variant).Module().(*Module) checkRuntimeLibs(t, []string{"liball_available"}, module) // runtime_libs for vendor variants have '.vendor' suffixes if the modules have both core // and vendor variants. variant = "android_vendor.29_arm64_armv8-a_shared" module = ctx.ModuleForTests("libvendor_available1", variant).Module().(*Module) checkRuntimeLibs(t, []string{"liball_available.vendor"}, module) module = ctx.ModuleForTests("libvendor2", variant).Module().(*Module) checkRuntimeLibs(t, []string{"liball_available.vendor", "libvendor1", "libproduct_vendor.vendor"}, module) // runtime_libs for product variants have '.product' suffixes if the modules have both core // and product variants. variant = "android_product.29_arm64_armv8-a_shared" module = ctx.ModuleForTests("libproduct_available1", variant).Module().(*Module) checkRuntimeLibs(t, []string{"liball_available.product"}, module) module = ctx.ModuleForTests("libproduct2", variant).Module().(*Module) checkRuntimeLibs(t, []string{"liball_available.product", "libproduct1", "libproduct_vendor"}, module) } func TestExcludeRuntimeLibs(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testCc(t, runtimeLibAndroidBp) variant := "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared" module := ctx.ModuleForTests("libvendor_available2", variant).Module().(*Module) checkRuntimeLibs(t, []string{"liball_available"}, module) variant = "android_vendor.29_arm64_armv8-a_shared" module = ctx.ModuleForTests("libvendor_available2", variant).Module().(*Module) checkRuntimeLibs(t, nil, module) } func TestRuntimeLibsNoVndk(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testCcNoVndk(t, runtimeLibAndroidBp) // If DeviceVndkVersion is not defined, then runtime_libs are copied as-is. variant := "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared" module := ctx.ModuleForTests("libvendor_available1", variant).Module().(*Module) checkRuntimeLibs(t, []string{"liball_available"}, module) module = ctx.ModuleForTests("libvendor2", variant).Module().(*Module) checkRuntimeLibs(t, []string{"liball_available", "libvendor1", "libproduct_vendor"}, module) module = ctx.ModuleForTests("libproduct2", variant).Module().(*Module) checkRuntimeLibs(t, []string{"liball_available", "libproduct1", "libproduct_vendor"}, module) } func checkStaticLibs(t *testing.T, expected []string, module *Module) { t.Helper() actual := module.Properties.AndroidMkStaticLibs if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, expected) { t.Errorf("incorrect static_libs"+ "\nactual: %v"+ "\nexpected: %v", actual, expected, ) } } const staticLibAndroidBp = ` cc_library { name: "lib1", } cc_library { name: "lib2", static_libs: ["lib1"], } ` func TestStaticLibDepExport(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testCc(t, staticLibAndroidBp) // Check the shared version of lib2. variant := "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared" module := ctx.ModuleForTests("lib2", variant).Module().(*Module) checkStaticLibs(t, []string{"lib1", "libc++demangle", "libclang_rt.builtins"}, module) // Check the static version of lib2. variant = "android_arm64_armv8-a_static" module = ctx.ModuleForTests("lib2", variant).Module().(*Module) // libc++_static is linked additionally. checkStaticLibs(t, []string{"lib1", "libc++_static", "libc++demangle", "libclang_rt.builtins"}, module) } func TestLibDepAndroidMkExportInMixedBuilds(t *testing.T) { bp := ` cc_library { name: "static_dep", } cc_library { name: "whole_static_dep", } cc_library { name: "shared_dep", } cc_library { name: "lib", bazel_module: { label: "//:lib" }, static_libs: ["static_dep"], whole_static_libs: ["whole_static_dep"], shared_libs: ["shared_dep"], } cc_test { name: "test", bazel_module: { label: "//:test" }, static_libs: ["static_dep"], whole_static_libs: ["whole_static_dep"], shared_libs: ["shared_dep"], gtest: false, } cc_binary { name: "binary", bazel_module: { label: "//:binary" }, static_libs: ["static_dep"], whole_static_libs: ["whole_static_dep"], shared_libs: ["shared_dep"], } cc_library_headers { name: "lib_headers", bazel_module: { label: "//:lib_headers" }, static_libs: ["static_dep"], whole_static_libs: ["whole_static_dep"], shared_libs: ["shared_dep"], } cc_prebuilt_library { name: "lib_prebuilt", bazel_module: { label: "//:lib_prebuilt" }, static_libs: ["static_dep"], whole_static_libs: ["whole_static_dep"], shared_libs: ["shared_dep"], } ` testCases := []struct { name string moduleName string variant string androidMkInfo cquery.CcAndroidMkInfo }{ { name: "shared lib", moduleName: "lib", variant: "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared", androidMkInfo: cquery.CcAndroidMkInfo{ LocalStaticLibs: []string{"static_dep"}, LocalWholeStaticLibs: []string{"whole_static_dep"}, LocalSharedLibs: []string{"shared_dep"}, }, }, { name: "static lib", moduleName: "lib", variant: "android_arm64_armv8-a_static", androidMkInfo: cquery.CcAndroidMkInfo{ LocalStaticLibs: []string{"static_dep"}, LocalWholeStaticLibs: []string{"whole_static_dep"}, LocalSharedLibs: []string{"shared_dep"}, }, }, { name: "cc_test arm64", moduleName: "test", variant: "android_arm64_armv8-a", androidMkInfo: cquery.CcAndroidMkInfo{ LocalStaticLibs: []string{"static_dep"}, LocalWholeStaticLibs: []string{"whole_static_dep"}, LocalSharedLibs: []string{"shared_dep"}, }, }, { name: "cc_test arm", moduleName: "test", variant: "android_arm_armv7-a-neon", androidMkInfo: cquery.CcAndroidMkInfo{ LocalStaticLibs: []string{"static_dep"}, LocalWholeStaticLibs: []string{"whole_static_dep"}, LocalSharedLibs: []string{"shared_dep"}, }, }, { name: "cc_binary", moduleName: "binary", variant: "android_arm64_armv8-a", androidMkInfo: cquery.CcAndroidMkInfo{ LocalStaticLibs: []string{"static_dep"}, LocalWholeStaticLibs: []string{"whole_static_dep"}, LocalSharedLibs: []string{"shared_dep"}, }, }, { name: "cc_library_headers", moduleName: "lib_headers", variant: "android_arm64_armv8-a", androidMkInfo: cquery.CcAndroidMkInfo{ LocalStaticLibs: []string{"static_dep"}, LocalWholeStaticLibs: []string{"whole_static_dep"}, LocalSharedLibs: []string{"shared_dep"}, }, }, { name: "prebuilt lib static", moduleName: "lib_prebuilt", variant: "android_arm64_armv8-a_static", androidMkInfo: cquery.CcAndroidMkInfo{ LocalStaticLibs: []string{"static_dep"}, LocalWholeStaticLibs: []string{"whole_static_dep"}, LocalSharedLibs: []string{"shared_dep"}, }, }, { name: "prebuilt lib shared", moduleName: "lib_prebuilt", variant: "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared", androidMkInfo: cquery.CcAndroidMkInfo{ LocalStaticLibs: []string{"static_dep"}, LocalWholeStaticLibs: []string{"whole_static_dep"}, LocalSharedLibs: []string{"shared_dep"}, }, }, } outputBaseDir := "out/bazel" for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { result := android.GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForCcTest, android.FixtureModifyConfig(func(config android.Config) { config.BazelContext = android.MockBazelContext{ OutputBaseDir: outputBaseDir, LabelToCcInfo: map[string]cquery.CcInfo{ "//:lib": cquery.CcInfo{ CcAndroidMkInfo: tc.androidMkInfo, RootDynamicLibraries: []string{""}, }, "//:lib_bp2build_cc_library_static": cquery.CcInfo{ CcAndroidMkInfo: tc.androidMkInfo, RootStaticArchives: []string{""}, }, "//:lib_headers": cquery.CcInfo{ CcAndroidMkInfo: tc.androidMkInfo, OutputFiles: []string{""}, }, "//:lib_prebuilt": cquery.CcInfo{ CcAndroidMkInfo: tc.androidMkInfo, }, "//:lib_prebuilt_bp2build_cc_library_static": cquery.CcInfo{ CcAndroidMkInfo: tc.androidMkInfo, }, }, LabelToCcBinary: map[string]cquery.CcUnstrippedInfo{ "//:test": cquery.CcUnstrippedInfo{ CcAndroidMkInfo: tc.androidMkInfo, }, "//:binary": cquery.CcUnstrippedInfo{ CcAndroidMkInfo: tc.androidMkInfo, }, }, } }), ).RunTestWithBp(t, bp) ctx := result.TestContext module := ctx.ModuleForTests(tc.moduleName, tc.variant).Module().(*Module) entries := android.AndroidMkEntriesForTest(t, ctx, module)[0] if !reflect.DeepEqual(module.Properties.AndroidMkStaticLibs, tc.androidMkInfo.LocalStaticLibs) { t.Errorf("incorrect static_libs"+ "\nactual: %v"+ "\nexpected: %v", module.Properties.AndroidMkStaticLibs, tc.androidMkInfo.LocalStaticLibs, ) } staticDepsDiffer, missingStaticDeps, additionalStaticDeps := android.ListSetDifference( entries.EntryMap["LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES"], tc.androidMkInfo.LocalStaticLibs, ) if staticDepsDiffer { t.Errorf( "expected LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES to be %q but was %q; missing: %q; extra %q", tc.androidMkInfo.LocalStaticLibs, entries.EntryMap["LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES"], missingStaticDeps, additionalStaticDeps, ) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(module.Properties.AndroidMkWholeStaticLibs, tc.androidMkInfo.LocalWholeStaticLibs) { t.Errorf("expected module.Properties.AndroidMkWholeStaticLibs to be %q, but was %q", tc.androidMkInfo.LocalWholeStaticLibs, module.Properties.AndroidMkWholeStaticLibs, ) } wholeStaticDepsDiffer, missingWholeStaticDeps, additionalWholeStaticDeps := android.ListSetDifference( entries.EntryMap["LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES"], tc.androidMkInfo.LocalWholeStaticLibs, ) if wholeStaticDepsDiffer { t.Errorf( "expected LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES to be %q but was %q; missing: %q; extra %q", tc.androidMkInfo.LocalWholeStaticLibs, entries.EntryMap["LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES"], missingWholeStaticDeps, additionalWholeStaticDeps, ) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(module.Properties.AndroidMkSharedLibs, tc.androidMkInfo.LocalSharedLibs) { t.Errorf("incorrect shared_libs"+ "\nactual: %v"+ "\nexpected: %v", module.Properties.AndroidMkSharedLibs, tc.androidMkInfo.LocalSharedLibs, ) } sharedDepsDiffer, missingSharedDeps, additionalSharedDeps := android.ListSetDifference( entries.EntryMap["LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES"], tc.androidMkInfo.LocalSharedLibs, ) if sharedDepsDiffer { t.Errorf( "expected LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES to be %q but was %q; missing %q; extra %q", tc.androidMkInfo.LocalSharedLibs, entries.EntryMap["LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES"], missingSharedDeps, additionalSharedDeps, ) } }) } } var compilerFlagsTestCases = []struct { in string out bool }{ { in: "a", out: false, }, { in: "-a", out: true, }, { in: "-Ipath/to/something", out: false, }, { in: "-isystempath/to/something", out: false, }, { in: "--coverage", out: false, }, { in: "-include a/b", out: true, }, { in: "-include a/b c/d", out: false, }, { in: "-DMACRO", out: true, }, { in: "-DMAC RO", out: false, }, { in: "-a -b", out: false, }, { in: "-DMACRO=definition", out: true, }, { in: "-DMACRO=defi nition", out: true, // TODO(jiyong): this should be false }, { in: "-DMACRO(x)=x + 1", out: true, }, { in: "-DMACRO=\"defi nition\"", out: true, }, } type mockContext struct { BaseModuleContext result bool } func (ctx *mockContext) PropertyErrorf(property, format string, args ...interface{}) { // CheckBadCompilerFlags calls this function when the flag should be rejected ctx.result = false } func TestCompilerFlags(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() for _, testCase := range compilerFlagsTestCases { ctx := &mockContext{result: true} CheckBadCompilerFlags(ctx, "", []string{testCase.in}) if ctx.result != testCase.out { t.Errorf("incorrect output:") t.Errorf(" input: %#v", testCase.in) t.Errorf(" expected: %#v", testCase.out) t.Errorf(" got: %#v", ctx.result) } } } func TestRecovery(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testCc(t, ` cc_library_shared { name: "librecovery", recovery: true, } cc_library_shared { name: "librecovery32", recovery: true, compile_multilib:"32", } cc_library_shared { name: "libHalInRecovery", recovery_available: true, vendor: true, } `) variants := ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("librecovery") const arm64 = "android_recovery_arm64_armv8-a_shared" if len(variants) != 1 || !android.InList(arm64, variants) { t.Errorf("variants of librecovery must be \"%s\" only, but was %#v", arm64, variants) } variants = ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("librecovery32") if android.InList(arm64, variants) { t.Errorf("multilib was set to 32 for librecovery32, but its variants has %s.", arm64) } recoveryModule := ctx.ModuleForTests("libHalInRecovery", recoveryVariant).Module().(*Module) if !recoveryModule.Platform() { t.Errorf("recovery variant of libHalInRecovery must not specific to device, soc, or product") } } func TestDataLibsPrebuiltSharedTestLibrary(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() bp := ` cc_prebuilt_test_library_shared { name: "test_lib", relative_install_path: "foo/bar/baz", srcs: ["srcpath/dontusethispath/baz.so"], } cc_test { name: "main_test", data_libs: ["test_lib"], gtest: false, } ` config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil) config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current") config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("29") config.TestProductVariables.VndkUseCoreVariant = BoolPtr(true) ctx := testCcWithConfig(t, config) module := ctx.ModuleForTests("main_test", "android_arm_armv7-a-neon").Module() testBinary := module.(*Module).linker.(*testBinary) outputFiles, err := module.(android.OutputFileProducer).OutputFiles("") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected cc_test to produce output files, error: %s", err) } if len(outputFiles) != 1 { t.Errorf("expected exactly one output file. output files: [%s]", outputFiles) } if len(testBinary.dataPaths()) != 1 { t.Errorf("expected exactly one test data file. test data files: [%s]", testBinary.dataPaths()) } outputPath := outputFiles[0].String() if !strings.HasSuffix(outputPath, "/main_test") { t.Errorf("expected test output file to be 'main_test', but was '%s'", outputPath) } entries := android.AndroidMkEntriesForTest(t, ctx, module)[0] if !strings.HasSuffix(entries.EntryMap["LOCAL_TEST_DATA"][0], ":test_lib.so:foo/bar/baz") { t.Errorf("expected LOCAL_TEST_DATA to end with `:test_lib.so:foo/bar/baz`,"+ " but was '%s'", entries.EntryMap["LOCAL_TEST_DATA"][0]) } } func TestVersionedStubs(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testCc(t, ` cc_library_shared { name: "libFoo", srcs: ["foo.c"], stubs: { symbol_file: "foo.map.txt", versions: ["1", "2", "3"], }, } cc_library_shared { name: "libBar", srcs: ["bar.c"], shared_libs: ["libFoo#1"], }`) variants := ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("libFoo") expectedVariants := []string{ "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_1", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_2", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_3", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_current", "android_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared", "android_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared_1", "android_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared_2", "android_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared_3", "android_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared_current", } variantsMismatch := false if len(variants) != len(expectedVariants) { variantsMismatch = true } else { for _, v := range expectedVariants { if !inList(v, variants) { variantsMismatch = false } } } if variantsMismatch { t.Errorf("variants of libFoo expected:\n") for _, v := range expectedVariants { t.Errorf("%q\n", v) } t.Errorf(", but got:\n") for _, v := range variants { t.Errorf("%q\n", v) } } libBarLinkRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("libBar", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Rule("ld") libFlags := libBarLinkRule.Args["libFlags"] libFoo1StubPath := "libFoo/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_1/libFoo.so" if !strings.Contains(libFlags, libFoo1StubPath) { t.Errorf("%q is not found in %q", libFoo1StubPath, libFlags) } libBarCompileRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("libBar", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Rule("cc") cFlags := libBarCompileRule.Args["cFlags"] libFoo1VersioningMacro := "-D__LIBFOO_API__=1" if !strings.Contains(cFlags, libFoo1VersioningMacro) { t.Errorf("%q is not found in %q", libFoo1VersioningMacro, cFlags) } } func TestStubsForLibraryInMultipleApexes(t *testing.T) { // TODO(b/275313114): Test exposes non-determinism which should be corrected and the test // reenabled. t.Skip() t.Parallel() ctx := testCc(t, ` cc_library_shared { name: "libFoo", srcs: ["foo.c"], stubs: { symbol_file: "foo.map.txt", versions: ["current"], }, apex_available: ["bar", "a1"], } cc_library_shared { name: "libBar", srcs: ["bar.c"], shared_libs: ["libFoo"], apex_available: ["a1"], } cc_library_shared { name: "libA1", srcs: ["a1.c"], shared_libs: ["libFoo"], apex_available: ["a1"], } cc_library_shared { name: "libBarA1", srcs: ["bara1.c"], shared_libs: ["libFoo"], apex_available: ["bar", "a1"], } cc_library_shared { name: "libAnyApex", srcs: ["anyApex.c"], shared_libs: ["libFoo"], apex_available: ["//apex_available:anyapex"], } cc_library_shared { name: "libBaz", srcs: ["baz.c"], shared_libs: ["libFoo"], apex_available: ["baz"], } cc_library_shared { name: "libQux", srcs: ["qux.c"], shared_libs: ["libFoo"], apex_available: ["qux", "bar"], }`) variants := ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("libFoo") expectedVariants := []string{ "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_current", "android_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared", "android_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared_current", } variantsMismatch := false if len(variants) != len(expectedVariants) { variantsMismatch = true } else { for _, v := range expectedVariants { if !inList(v, variants) { variantsMismatch = false } } } if variantsMismatch { t.Errorf("variants of libFoo expected:\n") for _, v := range expectedVariants { t.Errorf("%q\n", v) } t.Errorf(", but got:\n") for _, v := range variants { t.Errorf("%q\n", v) } } linkAgainstFoo := []string{"libBarA1"} linkAgainstFooStubs := []string{"libBar", "libA1", "libBaz", "libQux", "libAnyApex"} libFooPath := "libFoo/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/libFoo.so" for _, lib := range linkAgainstFoo { libLinkRule := ctx.ModuleForTests(lib, "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Rule("ld") libFlags := libLinkRule.Args["libFlags"] if !strings.Contains(libFlags, libFooPath) { t.Errorf("%q: %q is not found in %q", lib, libFooPath, libFlags) } } libFooStubPath := "libFoo/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_current/libFoo.so" for _, lib := range linkAgainstFooStubs { libLinkRule := ctx.ModuleForTests(lib, "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Rule("ld") libFlags := libLinkRule.Args["libFlags"] if !strings.Contains(libFlags, libFooStubPath) { t.Errorf("%q: %q is not found in %q", lib, libFooStubPath, libFlags) } } } func TestVersioningMacro(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() for _, tc := range []struct{ moduleName, expected string }{ {"libc", "__LIBC_API__"}, {"libfoo", "__LIBFOO_API__"}, {"libfoo@1", "__LIBFOO_1_API__"}, {"libfoo-v1", "__LIBFOO_V1_API__"}, {"libfoo.v1", "__LIBFOO_V1_API__"}, } { checkEquals(t, tc.moduleName, tc.expected, versioningMacroName(tc.moduleName)) } } func pathsToBase(paths android.Paths) []string { var ret []string for _, p := range paths { ret = append(ret, p.Base()) } return ret } func TestStaticLibArchiveArgs(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testCc(t, ` cc_library_static { name: "foo", srcs: ["foo.c"], } cc_library_static { name: "bar", srcs: ["bar.c"], } cc_library_shared { name: "qux", srcs: ["qux.c"], } cc_library_static { name: "baz", srcs: ["baz.c"], static_libs: ["foo"], shared_libs: ["qux"], whole_static_libs: ["bar"], }`) variant := "android_arm64_armv8-a_static" arRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("baz", variant).Rule("ar") // For static libraries, the object files of a whole static dep are included in the archive // directly if g, w := pathsToBase(arRule.Inputs), []string{"bar.o", "baz.o"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(w, g) { t.Errorf("Expected input objects %q, got %q", w, g) } // non whole static dependencies are not linked into the archive if len(arRule.Implicits) > 0 { t.Errorf("Expected 0 additional deps, got %q", arRule.Implicits) } } func TestSharedLibLinkingArgs(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testCc(t, ` cc_library_static { name: "foo", srcs: ["foo.c"], } cc_library_static { name: "bar", srcs: ["bar.c"], } cc_library_shared { name: "qux", srcs: ["qux.c"], } cc_library_shared { name: "baz", srcs: ["baz.c"], static_libs: ["foo"], shared_libs: ["qux"], whole_static_libs: ["bar"], }`) variant := "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared" linkRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("baz", variant).Rule("ld") libFlags := linkRule.Args["libFlags"] // When dynamically linking, we expect static dependencies to be found on the command line if expected := "foo.a"; !strings.Contains(libFlags, expected) { t.Errorf("Static lib %q was not found in %q", expected, libFlags) } // When dynamically linking, we expect whole static dependencies to be found on the command line if expected := "bar.a"; !strings.Contains(libFlags, expected) { t.Errorf("Static lib %q was not found in %q", expected, libFlags) } // When dynamically linking, we expect shared dependencies to be found on the command line if expected := "qux.so"; !strings.Contains(libFlags, expected) { t.Errorf("Shared lib %q was not found in %q", expected, libFlags) } // We should only have the objects from the shared library srcs, not the whole static dependencies if g, w := pathsToBase(linkRule.Inputs), []string{"baz.o"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(w, g) { t.Errorf("Expected input objects %q, got %q", w, g) } } func TestStaticExecutable(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testCc(t, ` cc_binary { name: "static_test", srcs: ["foo.c", "baz.o"], static_executable: true, }`) variant := "android_arm64_armv8-a" binModuleRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("static_test", variant).Rule("ld") libFlags := binModuleRule.Args["libFlags"] systemStaticLibs := []string{"libc.a", "libm.a"} for _, lib := range systemStaticLibs { if !strings.Contains(libFlags, lib) { t.Errorf("Static lib %q was not found in %q", lib, libFlags) } } systemSharedLibs := []string{"libc.so", "libm.so", "libdl.so"} for _, lib := range systemSharedLibs { if strings.Contains(libFlags, lib) { t.Errorf("Shared lib %q was found in %q", lib, libFlags) } } } func TestStaticDepsOrderWithStubs(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testCc(t, ` cc_binary { name: "mybin", srcs: ["foo.c"], static_libs: ["libfooC", "libfooB"], static_executable: true, stl: "none", } cc_library { name: "libfooB", srcs: ["foo.c"], shared_libs: ["libfooC"], stl: "none", } cc_library { name: "libfooC", srcs: ["foo.c"], stl: "none", stubs: { versions: ["1"], }, }`) mybin := ctx.ModuleForTests("mybin", "android_arm64_armv8-a").Rule("ld") actual := mybin.Implicits[:2] expected := GetOutputPaths(ctx, "android_arm64_armv8-a_static", []string{"libfooB", "libfooC"}) if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, expected) { t.Errorf("staticDeps orderings were not propagated correctly"+ "\nactual: %v"+ "\nexpected: %v", actual, expected, ) } } func TestErrorsIfAModuleDependsOnDisabled(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() testCcError(t, `module "libA" .* depends on disabled module "libB"`, ` cc_library { name: "libA", srcs: ["foo.c"], shared_libs: ["libB"], stl: "none", } cc_library { name: "libB", srcs: ["foo.c"], enabled: false, stl: "none", } `) } func VerifyAFLFuzzTargetVariant(t *testing.T, variant string) { bp := ` cc_fuzz { name: "test_afl_fuzz_target", srcs: ["foo.c"], host_supported: true, static_libs: [ "afl_fuzz_static_lib", ], shared_libs: [ "afl_fuzz_shared_lib", ], fuzzing_frameworks: { afl: true, libfuzzer: false, }, } cc_library { name: "afl_fuzz_static_lib", host_supported: true, srcs: ["static_file.c"], } cc_library { name: "libfuzzer_only_static_lib", host_supported: true, srcs: ["static_file.c"], } cc_library { name: "afl_fuzz_shared_lib", host_supported: true, srcs: ["shared_file.c"], static_libs: [ "second_static_lib", ], } cc_library_headers { name: "libafl_headers", vendor_available: true, host_supported: true, export_include_dirs: [ "include", "instrumentation", ], } cc_object { name: "afl-compiler-rt", vendor_available: true, host_supported: true, cflags: [ "-fPIC", ], srcs: [ "instrumentation/afl-compiler-rt.o.c", ], } cc_library { name: "second_static_lib", host_supported: true, srcs: ["second_file.c"], } cc_object { name: "aflpp_driver", host_supported: true, srcs: [ "aflpp_driver.c", ], }` testEnv := map[string]string{ "FUZZ_FRAMEWORK": "AFL", } ctx := android.GroupFixturePreparers(prepareForCcTest, android.FixtureMergeEnv(testEnv)).RunTestWithBp(t, bp) checkPcGuardFlag := func( modName string, variantName string, shouldHave bool) { cc := ctx.ModuleForTests(modName, variantName).Rule("cc") cFlags, ok := cc.Args["cFlags"] if !ok { t.Errorf("Could not find cFlags for module %s and variant %s", modName, variantName) } if strings.Contains( cFlags, "-fsanitize-coverage=trace-pc-guard") != shouldHave { t.Errorf("Flag was found: %t. Expected to find flag: %t. "+ "Test failed for module %s and variant %s", !shouldHave, shouldHave, modName, variantName) } } moduleName := "test_afl_fuzz_target" checkPcGuardFlag(moduleName, variant+"_fuzzer", true) moduleName = "afl_fuzz_static_lib" checkPcGuardFlag(moduleName, variant+"_static", false) checkPcGuardFlag(moduleName, variant+"_static_fuzzer", true) moduleName = "second_static_lib" checkPcGuardFlag(moduleName, variant+"_static", false) checkPcGuardFlag(moduleName, variant+"_static_fuzzer", true) ctx.ModuleForTests("afl_fuzz_shared_lib", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Rule("cc") ctx.ModuleForTests("afl_fuzz_shared_lib", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_fuzzer").Rule("cc") } func TestAFLFuzzTargetForDevice(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() VerifyAFLFuzzTargetVariant(t, "android_arm64_armv8-a") } func TestAFLFuzzTargetForLinuxHost(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() if runtime.GOOS != "linux" { t.Skip("requires linux") } VerifyAFLFuzzTargetVariant(t, "linux_glibc_x86_64") } // Simple smoke test for the cc_fuzz target that ensures the rule compiles // correctly. func TestFuzzTarget(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testCc(t, ` cc_fuzz { name: "fuzz_smoke_test", srcs: ["foo.c"], }`) variant := "android_arm64_armv8-a_fuzzer" ctx.ModuleForTests("fuzz_smoke_test", variant).Rule("cc") } func assertString(t *testing.T, got, expected string) { t.Helper() if got != expected { t.Errorf("expected %q got %q", expected, got) } } func assertArrayString(t *testing.T, got, expected []string) { t.Helper() if len(got) != len(expected) { t.Errorf("expected %d (%q) got (%d) %q", len(expected), expected, len(got), got) return } for i := range got { if got[i] != expected[i] { t.Errorf("expected %d-th %q (%q) got %q (%q)", i, expected[i], expected, got[i], got) return } } } func assertMapKeys(t *testing.T, m map[string]string, expected []string) { t.Helper() assertArrayString(t, android.SortedKeys(m), expected) } func TestDefaults(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testCc(t, ` cc_defaults { name: "defaults", srcs: ["foo.c"], static: { srcs: ["bar.c"], }, shared: { srcs: ["baz.c"], }, bazel_module: { bp2build_available: true, }, } cc_library_static { name: "libstatic", defaults: ["defaults"], } cc_library_shared { name: "libshared", defaults: ["defaults"], } cc_library { name: "libboth", defaults: ["defaults"], } cc_binary { name: "binary", defaults: ["defaults"], }`) shared := ctx.ModuleForTests("libshared", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Rule("ld") if g, w := pathsToBase(shared.Inputs), []string{"foo.o", "baz.o"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(w, g) { t.Errorf("libshared ld rule wanted %q, got %q", w, g) } bothShared := ctx.ModuleForTests("libboth", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Rule("ld") if g, w := pathsToBase(bothShared.Inputs), []string{"foo.o", "baz.o"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(w, g) { t.Errorf("libboth ld rule wanted %q, got %q", w, g) } binary := ctx.ModuleForTests("binary", "android_arm64_armv8-a").Rule("ld") if g, w := pathsToBase(binary.Inputs), []string{"foo.o"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(w, g) { t.Errorf("binary ld rule wanted %q, got %q", w, g) } static := ctx.ModuleForTests("libstatic", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static").Rule("ar") if g, w := pathsToBase(static.Inputs), []string{"foo.o", "bar.o"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(w, g) { t.Errorf("libstatic ar rule wanted %q, got %q", w, g) } bothStatic := ctx.ModuleForTests("libboth", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static").Rule("ar") if g, w := pathsToBase(bothStatic.Inputs), []string{"foo.o", "bar.o"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(w, g) { t.Errorf("libboth ar rule wanted %q, got %q", w, g) } } func TestProductVariableDefaults(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() bp := ` cc_defaults { name: "libfoo_defaults", srcs: ["foo.c"], cppflags: ["-DFOO"], product_variables: { debuggable: { cppflags: ["-DBAR"], }, }, } cc_library { name: "libfoo", defaults: ["libfoo_defaults"], } ` result := android.GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForCcTest, android.PrepareForTestWithVariables, android.FixtureModifyProductVariables(func(variables android.FixtureProductVariables) { variables.Debuggable = BoolPtr(true) }), ).RunTestWithBp(t, bp) libfoo := result.Module("libfoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static").(*Module) android.AssertStringListContains(t, "cppflags", libfoo.flags.Local.CppFlags, "-DBAR") } func TestEmptyWholeStaticLibsAllowMissingDependencies(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() bp := ` cc_library_static { name: "libfoo", srcs: ["foo.c"], whole_static_libs: ["libbar"], } cc_library_static { name: "libbar", whole_static_libs: ["libmissing"], } ` result := android.GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForCcTest, android.PrepareForTestWithAllowMissingDependencies, ).RunTestWithBp(t, bp) libbar := result.ModuleForTests("libbar", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static").Output("libbar.a") android.AssertDeepEquals(t, "libbar rule", android.ErrorRule, libbar.Rule) android.AssertStringDoesContain(t, "libbar error", libbar.Args["error"], "missing dependencies: libmissing") libfoo := result.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static").Output("libfoo.a") android.AssertStringListContains(t, "libfoo.a dependencies", libfoo.Inputs.Strings(), libbar.Output.String()) } func TestInstallSharedLibs(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() bp := ` cc_binary { name: "bin", host_supported: true, shared_libs: ["libshared"], runtime_libs: ["libruntime"], srcs: [":gen"], } cc_library_shared { name: "libshared", host_supported: true, shared_libs: ["libtransitive"], } cc_library_shared { name: "libtransitive", host_supported: true, } cc_library_shared { name: "libruntime", host_supported: true, } cc_binary_host { name: "tool", srcs: ["foo.cpp"], } genrule { name: "gen", tools: ["tool"], out: ["gen.cpp"], cmd: "$(location tool) $(out)", } ` config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil) ctx := testCcWithConfig(t, config) hostBin := ctx.ModuleForTests("bin", config.BuildOSTarget.String()).Description("install") hostShared := ctx.ModuleForTests("libshared", config.BuildOSTarget.String()+"_shared").Description("install") hostRuntime := ctx.ModuleForTests("libruntime", config.BuildOSTarget.String()+"_shared").Description("install") hostTransitive := ctx.ModuleForTests("libtransitive", config.BuildOSTarget.String()+"_shared").Description("install") hostTool := ctx.ModuleForTests("tool", config.BuildOSTarget.String()).Description("install") if g, w := hostBin.Implicits.Strings(), hostShared.Output.String(); !android.InList(w, g) { t.Errorf("expected host bin dependency %q, got %q", w, g) } if g, w := hostBin.Implicits.Strings(), hostTransitive.Output.String(); !android.InList(w, g) { t.Errorf("expected host bin dependency %q, got %q", w, g) } if g, w := hostShared.Implicits.Strings(), hostTransitive.Output.String(); !android.InList(w, g) { t.Errorf("expected host bin dependency %q, got %q", w, g) } if g, w := hostBin.Implicits.Strings(), hostRuntime.Output.String(); !android.InList(w, g) { t.Errorf("expected host bin dependency %q, got %q", w, g) } if g, w := hostBin.Implicits.Strings(), hostTool.Output.String(); android.InList(w, g) { t.Errorf("expected no host bin dependency %q, got %q", w, g) } deviceBin := ctx.ModuleForTests("bin", "android_arm64_armv8-a").Description("install") deviceShared := ctx.ModuleForTests("libshared", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Description("install") deviceTransitive := ctx.ModuleForTests("libtransitive", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Description("install") deviceRuntime := ctx.ModuleForTests("libruntime", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Description("install") if g, w := deviceBin.OrderOnly.Strings(), deviceShared.Output.String(); !android.InList(w, g) { t.Errorf("expected device bin dependency %q, got %q", w, g) } if g, w := deviceBin.OrderOnly.Strings(), deviceTransitive.Output.String(); !android.InList(w, g) { t.Errorf("expected device bin dependency %q, got %q", w, g) } if g, w := deviceShared.OrderOnly.Strings(), deviceTransitive.Output.String(); !android.InList(w, g) { t.Errorf("expected device bin dependency %q, got %q", w, g) } if g, w := deviceBin.OrderOnly.Strings(), deviceRuntime.Output.String(); !android.InList(w, g) { t.Errorf("expected device bin dependency %q, got %q", w, g) } if g, w := deviceBin.OrderOnly.Strings(), hostTool.Output.String(); android.InList(w, g) { t.Errorf("expected no device bin dependency %q, got %q", w, g) } } func TestStubsLibReexportsHeaders(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testCc(t, ` cc_library_shared { name: "libclient", srcs: ["foo.c"], shared_libs: ["libfoo#1"], } cc_library_shared { name: "libfoo", srcs: ["foo.c"], shared_libs: ["libbar"], export_shared_lib_headers: ["libbar"], stubs: { symbol_file: "foo.map.txt", versions: ["1", "2", "3"], }, } cc_library_shared { name: "libbar", export_include_dirs: ["include/libbar"], srcs: ["foo.c"], }`) cFlags := ctx.ModuleForTests("libclient", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"] if !strings.Contains(cFlags, "-Iinclude/libbar") { t.Errorf("expected %q in cflags, got %q", "-Iinclude/libbar", cFlags) } } func TestAidlFlagsPassedToTheAidlCompiler(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testCc(t, ` cc_library { name: "libfoo", srcs: ["a/Foo.aidl"], aidl: { flags: ["-Werror"], }, } `) libfoo := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static") manifest := android.RuleBuilderSboxProtoForTests(t, libfoo.Output("aidl.sbox.textproto")) aidlCommand := manifest.Commands[0].GetCommand() expectedAidlFlag := "-Werror" if !strings.Contains(aidlCommand, expectedAidlFlag) { t.Errorf("aidl command %q does not contain %q", aidlCommand, expectedAidlFlag) } } func TestAidlFlagsWithMinSdkVersion(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() for _, tc := range []struct { name string sdkVersion string variant string expected string }{ { name: "default is current", sdkVersion: "", variant: "android_arm64_armv8-a_static", expected: "platform_apis", }, { name: "use sdk_version", sdkVersion: `sdk_version: "29"`, variant: "android_arm64_armv8-a_static", expected: "platform_apis", }, { name: "use sdk_version(sdk variant)", sdkVersion: `sdk_version: "29"`, variant: "android_arm64_armv8-a_sdk_static", expected: "29", }, { name: "use min_sdk_version", sdkVersion: `min_sdk_version: "29"`, variant: "android_arm64_armv8-a_static", expected: "29", }, } { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { ctx := testCc(t, ` cc_library { name: "libfoo", stl: "none", srcs: ["a/Foo.aidl"], `+tc.sdkVersion+` } `) libfoo := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", tc.variant) manifest := android.RuleBuilderSboxProtoForTests(t, libfoo.Output("aidl.sbox.textproto")) aidlCommand := manifest.Commands[0].GetCommand() expectedAidlFlag := "--min_sdk_version=" + tc.expected if !strings.Contains(aidlCommand, expectedAidlFlag) { t.Errorf("aidl command %q does not contain %q", aidlCommand, expectedAidlFlag) } }) } } func TestMinSdkVersionInClangTriple(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testCc(t, ` cc_library_shared { name: "libfoo", srcs: ["foo.c"], min_sdk_version: "29", }`) cFlags := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"] android.AssertStringDoesContain(t, "min sdk version", cFlags, "-target aarch64-linux-android29") } func TestNonDigitMinSdkVersionInClangTriple(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() bp := ` cc_library_shared { name: "libfoo", srcs: ["foo.c"], min_sdk_version: "S", } ` result := android.GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForCcTest, android.FixtureModifyProductVariables(func(variables android.FixtureProductVariables) { variables.Platform_version_active_codenames = []string{"UpsideDownCake", "Tiramisu"} }), ).RunTestWithBp(t, bp) ctx := result.TestContext cFlags := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"] android.AssertStringDoesContain(t, "min sdk version", cFlags, "-target aarch64-linux-android31") } func TestIncludeDirsExporting(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // Trim spaces from the beginning, end and immediately after any newline characters. Leaves // embedded newline characters alone. trimIndentingSpaces := func(s string) string { return strings.TrimSpace(regexp.MustCompile("(^|\n)\\s+").ReplaceAllString(s, "$1")) } checkPaths := func(t *testing.T, message string, expected string, paths android.Paths) { t.Helper() expected = trimIndentingSpaces(expected) actual := trimIndentingSpaces(strings.Join(android.FirstUniqueStrings(android.NormalizePathsForTesting(paths)), "\n")) if expected != actual { t.Errorf("%s: expected:\n%s\n actual:\n%s\n", message, expected, actual) } } type exportedChecker func(t *testing.T, name string, exported FlagExporterInfo) checkIncludeDirs := func(t *testing.T, ctx *android.TestContext, module android.Module, checkers ...exportedChecker) { t.Helper() exported := ctx.ModuleProvider(module, FlagExporterInfoProvider).(FlagExporterInfo) name := module.Name() for _, checker := range checkers { checker(t, name, exported) } } expectedIncludeDirs := func(expectedPaths string) exportedChecker { return func(t *testing.T, name string, exported FlagExporterInfo) { t.Helper() checkPaths(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s: include dirs", name), expectedPaths, exported.IncludeDirs) } } expectedSystemIncludeDirs := func(expectedPaths string) exportedChecker { return func(t *testing.T, name string, exported FlagExporterInfo) { t.Helper() checkPaths(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s: system include dirs", name), expectedPaths, exported.SystemIncludeDirs) } } expectedGeneratedHeaders := func(expectedPaths string) exportedChecker { return func(t *testing.T, name string, exported FlagExporterInfo) { t.Helper() checkPaths(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s: generated headers", name), expectedPaths, exported.GeneratedHeaders) } } expectedOrderOnlyDeps := func(expectedPaths string) exportedChecker { return func(t *testing.T, name string, exported FlagExporterInfo) { t.Helper() checkPaths(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s: order only deps", name), expectedPaths, exported.Deps) } } genRuleModules := ` genrule { name: "genrule_foo", cmd: "generate-foo", out: [ "generated_headers/foo/generated_header.h", ], export_include_dirs: [ "generated_headers", ], } genrule { name: "genrule_bar", cmd: "generate-bar", out: [ "generated_headers/bar/generated_header.h", ], export_include_dirs: [ "generated_headers", ], } ` t.Run("ensure exported include dirs are not automatically re-exported from shared_libs", func(t *testing.T) { ctx := testCc(t, genRuleModules+` cc_library { name: "libfoo", srcs: ["foo.c"], export_include_dirs: ["foo/standard"], export_system_include_dirs: ["foo/system"], generated_headers: ["genrule_foo"], export_generated_headers: ["genrule_foo"], } cc_library { name: "libbar", srcs: ["bar.c"], shared_libs: ["libfoo"], export_include_dirs: ["bar/standard"], export_system_include_dirs: ["bar/system"], generated_headers: ["genrule_bar"], export_generated_headers: ["genrule_bar"], } `) foo := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Module() checkIncludeDirs(t, ctx, foo, expectedIncludeDirs(` foo/standard .intermediates/genrule_foo/gen/generated_headers `), expectedSystemIncludeDirs(`foo/system`), expectedGeneratedHeaders(`.intermediates/genrule_foo/gen/generated_headers/foo/generated_header.h`), expectedOrderOnlyDeps(`.intermediates/genrule_foo/gen/generated_headers/foo/generated_header.h`), ) bar := ctx.ModuleForTests("libbar", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Module() checkIncludeDirs(t, ctx, bar, expectedIncludeDirs(` bar/standard .intermediates/genrule_bar/gen/generated_headers `), expectedSystemIncludeDirs(`bar/system`), expectedGeneratedHeaders(`.intermediates/genrule_bar/gen/generated_headers/bar/generated_header.h`), expectedOrderOnlyDeps(`.intermediates/genrule_bar/gen/generated_headers/bar/generated_header.h`), ) }) t.Run("ensure exported include dirs are automatically re-exported from whole_static_libs", func(t *testing.T) { ctx := testCc(t, genRuleModules+` cc_library { name: "libfoo", srcs: ["foo.c"], export_include_dirs: ["foo/standard"], export_system_include_dirs: ["foo/system"], generated_headers: ["genrule_foo"], export_generated_headers: ["genrule_foo"], } cc_library { name: "libbar", srcs: ["bar.c"], whole_static_libs: ["libfoo"], export_include_dirs: ["bar/standard"], export_system_include_dirs: ["bar/system"], generated_headers: ["genrule_bar"], export_generated_headers: ["genrule_bar"], } `) foo := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Module() checkIncludeDirs(t, ctx, foo, expectedIncludeDirs(` foo/standard .intermediates/genrule_foo/gen/generated_headers `), expectedSystemIncludeDirs(`foo/system`), expectedGeneratedHeaders(`.intermediates/genrule_foo/gen/generated_headers/foo/generated_header.h`), expectedOrderOnlyDeps(`.intermediates/genrule_foo/gen/generated_headers/foo/generated_header.h`), ) bar := ctx.ModuleForTests("libbar", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Module() checkIncludeDirs(t, ctx, bar, expectedIncludeDirs(` bar/standard foo/standard .intermediates/genrule_foo/gen/generated_headers .intermediates/genrule_bar/gen/generated_headers `), expectedSystemIncludeDirs(` bar/system foo/system `), expectedGeneratedHeaders(` .intermediates/genrule_foo/gen/generated_headers/foo/generated_header.h .intermediates/genrule_bar/gen/generated_headers/bar/generated_header.h `), expectedOrderOnlyDeps(` .intermediates/genrule_foo/gen/generated_headers/foo/generated_header.h .intermediates/genrule_bar/gen/generated_headers/bar/generated_header.h `), ) }) t.Run("ensure only aidl headers are exported", func(t *testing.T) { ctx := testCc(t, genRuleModules+` cc_library_shared { name: "libfoo", srcs: [ "foo.c", "b.aidl", "a.proto", ], aidl: { export_aidl_headers: true, } } `) foo := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Module() checkIncludeDirs(t, ctx, foo, expectedIncludeDirs(` .intermediates/libfoo/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/gen/aidl `), expectedSystemIncludeDirs(``), expectedGeneratedHeaders(` .intermediates/libfoo/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/gen/aidl/b.h .intermediates/libfoo/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/gen/aidl/Bnb.h .intermediates/libfoo/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/gen/aidl/Bpb.h `), expectedOrderOnlyDeps(` .intermediates/libfoo/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/gen/aidl/b.h .intermediates/libfoo/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/gen/aidl/Bnb.h .intermediates/libfoo/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/gen/aidl/Bpb.h `), ) }) t.Run("ensure only proto headers are exported", func(t *testing.T) { ctx := testCc(t, genRuleModules+` cc_library_shared { name: "libfoo", srcs: [ "foo.c", "b.aidl", "a.proto", ], proto: { export_proto_headers: true, } } `) foo := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Module() checkIncludeDirs(t, ctx, foo, expectedIncludeDirs(` .intermediates/libfoo/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/gen/proto `), expectedSystemIncludeDirs(``), expectedGeneratedHeaders(` .intermediates/libfoo/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/gen/proto/a.pb.h `), expectedOrderOnlyDeps(` .intermediates/libfoo/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/gen/proto/a.pb.h `), ) }) t.Run("ensure only sysprop headers are exported", func(t *testing.T) { ctx := testCc(t, genRuleModules+` cc_library_shared { name: "libfoo", srcs: [ "foo.c", "path/to/a.sysprop", "b.aidl", "a.proto", ], } `) foo := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Module() checkIncludeDirs(t, ctx, foo, expectedIncludeDirs(` .intermediates/libfoo/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/gen/sysprop/include `), expectedSystemIncludeDirs(``), expectedGeneratedHeaders(` .intermediates/libfoo/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/gen/sysprop/include/path/to/a.sysprop.h `), expectedOrderOnlyDeps(` .intermediates/libfoo/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/gen/sysprop/include/path/to/a.sysprop.h .intermediates/libfoo/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/gen/sysprop/public/include/path/to/a.sysprop.h `), ) }) } func TestIncludeDirectoryOrdering(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() baseExpectedFlags := []string{ "${config.ArmThumbCflags}", "${config.ArmCflags}", "${config.CommonGlobalCflags}", "${config.DeviceGlobalCflags}", "${config.ExternalCflags}", "${config.ArmToolchainCflags}", "${config.ArmArmv7ANeonCflags}", "${config.ArmGenericCflags}", "-target", "armv7a-linux-androideabi21", } expectedIncludes := []string{ "external/foo/android_arm_export_include_dirs", "external/foo/lib32_export_include_dirs", "external/foo/arm_export_include_dirs", "external/foo/android_export_include_dirs", "external/foo/linux_export_include_dirs", "external/foo/export_include_dirs", "external/foo/android_arm_local_include_dirs", "external/foo/lib32_local_include_dirs", "external/foo/arm_local_include_dirs", "external/foo/android_local_include_dirs", "external/foo/linux_local_include_dirs", "external/foo/local_include_dirs", "external/foo", "external/foo/libheader1", "external/foo/libheader2", "external/foo/libwhole1", "external/foo/libwhole2", "external/foo/libstatic1", "external/foo/libstatic2", "external/foo/libshared1", "external/foo/libshared2", "external/foo/liblinux", "external/foo/libandroid", "external/foo/libarm", "external/foo/lib32", "external/foo/libandroid_arm", "defaults/cc/common/ndk_libc++_shared", } conly := []string{"-fPIC", "${config.CommonGlobalConlyflags}"} cppOnly := []string{"-fPIC", "${config.CommonGlobalCppflags}", "${config.DeviceGlobalCppflags}", "${config.ArmCppflags}"} cflags := []string{"-Werror", "-std=candcpp"} cstd := []string{"-std=gnu11", "-std=conly"} cppstd := []string{"-std=gnu++17", "-std=cpp", "-fno-rtti"} lastIncludes := []string{ "out/soong/ndk/sysroot/usr/include", "out/soong/ndk/sysroot/usr/include/arm-linux-androideabi", } combineSlices := func(slices ...[]string) []string { var ret []string for _, s := range slices { ret = append(ret, s...) } return ret } testCases := []struct { name string src string expected []string }{ { name: "c", src: "foo.c", expected: combineSlices(baseExpectedFlags, conly, expectedIncludes, cflags, cstd, lastIncludes, []string{"${config.NoOverrideGlobalCflags}", "${config.NoOverrideExternalGlobalCflags}"}), }, { name: "cc", src: "foo.cc", expected: combineSlices(baseExpectedFlags, cppOnly, expectedIncludes, cflags, cppstd, lastIncludes, []string{"${config.NoOverrideGlobalCflags}", "${config.NoOverrideExternalGlobalCflags}"}), }, { name: "assemble", src: "foo.s", expected: combineSlices(baseExpectedFlags, []string{"${config.CommonGlobalAsflags}"}, expectedIncludes, lastIncludes), }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { bp := fmt.Sprintf(` cc_library { name: "libfoo", srcs: ["%s"], cflags: ["-std=candcpp"], conlyflags: ["-std=conly"], cppflags: ["-std=cpp"], local_include_dirs: ["local_include_dirs"], export_include_dirs: ["export_include_dirs"], export_system_include_dirs: ["export_system_include_dirs"], static_libs: ["libstatic1", "libstatic2"], whole_static_libs: ["libwhole1", "libwhole2"], shared_libs: ["libshared1", "libshared2"], header_libs: ["libheader1", "libheader2"], target: { android: { shared_libs: ["libandroid"], local_include_dirs: ["android_local_include_dirs"], export_include_dirs: ["android_export_include_dirs"], }, android_arm: { shared_libs: ["libandroid_arm"], local_include_dirs: ["android_arm_local_include_dirs"], export_include_dirs: ["android_arm_export_include_dirs"], }, linux: { shared_libs: ["liblinux"], local_include_dirs: ["linux_local_include_dirs"], export_include_dirs: ["linux_export_include_dirs"], }, }, multilib: { lib32: { shared_libs: ["lib32"], local_include_dirs: ["lib32_local_include_dirs"], export_include_dirs: ["lib32_export_include_dirs"], }, }, arch: { arm: { shared_libs: ["libarm"], local_include_dirs: ["arm_local_include_dirs"], export_include_dirs: ["arm_export_include_dirs"], }, }, stl: "libc++", sdk_version: "minimum", } cc_library_headers { name: "libheader1", export_include_dirs: ["libheader1"], sdk_version: "minimum", stl: "none", } cc_library_headers { name: "libheader2", export_include_dirs: ["libheader2"], sdk_version: "minimum", stl: "none", } `, tc.src) libs := []string{ "libstatic1", "libstatic2", "libwhole1", "libwhole2", "libshared1", "libshared2", "libandroid", "libandroid_arm", "liblinux", "lib32", "libarm", } for _, lib := range libs { bp += fmt.Sprintf(` cc_library { name: "%s", export_include_dirs: ["%s"], sdk_version: "minimum", stl: "none", } `, lib, lib) } ctx := android.GroupFixturePreparers( PrepareForIntegrationTestWithCc, android.FixtureAddTextFile("external/foo/Android.bp", bp), ).RunTest(t) // Use the arm variant instead of the arm64 variant so that it gets headers from // ndk_libandroid_support to test LateStaticLibs. cflags := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm_armv7-a-neon_sdk_static").Output("obj/external/foo/foo.o").Args["cFlags"] var includes []string flags := strings.Split(cflags, " ") for _, flag := range flags { if strings.HasPrefix(flag, "-I") { includes = append(includes, strings.TrimPrefix(flag, "-I")) } else if flag == "-isystem" { // skip isystem, include next } else if len(flag) > 0 { includes = append(includes, flag) } } android.AssertArrayString(t, "includes", tc.expected, includes) }) } } func TestAddnoOverride64GlobalCflags(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := testCc(t, ` cc_library_shared { name: "libclient", srcs: ["foo.c"], shared_libs: ["libfoo#1"], } cc_library_shared { name: "libfoo", srcs: ["foo.c"], shared_libs: ["libbar"], export_shared_lib_headers: ["libbar"], stubs: { symbol_file: "foo.map.txt", versions: ["1", "2", "3"], }, } cc_library_shared { name: "libbar", export_include_dirs: ["include/libbar"], srcs: ["foo.c"], }`) cFlags := ctx.ModuleForTests("libclient", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"] if !strings.Contains(cFlags, "${config.NoOverride64GlobalCflags}") { t.Errorf("expected %q in cflags, got %q", "${config.NoOverride64GlobalCflags}", cFlags) } } func TestCcBuildBrokenClangProperty(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tests := []struct { name string clang bool BuildBrokenClangProperty bool err string }{ { name: "error when clang is set to false", clang: false, err: "is no longer supported", }, { name: "error when clang is set to true", clang: true, err: "property is deprecated, see Changes.md", }, { name: "no error when BuildBrokenClangProperty is explicitly set to true", clang: true, BuildBrokenClangProperty: true, }, } for _, test := range tests { t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) { bp := fmt.Sprintf(` cc_library { name: "foo", clang: %t, }`, test.clang) if test.err == "" { android.GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForCcTest, android.FixtureModifyProductVariables(func(variables android.FixtureProductVariables) { if test.BuildBrokenClangProperty { variables.BuildBrokenClangProperty = test.BuildBrokenClangProperty } }), ).RunTestWithBp(t, bp) } else { prepareForCcTest. ExtendWithErrorHandler(android.FixtureExpectsOneErrorPattern(test.err)). RunTestWithBp(t, bp) } }) } } func TestCcBuildBrokenClangAsFlags(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tests := []struct { name string clangAsFlags []string BuildBrokenClangAsFlags bool err string }{ { name: "error when clang_asflags is set", clangAsFlags: []string{"-a", "-b"}, err: "clang_asflags: property is deprecated", }, { name: "no error when BuildBrokenClangAsFlags is explicitly set to true", clangAsFlags: []string{"-a", "-b"}, BuildBrokenClangAsFlags: true, }, } for _, test := range tests { t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) { bp := fmt.Sprintf(` cc_library { name: "foo", clang_asflags: %s, }`, `["`+strings.Join(test.clangAsFlags, `","`)+`"]`) if test.err == "" { android.GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForCcTest, android.FixtureModifyProductVariables(func(variables android.FixtureProductVariables) { if test.BuildBrokenClangAsFlags { variables.BuildBrokenClangAsFlags = test.BuildBrokenClangAsFlags } }), ).RunTestWithBp(t, bp) } else { prepareForCcTest. ExtendWithErrorHandler(android.FixtureExpectsOneErrorPattern(test.err)). RunTestWithBp(t, bp) } }) } } func TestCcBuildBrokenClangCFlags(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tests := []struct { name string clangCFlags []string BuildBrokenClangCFlags bool err string }{ { name: "error when clang_cflags is set", clangCFlags: []string{"-a", "-b"}, err: "clang_cflags: property is deprecated", }, { name: "no error when BuildBrokenClangCFlags is explicitly set to true", clangCFlags: []string{"-a", "-b"}, BuildBrokenClangCFlags: true, }, } for _, test := range tests { t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) { bp := fmt.Sprintf(` cc_library { name: "foo", clang_cflags: %s, }`, `["`+strings.Join(test.clangCFlags, `","`)+`"]`) if test.err == "" { android.GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForCcTest, android.FixtureModifyProductVariables(func(variables android.FixtureProductVariables) { if test.BuildBrokenClangCFlags { variables.BuildBrokenClangCFlags = test.BuildBrokenClangCFlags } }), ).RunTestWithBp(t, bp) } else { prepareForCcTest. ExtendWithErrorHandler(android.FixtureExpectsOneErrorPattern(test.err)). RunTestWithBp(t, bp) } }) } } func TestDclaLibraryInApex(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() bp := ` cc_library_shared { name: "cc_lib_in_apex", srcs: ["foo.cc"], apex_available: ["myapex"], bazel_module: { label: "//foo/bar:bar" }, }` label := "//foo/bar:bar" arch64 := "arm64_armv8-a" arch32 := "arm_armv7-a-neon" apexCfgKey := android.ApexConfigKey{ WithinApex: true, ApexSdkVersion: "28", } result := android.GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForCcTest, android.FixtureRegisterWithContext(registerTestMutators), android.FixtureModifyConfig(func(config android.Config) { config.BazelContext = android.MockBazelContext{ OutputBaseDir: "outputbase", LabelToCcInfo: map[string]cquery.CcInfo{ android.BuildMockBazelContextResultKey(label, arch32, android.Android, apexCfgKey): cquery.CcInfo{ RootDynamicLibraries: []string{"foo.so"}, }, android.BuildMockBazelContextResultKey(label, arch64, android.Android, apexCfgKey): cquery.CcInfo{ RootDynamicLibraries: []string{"foo.so"}, }, }, BazelRequests: make(map[string]bool), } }), ).RunTestWithBp(t, bp) ctx := result.TestContext // Test if the bazel request is queued correctly key := android.BuildMockBazelContextRequestKey(label, cquery.GetCcInfo, arch32, android.Android, apexCfgKey) if !ctx.Config().BazelContext.(android.MockBazelContext).BazelRequests[key] { t.Errorf("Bazel request was not queued: %s", key) } sharedFoo := ctx.ModuleForTests(ccLibInApex, "android_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared_"+apexVariationName).Module() producer := sharedFoo.(android.OutputFileProducer) outputFiles, err := producer.OutputFiles("") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected error getting cc_object outputfiles %s", err) } expectedOutputFiles := []string{"outputbase/execroot/__main__/foo.so"} android.AssertDeepEquals(t, "output files", expectedOutputFiles, outputFiles.Strings()) }