// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package cc import ( "path/filepath" "strings" "github.com/google/blueprint" "android/soong/android" ) func init() { pctx.SourcePathVariable("lexCmd", "prebuilts/build-tools/${config.HostPrebuiltTag}/bin/flex") pctx.SourcePathVariable("m4Cmd", "prebuilts/build-tools/${config.HostPrebuiltTag}/bin/m4") pctx.HostBinToolVariable("aidlCmd", "aidl-cpp") pctx.HostBinToolVariable("syspropCmd", "sysprop_cpp") } var ( lex = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("lex", blueprint.RuleParams{ Command: "M4=$m4Cmd $lexCmd $flags -o$out $in", CommandDeps: []string{"$lexCmd", "$m4Cmd"}, }, "flags") sysprop = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("sysprop", blueprint.RuleParams{ Command: "$syspropCmd --header-dir=$headerOutDir --public-header-dir=$publicOutDir " + "--source-dir=$srcOutDir --include-name=$includeName $in", CommandDeps: []string{"$syspropCmd"}, }, "headerOutDir", "publicOutDir", "srcOutDir", "includeName") windmc = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("windmc", blueprint.RuleParams{ Command: "$windmcCmd -r$$(dirname $out) -h$$(dirname $out) $in", CommandDeps: []string{"$windmcCmd"}, }, "windmcCmd") ) type YaccProperties struct { // list of module-specific flags that will be used for .y and .yy compiles Flags []string // whether the yacc files will produce a location.hh file Gen_location_hh *bool // whether the yacc files will product a position.hh file Gen_position_hh *bool } func genYacc(ctx android.ModuleContext, rule *android.RuleBuilder, yaccFile android.Path, outFile android.ModuleGenPath, props *YaccProperties) (headerFiles android.Paths) { outDir := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "yacc") headerFile := android.GenPathWithExt(ctx, "yacc", yaccFile, "h") ret := android.Paths{headerFile} cmd := rule.Command() // Fix up #line markers to not use the sbox temporary directory // android.sboxPathForOutput(outDir, outDir) returns the sbox placeholder for the out // directory itself, without any filename appended. sboxOutDir := cmd.PathForOutput(outDir) sedCmd := "sed -i.bak 's#" + sboxOutDir + "#" + outDir.String() + "#'" rule.Command().Text(sedCmd).Input(outFile) rule.Command().Text(sedCmd).Input(headerFile) var flags []string if props != nil { flags = props.Flags if Bool(props.Gen_location_hh) { locationHeader := outFile.InSameDir(ctx, "location.hh") ret = append(ret, locationHeader) cmd.ImplicitOutput(locationHeader) rule.Command().Text(sedCmd).Input(locationHeader) } if Bool(props.Gen_position_hh) { positionHeader := outFile.InSameDir(ctx, "position.hh") ret = append(ret, positionHeader) cmd.ImplicitOutput(positionHeader) rule.Command().Text(sedCmd).Input(positionHeader) } } cmd.Text("BISON_PKGDATADIR=prebuilts/build-tools/common/bison"). FlagWithInput("M4=", ctx.Config().PrebuiltBuildTool(ctx, "m4")). PrebuiltBuildTool(ctx, "bison"). Flag("-d"). Flags(flags). FlagWithOutput("--defines=", headerFile). Flag("-o").Output(outFile).Input(yaccFile) return ret } func genAidl(ctx android.ModuleContext, rule *android.RuleBuilder, aidlFile android.Path, outFile, depFile android.ModuleGenPath, aidlFlags string) android.Paths { aidlPackage := strings.TrimSuffix(aidlFile.Rel(), aidlFile.Base()) baseName := strings.TrimSuffix(aidlFile.Base(), aidlFile.Ext()) shortName := baseName // TODO(b/111362593): aidl_to_cpp_common.cpp uses heuristics to figure out if // an interface name has a leading I. Those same heuristics have been // moved here. if len(baseName) >= 2 && baseName[0] == 'I' && strings.ToUpper(baseName)[1] == baseName[1] { shortName = strings.TrimPrefix(baseName, "I") } outDir := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "aidl") headerI := outDir.Join(ctx, aidlPackage, baseName+".h") headerBn := outDir.Join(ctx, aidlPackage, "Bn"+shortName+".h") headerBp := outDir.Join(ctx, aidlPackage, "Bp"+shortName+".h") baseDir := strings.TrimSuffix(aidlFile.String(), aidlFile.Rel()) if baseDir != "" { aidlFlags += " -I" + baseDir } cmd := rule.Command() cmd.BuiltTool("aidl-cpp"). FlagWithDepFile("-d", depFile). Flag("--ninja"). Flag(aidlFlags). Input(aidlFile). OutputDir(). Output(outFile). ImplicitOutputs(android.WritablePaths{ headerI, headerBn, headerBp, }) return android.Paths{ headerI, headerBn, headerBp, } } type LexProperties struct { // list of module-specific flags that will be used for .l and .ll compiles Flags []string } func genLex(ctx android.ModuleContext, lexFile android.Path, outFile android.ModuleGenPath, props *LexProperties) { var flags []string if props != nil { flags = props.Flags } flagsString := strings.Join(flags[:], " ") ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{ Rule: lex, Description: "lex " + lexFile.Rel(), Output: outFile, Input: lexFile, Args: map[string]string{"flags": flagsString}, }) } func genSysprop(ctx android.ModuleContext, syspropFile android.Path) (android.Path, android.Paths) { headerFile := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "sysprop", "include", syspropFile.Rel()+".h") publicHeaderFile := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "sysprop/public", "include", syspropFile.Rel()+".h") cppFile := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "sysprop", syspropFile.Rel()+".cpp") headers := android.WritablePaths{headerFile, publicHeaderFile} ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{ Rule: sysprop, Description: "sysprop " + syspropFile.Rel(), Output: cppFile, ImplicitOutputs: headers, Input: syspropFile, Args: map[string]string{ "headerOutDir": filepath.Dir(headerFile.String()), "publicOutDir": filepath.Dir(publicHeaderFile.String()), "srcOutDir": filepath.Dir(cppFile.String()), "includeName": syspropFile.Rel() + ".h", }, }) return cppFile, headers.Paths() } func genWinMsg(ctx android.ModuleContext, srcFile android.Path, flags builderFlags) (android.Path, android.Path) { headerFile := android.GenPathWithExt(ctx, "windmc", srcFile, "h") rcFile := android.GenPathWithExt(ctx, "windmc", srcFile, "rc") windmcCmd := gccCmd(flags.toolchain, "windmc") ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{ Rule: windmc, Description: "windmc " + srcFile.Rel(), Output: rcFile, ImplicitOutput: headerFile, Input: srcFile, Args: map[string]string{ "windmcCmd": windmcCmd, }, }) return rcFile, headerFile } // Used to communicate information from the genSources method back to the library code that uses // it. type generatedSourceInfo struct { // The headers created from .proto files protoHeaders android.Paths // The files that can be used as order only dependencies in order to ensure that the proto header // files are up to date. protoOrderOnlyDeps android.Paths // The headers created from .aidl files aidlHeaders android.Paths // The files that can be used as order only dependencies in order to ensure that the aidl header // files are up to date. aidlOrderOnlyDeps android.Paths // The headers created from .sysprop files syspropHeaders android.Paths // The files that can be used as order only dependencies in order to ensure that the sysprop // header files are up to date. syspropOrderOnlyDeps android.Paths } func genSources(ctx android.ModuleContext, srcFiles android.Paths, buildFlags builderFlags) (android.Paths, android.Paths, generatedSourceInfo) { var info generatedSourceInfo var deps android.Paths var rsFiles android.Paths var aidlRule *android.RuleBuilder var yaccRule_ *android.RuleBuilder yaccRule := func() *android.RuleBuilder { if yaccRule_ == nil { yaccRule_ = android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx).Sbox(android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "yacc"), android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "yacc.sbox.textproto")) } return yaccRule_ } for i, srcFile := range srcFiles { switch srcFile.Ext() { case ".y": cFile := android.GenPathWithExt(ctx, "yacc", srcFile, "c") srcFiles[i] = cFile deps = append(deps, genYacc(ctx, yaccRule(), srcFile, cFile, buildFlags.yacc)...) case ".yy": cppFile := android.GenPathWithExt(ctx, "yacc", srcFile, "cpp") srcFiles[i] = cppFile deps = append(deps, genYacc(ctx, yaccRule(), srcFile, cppFile, buildFlags.yacc)...) case ".l": cFile := android.GenPathWithExt(ctx, "lex", srcFile, "c") srcFiles[i] = cFile genLex(ctx, srcFile, cFile, buildFlags.lex) case ".ll": cppFile := android.GenPathWithExt(ctx, "lex", srcFile, "cpp") srcFiles[i] = cppFile genLex(ctx, srcFile, cppFile, buildFlags.lex) case ".proto": ccFile, headerFile := genProto(ctx, srcFile, buildFlags) srcFiles[i] = ccFile info.protoHeaders = append(info.protoHeaders, headerFile) // Use the generated header as an order only dep to ensure that it is up to date when needed. info.protoOrderOnlyDeps = append(info.protoOrderOnlyDeps, headerFile) case ".aidl": if aidlRule == nil { aidlRule = android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx).Sbox(android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "aidl"), android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "aidl.sbox.textproto")) } cppFile := android.GenPathWithExt(ctx, "aidl", srcFile, "cpp") depFile := android.GenPathWithExt(ctx, "aidl", srcFile, "cpp.d") srcFiles[i] = cppFile aidlHeaders := genAidl(ctx, aidlRule, srcFile, cppFile, depFile, buildFlags.aidlFlags) info.aidlHeaders = append(info.aidlHeaders, aidlHeaders...) // Use the generated headers as order only deps to ensure that they are up to date when // needed. // TODO: Reduce the size of the ninja file by using one order only dep for the whole rule info.aidlOrderOnlyDeps = append(info.aidlOrderOnlyDeps, aidlHeaders...) case ".rscript", ".fs": cppFile := rsGeneratedCppFile(ctx, srcFile) rsFiles = append(rsFiles, srcFiles[i]) srcFiles[i] = cppFile case ".mc": rcFile, headerFile := genWinMsg(ctx, srcFile, buildFlags) srcFiles[i] = rcFile deps = append(deps, headerFile) case ".sysprop": cppFile, headerFiles := genSysprop(ctx, srcFile) srcFiles[i] = cppFile info.syspropHeaders = append(info.syspropHeaders, headerFiles...) // Use the generated headers as order only deps to ensure that they are up to date when // needed. info.syspropOrderOnlyDeps = append(info.syspropOrderOnlyDeps, headerFiles...) } } if aidlRule != nil { aidlRule.Build("aidl", "gen aidl") } if yaccRule_ != nil { yaccRule_.Build("yacc", "gen yacc") } deps = append(deps, info.protoOrderOnlyDeps...) deps = append(deps, info.aidlOrderOnlyDeps...) deps = append(deps, info.syspropOrderOnlyDeps...) if len(rsFiles) > 0 { deps = append(deps, rsGenerateCpp(ctx, rsFiles, buildFlags.rsFlags)...) } return srcFiles, deps, info }