// Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package cc // This file defines snapshot prebuilt modules, e.g. vendor snapshot and recovery snapshot. Such // snapshot modules will override original source modules with setting BOARD_VNDK_VERSION, with // snapshot mutators and snapshot information maps which are also defined in this file. import ( "fmt" "strings" "android/soong/android" "android/soong/snapshot" "github.com/google/blueprint" ) // This interface overrides snapshot.SnapshotImage to implement cc module specific functions type SnapshotImage interface { snapshot.SnapshotImage // The image variant name for this snapshot image. // For example, recovery snapshot image will return "recovery", and vendor snapshot image will // return "vendor." + version. imageVariantName(cfg android.DeviceConfig) string // The variant suffix for snapshot modules. For example, vendor snapshot modules will have // ".vendor" as their suffix. moduleNameSuffix() string } type vendorSnapshotImage struct { *snapshot.VendorSnapshotImage } type recoverySnapshotImage struct { *snapshot.RecoverySnapshotImage } func (vendorSnapshotImage) imageVariantName(cfg android.DeviceConfig) string { return VendorVariationPrefix + cfg.VndkVersion() } func (vendorSnapshotImage) moduleNameSuffix() string { return VendorSuffix } func (recoverySnapshotImage) imageVariantName(cfg android.DeviceConfig) string { return android.RecoveryVariation } func (recoverySnapshotImage) moduleNameSuffix() string { return RecoverySuffix } // Override existing vendor and recovery snapshot for cc module specific extra functions var VendorSnapshotImageSingleton vendorSnapshotImage = vendorSnapshotImage{&snapshot.VendorSnapshotImageSingleton} var RecoverySnapshotImageSingleton recoverySnapshotImage = recoverySnapshotImage{&snapshot.RecoverySnapshotImageSingleton} func RegisterVendorSnapshotModules(ctx android.RegistrationContext) { ctx.RegisterModuleType("vendor_snapshot", vendorSnapshotFactory) ctx.RegisterModuleType("vendor_snapshot_shared", VendorSnapshotSharedFactory) ctx.RegisterModuleType("vendor_snapshot_static", VendorSnapshotStaticFactory) ctx.RegisterModuleType("vendor_snapshot_header", VendorSnapshotHeaderFactory) ctx.RegisterModuleType("vendor_snapshot_binary", VendorSnapshotBinaryFactory) ctx.RegisterModuleType("vendor_snapshot_object", VendorSnapshotObjectFactory) } func RegisterRecoverySnapshotModules(ctx android.RegistrationContext) { ctx.RegisterModuleType("recovery_snapshot", recoverySnapshotFactory) ctx.RegisterModuleType("recovery_snapshot_shared", RecoverySnapshotSharedFactory) ctx.RegisterModuleType("recovery_snapshot_static", RecoverySnapshotStaticFactory) ctx.RegisterModuleType("recovery_snapshot_header", RecoverySnapshotHeaderFactory) ctx.RegisterModuleType("recovery_snapshot_binary", RecoverySnapshotBinaryFactory) ctx.RegisterModuleType("recovery_snapshot_object", RecoverySnapshotObjectFactory) } func init() { RegisterVendorSnapshotModules(android.InitRegistrationContext) RegisterRecoverySnapshotModules(android.InitRegistrationContext) android.RegisterMakeVarsProvider(pctx, snapshotMakeVarsProvider) } const ( snapshotHeaderSuffix = "_header." SnapshotSharedSuffix = "_shared." SnapshotStaticSuffix = "_static." snapshotBinarySuffix = "_binary." snapshotObjectSuffix = "_object." SnapshotRlibSuffix = "_rlib." ) type SnapshotProperties struct { Header_libs []string `android:"arch_variant"` Static_libs []string `android:"arch_variant"` Shared_libs []string `android:"arch_variant"` Rlibs []string `android:"arch_variant"` Vndk_libs []string `android:"arch_variant"` Binaries []string `android:"arch_variant"` Objects []string `android:"arch_variant"` } type snapshotModule struct { android.ModuleBase properties SnapshotProperties baseSnapshot BaseSnapshotDecorator image SnapshotImage } func (s *snapshotModule) ImageMutatorBegin(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) { cfg := ctx.DeviceConfig() if !s.image.IsUsingSnapshot(cfg) || s.image.TargetSnapshotVersion(cfg) != s.baseSnapshot.Version() { s.Disable() } } func (s *snapshotModule) CoreVariantNeeded(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) bool { return false } func (s *snapshotModule) RamdiskVariantNeeded(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) bool { return false } func (s *snapshotModule) VendorRamdiskVariantNeeded(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) bool { return false } func (s *snapshotModule) DebugRamdiskVariantNeeded(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) bool { return false } func (s *snapshotModule) RecoveryVariantNeeded(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) bool { return false } func (s *snapshotModule) ExtraImageVariations(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) []string { return []string{s.image.imageVariantName(ctx.DeviceConfig())} } func (s *snapshotModule) SetImageVariation(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, variation string, module android.Module) { } func (s *snapshotModule) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) { // Nothing, the snapshot module is only used to forward dependency information in DepsMutator. } func getSnapshotNameSuffix(moduleSuffix, version, arch string) string { versionSuffix := version if arch != "" { versionSuffix += "." + arch } return moduleSuffix + versionSuffix } func (s *snapshotModule) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) { collectSnapshotMap := func(names []string, snapshotSuffix, moduleSuffix string) map[string]string { snapshotMap := make(map[string]string) for _, name := range names { snapshotMap[name] = name + getSnapshotNameSuffix(snapshotSuffix+moduleSuffix, s.baseSnapshot.Version(), ctx.DeviceConfig().Arches()[0].ArchType.String()) } return snapshotMap } snapshotSuffix := s.image.moduleNameSuffix() headers := collectSnapshotMap(s.properties.Header_libs, snapshotSuffix, snapshotHeaderSuffix) binaries := collectSnapshotMap(s.properties.Binaries, snapshotSuffix, snapshotBinarySuffix) objects := collectSnapshotMap(s.properties.Objects, snapshotSuffix, snapshotObjectSuffix) staticLibs := collectSnapshotMap(s.properties.Static_libs, snapshotSuffix, SnapshotStaticSuffix) sharedLibs := collectSnapshotMap(s.properties.Shared_libs, snapshotSuffix, SnapshotSharedSuffix) rlibs := collectSnapshotMap(s.properties.Rlibs, snapshotSuffix, SnapshotRlibSuffix) vndkLibs := collectSnapshotMap(s.properties.Vndk_libs, "", vndkSuffix) for k, v := range vndkLibs { sharedLibs[k] = v } ctx.SetProvider(SnapshotInfoProvider, SnapshotInfo{ HeaderLibs: headers, Binaries: binaries, Objects: objects, StaticLibs: staticLibs, SharedLibs: sharedLibs, Rlibs: rlibs, }) } type SnapshotInfo struct { HeaderLibs, Binaries, Objects, StaticLibs, SharedLibs, Rlibs map[string]string } var SnapshotInfoProvider = blueprint.NewMutatorProvider(SnapshotInfo{}, "deps") var _ android.ImageInterface = (*snapshotModule)(nil) func snapshotMakeVarsProvider(ctx android.MakeVarsContext) { snapshotSet := map[string]struct{}{} ctx.VisitAllModules(func(m android.Module) { if s, ok := m.(*snapshotModule); ok { if _, ok := snapshotSet[s.Name()]; ok { // arch variant generates duplicated modules // skip this as we only need to know the path of the module. return } snapshotSet[s.Name()] = struct{}{} imageNameVersion := strings.Split(s.image.imageVariantName(ctx.DeviceConfig()), ".") ctx.Strict( strings.Join([]string{strings.ToUpper(imageNameVersion[0]), s.baseSnapshot.Version(), "SNAPSHOT_DIR"}, "_"), ctx.ModuleDir(s)) } }) } func vendorSnapshotFactory() android.Module { return snapshotFactory(VendorSnapshotImageSingleton) } func recoverySnapshotFactory() android.Module { return snapshotFactory(RecoverySnapshotImageSingleton) } func snapshotFactory(image SnapshotImage) android.Module { snapshotModule := &snapshotModule{} snapshotModule.image = image snapshotModule.AddProperties( &snapshotModule.properties, &snapshotModule.baseSnapshot.baseProperties) android.InitAndroidArchModule(snapshotModule, android.DeviceSupported, android.MultilibBoth) return snapshotModule } type BaseSnapshotDecoratorProperties struct { // snapshot version. Version string // Target arch name of the snapshot (e.g. 'arm64' for variant 'aosp_arm64') Target_arch string // Suffix to be added to the module name when exporting to Android.mk, e.g. ".vendor". Androidmk_suffix string `blueprint:"mutated"` // Suffix to be added to the module name, e.g., vendor_shared, // recovery_shared, etc. ModuleSuffix string `blueprint:"mutated"` } // BaseSnapshotDecorator provides common basic functions for all snapshot modules, such as snapshot // version, snapshot arch, etc. It also adds a special suffix to Soong module name, so it doesn't // collide with source modules. e.g. the following example module, // // vendor_snapshot_static { // name: "libbase", // arch: "arm64", // version: 30, // ... // } // // will be seen as "libbase.vendor_static.30.arm64" by Soong. type BaseSnapshotDecorator struct { baseProperties BaseSnapshotDecoratorProperties Image SnapshotImage } func (p *BaseSnapshotDecorator) Name(name string) string { return name + p.NameSuffix() } func (p *BaseSnapshotDecorator) NameSuffix() string { return getSnapshotNameSuffix(p.moduleSuffix(), p.Version(), p.Arch()) } func (p *BaseSnapshotDecorator) Version() string { return p.baseProperties.Version } func (p *BaseSnapshotDecorator) Arch() string { return p.baseProperties.Target_arch } func (p *BaseSnapshotDecorator) moduleSuffix() string { return p.baseProperties.ModuleSuffix } func (p *BaseSnapshotDecorator) IsSnapshotPrebuilt() bool { return true } func (p *BaseSnapshotDecorator) SnapshotAndroidMkSuffix() string { return p.baseProperties.Androidmk_suffix } func (p *BaseSnapshotDecorator) SetSnapshotAndroidMkSuffix(ctx android.ModuleContext, variant string) { // If there are any 2 or more variations among {core, product, vendor, recovery} // we have to add the androidmk suffix to avoid duplicate modules with the same // name. variations := append(ctx.Target().Variations(), blueprint.Variation{ Mutator: "image", Variation: android.CoreVariation}) if ctx.OtherModuleFarDependencyVariantExists(variations, ctx.Module().(LinkableInterface).BaseModuleName()) { p.baseProperties.Androidmk_suffix = p.Image.moduleNameSuffix() return } variations = append(ctx.Target().Variations(), blueprint.Variation{ Mutator: "image", Variation: ProductVariationPrefix + ctx.DeviceConfig().PlatformVndkVersion()}) if ctx.OtherModuleFarDependencyVariantExists(variations, ctx.Module().(LinkableInterface).BaseModuleName()) { p.baseProperties.Androidmk_suffix = p.Image.moduleNameSuffix() return } images := []SnapshotImage{VendorSnapshotImageSingleton, RecoverySnapshotImageSingleton} for _, image := range images { if p.Image == image { continue } variations = append(ctx.Target().Variations(), blueprint.Variation{ Mutator: "image", Variation: image.imageVariantName(ctx.DeviceConfig())}) if ctx.OtherModuleFarDependencyVariantExists(variations, ctx.Module().(LinkableInterface).BaseModuleName()+ getSnapshotNameSuffix( image.moduleNameSuffix()+variant, p.Version(), ctx.DeviceConfig().Arches()[0].ArchType.String())) { p.baseProperties.Androidmk_suffix = p.Image.moduleNameSuffix() return } } p.baseProperties.Androidmk_suffix = "" } // Call this with a module suffix after creating a snapshot module, such as // vendorSnapshotSharedSuffix, recoverySnapshotBinarySuffix, etc. func (p *BaseSnapshotDecorator) Init(m LinkableInterface, image SnapshotImage, moduleSuffix string) { p.Image = image p.baseProperties.ModuleSuffix = image.moduleNameSuffix() + moduleSuffix m.AddProperties(&p.baseProperties) android.AddLoadHook(m, func(ctx android.LoadHookContext) { vendorSnapshotLoadHook(ctx, p) }) } // vendorSnapshotLoadHook disables snapshots if it's not BOARD_VNDK_VERSION. // As vendor snapshot is only for vendor, such modules won't be used at all. func vendorSnapshotLoadHook(ctx android.LoadHookContext, p *BaseSnapshotDecorator) { if p.Version() != ctx.DeviceConfig().VndkVersion() { ctx.Module().Disable() return } } // Module definitions for snapshots of libraries (shared, static, header). // // Modules (vendor|recovery)_snapshot_(shared|static|header) are defined here. Shared libraries and // static libraries have their prebuilt library files (.so for shared, .a for static) as their src, // which can be installed or linked against. Also they export flags needed when linked, such as // include directories, c flags, sanitize dependency information, etc. // // These modules are auto-generated by development/vendor_snapshot/update.py. type SnapshotLibraryProperties struct { // Prebuilt file for each arch. Src *string `android:"arch_variant"` // list of directories that will be added to the include path (using -I). Export_include_dirs []string `android:"arch_variant"` // list of directories that will be added to the system path (using -isystem). Export_system_include_dirs []string `android:"arch_variant"` // list of flags that will be used for any module that links against this module. Export_flags []string `android:"arch_variant"` // Whether this prebuilt needs to depend on sanitize ubsan runtime or not. Sanitize_ubsan_dep *bool `android:"arch_variant"` // Whether this prebuilt needs to depend on sanitize minimal runtime or not. Sanitize_minimal_dep *bool `android:"arch_variant"` } type snapshotSanitizer interface { isSanitizerAvailable(t SanitizerType) bool setSanitizerVariation(t SanitizerType, enabled bool) isSanitizerEnabled(t SanitizerType) bool isUnsanitizedVariant() bool } type snapshotLibraryDecorator struct { BaseSnapshotDecorator *libraryDecorator properties SnapshotLibraryProperties sanitizerProperties struct { SanitizerVariation SanitizerType `blueprint:"mutated"` // Library flags for cfi variant. Cfi SnapshotLibraryProperties `android:"arch_variant"` // Library flags for hwasan variant. Hwasan SnapshotLibraryProperties `android:"arch_variant"` } } func (p *snapshotLibraryDecorator) linkerFlags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags { p.libraryDecorator.libName = strings.TrimSuffix(ctx.ModuleName(), p.NameSuffix()) return p.libraryDecorator.linkerFlags(ctx, flags) } func (p *snapshotLibraryDecorator) MatchesWithDevice(config android.DeviceConfig) bool { arches := config.Arches() if len(arches) == 0 || arches[0].ArchType.String() != p.Arch() { return false } if !p.header() && p.properties.Src == nil { return false } return true } // cc modules' link functions are to link compiled objects into final binaries. // As snapshots are prebuilts, this just returns the prebuilt binary after doing things which are // done by normal library decorator, e.g. exporting flags. func (p *snapshotLibraryDecorator) link(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags, deps PathDeps, objs Objects) android.Path { var variant string if p.shared() { variant = SnapshotSharedSuffix } else if p.static() { variant = SnapshotStaticSuffix } else { variant = snapshotHeaderSuffix } p.SetSnapshotAndroidMkSuffix(ctx, variant) if p.header() { return p.libraryDecorator.link(ctx, flags, deps, objs) } if p.isSanitizerEnabled(cfi) { p.properties = p.sanitizerProperties.Cfi } else if p.isSanitizerEnabled(Hwasan) { p.properties = p.sanitizerProperties.Hwasan } if !p.MatchesWithDevice(ctx.DeviceConfig()) { return nil } // Flags specified directly to this module. p.libraryDecorator.reexportDirs(android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, p.properties.Export_include_dirs)...) p.libraryDecorator.reexportSystemDirs(android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, p.properties.Export_system_include_dirs)...) p.libraryDecorator.reexportFlags(p.properties.Export_flags...) // Flags reexported from dependencies. (e.g. vndk_prebuilt_shared) p.libraryDecorator.reexportDirs(deps.ReexportedDirs...) p.libraryDecorator.reexportSystemDirs(deps.ReexportedSystemDirs...) p.libraryDecorator.reexportFlags(deps.ReexportedFlags...) p.libraryDecorator.reexportDeps(deps.ReexportedDeps...) p.libraryDecorator.addExportedGeneratedHeaders(deps.ReexportedGeneratedHeaders...) in := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, *p.properties.Src) p.unstrippedOutputFile = in if p.shared() { libName := in.Base() // Optimize out relinking against shared libraries whose interface hasn't changed by // depending on a table of contents file instead of the library itself. tocFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, libName+".toc") p.tocFile = android.OptionalPathForPath(tocFile) TransformSharedObjectToToc(ctx, in, tocFile) ctx.SetProvider(SharedLibraryInfoProvider, SharedLibraryInfo{ SharedLibrary: in, Target: ctx.Target(), TableOfContents: p.tocFile, }) } if p.static() { depSet := android.NewDepSetBuilder(android.TOPOLOGICAL).Direct(in).Build() ctx.SetProvider(StaticLibraryInfoProvider, StaticLibraryInfo{ StaticLibrary: in, TransitiveStaticLibrariesForOrdering: depSet, }) } p.libraryDecorator.flagExporter.setProvider(ctx) return in } func (p *snapshotLibraryDecorator) install(ctx ModuleContext, file android.Path) { if p.MatchesWithDevice(ctx.DeviceConfig()) && p.shared() { p.baseInstaller.install(ctx, file) } } func (p *snapshotLibraryDecorator) nativeCoverage() bool { return false } var _ snapshotSanitizer = (*snapshotLibraryDecorator)(nil) func (p *snapshotLibraryDecorator) isSanitizerAvailable(t SanitizerType) bool { switch t { case cfi: return p.sanitizerProperties.Cfi.Src != nil case Hwasan: return p.sanitizerProperties.Hwasan.Src != nil default: return false } } func (p *snapshotLibraryDecorator) setSanitizerVariation(t SanitizerType, enabled bool) { if !enabled || p.isSanitizerEnabled(t) { return } if !p.isUnsanitizedVariant() { panic(fmt.Errorf("snapshot Sanitizer must be one of Cfi or Hwasan but not both")) } p.sanitizerProperties.SanitizerVariation = t } func (p *snapshotLibraryDecorator) isSanitizerEnabled(t SanitizerType) bool { return p.sanitizerProperties.SanitizerVariation == t } func (p *snapshotLibraryDecorator) isUnsanitizedVariant() bool { return !p.isSanitizerEnabled(Asan) && !p.isSanitizerEnabled(Hwasan) } func snapshotLibraryFactory(image SnapshotImage, moduleSuffix string) (*Module, *snapshotLibraryDecorator) { module, library := NewLibrary(android.DeviceSupported) module.stl = nil module.sanitize = nil library.disableStripping() prebuilt := &snapshotLibraryDecorator{ libraryDecorator: library, } prebuilt.baseLinker.Properties.No_libcrt = BoolPtr(true) prebuilt.baseLinker.Properties.Nocrt = BoolPtr(true) // Prevent default system libs (libc, libm, and libdl) from being linked if prebuilt.baseLinker.Properties.System_shared_libs == nil { prebuilt.baseLinker.Properties.System_shared_libs = []string{} } module.compiler = nil module.linker = prebuilt module.installer = prebuilt prebuilt.Init(module, image, moduleSuffix) module.AddProperties( &prebuilt.properties, &prebuilt.sanitizerProperties, ) return module, prebuilt } // vendor_snapshot_shared is a special prebuilt shared library which is auto-generated by // development/vendor_snapshot/update.py. As a part of vendor snapshot, vendor_snapshot_shared // overrides the vendor variant of the cc shared library with the same name, if BOARD_VNDK_VERSION // is set. func VendorSnapshotSharedFactory() android.Module { module, prebuilt := snapshotLibraryFactory(VendorSnapshotImageSingleton, SnapshotSharedSuffix) prebuilt.libraryDecorator.BuildOnlyShared() return module.Init() } // recovery_snapshot_shared is a special prebuilt shared library which is auto-generated by // development/vendor_snapshot/update.py. As a part of recovery snapshot, recovery_snapshot_shared // overrides the recovery variant of the cc shared library with the same name, if BOARD_VNDK_VERSION // is set. func RecoverySnapshotSharedFactory() android.Module { module, prebuilt := snapshotLibraryFactory(RecoverySnapshotImageSingleton, SnapshotSharedSuffix) prebuilt.libraryDecorator.BuildOnlyShared() return module.Init() } // vendor_snapshot_static is a special prebuilt static library which is auto-generated by // development/vendor_snapshot/update.py. As a part of vendor snapshot, vendor_snapshot_static // overrides the vendor variant of the cc static library with the same name, if BOARD_VNDK_VERSION // is set. func VendorSnapshotStaticFactory() android.Module { module, prebuilt := snapshotLibraryFactory(VendorSnapshotImageSingleton, SnapshotStaticSuffix) prebuilt.libraryDecorator.BuildOnlyStatic() return module.Init() } // recovery_snapshot_static is a special prebuilt static library which is auto-generated by // development/vendor_snapshot/update.py. As a part of recovery snapshot, recovery_snapshot_static // overrides the recovery variant of the cc static library with the same name, if BOARD_VNDK_VERSION // is set. func RecoverySnapshotStaticFactory() android.Module { module, prebuilt := snapshotLibraryFactory(RecoverySnapshotImageSingleton, SnapshotStaticSuffix) prebuilt.libraryDecorator.BuildOnlyStatic() return module.Init() } // vendor_snapshot_header is a special header library which is auto-generated by // development/vendor_snapshot/update.py. As a part of vendor snapshot, vendor_snapshot_header // overrides the vendor variant of the cc header library with the same name, if BOARD_VNDK_VERSION // is set. func VendorSnapshotHeaderFactory() android.Module { module, prebuilt := snapshotLibraryFactory(VendorSnapshotImageSingleton, snapshotHeaderSuffix) prebuilt.libraryDecorator.HeaderOnly() return module.Init() } // recovery_snapshot_header is a special header library which is auto-generated by // development/vendor_snapshot/update.py. As a part of recovery snapshot, recovery_snapshot_header // overrides the recovery variant of the cc header library with the same name, if BOARD_VNDK_VERSION // is set. func RecoverySnapshotHeaderFactory() android.Module { module, prebuilt := snapshotLibraryFactory(RecoverySnapshotImageSingleton, snapshotHeaderSuffix) prebuilt.libraryDecorator.HeaderOnly() return module.Init() } // Module definitions for snapshots of executable binaries. // // Modules (vendor|recovery)_snapshot_binary are defined here. They have their prebuilt executable // binaries (e.g. toybox, sh) as their src, which can be installed. // // These modules are auto-generated by development/vendor_snapshot/update.py. type snapshotBinaryProperties struct { // Prebuilt file for each arch. Src *string `android:"arch_variant"` } type snapshotBinaryDecorator struct { BaseSnapshotDecorator *binaryDecorator properties snapshotBinaryProperties } func (p *snapshotBinaryDecorator) MatchesWithDevice(config android.DeviceConfig) bool { if config.DeviceArch() != p.Arch() { return false } if p.properties.Src == nil { return false } return true } // cc modules' link functions are to link compiled objects into final binaries. // As snapshots are prebuilts, this just returns the prebuilt binary func (p *snapshotBinaryDecorator) link(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags, deps PathDeps, objs Objects) android.Path { p.SetSnapshotAndroidMkSuffix(ctx, snapshotBinarySuffix) if !p.MatchesWithDevice(ctx.DeviceConfig()) { return nil } in := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, *p.properties.Src) p.unstrippedOutputFile = in binName := in.Base() // use cpExecutable to make it executable outputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, binName) ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{ Rule: android.CpExecutable, Description: "prebuilt", Output: outputFile, Input: in, }) // binary snapshots need symlinking p.setSymlinkList(ctx) return outputFile } func (p *snapshotBinaryDecorator) nativeCoverage() bool { return false } // vendor_snapshot_binary is a special prebuilt executable binary which is auto-generated by // development/vendor_snapshot/update.py. As a part of vendor snapshot, vendor_snapshot_binary // overrides the vendor variant of the cc binary with the same name, if BOARD_VNDK_VERSION is set. func VendorSnapshotBinaryFactory() android.Module { return snapshotBinaryFactory(VendorSnapshotImageSingleton, snapshotBinarySuffix) } // recovery_snapshot_binary is a special prebuilt executable binary which is auto-generated by // development/vendor_snapshot/update.py. As a part of recovery snapshot, recovery_snapshot_binary // overrides the recovery variant of the cc binary with the same name, if BOARD_VNDK_VERSION is set. func RecoverySnapshotBinaryFactory() android.Module { return snapshotBinaryFactory(RecoverySnapshotImageSingleton, snapshotBinarySuffix) } func snapshotBinaryFactory(image SnapshotImage, moduleSuffix string) android.Module { module, binary := NewBinary(android.DeviceSupported) binary.baseLinker.Properties.No_libcrt = BoolPtr(true) binary.baseLinker.Properties.Nocrt = BoolPtr(true) // Prevent default system libs (libc, libm, and libdl) from being linked if binary.baseLinker.Properties.System_shared_libs == nil { binary.baseLinker.Properties.System_shared_libs = []string{} } prebuilt := &snapshotBinaryDecorator{ binaryDecorator: binary, } module.compiler = nil module.sanitize = nil module.stl = nil module.linker = prebuilt prebuilt.Init(module, image, moduleSuffix) module.AddProperties(&prebuilt.properties) return module.Init() } // Module definitions for snapshots of object files (*.o). // // Modules (vendor|recovery)_snapshot_object are defined here. They have their prebuilt object // files (*.o) as their src. // // These modules are auto-generated by development/vendor_snapshot/update.py. type vendorSnapshotObjectProperties struct { // Prebuilt file for each arch. Src *string `android:"arch_variant"` } type snapshotObjectLinker struct { BaseSnapshotDecorator objectLinker properties vendorSnapshotObjectProperties } func (p *snapshotObjectLinker) MatchesWithDevice(config android.DeviceConfig) bool { if config.DeviceArch() != p.Arch() { return false } if p.properties.Src == nil { return false } return true } // cc modules' link functions are to link compiled objects into final binaries. // As snapshots are prebuilts, this just returns the prebuilt binary func (p *snapshotObjectLinker) link(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags, deps PathDeps, objs Objects) android.Path { p.SetSnapshotAndroidMkSuffix(ctx, snapshotObjectSuffix) if !p.MatchesWithDevice(ctx.DeviceConfig()) { return nil } return android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, *p.properties.Src) } func (p *snapshotObjectLinker) nativeCoverage() bool { return false } // vendor_snapshot_object is a special prebuilt compiled object file which is auto-generated by // development/vendor_snapshot/update.py. As a part of vendor snapshot, vendor_snapshot_object // overrides the vendor variant of the cc object with the same name, if BOARD_VNDK_VERSION is set. func VendorSnapshotObjectFactory() android.Module { module := newObject(android.DeviceSupported) prebuilt := &snapshotObjectLinker{ objectLinker: objectLinker{ baseLinker: NewBaseLinker(nil), }, } module.linker = prebuilt prebuilt.Init(module, VendorSnapshotImageSingleton, snapshotObjectSuffix) module.AddProperties(&prebuilt.properties) // vendor_snapshot_object module does not provide sanitizer variants module.sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Never = BoolPtr(true) return module.Init() } // recovery_snapshot_object is a special prebuilt compiled object file which is auto-generated by // development/vendor_snapshot/update.py. As a part of recovery snapshot, recovery_snapshot_object // overrides the recovery variant of the cc object with the same name, if BOARD_VNDK_VERSION is set. func RecoverySnapshotObjectFactory() android.Module { module := newObject(android.DeviceSupported) prebuilt := &snapshotObjectLinker{ objectLinker: objectLinker{ baseLinker: NewBaseLinker(nil), }, } module.linker = prebuilt prebuilt.Init(module, RecoverySnapshotImageSingleton, snapshotObjectSuffix) module.AddProperties(&prebuilt.properties) return module.Init() } type SnapshotInterface interface { MatchesWithDevice(config android.DeviceConfig) bool IsSnapshotPrebuilt() bool Version() string SnapshotAndroidMkSuffix() string } var _ SnapshotInterface = (*vndkPrebuiltLibraryDecorator)(nil) var _ SnapshotInterface = (*snapshotLibraryDecorator)(nil) var _ SnapshotInterface = (*snapshotBinaryDecorator)(nil) var _ SnapshotInterface = (*snapshotObjectLinker)(nil)