// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package cc import ( "fmt" "io" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "android/soong/android" "android/soong/bazel" "android/soong/bazel/cquery" "github.com/google/blueprint" "github.com/google/blueprint/pathtools" "github.com/google/blueprint/proptools" ) // LibraryProperties is a collection of properties shared by cc library rules/cc. type LibraryProperties struct { // local file name to pass to the linker as -unexported_symbols_list Unexported_symbols_list *string `android:"path,arch_variant"` // local file name to pass to the linker as -force_symbols_not_weak_list Force_symbols_not_weak_list *string `android:"path,arch_variant"` // local file name to pass to the linker as -force_symbols_weak_list Force_symbols_weak_list *string `android:"path,arch_variant"` // rename host libraries to prevent overlap with system installed libraries Unique_host_soname *bool Aidl struct { // export headers generated from .aidl sources Export_aidl_headers *bool } Proto struct { // export headers generated from .proto sources Export_proto_headers *bool } Sysprop struct { // Whether platform owns this sysprop library. Platform *bool } `blueprint:"mutated"` Static_ndk_lib *bool // Generate stubs to make this library accessible to APEXes. Stubs struct { // Relative path to the symbol map. The symbol map provides the list of // symbols that are exported for stubs variant of this library. Symbol_file *string `android:"path"` // List versions to generate stubs libs for. The version name "current" is always // implicitly added. Versions []string // Whether to not require the implementation of the library to be installed if a // client of the stubs is installed. Defaults to true; set to false if the // implementation is made available by some other means, e.g. in a Microdroid // virtual machine. Implementation_installable *bool } // set the name of the output Stem *string `android:"arch_variant"` // set suffix of the name of the output Suffix *string `android:"arch_variant"` // Properties for ABI compatibility checker. Header_abi_checker headerAbiCheckerProperties Target struct { Vendor, Product struct { // set suffix of the name of the output Suffix *string `android:"arch_variant"` Header_abi_checker headerAbiCheckerProperties } Platform struct { Header_abi_checker headerAbiCheckerProperties } } // Names of modules to be overridden. Listed modules can only be other shared libraries // (in Make or Soong). // This does not completely prevent installation of the overridden libraries, but if both // binaries would be installed by default (in PRODUCT_PACKAGES) the other library will be removed // from PRODUCT_PACKAGES. Overrides []string // Inject boringssl hash into the shared library. This is only intended for use by external/boringssl. Inject_bssl_hash *bool `android:"arch_variant"` // If this is an LLNDK library, properties to describe the LLNDK stubs. Will be copied from // the module pointed to by llndk_stubs if it is set. Llndk llndkLibraryProperties // If this is a vendor public library, properties to describe the vendor public library stubs. Vendor_public_library vendorPublicLibraryProperties } // StaticProperties is a properties stanza to affect only attributes of the "static" variants of a // library module. type StaticProperties struct { Static StaticOrSharedProperties `android:"arch_variant"` } // SharedProperties is a properties stanza to affect only attributes of the "shared" variants of a // library module. type SharedProperties struct { Shared StaticOrSharedProperties `android:"arch_variant"` } // StaticOrSharedProperties is an embedded struct representing properties to affect attributes of // either only the "static" variants or only the "shared" variants of a library module. These override // the base properties of the same name. // Use `StaticProperties` or `SharedProperties`, depending on which variant is needed. // `StaticOrSharedProperties` exists only to avoid duplication. type StaticOrSharedProperties struct { Srcs []string `android:"path,arch_variant"` Tidy_disabled_srcs []string `android:"path,arch_variant"` Tidy_timeout_srcs []string `android:"path,arch_variant"` Sanitized Sanitized `android:"arch_variant"` Cflags []string `android:"arch_variant"` Enabled *bool `android:"arch_variant"` Whole_static_libs []string `android:"arch_variant"` Static_libs []string `android:"arch_variant"` Shared_libs []string `android:"arch_variant"` System_shared_libs []string `android:"arch_variant"` Export_shared_lib_headers []string `android:"arch_variant"` Export_static_lib_headers []string `android:"arch_variant"` Apex_available []string `android:"arch_variant"` Installable *bool `android:"arch_variant"` } type LibraryMutatedProperties struct { // Build a static variant BuildStatic bool `blueprint:"mutated"` // Build a shared variant BuildShared bool `blueprint:"mutated"` // This variant is shared VariantIsShared bool `blueprint:"mutated"` // This variant is static VariantIsStatic bool `blueprint:"mutated"` // This variant is a stubs lib BuildStubs bool `blueprint:"mutated"` // This variant is the latest version IsLatestVersion bool `blueprint:"mutated"` // Version of the stubs lib StubsVersion string `blueprint:"mutated"` // List of all stubs versions associated with an implementation lib AllStubsVersions []string `blueprint:"mutated"` } type FlagExporterProperties struct { // list of directories relative to the Blueprints file that will // be added to the include path (using -I) for this module and any module that links // against this module. Directories listed in export_include_dirs do not need to be // listed in local_include_dirs. Export_include_dirs []string `android:"arch_variant,variant_prepend"` // list of directories that will be added to the system include path // using -isystem for this module and any module that links against this module. Export_system_include_dirs []string `android:"arch_variant,variant_prepend"` Target struct { Vendor, Product struct { // list of exported include directories, like // export_include_dirs, that will be applied to // vendor or product variant of this library. // This will overwrite any other declarations. Override_export_include_dirs []string } } } func init() { RegisterLibraryBuildComponents(android.InitRegistrationContext) } func RegisterLibraryBuildComponents(ctx android.RegistrationContext) { ctx.RegisterModuleType("cc_library_static", LibraryStaticFactory) ctx.RegisterModuleType("cc_library_shared", LibrarySharedFactory) ctx.RegisterModuleType("cc_library", LibraryFactory) ctx.RegisterModuleType("cc_library_host_static", LibraryHostStaticFactory) ctx.RegisterModuleType("cc_library_host_shared", LibraryHostSharedFactory) } // TODO(b/199902614): Can this be factored to share with the other Attributes? // For bp2build conversion. type bazelCcLibraryAttributes struct { // Attributes pertaining to both static and shared variants. Srcs bazel.LabelListAttribute Srcs_c bazel.LabelListAttribute Srcs_as bazel.LabelListAttribute Copts bazel.StringListAttribute Cppflags bazel.StringListAttribute Conlyflags bazel.StringListAttribute Asflags bazel.StringListAttribute Hdrs bazel.LabelListAttribute Deps bazel.LabelListAttribute Implementation_deps bazel.LabelListAttribute Dynamic_deps bazel.LabelListAttribute Implementation_dynamic_deps bazel.LabelListAttribute Whole_archive_deps bazel.LabelListAttribute Implementation_whole_archive_deps bazel.LabelListAttribute System_dynamic_deps bazel.LabelListAttribute Export_includes bazel.StringListAttribute Export_system_includes bazel.StringListAttribute Local_includes bazel.StringListAttribute Absolute_includes bazel.StringListAttribute Linkopts bazel.StringListAttribute Rtti bazel.BoolAttribute Stl *string Cpp_std *string C_std *string // This is shared only. Additional_linker_inputs bazel.LabelListAttribute // Common properties shared between both shared and static variants. Shared staticOrSharedAttributes Static staticOrSharedAttributes Strip stripAttributes Features bazel.StringListAttribute } type aidlLibraryAttributes struct { Srcs bazel.LabelListAttribute Include_dir *string Tags bazel.StringListAttribute } type ccAidlLibraryAttributes struct { Deps bazel.LabelListAttribute Implementation_deps bazel.LabelListAttribute Implementation_dynamic_deps bazel.LabelListAttribute Tags bazel.StringListAttribute sdkAttributes } type stripAttributes struct { Keep_symbols bazel.BoolAttribute Keep_symbols_and_debug_frame bazel.BoolAttribute Keep_symbols_list bazel.StringListAttribute All bazel.BoolAttribute None bazel.BoolAttribute } func stripAttrsFromLinkerAttrs(la *linkerAttributes) stripAttributes { return stripAttributes{ Keep_symbols: la.stripKeepSymbols, Keep_symbols_and_debug_frame: la.stripKeepSymbolsAndDebugFrame, Keep_symbols_list: la.stripKeepSymbolsList, All: la.stripAll, None: la.stripNone, } } func libraryBp2Build(ctx android.TopDownMutatorContext, m *Module) { sharedAttrs := bp2BuildParseSharedProps(ctx, m) staticAttrs := bp2BuildParseStaticProps(ctx, m) baseAttributes := bp2BuildParseBaseProps(ctx, m) compilerAttrs := baseAttributes.compilerAttributes linkerAttrs := baseAttributes.linkerAttributes exportedIncludes := bp2BuildParseExportedIncludes(ctx, m, &compilerAttrs.includes) srcs := compilerAttrs.srcs sharedAttrs.Dynamic_deps.Add(baseAttributes.protoDependency) staticAttrs.Deps.Add(baseAttributes.protoDependency) asFlags := compilerAttrs.asFlags if compilerAttrs.asSrcs.IsEmpty() && sharedAttrs.Srcs_as.IsEmpty() && staticAttrs.Srcs_as.IsEmpty() { // Skip asflags for BUILD file simplicity if there are no assembly sources. asFlags = bazel.MakeStringListAttribute(nil) } staticCommonAttrs := staticOrSharedAttributes{ Srcs: *srcs.Clone().Append(staticAttrs.Srcs), Srcs_c: *compilerAttrs.cSrcs.Clone().Append(staticAttrs.Srcs_c), Srcs_as: *compilerAttrs.asSrcs.Clone().Append(staticAttrs.Srcs_as), Copts: *compilerAttrs.copts.Clone().Append(staticAttrs.Copts), Hdrs: *compilerAttrs.hdrs.Clone().Append(staticAttrs.Hdrs), Deps: *linkerAttrs.deps.Clone().Append(staticAttrs.Deps), Implementation_deps: *linkerAttrs.implementationDeps.Clone().Append(staticAttrs.Implementation_deps), Dynamic_deps: *linkerAttrs.dynamicDeps.Clone().Append(staticAttrs.Dynamic_deps), Implementation_dynamic_deps: *linkerAttrs.implementationDynamicDeps.Clone().Append(staticAttrs.Implementation_dynamic_deps), Implementation_whole_archive_deps: linkerAttrs.implementationWholeArchiveDeps, Whole_archive_deps: *linkerAttrs.wholeArchiveDeps.Clone().Append(staticAttrs.Whole_archive_deps), System_dynamic_deps: *linkerAttrs.systemDynamicDeps.Clone().Append(staticAttrs.System_dynamic_deps), Runtime_deps: linkerAttrs.runtimeDeps, sdkAttributes: bp2BuildParseSdkAttributes(m), Native_coverage: baseAttributes.Native_coverage, } sharedCommonAttrs := staticOrSharedAttributes{ Srcs: *srcs.Clone().Append(sharedAttrs.Srcs), Srcs_c: *compilerAttrs.cSrcs.Clone().Append(sharedAttrs.Srcs_c), Srcs_as: *compilerAttrs.asSrcs.Clone().Append(sharedAttrs.Srcs_as), Copts: *compilerAttrs.copts.Clone().Append(sharedAttrs.Copts), Hdrs: *compilerAttrs.hdrs.Clone().Append(sharedAttrs.Hdrs), Deps: *linkerAttrs.deps.Clone().Append(sharedAttrs.Deps), Implementation_deps: *linkerAttrs.implementationDeps.Clone().Append(sharedAttrs.Implementation_deps), Dynamic_deps: *linkerAttrs.dynamicDeps.Clone().Append(sharedAttrs.Dynamic_deps), Implementation_dynamic_deps: *linkerAttrs.implementationDynamicDeps.Clone().Append(sharedAttrs.Implementation_dynamic_deps), Whole_archive_deps: *linkerAttrs.wholeArchiveDeps.Clone().Append(sharedAttrs.Whole_archive_deps), Implementation_whole_archive_deps: linkerAttrs.implementationWholeArchiveDeps, System_dynamic_deps: *linkerAttrs.systemDynamicDeps.Clone().Append(sharedAttrs.System_dynamic_deps), Runtime_deps: linkerAttrs.runtimeDeps, sdkAttributes: bp2BuildParseSdkAttributes(m), Native_coverage: baseAttributes.Native_coverage, } staticTargetAttrs := &bazelCcLibraryStaticAttributes{ staticOrSharedAttributes: staticCommonAttrs, Cppflags: compilerAttrs.cppFlags, Conlyflags: compilerAttrs.conlyFlags, Asflags: asFlags, Export_includes: exportedIncludes.Includes, Export_absolute_includes: exportedIncludes.AbsoluteIncludes, Export_system_includes: exportedIncludes.SystemIncludes, Local_includes: compilerAttrs.localIncludes, Absolute_includes: compilerAttrs.absoluteIncludes, Rtti: compilerAttrs.rtti, Stl: compilerAttrs.stl, Cpp_std: compilerAttrs.cppStd, C_std: compilerAttrs.cStd, Features: baseAttributes.features, } sharedTargetAttrs := &bazelCcLibrarySharedAttributes{ staticOrSharedAttributes: sharedCommonAttrs, Cppflags: compilerAttrs.cppFlags, Conlyflags: compilerAttrs.conlyFlags, Asflags: asFlags, Export_includes: exportedIncludes.Includes, Export_absolute_includes: exportedIncludes.AbsoluteIncludes, Export_system_includes: exportedIncludes.SystemIncludes, Local_includes: compilerAttrs.localIncludes, Absolute_includes: compilerAttrs.absoluteIncludes, Linkopts: linkerAttrs.linkopts, Rtti: compilerAttrs.rtti, Stl: compilerAttrs.stl, Cpp_std: compilerAttrs.cppStd, C_std: compilerAttrs.cStd, Use_version_lib: linkerAttrs.useVersionLib, Additional_linker_inputs: linkerAttrs.additionalLinkerInputs, Strip: stripAttrsFromLinkerAttrs(&linkerAttrs), Features: baseAttributes.features, bazelCcHeaderAbiCheckerAttributes: bp2buildParseAbiCheckerProps(ctx, m), Fdo_profile: compilerAttrs.fdoProfile, } if compilerAttrs.stubsSymbolFile != nil && len(compilerAttrs.stubsVersions.Value) > 0 { sharedTargetAttrs.Stubs_symbol_file = compilerAttrs.stubsSymbolFile } sharedTargetAttrs.Suffix = compilerAttrs.suffix for axis, configToProps := range m.GetArchVariantProperties(ctx, &LibraryProperties{}) { for cfg, props := range configToProps { if props, ok := props.(*LibraryProperties); ok { if props.Inject_bssl_hash != nil { // This is an edge case applies only to libcrypto if m.Name() == "libcrypto" || m.Name() == "libcrypto_for_testing" { sharedTargetAttrs.Inject_bssl_hash.SetSelectValue(axis, cfg, props.Inject_bssl_hash) } else { ctx.PropertyErrorf("inject_bssl_hash", "only applies to libcrypto") } } } } } staticProps := bazel.BazelTargetModuleProperties{ Rule_class: "cc_library_static", Bzl_load_location: "//build/bazel/rules/cc:cc_library_static.bzl", } sharedProps := bazel.BazelTargetModuleProperties{ Rule_class: "cc_library_shared", Bzl_load_location: "//build/bazel/rules/cc:cc_library_shared.bzl", } var tagsForStaticVariant bazel.StringListAttribute if compilerAttrs.stubsSymbolFile == nil && len(compilerAttrs.stubsVersions.Value) == 0 { tagsForStaticVariant = android.ApexAvailableTags(m) } tagsForStaticVariant.Append(bazel.StringListAttribute{Value: staticAttrs.Apex_available}) tagsForSharedVariant := android.ApexAvailableTags(m) tagsForSharedVariant.Append(bazel.StringListAttribute{Value: sharedAttrs.Apex_available}) ctx.CreateBazelTargetModuleWithRestrictions(staticProps, android.CommonAttributes{ Name: m.Name() + "_bp2build_cc_library_static", Tags: tagsForStaticVariant, }, staticTargetAttrs, staticAttrs.Enabled) ctx.CreateBazelTargetModuleWithRestrictions(sharedProps, android.CommonAttributes{ Name: m.Name(), Tags: tagsForSharedVariant, }, sharedTargetAttrs, sharedAttrs.Enabled) createStubsBazelTargetIfNeeded(ctx, m, compilerAttrs, exportedIncludes, baseAttributes) } func createStubsBazelTargetIfNeeded(ctx android.TopDownMutatorContext, m *Module, compilerAttrs compilerAttributes, exportedIncludes BazelIncludes, baseAttributes baseAttributes) { if compilerAttrs.stubsSymbolFile != nil && len(compilerAttrs.stubsVersions.Value) > 0 { stubSuitesProps := bazel.BazelTargetModuleProperties{ Rule_class: "cc_stub_suite", Bzl_load_location: "//build/bazel/rules/cc:cc_stub_library.bzl", } soname := m.Name() + ".so" stubSuitesAttrs := &bazelCcStubSuiteAttributes{ Symbol_file: compilerAttrs.stubsSymbolFile, Versions: compilerAttrs.stubsVersions, Export_includes: exportedIncludes.Includes, Soname: &soname, Source_library_label: proptools.StringPtr(m.GetBazelLabel(ctx, m)), Deps: baseAttributes.deps, } ctx.CreateBazelTargetModule(stubSuitesProps, android.CommonAttributes{Name: m.Name() + "_stub_libs"}, stubSuitesAttrs) // Add alias for the stub shared_library in @api_surfaces repository currentModuleLibApiDir := ctx.Config().ApiSurfacesDir(android.ModuleLibApi, "current") actualLabelInMainWorkspace := bazel.Label{ Label: fmt.Sprintf("@//%s:%s%s", ctx.ModuleDir(), m.Name(), stubsSuffix), } ctx.CreateBazelTargetAliasInDir(currentModuleLibApiDir, m.Name(), actualLabelInMainWorkspace) // Add alias for headers exported by the stub library headerLabelInMainWorkspace := bazel.Label{ // This label is generated from cc_stub_suite macro Label: fmt.Sprintf("@//%s:%s_stub_libs_%s_headers", ctx.ModuleDir(), m.Name(), android.ModuleLibApi.String()), } headerAlias := m.Name() + "_headers" ctx.CreateBazelTargetAliasInDir(currentModuleLibApiDir, headerAlias, headerLabelInMainWorkspace) } } func apiContributionBp2Build(ctx android.TopDownMutatorContext, module *Module) { apiSurfaces := make([]string, 0) apiHeaders := make([]string, 0) // module-libapi for apexes (non-null `stubs` property) if module.HasStubsVariants() { apiSurfaces = append(apiSurfaces, android.ModuleLibApi.String()) apiIncludes := getModuleLibApiIncludes(ctx, module) if !apiIncludes.isEmpty() { createApiHeaderTarget(ctx, apiIncludes) apiHeaders = append(apiHeaders, apiIncludes.name) } } // vendorapi (non-null `llndk` property) if module.HasLlndkStubs() { apiSurfaces = append(apiSurfaces, android.VendorApi.String()) apiIncludes := getVendorApiIncludes(ctx, module) if !apiIncludes.isEmpty() { createApiHeaderTarget(ctx, apiIncludes) apiHeaders = append(apiHeaders, apiIncludes.name) } } // create a target only if this module contributes to an api surface // TODO: Currently this does not distinguish modulelibapi-only headers and vendrorapi-only headers // TODO: Update so that modulelibapi-only headers do not get exported to vendorapi (and vice-versa) if len(apiSurfaces) > 0 { props := bazel.BazelTargetModuleProperties{ Rule_class: "cc_api_contribution", Bzl_load_location: "//build/bazel/rules/apis:cc_api_contribution.bzl", } attrs := &bazelCcApiContributionAttributes{ Library_name: module.Name(), Api_surfaces: bazel.MakeStringListAttribute(apiSurfaces), Api: apiLabelAttribute(ctx, module), Hdrs: bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute( bazel.MakeLabelListFromTargetNames(apiHeaders), ), } ctx.CreateBazelTargetModule( props, android.CommonAttributes{ Name: android.ApiContributionTargetName(module.Name()), SkipData: proptools.BoolPtr(true), }, attrs, ) } } // Native apis are versioned in a single .map.txt for all api surfaces // Pick any one of the .map.txt files func apiLabelAttribute(ctx android.TopDownMutatorContext, module *Module) bazel.LabelAttribute { var apiFile *string linker := module.linker.(*libraryDecorator) if llndkApi := linker.Properties.Llndk.Symbol_file; llndkApi != nil { apiFile = llndkApi } else if moduleLibApi := linker.Properties.Stubs.Symbol_file; moduleLibApi != nil { apiFile = moduleLibApi } else { ctx.ModuleErrorf("API surface library does not have any API file") } apiLabel := android.BazelLabelForModuleSrcSingle(ctx, proptools.String(apiFile)).Label return *bazel.MakeLabelAttribute(apiLabel) } // wrapper struct to flatten the arch and os specific export_include_dirs // flattening is necessary since we want to export apis of all arches even when we build for x86 (e.g.) type bazelCcApiLibraryHeadersAttributes struct { bazelCcLibraryHeadersAttributes Arch *string } func (a *bazelCcApiLibraryHeadersAttributes) isEmpty() bool { return a.Export_includes.IsEmpty() && a.Export_system_includes.IsEmpty() && a.Deps.IsEmpty() } type apiIncludes struct { name string // name of the Bazel target in the generated bp2build workspace attrs bazelCcApiLibraryHeadersAttributes } func (includes *apiIncludes) isEmpty() bool { return includes.attrs.isEmpty() } func (includes *apiIncludes) addDep(name string) { l := bazel.Label{Label: ":" + name} ll := bazel.MakeLabelList([]bazel.Label{l}) lla := bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute(ll) includes.attrs.Deps.Append(lla) } // includes provided to the module-lib API surface. This API surface is used by apexes. func getModuleLibApiIncludes(ctx android.TopDownMutatorContext, c *Module) apiIncludes { flagProps := c.library.(*libraryDecorator).flagExporter.Properties linkProps := c.library.(*libraryDecorator).baseLinker.Properties includes := android.FirstUniqueStrings(flagProps.Export_include_dirs) systemIncludes := android.FirstUniqueStrings(flagProps.Export_system_include_dirs) headerLibs := android.FirstUniqueStrings(linkProps.Export_header_lib_headers) attrs := bazelCcLibraryHeadersAttributes{ Export_includes: bazel.MakeStringListAttribute(includes), Export_system_includes: bazel.MakeStringListAttribute(systemIncludes), Deps: bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute(apiHeaderLabels(ctx, headerLibs)), } return apiIncludes{ name: c.Name() + ".module-libapi.headers", attrs: bazelCcApiLibraryHeadersAttributes{ bazelCcLibraryHeadersAttributes: attrs, }, } } func getVendorApiIncludes(ctx android.TopDownMutatorContext, c *Module) apiIncludes { baseProps := c.library.(*libraryDecorator).flagExporter.Properties llndkProps := c.library.(*libraryDecorator).Properties.Llndk includes := baseProps.Export_include_dirs systemIncludes := baseProps.Export_system_include_dirs // LLNDK can override the base includes if llndkIncludes := llndkProps.Override_export_include_dirs; llndkIncludes != nil { includes = llndkIncludes } if proptools.Bool(llndkProps.Export_headers_as_system) { systemIncludes = append(systemIncludes, includes...) includes = nil } attrs := bazelCcLibraryHeadersAttributes{ Export_includes: bazel.MakeStringListAttribute(includes), Export_system_includes: bazel.MakeStringListAttribute(systemIncludes), Deps: bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute(apiHeaderLabels(ctx, llndkProps.Export_llndk_headers)), } return apiIncludes{ name: c.Name() + ".vendorapi.headers", attrs: bazelCcApiLibraryHeadersAttributes{ bazelCcLibraryHeadersAttributes: attrs, }, } } // cc_library creates both static and/or shared libraries for a device and/or // host. By default, a cc_library has a single variant that targets the device. // Specifying `host_supported: true` also creates a library that targets the // host. func LibraryFactory() android.Module { module, _ := NewLibrary(android.HostAndDeviceSupported) // Can be used as both a static and a shared library. module.sdkMemberTypes = []android.SdkMemberType{ sharedLibrarySdkMemberType, staticLibrarySdkMemberType, staticAndSharedLibrarySdkMemberType, } module.bazelable = true module.bazelHandler = &ccLibraryBazelHandler{module: module} return module.Init() } // cc_library_static creates a static library for a device and/or host binary. func LibraryStaticFactory() android.Module { module, library := NewLibrary(android.HostAndDeviceSupported) library.BuildOnlyStatic() module.sdkMemberTypes = []android.SdkMemberType{staticLibrarySdkMemberType} module.bazelable = true module.bazelHandler = &ccLibraryBazelHandler{module: module} return module.Init() } // cc_library_shared creates a shared library for a device and/or host. func LibrarySharedFactory() android.Module { module, library := NewLibrary(android.HostAndDeviceSupported) library.BuildOnlyShared() module.sdkMemberTypes = []android.SdkMemberType{sharedLibrarySdkMemberType} module.bazelable = true module.bazelHandler = &ccLibraryBazelHandler{module: module} return module.Init() } // cc_library_host_static creates a static library that is linkable to a host // binary. func LibraryHostStaticFactory() android.Module { module, library := NewLibrary(android.HostSupported) library.BuildOnlyStatic() module.sdkMemberTypes = []android.SdkMemberType{staticLibrarySdkMemberType} module.bazelable = true module.bazelHandler = &ccLibraryBazelHandler{module: module} return module.Init() } // cc_library_host_shared creates a shared library that is usable on a host. func LibraryHostSharedFactory() android.Module { module, library := NewLibrary(android.HostSupported) library.BuildOnlyShared() module.sdkMemberTypes = []android.SdkMemberType{sharedLibrarySdkMemberType} module.bazelable = true module.bazelHandler = &ccLibraryBazelHandler{module: module} return module.Init() } // flagExporter is a separated portion of libraryDecorator pertaining to exported // include paths and flags. Keeping this dependency-related information separate // from the rest of library information is helpful in keeping data more structured // and explicit. type flagExporter struct { Properties FlagExporterProperties dirs android.Paths // Include directories to be included with -I systemDirs android.Paths // System include directories to be included with -isystem flags []string // Exported raw flags. deps android.Paths headers android.Paths } // exportedIncludes returns the effective include paths for this module and // any module that links against this module. This is obtained from // the export_include_dirs property in the appropriate target stanza. func (f *flagExporter) exportedIncludes(ctx ModuleContext) android.Paths { if ctx.inVendor() && f.Properties.Target.Vendor.Override_export_include_dirs != nil { return android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, f.Properties.Target.Vendor.Override_export_include_dirs) } if ctx.inProduct() && f.Properties.Target.Product.Override_export_include_dirs != nil { return android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, f.Properties.Target.Product.Override_export_include_dirs) } return android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, f.Properties.Export_include_dirs) } // exportIncludes registers the include directories and system include directories to be exported // transitively to modules depending on this module. func (f *flagExporter) exportIncludes(ctx ModuleContext) { f.dirs = append(f.dirs, f.exportedIncludes(ctx)...) f.systemDirs = append(f.systemDirs, android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, f.Properties.Export_system_include_dirs)...) } // exportIncludesAsSystem registers the include directories and system include directories to be // exported transitively both as system include directories to modules depending on this module. func (f *flagExporter) exportIncludesAsSystem(ctx ModuleContext) { // all dirs are force exported as system f.systemDirs = append(f.systemDirs, f.exportedIncludes(ctx)...) f.systemDirs = append(f.systemDirs, android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, f.Properties.Export_system_include_dirs)...) } // reexportDirs registers the given directories as include directories to be exported transitively // to modules depending on this module. func (f *flagExporter) reexportDirs(dirs ...android.Path) { f.dirs = append(f.dirs, dirs...) } // reexportSystemDirs registers the given directories as system include directories // to be exported transitively to modules depending on this module. func (f *flagExporter) reexportSystemDirs(dirs ...android.Path) { f.systemDirs = append(f.systemDirs, dirs...) } // reexportFlags registers the flags to be exported transitively to modules depending on this // module. func (f *flagExporter) reexportFlags(flags ...string) { if android.PrefixInList(flags, "-I") || android.PrefixInList(flags, "-isystem") { panic(fmt.Errorf("Exporting invalid flag %q: "+ "use reexportDirs or reexportSystemDirs to export directories", flag)) } f.flags = append(f.flags, flags...) } func (f *flagExporter) reexportDeps(deps ...android.Path) { f.deps = append(f.deps, deps...) } // addExportedGeneratedHeaders does nothing but collects generated header files. // This can be differ to exportedDeps which may contain phony files to minimize ninja. func (f *flagExporter) addExportedGeneratedHeaders(headers ...android.Path) { f.headers = append(f.headers, headers...) } func (f *flagExporter) setProvider(ctx android.ModuleContext) { ctx.SetProvider(FlagExporterInfoProvider, FlagExporterInfo{ // Comes from Export_include_dirs property, and those of exported transitive deps IncludeDirs: android.FirstUniquePaths(f.dirs), // Comes from Export_system_include_dirs property, and those of exported transitive deps SystemIncludeDirs: android.FirstUniquePaths(f.systemDirs), // Used in very few places as a one-off way of adding extra defines. Flags: f.flags, // Used sparingly, for extra files that need to be explicitly exported to dependers, // or for phony files to minimize ninja. Deps: f.deps, // For exported generated headers, such as exported aidl headers, proto headers, or // sysprop headers. GeneratedHeaders: f.headers, }) } // libraryDecorator wraps baseCompiler, baseLinker and baseInstaller to provide library-specific // functionality: static vs. shared linkage, reusing object files for shared libraries type libraryDecorator struct { Properties LibraryProperties StaticProperties StaticProperties SharedProperties SharedProperties MutatedProperties LibraryMutatedProperties // For reusing static library objects for shared library reuseObjects Objects // table-of-contents file to optimize out relinking when possible tocFile android.OptionalPath flagExporter flagExporterInfo *FlagExporterInfo stripper Stripper // For whole_static_libs objects Objects wholeStaticLibsFromPrebuilts android.Paths // Uses the module's name if empty, but can be overridden. Does not include // shlib suffix. libName string sabi *sabi // Output archive of gcno coverage information files coverageOutputFile android.OptionalPath // linked Source Abi Dump sAbiOutputFile android.OptionalPath // Source Abi Diff sAbiDiff android.Paths // Location of the static library in the sysroot. Empty if the library is // not included in the NDK. ndkSysrootPath android.Path // Location of the linked, unstripped library for shared libraries unstrippedOutputFile android.Path // Location of the file that should be copied to dist dir when requested distFile android.Path versionScriptPath android.OptionalPath postInstallCmds []string // If useCoreVariant is true, the vendor variant of a VNDK library is // not installed. useCoreVariant bool checkSameCoreVariant bool skipAPIDefine bool // Decorated interfaces *baseCompiler *baseLinker *baseInstaller collectedSnapshotHeaders android.Paths apiListCoverageXmlPath android.ModuleOutPath } type ccLibraryBazelHandler struct { module *Module } var _ BazelHandler = (*ccLibraryBazelHandler)(nil) // generateStaticBazelBuildActions constructs the StaticLibraryInfo Soong // provider from a Bazel shared library's CcInfo provider. func (handler *ccLibraryBazelHandler) generateStaticBazelBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext, label string, ccInfo cquery.CcInfo) { rootStaticArchives := ccInfo.RootStaticArchives if len(rootStaticArchives) != 1 { ctx.ModuleErrorf("expected exactly one root archive file for '%s', but got %s", label, rootStaticArchives) return } var outputFilePath android.Path = android.PathForBazelOut(ctx, rootStaticArchives[0]) if len(ccInfo.TidyFiles) > 0 { handler.module.tidyFiles = android.PathsForBazelOut(ctx, ccInfo.TidyFiles) outputFilePath = android.AttachValidationActions(ctx, outputFilePath, handler.module.tidyFiles) } handler.module.outputFile = android.OptionalPathForPath(outputFilePath) objPaths := ccInfo.CcObjectFiles objFiles := make(android.Paths, len(objPaths)) for i, objPath := range objPaths { objFiles[i] = android.PathForBazelOut(ctx, objPath) } objects := Objects{ objFiles: objFiles, } ctx.SetProvider(StaticLibraryInfoProvider, StaticLibraryInfo{ StaticLibrary: outputFilePath, ReuseObjects: objects, Objects: objects, // TODO(b/190524881): Include transitive static libraries in this provider to support // static libraries with deps. TransitiveStaticLibrariesForOrdering: android.NewDepSetBuilder(android.TOPOLOGICAL). Direct(outputFilePath). Build(), }) return } // generateSharedBazelBuildActions constructs the SharedLibraryInfo Soong // provider from a Bazel shared library's CcInfo provider. func (handler *ccLibraryBazelHandler) generateSharedBazelBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext, label string, ccInfo cquery.CcInfo) { rootDynamicLibraries := ccInfo.RootDynamicLibraries if len(rootDynamicLibraries) != 1 { ctx.ModuleErrorf("expected exactly one root dynamic library file for '%s', but got %s", label, rootDynamicLibraries) return } var outputFilePath android.Path = android.PathForBazelOut(ctx, rootDynamicLibraries[0]) if len(ccInfo.TidyFiles) > 0 { handler.module.tidyFiles = android.PathsForBazelOut(ctx, ccInfo.TidyFiles) outputFilePath = android.AttachValidationActions(ctx, outputFilePath, handler.module.tidyFiles) } handler.module.outputFile = android.OptionalPathForPath(outputFilePath) handler.module.linker.(*libraryDecorator).unstrippedOutputFile = android.PathForBazelOut(ctx, ccInfo.UnstrippedOutput) var tocFile android.OptionalPath if len(ccInfo.TocFile) > 0 { tocFile = android.OptionalPathForPath(android.PathForBazelOut(ctx, ccInfo.TocFile)) } handler.module.linker.(*libraryDecorator).tocFile = tocFile if len(ccInfo.AbiDiffFiles) > 0 { handler.module.linker.(*libraryDecorator).sAbiDiff = android.PathsForBazelOut(ctx, ccInfo.AbiDiffFiles) } ctx.SetProvider(SharedLibraryInfoProvider, SharedLibraryInfo{ TableOfContents: tocFile, SharedLibrary: outputFilePath, Target: ctx.Target(), // TODO(b/190524881): Include transitive static libraries in this provider to support // static libraries with deps. The provider key for this is TransitiveStaticLibrariesForOrdering. }) } func (handler *ccLibraryBazelHandler) QueueBazelCall(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, label string) { bazelCtx := ctx.Config().BazelContext bazelCtx.QueueBazelRequest(label, cquery.GetCcInfo, android.GetConfigKeyApexVariant(ctx, GetApexConfigKey(ctx))) } func (handler *ccLibraryBazelHandler) ProcessBazelQueryResponse(ctx android.ModuleContext, label string) { bazelCtx := ctx.Config().BazelContext ccInfo, err := bazelCtx.GetCcInfo(label, android.GetConfigKeyApexVariant(ctx, GetApexConfigKey(ctx))) if err != nil { ctx.ModuleErrorf("Error getting Bazel CcInfo: %s", err) return } if handler.module.static() { handler.generateStaticBazelBuildActions(ctx, label, ccInfo) } else if handler.module.Shared() { handler.generateSharedBazelBuildActions(ctx, label, ccInfo) } else { ctx.ModuleErrorf("Unhandled bazel case for %s (neither shared nor static!)", ctx.ModuleName()) } handler.module.linker.(*libraryDecorator).setFlagExporterInfoFromCcInfo(ctx, ccInfo) handler.module.maybeUnhideFromMake() if i, ok := handler.module.linker.(snapshotLibraryInterface); ok { // Dependencies on this library will expect collectedSnapshotHeaders to // be set, otherwise validation will fail. For now, set this to an empty // list. // TODO(b/190533363): More closely mirror the collectHeadersForSnapshot // implementation. i.(*libraryDecorator).collectedSnapshotHeaders = android.Paths{} } handler.module.setAndroidMkVariablesFromCquery(ccInfo.CcAndroidMkInfo) } func (library *libraryDecorator) setFlagExporterInfoFromCcInfo(ctx android.ModuleContext, ccInfo cquery.CcInfo) { flagExporterInfo := flagExporterInfoFromCcInfo(ctx, ccInfo) // flag exporters consolidates properties like includes, flags, dependencies that should be // exported from this module to other modules ctx.SetProvider(FlagExporterInfoProvider, flagExporterInfo) // Store flag info to be passed along to androidmk // TODO(b/184387147): Androidmk should be done in Bazel, not Soong. library.flagExporterInfo = &flagExporterInfo } func GlobHeadersForSnapshot(ctx android.ModuleContext, paths android.Paths) android.Paths { ret := android.Paths{} // Headers in the source tree should be globbed. On the contrast, generated headers // can't be globbed, and they should be manually collected. // So, we first filter out intermediate directories (which contains generated headers) // from exported directories, and then glob headers under remaining directories. for _, path := range paths { dir := path.String() // Skip if dir is for generated headers if strings.HasPrefix(dir, ctx.Config().OutDir()) { continue } // Filter out the generated headers from bazel. if strings.HasPrefix(dir, android.PathForBazelOut(ctx, "bazel-out").String()) { continue } // libeigen wrongly exports the root directory "external/eigen". But only two // subdirectories "Eigen" and "unsupported" contain exported header files. Even worse // some of them have no extension. So we need special treatment for libeigen in order // to glob correctly. if dir == "external/eigen" { // Only these two directories contains exported headers. for _, subdir := range []string{"Eigen", "unsupported/Eigen"} { globDir := "external/eigen/" + subdir + "/**/*" glob, err := ctx.GlobWithDeps(globDir, nil) if err != nil { ctx.ModuleErrorf("glob of %q failed: %s", globDir, err) return nil } for _, header := range glob { if strings.HasSuffix(header, "/") { continue } ext := filepath.Ext(header) if ext != "" && ext != ".h" { continue } ret = append(ret, android.PathForSource(ctx, header)) } } continue } globDir := dir + "/**/*" glob, err := ctx.GlobWithDeps(globDir, nil) if err != nil { ctx.ModuleErrorf("glob of %q failed: %s", globDir, err) return nil } isLibcxx := strings.HasPrefix(dir, "external/libcxx/include") for _, header := range glob { if isLibcxx { // Glob all files under this special directory, because of C++ headers with no // extension. if strings.HasSuffix(header, "/") { continue } } else { // Filter out only the files with extensions that are headers. found := false for _, ext := range HeaderExts { if strings.HasSuffix(header, ext) { found = true break } } if !found { continue } } ret = append(ret, android.PathForSource(ctx, header)) } } return ret } func GlobGeneratedHeadersForSnapshot(_ android.ModuleContext, paths android.Paths) android.Paths { ret := android.Paths{} for _, header := range paths { // TODO(b/148123511): remove exportedDeps after cleaning up genrule if strings.HasSuffix(header.Base(), "-phony") { continue } ret = append(ret, header) } return ret } // collectHeadersForSnapshot collects all exported headers from library. // It globs header files in the source tree for exported include directories, // and tracks generated header files separately. // // This is to be called from GenerateAndroidBuildActions, and then collected // header files can be retrieved by snapshotHeaders(). func (l *libraryDecorator) collectHeadersForSnapshot(ctx android.ModuleContext) { ret := android.Paths{} // Headers in the source tree should be globbed. On the contrast, generated headers // can't be globbed, and they should be manually collected. // So, we first filter out intermediate directories (which contains generated headers) // from exported directories, and then glob headers under remaining directories. ret = append(ret, GlobHeadersForSnapshot(ctx, append(android.CopyOfPaths(l.flagExporter.dirs), l.flagExporter.systemDirs...))...) // Collect generated headers ret = append(ret, GlobGeneratedHeadersForSnapshot(ctx, append(android.CopyOfPaths(l.flagExporter.headers), l.flagExporter.deps...))...) l.collectedSnapshotHeaders = ret } // This returns all exported header files, both generated ones and headers from source tree. // collectHeadersForSnapshot() must be called before calling this. func (l *libraryDecorator) snapshotHeaders() android.Paths { if l.collectedSnapshotHeaders == nil { panic("snapshotHeaders() must be called after collectHeadersForSnapshot()") } return l.collectedSnapshotHeaders } // linkerProps returns the list of properties structs relevant for this library. (For example, if // the library is cc_shared_library, then static-library properties are omitted.) func (library *libraryDecorator) linkerProps() []interface{} { var props []interface{} props = append(props, library.baseLinker.linkerProps()...) props = append(props, &library.Properties, &library.MutatedProperties, &library.flagExporter.Properties, &library.stripper.StripProperties) if library.MutatedProperties.BuildShared { props = append(props, &library.SharedProperties) } if library.MutatedProperties.BuildStatic { props = append(props, &library.StaticProperties) } return props } // linkerFlags takes a Flags struct and augments it to contain linker flags that are defined by this // library, or that are implied by attributes of this library (such as whether this library is a // shared library). func (library *libraryDecorator) linkerFlags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags { flags = library.baseLinker.linkerFlags(ctx, flags) // MinGW spits out warnings about -fPIC even for -fpie?!) being ignored because // all code is position independent, and then those warnings get promoted to // errors. if !ctx.Windows() { flags.Global.CFlags = append(flags.Global.CFlags, "-fPIC") } if library.static() { flags.Local.CFlags = append(flags.Local.CFlags, library.StaticProperties.Static.Cflags...) } else if library.shared() { flags.Local.CFlags = append(flags.Local.CFlags, library.SharedProperties.Shared.Cflags...) } if library.shared() { libName := library.getLibName(ctx) var f []string if ctx.toolchain().Bionic() { f = append(f, "-nostdlib", "-Wl,--gc-sections", ) } if ctx.Darwin() { f = append(f, "-dynamiclib", "-install_name @rpath/"+libName+flags.Toolchain.ShlibSuffix(), ) if ctx.Arch().ArchType == android.X86 { f = append(f, "-read_only_relocs suppress", ) } } else { f = append(f, "-shared") if !ctx.Windows() { f = append(f, "-Wl,-soname,"+libName+flags.Toolchain.ShlibSuffix()) } } flags.Global.LdFlags = append(flags.Global.LdFlags, f...) } return flags } // compilerFlags takes a Flags and augments it to contain compile flags from global values, // per-target values, module type values, per-module Blueprints properties, extra flags from // `flags`, and generated sources from `deps`. func (library *libraryDecorator) compilerFlags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags, deps PathDeps) Flags { exportIncludeDirs := library.flagExporter.exportedIncludes(ctx) if len(exportIncludeDirs) > 0 { f := includeDirsToFlags(exportIncludeDirs) flags.Local.CommonFlags = append(flags.Local.CommonFlags, f) flags.Local.YasmFlags = append(flags.Local.YasmFlags, f) } flags = library.baseCompiler.compilerFlags(ctx, flags, deps) if ctx.IsLlndk() { // LLNDK libraries ignore most of the properties on the cc_library and use the // LLNDK-specific properties instead. // Wipe all the module-local properties, leaving only the global properties. flags.Local = LocalOrGlobalFlags{} } if library.buildStubs() { // Remove -include when compiling stubs. Otherwise, the force included // headers might cause conflicting types error with the symbols in the // generated stubs source code. e.g. // double acos(double); // in header // void acos() {} // in the generated source code removeInclude := func(flags []string) []string { ret := flags[:0] for _, f := range flags { if strings.HasPrefix(f, "-include ") { continue } ret = append(ret, f) } return ret } flags.Local.CommonFlags = removeInclude(flags.Local.CommonFlags) flags.Local.CFlags = removeInclude(flags.Local.CFlags) flags = addStubLibraryCompilerFlags(flags) } return flags } func (library *libraryDecorator) getHeaderAbiCheckerProperties(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) headerAbiCheckerProperties { m := ctx.Module().(*Module) variantProps := &library.Properties.Target.Platform.Header_abi_checker if m.InVendor() { variantProps = &library.Properties.Target.Vendor.Header_abi_checker } else if m.InProduct() { variantProps = &library.Properties.Target.Product.Header_abi_checker } props := library.Properties.Header_abi_checker err := proptools.AppendProperties(&props, variantProps, nil) if err != nil { ctx.ModuleErrorf("Cannot merge headerAbiCheckerProperties: %s", err.Error()) } return props } func (library *libraryDecorator) compile(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags, deps PathDeps) Objects { if ctx.IsLlndk() { // This is the vendor variant of an LLNDK library, build the LLNDK stubs. vndkVer := ctx.Module().(*Module).VndkVersion() if !inList(vndkVer, ctx.Config().PlatformVersionActiveCodenames()) || vndkVer == "" { // For non-enforcing devices, vndkVer is empty. Use "current" in that case, too. vndkVer = "current" } if library.stubsVersion() != "" { vndkVer = library.stubsVersion() } nativeAbiResult := parseNativeAbiDefinition(ctx, String(library.Properties.Llndk.Symbol_file), android.ApiLevelOrPanic(ctx, vndkVer), "--llndk") objs := compileStubLibrary(ctx, flags, nativeAbiResult.stubSrc) if !Bool(library.Properties.Llndk.Unversioned) { library.versionScriptPath = android.OptionalPathForPath( nativeAbiResult.versionScript) } return objs } if ctx.IsVendorPublicLibrary() { nativeAbiResult := parseNativeAbiDefinition(ctx, String(library.Properties.Vendor_public_library.Symbol_file), android.FutureApiLevel, "") objs := compileStubLibrary(ctx, flags, nativeAbiResult.stubSrc) if !Bool(library.Properties.Vendor_public_library.Unversioned) { library.versionScriptPath = android.OptionalPathForPath(nativeAbiResult.versionScript) } return objs } if library.buildStubs() { symbolFile := String(library.Properties.Stubs.Symbol_file) if symbolFile != "" && !strings.HasSuffix(symbolFile, ".map.txt") { ctx.PropertyErrorf("symbol_file", "%q doesn't have .map.txt suffix", symbolFile) return Objects{} } // b/239274367 --apex and --systemapi filters symbols tagged with # apex and # // systemapi, respectively. The former is for symbols defined in platform libraries // and the latter is for symbols defined in APEXes. // A single library can contain either # apex or # systemapi, but not both. // The stub generator (ndkstubgen) is additive, so passing _both_ of these to it should be a no-op. // However, having this distinction helps guard accidental // promotion or demotion of API and also helps the API review process b/191371676 var flag string if ctx.Module().(android.ApexModule).NotInPlatform() { flag = "--apex" } else { flag = "--systemapi" } // b/184712170, unless the lib is an NDK library, exclude all public symbols from // the stub so that it is mandated that all symbols are explicitly marked with // either apex or systemapi. if !ctx.Module().(*Module).IsNdk(ctx.Config()) { flag = flag + " --no-ndk" } nativeAbiResult := parseNativeAbiDefinition(ctx, symbolFile, android.ApiLevelOrPanic(ctx, library.MutatedProperties.StubsVersion), flag) objs := compileStubLibrary(ctx, flags, nativeAbiResult.stubSrc) library.versionScriptPath = android.OptionalPathForPath( nativeAbiResult.versionScript) // Parse symbol file to get API list for coverage if library.stubsVersion() == "current" && ctx.PrimaryArch() && !ctx.inRecovery() && !ctx.inProduct() && !ctx.inVendor() { library.apiListCoverageXmlPath = parseSymbolFileForAPICoverage(ctx, symbolFile) } return objs } if !library.buildShared() && !library.buildStatic() { if len(library.baseCompiler.Properties.Srcs) > 0 { ctx.PropertyErrorf("srcs", "cc_library_headers must not have any srcs") } if len(library.StaticProperties.Static.Srcs) > 0 { ctx.PropertyErrorf("static.srcs", "cc_library_headers must not have any srcs") } if len(library.SharedProperties.Shared.Srcs) > 0 { ctx.PropertyErrorf("shared.srcs", "cc_library_headers must not have any srcs") } return Objects{} } if library.sabi.shouldCreateSourceAbiDump() { exportIncludeDirs := library.flagExporter.exportedIncludes(ctx) var SourceAbiFlags []string for _, dir := range exportIncludeDirs.Strings() { SourceAbiFlags = append(SourceAbiFlags, "-I"+dir) } for _, reexportedInclude := range library.sabi.Properties.ReexportedIncludes { SourceAbiFlags = append(SourceAbiFlags, "-I"+reexportedInclude) } flags.SAbiFlags = SourceAbiFlags totalLength := len(library.baseCompiler.Properties.Srcs) + len(deps.GeneratedSources) + len(library.SharedProperties.Shared.Srcs) + len(library.StaticProperties.Static.Srcs) if totalLength > 0 { flags.SAbiDump = true } } objs := library.baseCompiler.compile(ctx, flags, deps) library.reuseObjects = objs buildFlags := flagsToBuilderFlags(flags) if library.static() { srcs := android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, library.StaticProperties.Static.Srcs) objs = objs.Append(compileObjs(ctx, buildFlags, android.DeviceStaticLibrary, srcs, android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, library.StaticProperties.Static.Tidy_disabled_srcs), android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, library.StaticProperties.Static.Tidy_timeout_srcs), library.baseCompiler.pathDeps, library.baseCompiler.cFlagsDeps)) } else if library.shared() { srcs := android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, library.SharedProperties.Shared.Srcs) objs = objs.Append(compileObjs(ctx, buildFlags, android.DeviceSharedLibrary, srcs, android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, library.SharedProperties.Shared.Tidy_disabled_srcs), android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, library.SharedProperties.Shared.Tidy_timeout_srcs), library.baseCompiler.pathDeps, library.baseCompiler.cFlagsDeps)) } return objs } type libraryInterface interface { versionedInterface static() bool shared() bool objs() Objects reuseObjs() Objects toc() android.OptionalPath // Returns true if the build options for the module have selected a static or shared build buildStatic() bool buildShared() bool // Sets whether a specific variant is static or shared setStatic() setShared() // Gets the ABI properties for vendor, product, or platform variant getHeaderAbiCheckerProperties(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) headerAbiCheckerProperties // Write LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES for ABI diff androidMkWriteAdditionalDependenciesForSourceAbiDiff(w io.Writer) availableFor(string) bool getAPIListCoverageXMLPath() android.ModuleOutPath installable() *bool } type versionedInterface interface { buildStubs() bool setBuildStubs(isLatest bool) hasStubsVariants() bool isStubsImplementationRequired() bool setStubsVersion(string) stubsVersion() string stubsVersions(ctx android.BaseMutatorContext) []string setAllStubsVersions([]string) allStubsVersions() []string implementationModuleName(name string) string hasLLNDKStubs() bool hasLLNDKHeaders() bool hasVendorPublicLibrary() bool } var _ libraryInterface = (*libraryDecorator)(nil) var _ versionedInterface = (*libraryDecorator)(nil) func (library *libraryDecorator) getLibNameHelper(baseModuleName string, inVendor bool, inProduct bool) string { name := library.libName if name == "" { name = String(library.Properties.Stem) if name == "" { name = baseModuleName } } suffix := "" if inVendor { suffix = String(library.Properties.Target.Vendor.Suffix) } else if inProduct { suffix = String(library.Properties.Target.Product.Suffix) } if suffix == "" { suffix = String(library.Properties.Suffix) } return name + suffix } // getLibName returns the actual canonical name of the library (the name which // should be passed to the linker via linker flags). func (library *libraryDecorator) getLibName(ctx BaseModuleContext) string { name := library.getLibNameHelper(ctx.baseModuleName(), ctx.inVendor(), ctx.inProduct()) if ctx.IsVndkExt() { // vndk-ext lib should have the same name with original lib ctx.VisitDirectDepsWithTag(vndkExtDepTag, func(module android.Module) { originalName := module.(*Module).outputFile.Path() name = strings.TrimSuffix(originalName.Base(), originalName.Ext()) }) } if ctx.Host() && Bool(library.Properties.Unique_host_soname) { if !strings.HasSuffix(name, "-host") { name = name + "-host" } } return name } var versioningMacroNamesListMutex sync.Mutex func (library *libraryDecorator) linkerInit(ctx BaseModuleContext) { location := InstallInSystem if library.baseLinker.sanitize.inSanitizerDir() { location = InstallInSanitizerDir } library.baseInstaller.location = location library.baseLinker.linkerInit(ctx) // Let baseLinker know whether this variant is for stubs or not, so that // it can omit things that are not required for linking stubs. library.baseLinker.dynamicProperties.BuildStubs = library.buildStubs() if library.buildStubs() { macroNames := versioningMacroNamesList(ctx.Config()) myName := versioningMacroName(ctx.ModuleName()) versioningMacroNamesListMutex.Lock() defer versioningMacroNamesListMutex.Unlock() if (*macroNames)[myName] == "" { (*macroNames)[myName] = ctx.ModuleName() } else if (*macroNames)[myName] != ctx.ModuleName() { ctx.ModuleErrorf("Macro name %q for versioning conflicts with macro name from module %q ", myName, (*macroNames)[myName]) } } } func (library *libraryDecorator) compilerDeps(ctx DepsContext, deps Deps) Deps { if ctx.IsLlndk() { // LLNDK libraries ignore most of the properties on the cc_library and use the // LLNDK-specific properties instead. return deps } deps = library.baseCompiler.compilerDeps(ctx, deps) return deps } func (library *libraryDecorator) linkerDeps(ctx DepsContext, deps Deps) Deps { if ctx.IsLlndk() { // LLNDK libraries ignore most of the properties on the cc_library and use the // LLNDK-specific properties instead. deps.HeaderLibs = append([]string(nil), library.Properties.Llndk.Export_llndk_headers...) deps.ReexportHeaderLibHeaders = append([]string(nil), library.Properties.Llndk.Export_llndk_headers...) return deps } if ctx.IsVendorPublicLibrary() { headers := library.Properties.Vendor_public_library.Export_public_headers deps.HeaderLibs = append([]string(nil), headers...) deps.ReexportHeaderLibHeaders = append([]string(nil), headers...) return deps } if library.static() { // Compare with nil because an empty list needs to be propagated. if library.StaticProperties.Static.System_shared_libs != nil { library.baseLinker.Properties.System_shared_libs = library.StaticProperties.Static.System_shared_libs } } else if library.shared() { // Compare with nil because an empty list needs to be propagated. if library.SharedProperties.Shared.System_shared_libs != nil { library.baseLinker.Properties.System_shared_libs = library.SharedProperties.Shared.System_shared_libs } } deps = library.baseLinker.linkerDeps(ctx, deps) if library.static() { deps.WholeStaticLibs = append(deps.WholeStaticLibs, library.StaticProperties.Static.Whole_static_libs...) deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs, library.StaticProperties.Static.Static_libs...) deps.SharedLibs = append(deps.SharedLibs, library.StaticProperties.Static.Shared_libs...) deps.ReexportSharedLibHeaders = append(deps.ReexportSharedLibHeaders, library.StaticProperties.Static.Export_shared_lib_headers...) deps.ReexportStaticLibHeaders = append(deps.ReexportStaticLibHeaders, library.StaticProperties.Static.Export_static_lib_headers...) } else if library.shared() { if library.baseLinker.Properties.crt() { deps.CrtBegin = append(deps.CrtBegin, ctx.toolchain().CrtBeginSharedLibrary()...) deps.CrtEnd = append(deps.CrtEnd, ctx.toolchain().CrtEndSharedLibrary()...) } deps.WholeStaticLibs = append(deps.WholeStaticLibs, library.SharedProperties.Shared.Whole_static_libs...) deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs, library.SharedProperties.Shared.Static_libs...) deps.SharedLibs = append(deps.SharedLibs, library.SharedProperties.Shared.Shared_libs...) deps.ReexportSharedLibHeaders = append(deps.ReexportSharedLibHeaders, library.SharedProperties.Shared.Export_shared_lib_headers...) deps.ReexportStaticLibHeaders = append(deps.ReexportStaticLibHeaders, library.SharedProperties.Shared.Export_static_lib_headers...) } if ctx.inVendor() { deps.WholeStaticLibs = removeListFromList(deps.WholeStaticLibs, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Vendor.Exclude_static_libs) deps.SharedLibs = removeListFromList(deps.SharedLibs, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Vendor.Exclude_shared_libs) deps.StaticLibs = removeListFromList(deps.StaticLibs, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Vendor.Exclude_static_libs) deps.ReexportSharedLibHeaders = removeListFromList(deps.ReexportSharedLibHeaders, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Vendor.Exclude_shared_libs) deps.ReexportStaticLibHeaders = removeListFromList(deps.ReexportStaticLibHeaders, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Vendor.Exclude_static_libs) } if ctx.inProduct() { deps.WholeStaticLibs = removeListFromList(deps.WholeStaticLibs, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Product.Exclude_static_libs) deps.SharedLibs = removeListFromList(deps.SharedLibs, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Product.Exclude_shared_libs) deps.StaticLibs = removeListFromList(deps.StaticLibs, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Product.Exclude_static_libs) deps.ReexportSharedLibHeaders = removeListFromList(deps.ReexportSharedLibHeaders, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Product.Exclude_shared_libs) deps.ReexportStaticLibHeaders = removeListFromList(deps.ReexportStaticLibHeaders, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Product.Exclude_static_libs) } if ctx.inRecovery() { deps.WholeStaticLibs = removeListFromList(deps.WholeStaticLibs, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Recovery.Exclude_static_libs) deps.SharedLibs = removeListFromList(deps.SharedLibs, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Recovery.Exclude_shared_libs) deps.StaticLibs = removeListFromList(deps.StaticLibs, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Recovery.Exclude_static_libs) deps.ReexportSharedLibHeaders = removeListFromList(deps.ReexportSharedLibHeaders, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Recovery.Exclude_shared_libs) deps.ReexportStaticLibHeaders = removeListFromList(deps.ReexportStaticLibHeaders, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Recovery.Exclude_static_libs) } if ctx.inRamdisk() { deps.WholeStaticLibs = removeListFromList(deps.WholeStaticLibs, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Ramdisk.Exclude_static_libs) deps.SharedLibs = removeListFromList(deps.SharedLibs, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Ramdisk.Exclude_shared_libs) deps.StaticLibs = removeListFromList(deps.StaticLibs, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Ramdisk.Exclude_static_libs) deps.ReexportSharedLibHeaders = removeListFromList(deps.ReexportSharedLibHeaders, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Ramdisk.Exclude_shared_libs) deps.ReexportStaticLibHeaders = removeListFromList(deps.ReexportStaticLibHeaders, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Ramdisk.Exclude_static_libs) } if ctx.inVendorRamdisk() { deps.WholeStaticLibs = removeListFromList(deps.WholeStaticLibs, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Vendor_ramdisk.Exclude_static_libs) deps.SharedLibs = removeListFromList(deps.SharedLibs, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Vendor_ramdisk.Exclude_shared_libs) deps.StaticLibs = removeListFromList(deps.StaticLibs, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Vendor_ramdisk.Exclude_static_libs) deps.ReexportSharedLibHeaders = removeListFromList(deps.ReexportSharedLibHeaders, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Vendor_ramdisk.Exclude_shared_libs) deps.ReexportStaticLibHeaders = removeListFromList(deps.ReexportStaticLibHeaders, library.baseLinker.Properties.Target.Vendor_ramdisk.Exclude_static_libs) } return deps } func (library *libraryDecorator) linkerSpecifiedDeps(specifiedDeps specifiedDeps) specifiedDeps { specifiedDeps = library.baseLinker.linkerSpecifiedDeps(specifiedDeps) var properties StaticOrSharedProperties if library.static() { properties = library.StaticProperties.Static } else if library.shared() { properties = library.SharedProperties.Shared } specifiedDeps.sharedLibs = append(specifiedDeps.sharedLibs, properties.Shared_libs...) // Must distinguish nil and [] in system_shared_libs - ensure that [] in // either input list doesn't come out as nil. if specifiedDeps.systemSharedLibs == nil { specifiedDeps.systemSharedLibs = properties.System_shared_libs } else { specifiedDeps.systemSharedLibs = append(specifiedDeps.systemSharedLibs, properties.System_shared_libs...) } specifiedDeps.sharedLibs = android.FirstUniqueStrings(specifiedDeps.sharedLibs) if len(specifiedDeps.systemSharedLibs) > 0 { // Skip this if systemSharedLibs is either nil or [], to ensure they are // retained. specifiedDeps.systemSharedLibs = android.FirstUniqueStrings(specifiedDeps.systemSharedLibs) } return specifiedDeps } func (library *libraryDecorator) linkStatic(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags, deps PathDeps, objs Objects) android.Path { library.objects = deps.WholeStaticLibObjs.Copy() library.objects = library.objects.Append(objs) library.wholeStaticLibsFromPrebuilts = android.CopyOfPaths(deps.WholeStaticLibsFromPrebuilts) fileName := ctx.ModuleName() + staticLibraryExtension outputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, fileName) builderFlags := flagsToBuilderFlags(flags) if Bool(library.baseLinker.Properties.Use_version_lib) { if ctx.Host() { versionedOutputFile := outputFile outputFile = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "unversioned", fileName) library.injectVersionSymbol(ctx, outputFile, versionedOutputFile) } else { versionedOutputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "versioned", fileName) library.distFile = versionedOutputFile library.injectVersionSymbol(ctx, outputFile, versionedOutputFile) } } transformObjToStaticLib(ctx, library.objects.objFiles, deps.WholeStaticLibsFromPrebuilts, builderFlags, outputFile, nil, objs.tidyDepFiles) library.coverageOutputFile = transformCoverageFilesToZip(ctx, library.objects, ctx.ModuleName()) ctx.CheckbuildFile(outputFile) if library.static() { ctx.SetProvider(StaticLibraryInfoProvider, StaticLibraryInfo{ StaticLibrary: outputFile, ReuseObjects: library.reuseObjects, Objects: library.objects, WholeStaticLibsFromPrebuilts: library.wholeStaticLibsFromPrebuilts, TransitiveStaticLibrariesForOrdering: android.NewDepSetBuilder(android.TOPOLOGICAL). Direct(outputFile). Transitive(deps.TranstiveStaticLibrariesForOrdering). Build(), }) } if library.header() { ctx.SetProvider(HeaderLibraryInfoProvider, HeaderLibraryInfo{}) } return outputFile } func ndkSharedLibDeps(ctx ModuleContext) android.Paths { if ctx.Module().(*Module).IsSdkVariant() { // The NDK sysroot timestamp file depends on all the NDK // sysroot header and shared library files. return android.Paths{getNdkBaseTimestampFile(ctx)} } return nil } func (library *libraryDecorator) linkShared(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags, deps PathDeps, objs Objects) android.Path { var linkerDeps android.Paths linkerDeps = append(linkerDeps, flags.LdFlagsDeps...) linkerDeps = append(linkerDeps, ndkSharedLibDeps(ctx)...) unexportedSymbols := ctx.ExpandOptionalSource(library.Properties.Unexported_symbols_list, "unexported_symbols_list") forceNotWeakSymbols := ctx.ExpandOptionalSource(library.Properties.Force_symbols_not_weak_list, "force_symbols_not_weak_list") forceWeakSymbols := ctx.ExpandOptionalSource(library.Properties.Force_symbols_weak_list, "force_symbols_weak_list") if !ctx.Darwin() { if unexportedSymbols.Valid() { ctx.PropertyErrorf("unexported_symbols_list", "Only supported on Darwin") } if forceNotWeakSymbols.Valid() { ctx.PropertyErrorf("force_symbols_not_weak_list", "Only supported on Darwin") } if forceWeakSymbols.Valid() { ctx.PropertyErrorf("force_symbols_weak_list", "Only supported on Darwin") } } else { if unexportedSymbols.Valid() { flags.Local.LdFlags = append(flags.Local.LdFlags, "-Wl,-unexported_symbols_list,"+unexportedSymbols.String()) linkerDeps = append(linkerDeps, unexportedSymbols.Path()) } if forceNotWeakSymbols.Valid() { flags.Local.LdFlags = append(flags.Local.LdFlags, "-Wl,-force_symbols_not_weak_list,"+forceNotWeakSymbols.String()) linkerDeps = append(linkerDeps, forceNotWeakSymbols.Path()) } if forceWeakSymbols.Valid() { flags.Local.LdFlags = append(flags.Local.LdFlags, "-Wl,-force_symbols_weak_list,"+forceWeakSymbols.String()) linkerDeps = append(linkerDeps, forceWeakSymbols.Path()) } } if library.versionScriptPath.Valid() { linkerScriptFlags := "-Wl,--version-script," + library.versionScriptPath.String() flags.Local.LdFlags = append(flags.Local.LdFlags, linkerScriptFlags) linkerDeps = append(linkerDeps, library.versionScriptPath.Path()) } fileName := library.getLibName(ctx) + flags.Toolchain.ShlibSuffix() outputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, fileName) unstrippedOutputFile := outputFile var implicitOutputs android.WritablePaths if ctx.Windows() { importLibraryPath := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, pathtools.ReplaceExtension(fileName, "lib")) flags.Local.LdFlags = append(flags.Local.LdFlags, "-Wl,--out-implib="+importLibraryPath.String()) implicitOutputs = append(implicitOutputs, importLibraryPath) } builderFlags := flagsToBuilderFlags(flags) if ctx.Darwin() && deps.DarwinSecondArchOutput.Valid() { fatOutputFile := outputFile outputFile = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "pre-fat", fileName) transformDarwinUniversalBinary(ctx, fatOutputFile, outputFile, deps.DarwinSecondArchOutput.Path()) } // Optimize out relinking against shared libraries whose interface hasn't changed by // depending on a table of contents file instead of the library itself. tocFile := outputFile.ReplaceExtension(ctx, flags.Toolchain.ShlibSuffix()[1:]+".toc") library.tocFile = android.OptionalPathForPath(tocFile) TransformSharedObjectToToc(ctx, outputFile, tocFile) stripFlags := flagsToStripFlags(flags) needsStrip := library.stripper.NeedsStrip(ctx) if library.buildStubs() { // No need to strip stubs libraries needsStrip = false } if needsStrip { if ctx.Darwin() { stripFlags.StripUseGnuStrip = true } strippedOutputFile := outputFile outputFile = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "unstripped", fileName) library.stripper.StripExecutableOrSharedLib(ctx, outputFile, strippedOutputFile, stripFlags) } library.unstrippedOutputFile = outputFile outputFile = maybeInjectBoringSSLHash(ctx, outputFile, library.Properties.Inject_bssl_hash, fileName) if Bool(library.baseLinker.Properties.Use_version_lib) { if ctx.Host() { versionedOutputFile := outputFile outputFile = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "unversioned", fileName) library.injectVersionSymbol(ctx, outputFile, versionedOutputFile) } else { versionedOutputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "versioned", fileName) library.distFile = versionedOutputFile if library.stripper.NeedsStrip(ctx) { out := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "versioned-stripped", fileName) library.distFile = out library.stripper.StripExecutableOrSharedLib(ctx, versionedOutputFile, out, stripFlags) } library.injectVersionSymbol(ctx, outputFile, versionedOutputFile) } } sharedLibs := deps.EarlySharedLibs sharedLibs = append(sharedLibs, deps.SharedLibs...) sharedLibs = append(sharedLibs, deps.LateSharedLibs...) linkerDeps = append(linkerDeps, deps.EarlySharedLibsDeps...) linkerDeps = append(linkerDeps, deps.SharedLibsDeps...) linkerDeps = append(linkerDeps, deps.LateSharedLibsDeps...) transformObjToDynamicBinary(ctx, objs.objFiles, sharedLibs, deps.StaticLibs, deps.LateStaticLibs, deps.WholeStaticLibs, linkerDeps, deps.CrtBegin, deps.CrtEnd, false, builderFlags, outputFile, implicitOutputs, objs.tidyDepFiles) objs.coverageFiles = append(objs.coverageFiles, deps.StaticLibObjs.coverageFiles...) objs.coverageFiles = append(objs.coverageFiles, deps.WholeStaticLibObjs.coverageFiles...) objs.sAbiDumpFiles = append(objs.sAbiDumpFiles, deps.StaticLibObjs.sAbiDumpFiles...) objs.sAbiDumpFiles = append(objs.sAbiDumpFiles, deps.WholeStaticLibObjs.sAbiDumpFiles...) library.coverageOutputFile = transformCoverageFilesToZip(ctx, objs, library.getLibName(ctx)) library.linkSAbiDumpFiles(ctx, objs, fileName, unstrippedOutputFile) var transitiveStaticLibrariesForOrdering *android.DepSet if static := ctx.GetDirectDepsWithTag(staticVariantTag); len(static) > 0 { s := ctx.OtherModuleProvider(static[0], StaticLibraryInfoProvider).(StaticLibraryInfo) transitiveStaticLibrariesForOrdering = s.TransitiveStaticLibrariesForOrdering } ctx.SetProvider(SharedLibraryInfoProvider, SharedLibraryInfo{ TableOfContents: android.OptionalPathForPath(tocFile), SharedLibrary: unstrippedOutputFile, TransitiveStaticLibrariesForOrdering: transitiveStaticLibrariesForOrdering, Target: ctx.Target(), }) stubs := ctx.GetDirectDepsWithTag(stubImplDepTag) if len(stubs) > 0 { var stubsInfo []SharedStubLibrary for _, stub := range stubs { stubInfo := ctx.OtherModuleProvider(stub, SharedLibraryInfoProvider).(SharedLibraryInfo) flagInfo := ctx.OtherModuleProvider(stub, FlagExporterInfoProvider).(FlagExporterInfo) stubsInfo = append(stubsInfo, SharedStubLibrary{ Version: moduleLibraryInterface(stub).stubsVersion(), SharedLibraryInfo: stubInfo, FlagExporterInfo: flagInfo, }) } ctx.SetProvider(SharedLibraryStubsProvider, SharedLibraryStubsInfo{ SharedStubLibraries: stubsInfo, IsLLNDK: ctx.IsLlndk(), }) } return unstrippedOutputFile } func (library *libraryDecorator) unstrippedOutputFilePath() android.Path { return library.unstrippedOutputFile } func (library *libraryDecorator) disableStripping() { library.stripper.StripProperties.Strip.None = BoolPtr(true) } func (library *libraryDecorator) nativeCoverage() bool { if library.header() || library.buildStubs() { return false } return true } func (library *libraryDecorator) coverageOutputFilePath() android.OptionalPath { return library.coverageOutputFile } func getRefAbiDumpFile(ctx android.ModuleInstallPathContext, versionedDumpDir, fileName string) android.OptionalPath { currentArchType := ctx.Arch().ArchType primaryArchType := ctx.Config().DevicePrimaryArchType() archName := currentArchType.String() if currentArchType != primaryArchType { archName += "_" + primaryArchType.String() } return android.ExistentPathForSource(ctx, versionedDumpDir, archName, "source-based", fileName+".lsdump") } func getRefAbiDumpDir(isNdk, isVndk bool) string { var dirName string if isNdk { dirName = "ndk" } else if isVndk { dirName = "vndk" } else { dirName = "platform" } return filepath.Join("prebuilts", "abi-dumps", dirName) } func prevRefAbiDumpVersion(ctx ModuleContext, dumpDir string) int { sdkVersionInt := ctx.Config().PlatformSdkVersion().FinalInt() sdkVersionStr := ctx.Config().PlatformSdkVersion().String() if ctx.Config().PlatformSdkFinal() { return sdkVersionInt - 1 } else { // The platform SDK version can be upgraded before finalization while the corresponding abi dumps hasn't // been generated. Thus the Cross-Version Check chooses PLATFORM_SDK_VERION - 1 as previous version. // This situation could be identified by checking the existence of the PLATFORM_SDK_VERION dump directory. versionedDumpDir := android.ExistentPathForSource(ctx, dumpDir, sdkVersionStr) if versionedDumpDir.Valid() { return sdkVersionInt } else { return sdkVersionInt - 1 } } } func currRefAbiDumpVersion(ctx ModuleContext, isVndk bool) string { if isVndk { // Each version of VNDK is independent, so follow the VNDK version which is the codename or PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION. return ctx.Module().(*Module).VndkVersion() } else if ctx.Config().PlatformSdkFinal() { // After sdk finalization, the ABI of the latest API level must be consistent with the source code, // so choose PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION as the current version. return ctx.Config().PlatformSdkVersion().String() } else { return "current" } } // sourceAbiDiff registers a build statement to compare linked sAbi dump files (.lsdump). func (library *libraryDecorator) sourceAbiDiff(ctx android.ModuleContext, referenceDump android.Path, baseName, nameExt string, isLlndkOrNdk, allowExtensions bool, sourceVersion, errorMessage string) { sourceDump := library.sAbiOutputFile.Path() extraFlags := []string{"-target-version", sourceVersion} headerAbiChecker := library.getHeaderAbiCheckerProperties(ctx) if Bool(headerAbiChecker.Check_all_apis) { extraFlags = append(extraFlags, "-check-all-apis") } else { extraFlags = append(extraFlags, "-allow-unreferenced-changes", "-allow-unreferenced-elf-symbol-changes") } if isLlndkOrNdk { extraFlags = append(extraFlags, "-consider-opaque-types-different") } if allowExtensions { extraFlags = append(extraFlags, "-allow-extensions") } extraFlags = append(extraFlags, headerAbiChecker.Diff_flags...) library.sAbiDiff = append( library.sAbiDiff, transformAbiDumpToAbiDiff(ctx, sourceDump, referenceDump, baseName, nameExt, extraFlags, errorMessage)) } func (library *libraryDecorator) crossVersionAbiDiff(ctx android.ModuleContext, referenceDump android.Path, baseName string, isLlndkOrNdk bool, sourceVersion, prevVersion string) { errorMessage := "error: Please follow https://android.googlesource.com/platform/development/+/master/vndk/tools/header-checker/README.md#configure-cross_version-abi-check to resolve the ABI difference between your source code and version " + prevVersion + "." library.sourceAbiDiff(ctx, referenceDump, baseName, prevVersion, isLlndkOrNdk, true /* allowExtensions */, sourceVersion, errorMessage) } func (library *libraryDecorator) sameVersionAbiDiff(ctx android.ModuleContext, referenceDump android.Path, baseName string, isLlndkOrNdk, allowExtensions bool) { libName := strings.TrimSuffix(baseName, filepath.Ext(baseName)) errorMessage := "error: Please update ABI references with: $$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/development/vndk/tools/header-checker/utils/create_reference_dumps.py -l " + libName library.sourceAbiDiff(ctx, referenceDump, baseName, "", isLlndkOrNdk, allowExtensions, "current", errorMessage) } func (library *libraryDecorator) optInAbiDiff(ctx android.ModuleContext, referenceDump android.Path, baseName, nameExt string, isLlndkOrNdk bool, refDumpDir string) { libName := strings.TrimSuffix(baseName, filepath.Ext(baseName)) errorMessage := "error: Please update ABI references with: $$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/development/vndk/tools/header-checker/utils/create_reference_dumps.py -l " + libName + " -ref-dump-dir $$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/" + refDumpDir library.sourceAbiDiff(ctx, referenceDump, baseName, nameExt, isLlndkOrNdk, false /* allowExtensions */, "current", errorMessage) } func (library *libraryDecorator) linkSAbiDumpFiles(ctx ModuleContext, objs Objects, fileName string, soFile android.Path) { if library.sabi.shouldCreateSourceAbiDump() { exportIncludeDirs := library.flagExporter.exportedIncludes(ctx) var SourceAbiFlags []string for _, dir := range exportIncludeDirs.Strings() { SourceAbiFlags = append(SourceAbiFlags, "-I"+dir) } for _, reexportedInclude := range library.sabi.Properties.ReexportedIncludes { SourceAbiFlags = append(SourceAbiFlags, "-I"+reexportedInclude) } exportedHeaderFlags := strings.Join(SourceAbiFlags, " ") headerAbiChecker := library.getHeaderAbiCheckerProperties(ctx) library.sAbiOutputFile = transformDumpToLinkedDump(ctx, objs.sAbiDumpFiles, soFile, fileName, exportedHeaderFlags, android.OptionalPathForModuleSrc(ctx, library.symbolFileForAbiCheck(ctx)), headerAbiChecker.Exclude_symbol_versions, headerAbiChecker.Exclude_symbol_tags) addLsdumpPath(classifySourceAbiDump(ctx) + ":" + library.sAbiOutputFile.String()) // The logic must be consistent with classifySourceAbiDump. isVndk := ctx.useVndk() && ctx.isVndk() isNdk := ctx.isNdk(ctx.Config()) isLlndk := ctx.isImplementationForLLNDKPublic() dumpDir := getRefAbiDumpDir(isNdk, isVndk) binderBitness := ctx.DeviceConfig().BinderBitness() // If NDK or PLATFORM library, check against previous version ABI. if !isVndk { prevVersionInt := prevRefAbiDumpVersion(ctx, dumpDir) prevVersion := strconv.Itoa(prevVersionInt) prevDumpDir := filepath.Join(dumpDir, prevVersion, binderBitness) prevDumpFile := getRefAbiDumpFile(ctx, prevDumpDir, fileName) if prevDumpFile.Valid() { library.crossVersionAbiDiff(ctx, prevDumpFile.Path(), fileName, isLlndk || isNdk, strconv.Itoa(prevVersionInt+1), prevVersion) } } // Check against the current version. currVersion := currRefAbiDumpVersion(ctx, isVndk) currDumpDir := filepath.Join(dumpDir, currVersion, binderBitness) currDumpFile := getRefAbiDumpFile(ctx, currDumpDir, fileName) if currDumpFile.Valid() { library.sameVersionAbiDiff(ctx, currDumpFile.Path(), fileName, isLlndk || isNdk, ctx.IsVndkExt()) } // Check against the opt-in reference dumps. for i, optInDumpDir := range headerAbiChecker.Ref_dump_dirs { optInDumpDirPath := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, optInDumpDir) // Ref_dump_dirs are not versioned. // They do not contain subdir for binder bitness because 64-bit binder has been mandatory. optInDumpFile := getRefAbiDumpFile(ctx, optInDumpDirPath.String(), fileName) if !optInDumpFile.Valid() { continue } library.optInAbiDiff(ctx, optInDumpFile.Path(), fileName, "opt"+strconv.Itoa(i), isLlndk || isNdk, optInDumpDirPath.String()) } } } func processLLNDKHeaders(ctx ModuleContext, srcHeaderDir string, outDir android.ModuleGenPath) (timestamp android.Path, installPaths android.WritablePaths) { srcDir := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, srcHeaderDir) srcFiles := ctx.GlobFiles(filepath.Join(srcDir.String(), "**/*.h"), nil) for _, header := range srcFiles { headerDir := filepath.Dir(header.String()) relHeaderDir, err := filepath.Rel(srcDir.String(), headerDir) if err != nil { ctx.ModuleErrorf("filepath.Rel(%q, %q) failed: %s", srcDir.String(), headerDir, err) continue } installPaths = append(installPaths, outDir.Join(ctx, relHeaderDir, header.Base())) } return processHeadersWithVersioner(ctx, srcDir, outDir, srcFiles, installPaths), installPaths } // link registers actions to link this library, and sets various fields // on this library to reflect information that should be exported up the build // tree (for example, exported flags and include paths). func (library *libraryDecorator) link(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags, deps PathDeps, objs Objects) android.Path { if ctx.IsLlndk() { if len(library.Properties.Llndk.Export_preprocessed_headers) > 0 { // This is the vendor variant of an LLNDK library with preprocessed headers. genHeaderOutDir := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "include") var timestampFiles android.Paths for _, dir := range library.Properties.Llndk.Export_preprocessed_headers { timestampFile, installPaths := processLLNDKHeaders(ctx, dir, genHeaderOutDir) timestampFiles = append(timestampFiles, timestampFile) library.addExportedGeneratedHeaders(installPaths.Paths()...) } if Bool(library.Properties.Llndk.Export_headers_as_system) { library.reexportSystemDirs(genHeaderOutDir) } else { library.reexportDirs(genHeaderOutDir) } library.reexportDeps(timestampFiles...) } // override the module's export_include_dirs with llndk.override_export_include_dirs // if it is set. if override := library.Properties.Llndk.Override_export_include_dirs; override != nil { library.flagExporter.Properties.Export_include_dirs = override } if Bool(library.Properties.Llndk.Export_headers_as_system) { library.flagExporter.Properties.Export_system_include_dirs = append( library.flagExporter.Properties.Export_system_include_dirs, library.flagExporter.Properties.Export_include_dirs...) library.flagExporter.Properties.Export_include_dirs = nil } } if ctx.IsVendorPublicLibrary() { // override the module's export_include_dirs with vendor_public_library.override_export_include_dirs // if it is set. if override := library.Properties.Vendor_public_library.Override_export_include_dirs; override != nil { library.flagExporter.Properties.Export_include_dirs = override } } // Linking this library consists of linking `deps.Objs` (.o files in dependencies // of this library), together with `objs` (.o files created by compiling this // library). objs = deps.Objs.Copy().Append(objs) var out android.Path if library.static() || library.header() { out = library.linkStatic(ctx, flags, deps, objs) } else { out = library.linkShared(ctx, flags, deps, objs) } // Export include paths and flags to be propagated up the tree. library.exportIncludes(ctx) library.reexportDirs(deps.ReexportedDirs...) library.reexportSystemDirs(deps.ReexportedSystemDirs...) library.reexportFlags(deps.ReexportedFlags...) library.reexportDeps(deps.ReexportedDeps...) library.addExportedGeneratedHeaders(deps.ReexportedGeneratedHeaders...) // Optionally export aidl headers. if Bool(library.Properties.Aidl.Export_aidl_headers) { if library.baseCompiler.hasSrcExt(".aidl") { dir := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "aidl") library.reexportDirs(dir) library.reexportDeps(library.baseCompiler.aidlOrderOnlyDeps...) library.addExportedGeneratedHeaders(library.baseCompiler.aidlHeaders...) } } // Optionally export proto headers. if Bool(library.Properties.Proto.Export_proto_headers) { if library.baseCompiler.hasSrcExt(".proto") { var includes android.Paths if flags.proto.CanonicalPathFromRoot { includes = append(includes, flags.proto.SubDir) } includes = append(includes, flags.proto.Dir) library.reexportDirs(includes...) library.reexportDeps(library.baseCompiler.protoOrderOnlyDeps...) library.addExportedGeneratedHeaders(library.baseCompiler.protoHeaders...) } } // If the library is sysprop_library, expose either public or internal header selectively. if library.baseCompiler.hasSrcExt(".sysprop") { dir := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "sysprop", "include") if library.Properties.Sysprop.Platform != nil { isOwnerPlatform := Bool(library.Properties.Sysprop.Platform) // If the owner is different from the user, expose public header. That is, // 1) if the user is product (as owner can only be platform / vendor) // 2) if the owner is platform and the client is vendor // We don't care Platform -> Vendor dependency as it's already forbidden. if ctx.Device() && (ctx.ProductSpecific() || (isOwnerPlatform && ctx.inVendor())) { dir = android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "sysprop/public", "include") } } // Make sure to only export headers which are within the include directory. _, headers := android.FilterPathListPredicate(library.baseCompiler.syspropHeaders, func(path android.Path) bool { _, isRel := android.MaybeRel(ctx, dir.String(), path.String()) return isRel }) // Add sysprop-related directories to the exported directories of this library. library.reexportDirs(dir) library.reexportDeps(library.baseCompiler.syspropOrderOnlyDeps...) library.addExportedGeneratedHeaders(headers...) } // Add stub-related flags if this library is a stub library. library.exportVersioningMacroIfNeeded(ctx) // Propagate a Provider containing information about exported flags, deps, and include paths. library.flagExporter.setProvider(ctx) return out } func (library *libraryDecorator) exportVersioningMacroIfNeeded(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) { if library.buildStubs() && library.stubsVersion() != "" && !library.skipAPIDefine { name := versioningMacroName(ctx.Module().(*Module).ImplementationModuleName(ctx)) apiLevel, err := android.ApiLevelFromUser(ctx, library.stubsVersion()) if err != nil { ctx.ModuleErrorf("Can't export version macro: %s", err.Error()) } library.reexportFlags("-D" + name + "=" + strconv.Itoa(apiLevel.FinalOrPreviewInt())) } } // buildStatic returns true if this library should be built as a static library. func (library *libraryDecorator) buildStatic() bool { return library.MutatedProperties.BuildStatic && BoolDefault(library.StaticProperties.Static.Enabled, true) } // buildShared returns true if this library should be built as a shared library. func (library *libraryDecorator) buildShared() bool { return library.MutatedProperties.BuildShared && BoolDefault(library.SharedProperties.Shared.Enabled, true) } func (library *libraryDecorator) objs() Objects { return library.objects } func (library *libraryDecorator) reuseObjs() Objects { return library.reuseObjects } func (library *libraryDecorator) toc() android.OptionalPath { return library.tocFile } func (library *libraryDecorator) installSymlinkToRuntimeApex(ctx ModuleContext, file android.Path) { dir := library.baseInstaller.installDir(ctx) dirOnDevice := android.InstallPathToOnDevicePath(ctx, dir) // libc_hwasan has relative_install_dir set, which would mess up the dir.Base() logic. // hardcode here because it's the only target, if we have other targets that use this // we can generalise this. var target string if ctx.baseModuleName() == "libc_hwasan" { target = "/" + filepath.Join("apex", "com.android.runtime", "lib64", "bionic", "hwasan", file.Base()) } else { base := dir.Base() target = "/" + filepath.Join("apex", "com.android.runtime", base, "bionic", file.Base()) } ctx.InstallAbsoluteSymlink(dir, file.Base(), target) library.postInstallCmds = append(library.postInstallCmds, makeSymlinkCmd(dirOnDevice, file.Base(), target)) } func (library *libraryDecorator) install(ctx ModuleContext, file android.Path) { if library.shared() { if ctx.Device() && ctx.useVndk() { // set subDir for VNDK extensions if ctx.IsVndkExt() { if ctx.isVndkSp() { library.baseInstaller.subDir = "vndk-sp" } else { library.baseInstaller.subDir = "vndk" } } // In some cases we want to use core variant for VNDK-Core libs. // Skip product variant since VNDKs use only the vendor variant. if ctx.isVndk() && !ctx.isVndkSp() && !ctx.IsVndkExt() && !ctx.inProduct() { mayUseCoreVariant := true if ctx.mustUseVendorVariant() { mayUseCoreVariant = false } if ctx.Config().CFIEnabledForPath(ctx.ModuleDir()) { mayUseCoreVariant = false } if mayUseCoreVariant { library.checkSameCoreVariant = true if ctx.DeviceConfig().VndkUseCoreVariant() { library.useCoreVariant = true } } } // do not install vndk libs // vndk libs are packaged into VNDK APEX if ctx.isVndk() && !ctx.IsVndkExt() { return } } else if library.hasStubsVariants() && !ctx.Host() && ctx.directlyInAnyApex() { // Bionic libraries (e.g. libc.so) is installed to the bootstrap subdirectory. // The original path becomes a symlink to the corresponding file in the // runtime APEX. translatedArch := ctx.Target().NativeBridge == android.NativeBridgeEnabled if InstallToBootstrap(ctx.baseModuleName(), ctx.Config()) && !library.buildStubs() && !translatedArch && !ctx.inRamdisk() && !ctx.inVendorRamdisk() && !ctx.inRecovery() { if ctx.Device() { library.installSymlinkToRuntimeApex(ctx, file) } library.baseInstaller.subDir = "bootstrap" } } else if ctx.directlyInAnyApex() && ctx.IsLlndk() && !isBionic(ctx.baseModuleName()) { // Skip installing LLNDK (non-bionic) libraries moved to APEX. ctx.Module().HideFromMake() } library.baseInstaller.install(ctx, file) } if Bool(library.Properties.Static_ndk_lib) && library.static() && !ctx.useVndk() && !ctx.inRamdisk() && !ctx.inVendorRamdisk() && !ctx.inRecovery() && ctx.Device() && library.baseLinker.sanitize.isUnsanitizedVariant() && ctx.isForPlatform() && !ctx.isPreventInstall() { installPath := getUnversionedLibraryInstallPath(ctx).Join(ctx, file.Base()) ctx.ModuleBuild(pctx, android.ModuleBuildParams{ Rule: android.Cp, Description: "install " + installPath.Base(), Output: installPath, Input: file, }) library.ndkSysrootPath = installPath } } func (library *libraryDecorator) everInstallable() bool { // Only shared and static libraries are installed. Header libraries (which are // neither static or shared) are not installed. return library.shared() || library.static() } // static returns true if this library is for a "static' variant. func (library *libraryDecorator) static() bool { return library.MutatedProperties.VariantIsStatic } // shared returns true if this library is for a "shared' variant. func (library *libraryDecorator) shared() bool { return library.MutatedProperties.VariantIsShared } // header returns true if this library is for a header-only variant. func (library *libraryDecorator) header() bool { // Neither "static" nor "shared" implies this library is header-only. return !library.static() && !library.shared() } // setStatic marks the library variant as "static". func (library *libraryDecorator) setStatic() { library.MutatedProperties.VariantIsStatic = true library.MutatedProperties.VariantIsShared = false } // setShared marks the library variant as "shared". func (library *libraryDecorator) setShared() { library.MutatedProperties.VariantIsStatic = false library.MutatedProperties.VariantIsShared = true } // BuildOnlyStatic disables building this library as a shared library. func (library *libraryDecorator) BuildOnlyStatic() { library.MutatedProperties.BuildShared = false } // BuildOnlyShared disables building this library as a static library. func (library *libraryDecorator) BuildOnlyShared() { library.MutatedProperties.BuildStatic = false } // HeaderOnly disables building this library as a shared or static library; // the library only exists to propagate header file dependencies up the build graph. func (library *libraryDecorator) HeaderOnly() { library.MutatedProperties.BuildShared = false library.MutatedProperties.BuildStatic = false } // hasLLNDKStubs returns true if this cc_library module has a variant that will build LLNDK stubs. func (library *libraryDecorator) hasLLNDKStubs() bool { return String(library.Properties.Llndk.Symbol_file) != "" } // hasLLNDKStubs returns true if this cc_library module has a variant that will build LLNDK stubs. func (library *libraryDecorator) hasLLNDKHeaders() bool { return Bool(library.Properties.Llndk.Llndk_headers) } // hasVendorPublicLibrary returns true if this cc_library module has a variant that will build // vendor public library stubs. func (library *libraryDecorator) hasVendorPublicLibrary() bool { return String(library.Properties.Vendor_public_library.Symbol_file) != "" } func (library *libraryDecorator) implementationModuleName(name string) string { return name } func (library *libraryDecorator) buildStubs() bool { return library.MutatedProperties.BuildStubs } func (library *libraryDecorator) symbolFileForAbiCheck(ctx ModuleContext) *string { if props := library.getHeaderAbiCheckerProperties(ctx); props.Symbol_file != nil { return props.Symbol_file } if ctx.Module().(*Module).IsLlndk() { return library.Properties.Llndk.Symbol_file } if library.hasStubsVariants() && library.Properties.Stubs.Symbol_file != nil { return library.Properties.Stubs.Symbol_file } return nil } func (library *libraryDecorator) hasStubsVariants() bool { // Just having stubs.symbol_file is enough to create a stub variant. In that case // the stub for the future API level is created. return library.Properties.Stubs.Symbol_file != nil || len(library.Properties.Stubs.Versions) > 0 } func (library *libraryDecorator) isStubsImplementationRequired() bool { return BoolDefault(library.Properties.Stubs.Implementation_installable, true) } func (library *libraryDecorator) stubsVersions(ctx android.BaseMutatorContext) []string { if !library.hasStubsVariants() { return nil } if library.hasLLNDKStubs() && ctx.Module().(*Module).UseVndk() { // LLNDK libraries only need a single stubs variant. return []string{android.FutureApiLevel.String()} } // Future API level is implicitly added if there isn't vers := library.Properties.Stubs.Versions if inList(android.FutureApiLevel.String(), vers) { return vers } // In some cases, people use the raw value "10000" in the versions property. // We shouldn't add the future API level in that case, otherwise there will // be two identical versions. if inList(strconv.Itoa(android.FutureApiLevel.FinalOrFutureInt()), vers) { return vers } return append(vers, android.FutureApiLevel.String()) } func (library *libraryDecorator) setStubsVersion(version string) { library.MutatedProperties.StubsVersion = version } func (library *libraryDecorator) stubsVersion() string { return library.MutatedProperties.StubsVersion } func (library *libraryDecorator) setBuildStubs(isLatest bool) { library.MutatedProperties.BuildStubs = true library.MutatedProperties.IsLatestVersion = isLatest } func (library *libraryDecorator) setAllStubsVersions(versions []string) { library.MutatedProperties.AllStubsVersions = versions } func (library *libraryDecorator) allStubsVersions() []string { return library.MutatedProperties.AllStubsVersions } func (library *libraryDecorator) isLatestStubVersion() bool { return library.MutatedProperties.IsLatestVersion } func (library *libraryDecorator) availableFor(what string) bool { var list []string if library.static() { list = library.StaticProperties.Static.Apex_available } else if library.shared() { list = library.SharedProperties.Shared.Apex_available } if len(list) == 0 { return false } return android.CheckAvailableForApex(what, list) } func (library *libraryDecorator) installable() *bool { if library.static() { return library.StaticProperties.Static.Installable } else if library.shared() { return library.SharedProperties.Shared.Installable } return nil } func (library *libraryDecorator) makeUninstallable(mod *Module) { if library.static() && library.buildStatic() && !library.buildStubs() { // If we're asked to make a static library uninstallable we don't do // anything since AndroidMkEntries always sets LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE // for these entries. This is done to still get the make targets for NOTICE // files from notice_files.mk, which other libraries might depend on. return } mod.ModuleBase.MakeUninstallable() } func (library *libraryDecorator) getPartition() string { return library.path.Partition() } func (library *libraryDecorator) getAPIListCoverageXMLPath() android.ModuleOutPath { return library.apiListCoverageXmlPath } func (library *libraryDecorator) overriddenModules() []string { return library.Properties.Overrides } var _ overridable = (*libraryDecorator)(nil) var versioningMacroNamesListKey = android.NewOnceKey("versioningMacroNamesList") // versioningMacroNamesList returns a singleton map, where keys are "version macro names", // and values are the module name responsible for registering the version macro name. // // Version macros are used when building against stubs, to provide version information about // the stub. Only stub libraries should have an entry in this list. // // For example, when building against libFoo#ver, __LIBFOO_API__ macro is set to ver so // that headers from libFoo can be conditionally compiled (this may hide APIs // that are not available for the version). // // This map is used to ensure that there aren't conflicts between these version macro names. func versioningMacroNamesList(config android.Config) *map[string]string { return config.Once(versioningMacroNamesListKey, func() interface{} { m := make(map[string]string) return &m }).(*map[string]string) } // alphanumeric and _ characters are preserved. // other characters are all converted to _ var charsNotForMacro = regexp.MustCompile("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+") // versioningMacroName returns the canonical version macro name for the given module. func versioningMacroName(moduleName string) string { macroName := charsNotForMacro.ReplaceAllString(moduleName, "_") macroName = strings.ToUpper(macroName) return "__" + macroName + "_API__" } // NewLibrary builds and returns a new Module corresponding to a C++ library. // Individual module implementations which comprise a C++ library (or something like // a C++ library) should call this function, set some fields on the result, and // then call the Init function. func NewLibrary(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported) (*Module, *libraryDecorator) { module := newModule(hod, android.MultilibBoth) library := &libraryDecorator{ MutatedProperties: LibraryMutatedProperties{ BuildShared: true, BuildStatic: true, }, baseCompiler: NewBaseCompiler(), baseLinker: NewBaseLinker(module.sanitize), baseInstaller: NewBaseInstaller("lib", "lib64", InstallInSystem), sabi: module.sabi, } module.compiler = library module.linker = library module.installer = library module.library = library return module, library } // connects a shared library to a static library in order to reuse its .o files to avoid // compiling source files twice. func reuseStaticLibrary(mctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext, static, shared *Module) { if staticCompiler, ok := static.compiler.(*libraryDecorator); ok { sharedCompiler := shared.compiler.(*libraryDecorator) // Check libraries in addition to cflags, since libraries may be exporting different // include directories. if len(staticCompiler.StaticProperties.Static.Cflags) == 0 && len(sharedCompiler.SharedProperties.Shared.Cflags) == 0 && len(staticCompiler.StaticProperties.Static.Whole_static_libs) == 0 && len(sharedCompiler.SharedProperties.Shared.Whole_static_libs) == 0 && len(staticCompiler.StaticProperties.Static.Static_libs) == 0 && len(sharedCompiler.SharedProperties.Shared.Static_libs) == 0 && len(staticCompiler.StaticProperties.Static.Shared_libs) == 0 && len(sharedCompiler.SharedProperties.Shared.Shared_libs) == 0 && // Compare System_shared_libs properties with nil because empty lists are // semantically significant for them. staticCompiler.StaticProperties.Static.System_shared_libs == nil && sharedCompiler.SharedProperties.Shared.System_shared_libs == nil { mctx.AddInterVariantDependency(reuseObjTag, shared, static) sharedCompiler.baseCompiler.Properties.OriginalSrcs = sharedCompiler.baseCompiler.Properties.Srcs sharedCompiler.baseCompiler.Properties.Srcs = nil sharedCompiler.baseCompiler.Properties.Generated_sources = nil } // This dep is just to reference static variant from shared variant mctx.AddInterVariantDependency(staticVariantTag, shared, static) } } // LinkageMutator adds "static" or "shared" variants for modules depending // on whether the module can be built as a static library or a shared library. func LinkageMutator(mctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) { ccPrebuilt := false if m, ok := mctx.Module().(*Module); ok && m.linker != nil { _, ccPrebuilt = m.linker.(prebuiltLibraryInterface) } if ccPrebuilt { library := mctx.Module().(*Module).linker.(prebuiltLibraryInterface) // Differentiate between header only and building an actual static/shared library buildStatic := library.buildStatic() buildShared := library.buildShared() if buildStatic || buildShared { // Always create both the static and shared variants for prebuilt libraries, and then disable the one // that is not being used. This allows them to share the name of a cc_library module, which requires that // all the variants of the cc_library also exist on the prebuilt. modules := mctx.CreateLocalVariations("static", "shared") static := modules[0].(*Module) shared := modules[1].(*Module) static.linker.(prebuiltLibraryInterface).setStatic() shared.linker.(prebuiltLibraryInterface).setShared() if buildShared { mctx.AliasVariation("shared") } else if buildStatic { mctx.AliasVariation("static") } if !buildStatic { static.linker.(prebuiltLibraryInterface).disablePrebuilt() } if !buildShared { shared.linker.(prebuiltLibraryInterface).disablePrebuilt() } } else { // Header only } } else if library, ok := mctx.Module().(LinkableInterface); ok && library.CcLibraryInterface() { // Non-cc.Modules may need an empty variant for their mutators. variations := []string{} if library.NonCcVariants() { variations = append(variations, "") } isLLNDK := false if m, ok := mctx.Module().(*Module); ok { isLLNDK = m.IsLlndk() } buildStatic := library.BuildStaticVariant() && !isLLNDK buildShared := library.BuildSharedVariant() if buildStatic && buildShared { variations := append([]string{"static", "shared"}, variations...) modules := mctx.CreateLocalVariations(variations...) static := modules[0].(LinkableInterface) shared := modules[1].(LinkableInterface) static.SetStatic() shared.SetShared() if _, ok := library.(*Module); ok { reuseStaticLibrary(mctx, static.(*Module), shared.(*Module)) } mctx.AliasVariation("shared") } else if buildStatic { variations := append([]string{"static"}, variations...) modules := mctx.CreateLocalVariations(variations...) modules[0].(LinkableInterface).SetStatic() mctx.AliasVariation("static") } else if buildShared { variations := append([]string{"shared"}, variations...) modules := mctx.CreateLocalVariations(variations...) modules[0].(LinkableInterface).SetShared() mctx.AliasVariation("shared") } else if len(variations) > 0 { mctx.CreateLocalVariations(variations...) mctx.AliasVariation(variations[0]) } } } // normalizeVersions modifies `versions` in place, so that each raw version // string becomes its normalized canonical form. // Validates that the versions in `versions` are specified in least to greatest order. func normalizeVersions(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, versions []string) { var previous android.ApiLevel for i, v := range versions { ver, err := android.ApiLevelFromUser(ctx, v) if err != nil { ctx.PropertyErrorf("versions", "%s", err.Error()) return } if i > 0 && ver.LessThanOrEqualTo(previous) { ctx.PropertyErrorf("versions", "not sorted: %v", versions) } versions[i] = ver.String() previous = ver } } func createVersionVariations(mctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext, versions []string) { // "" is for the non-stubs (implementation) variant for system modules, or the LLNDK variant // for LLNDK modules. variants := append(android.CopyOf(versions), "") m := mctx.Module().(*Module) isLLNDK := m.IsLlndk() isVendorPublicLibrary := m.IsVendorPublicLibrary() isImportedApiLibrary := m.isImportedApiLibrary() modules := mctx.CreateLocalVariations(variants...) for i, m := range modules { if variants[i] != "" || isLLNDK || isVendorPublicLibrary || isImportedApiLibrary { // A stubs or LLNDK stubs variant. c := m.(*Module) c.sanitize = nil c.stl = nil c.Properties.PreventInstall = true lib := moduleLibraryInterface(m) isLatest := i == (len(versions) - 1) lib.setBuildStubs(isLatest) if variants[i] != "" { // A non-LLNDK stubs module is hidden from make and has a dependency from the // implementation module to the stubs module. c.Properties.HideFromMake = true lib.setStubsVersion(variants[i]) mctx.AddInterVariantDependency(stubImplDepTag, modules[len(modules)-1], modules[i]) } } } mctx.AliasVariation("") latestVersion := "" if len(versions) > 0 { latestVersion = versions[len(versions)-1] } mctx.CreateAliasVariation("latest", latestVersion) } func createPerApiVersionVariations(mctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext, minSdkVersion string) { from, err := nativeApiLevelFromUser(mctx, minSdkVersion) if err != nil { mctx.PropertyErrorf("min_sdk_version", err.Error()) return } versionStrs := ndkLibraryVersions(mctx, from) modules := mctx.CreateLocalVariations(versionStrs...) for i, module := range modules { module.(*Module).Properties.Sdk_version = StringPtr(versionStrs[i]) module.(*Module).Properties.Min_sdk_version = StringPtr(versionStrs[i]) } } func canBeOrLinkAgainstVersionVariants(module interface { Host() bool InRamdisk() bool InVendorRamdisk() bool }) bool { return !module.Host() && !module.InRamdisk() && !module.InVendorRamdisk() } func canBeVersionVariant(module interface { Host() bool InRamdisk() bool InVendorRamdisk() bool CcLibraryInterface() bool Shared() bool }) bool { return canBeOrLinkAgainstVersionVariants(module) && module.CcLibraryInterface() && module.Shared() } func moduleLibraryInterface(module blueprint.Module) libraryInterface { if m, ok := module.(*Module); ok { return m.library } return nil } // setStubsVersions normalizes the versions in the Stubs.Versions property into MutatedProperties.AllStubsVersions. func setStubsVersions(mctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext, library libraryInterface, module *Module) { if !library.buildShared() || !canBeVersionVariant(module) { return } versions := library.stubsVersions(mctx) if len(versions) <= 0 { return } normalizeVersions(mctx, versions) if mctx.Failed() { return } // Set the versions on the pre-mutated module so they can be read by any llndk modules that // depend on the implementation library and haven't been mutated yet. library.setAllStubsVersions(versions) } // versionMutator splits a module into the mandatory non-stubs variant // (which is unnamed) and zero or more stubs variants. func versionMutator(mctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) { if mctx.Os() != android.Android { return } m, ok := mctx.Module().(*Module) if library := moduleLibraryInterface(mctx.Module()); library != nil && canBeVersionVariant(m) { setStubsVersions(mctx, library, m) createVersionVariations(mctx, library.allStubsVersions()) return } if ok { if m.SplitPerApiLevel() && m.IsSdkVariant() { createPerApiVersionVariations(mctx, m.MinSdkVersion()) } } } // maybeInjectBoringSSLHash adds a rule to run bssl_inject_hash on the output file if the module has the // inject_bssl_hash or if any static library dependencies have inject_bssl_hash set. It returns the output path // that the linked output file should be written to. // TODO(b/137267623): Remove this in favor of a cc_genrule when they support operating on shared libraries. func maybeInjectBoringSSLHash(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputFile android.ModuleOutPath, inject *bool, fileName string) android.ModuleOutPath { // TODO(b/137267623): Remove this in favor of a cc_genrule when they support operating on shared libraries. injectBoringSSLHash := Bool(inject) ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(dep android.Module) { if tag, ok := ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(dep).(libraryDependencyTag); ok && tag.static() { if cc, ok := dep.(*Module); ok { if library, ok := cc.linker.(*libraryDecorator); ok { if Bool(library.Properties.Inject_bssl_hash) { injectBoringSSLHash = true } } } } }) if injectBoringSSLHash { hashedOutputfile := outputFile outputFile = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "unhashed", fileName) rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx) rule.Command(). BuiltTool("bssl_inject_hash"). FlagWithInput("-in-object ", outputFile). FlagWithOutput("-o ", hashedOutputfile) rule.Build("injectCryptoHash", "inject crypto hash") } return outputFile } func bp2buildParseAbiCheckerProps(ctx android.TopDownMutatorContext, module *Module) bazelCcHeaderAbiCheckerAttributes { lib, ok := module.linker.(*libraryDecorator) if !ok { return bazelCcHeaderAbiCheckerAttributes{} } abiChecker := lib.getHeaderAbiCheckerProperties(ctx) abiCheckerAttrs := bazelCcHeaderAbiCheckerAttributes{ Abi_checker_enabled: abiChecker.Enabled, Abi_checker_exclude_symbol_versions: abiChecker.Exclude_symbol_versions, Abi_checker_exclude_symbol_tags: abiChecker.Exclude_symbol_tags, Abi_checker_check_all_apis: abiChecker.Check_all_apis, Abi_checker_diff_flags: abiChecker.Diff_flags, } if abiChecker.Symbol_file != nil { symbolFile := android.BazelLabelForModuleSrcSingle(ctx, *abiChecker.Symbol_file) abiCheckerAttrs.Abi_checker_symbol_file = &symbolFile } return abiCheckerAttrs } func sharedOrStaticLibraryBp2Build(ctx android.TopDownMutatorContext, module *Module, isStatic bool) { baseAttributes := bp2BuildParseBaseProps(ctx, module) compilerAttrs := baseAttributes.compilerAttributes linkerAttrs := baseAttributes.linkerAttributes exportedIncludes := bp2BuildParseExportedIncludes(ctx, module, &compilerAttrs.includes) // Append shared/static{} stanza properties. These won't be specified on // cc_library_* itself, but may be specified in cc_defaults that this module // depends on. libSharedOrStaticAttrs := bp2BuildParseLibProps(ctx, module, isStatic) compilerAttrs.srcs.Append(libSharedOrStaticAttrs.Srcs) compilerAttrs.cSrcs.Append(libSharedOrStaticAttrs.Srcs_c) compilerAttrs.asSrcs.Append(libSharedOrStaticAttrs.Srcs_as) compilerAttrs.copts.Append(libSharedOrStaticAttrs.Copts) linkerAttrs.deps.Append(libSharedOrStaticAttrs.Deps) linkerAttrs.implementationDeps.Append(libSharedOrStaticAttrs.Implementation_deps) linkerAttrs.dynamicDeps.Append(libSharedOrStaticAttrs.Dynamic_deps) linkerAttrs.implementationDynamicDeps.Append(libSharedOrStaticAttrs.Implementation_dynamic_deps) linkerAttrs.systemDynamicDeps.Append(libSharedOrStaticAttrs.System_dynamic_deps) asFlags := compilerAttrs.asFlags if compilerAttrs.asSrcs.IsEmpty() { // Skip asflags for BUILD file simplicity if there are no assembly sources. asFlags = bazel.MakeStringListAttribute(nil) } commonAttrs := staticOrSharedAttributes{ Srcs: compilerAttrs.srcs, Srcs_c: compilerAttrs.cSrcs, Srcs_as: compilerAttrs.asSrcs, Copts: compilerAttrs.copts, Hdrs: compilerAttrs.hdrs, Deps: linkerAttrs.deps, Implementation_deps: linkerAttrs.implementationDeps, Dynamic_deps: linkerAttrs.dynamicDeps, Implementation_dynamic_deps: linkerAttrs.implementationDynamicDeps, Whole_archive_deps: linkerAttrs.wholeArchiveDeps, Implementation_whole_archive_deps: linkerAttrs.implementationWholeArchiveDeps, System_dynamic_deps: linkerAttrs.systemDynamicDeps, sdkAttributes: bp2BuildParseSdkAttributes(module), Runtime_deps: linkerAttrs.runtimeDeps, Native_coverage: baseAttributes.Native_coverage, } module.convertTidyAttributes(ctx, &commonAttrs.tidyAttributes) var attrs interface{} if isStatic { commonAttrs.Deps.Add(baseAttributes.protoDependency) attrs = &bazelCcLibraryStaticAttributes{ staticOrSharedAttributes: commonAttrs, Rtti: compilerAttrs.rtti, Stl: compilerAttrs.stl, Cpp_std: compilerAttrs.cppStd, C_std: compilerAttrs.cStd, Export_includes: exportedIncludes.Includes, Export_absolute_includes: exportedIncludes.AbsoluteIncludes, Export_system_includes: exportedIncludes.SystemIncludes, Local_includes: compilerAttrs.localIncludes, Absolute_includes: compilerAttrs.absoluteIncludes, Cppflags: compilerAttrs.cppFlags, Conlyflags: compilerAttrs.conlyFlags, Asflags: asFlags, Features: baseAttributes.features, } } else { commonAttrs.Dynamic_deps.Add(baseAttributes.protoDependency) sharedLibAttrs := &bazelCcLibrarySharedAttributes{ staticOrSharedAttributes: commonAttrs, Cppflags: compilerAttrs.cppFlags, Conlyflags: compilerAttrs.conlyFlags, Asflags: asFlags, Linkopts: linkerAttrs.linkopts, Use_version_lib: linkerAttrs.useVersionLib, Rtti: compilerAttrs.rtti, Stl: compilerAttrs.stl, Cpp_std: compilerAttrs.cppStd, C_std: compilerAttrs.cStd, Export_includes: exportedIncludes.Includes, Export_absolute_includes: exportedIncludes.AbsoluteIncludes, Export_system_includes: exportedIncludes.SystemIncludes, Local_includes: compilerAttrs.localIncludes, Absolute_includes: compilerAttrs.absoluteIncludes, Additional_linker_inputs: linkerAttrs.additionalLinkerInputs, Strip: stripAttrsFromLinkerAttrs(&linkerAttrs), Features: baseAttributes.features, Suffix: compilerAttrs.suffix, bazelCcHeaderAbiCheckerAttributes: bp2buildParseAbiCheckerProps(ctx, module), Fdo_profile: compilerAttrs.fdoProfile, } if compilerAttrs.stubsSymbolFile != nil && len(compilerAttrs.stubsVersions.Value) > 0 { sharedLibAttrs.Stubs_symbol_file = compilerAttrs.stubsSymbolFile } attrs = sharedLibAttrs } var modType string if isStatic { modType = "cc_library_static" } else { modType = "cc_library_shared" createStubsBazelTargetIfNeeded(ctx, module, compilerAttrs, exportedIncludes, baseAttributes) } props := bazel.BazelTargetModuleProperties{ Rule_class: modType, Bzl_load_location: fmt.Sprintf("//build/bazel/rules/cc:%s.bzl", modType), } tags := android.ApexAvailableTags(module) ctx.CreateBazelTargetModule(props, android.CommonAttributes{Name: module.Name(), Tags: tags}, attrs) } // TODO(b/199902614): Can this be factored to share with the other Attributes? type bazelCcLibraryStaticAttributes struct { staticOrSharedAttributes Use_version_lib bazel.BoolAttribute Rtti bazel.BoolAttribute Stl *string Cpp_std *string C_std *string Export_includes bazel.StringListAttribute Export_absolute_includes bazel.StringListAttribute Export_system_includes bazel.StringListAttribute Local_includes bazel.StringListAttribute Absolute_includes bazel.StringListAttribute Hdrs bazel.LabelListAttribute Cppflags bazel.StringListAttribute Conlyflags bazel.StringListAttribute Asflags bazel.StringListAttribute Features bazel.StringListAttribute } // TODO(b/199902614): Can this be factored to share with the other Attributes? type bazelCcLibrarySharedAttributes struct { staticOrSharedAttributes Linkopts bazel.StringListAttribute Use_version_lib bazel.BoolAttribute Rtti bazel.BoolAttribute Stl *string Cpp_std *string C_std *string Export_includes bazel.StringListAttribute Export_absolute_includes bazel.StringListAttribute Export_system_includes bazel.StringListAttribute Local_includes bazel.StringListAttribute Absolute_includes bazel.StringListAttribute Hdrs bazel.LabelListAttribute Strip stripAttributes Additional_linker_inputs bazel.LabelListAttribute Cppflags bazel.StringListAttribute Conlyflags bazel.StringListAttribute Asflags bazel.StringListAttribute Features bazel.StringListAttribute Stubs_symbol_file *string Inject_bssl_hash bazel.BoolAttribute Suffix bazel.StringAttribute bazelCcHeaderAbiCheckerAttributes Fdo_profile bazel.LabelAttribute } type bazelCcStubSuiteAttributes struct { Symbol_file *string Versions bazel.StringListAttribute Export_includes bazel.StringListAttribute Source_library_label *string Soname *string Deps bazel.LabelListAttribute } type bazelCcHeaderAbiCheckerAttributes struct { Abi_checker_enabled *bool Abi_checker_symbol_file *bazel.Label Abi_checker_exclude_symbol_versions []string Abi_checker_exclude_symbol_tags []string Abi_checker_check_all_apis *bool Abi_checker_diff_flags []string }