// Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package filesystem import ( "fmt" "strconv" "github.com/google/blueprint" "github.com/google/blueprint/proptools" "android/soong/android" ) func init() { android.RegisterModuleType("vbmeta", vbmetaFactory) } type vbmeta struct { android.ModuleBase properties vbmetaProperties output android.OutputPath installDir android.InstallPath } type vbmetaProperties struct { // Name of the partition stored in vbmeta desc. Defaults to the name of this module. Partition_name *string // Set the name of the output. Defaults to .img. Stem *string // Path to the private key that avbtool will use to sign this vbmeta image. Private_key *string `android:"path"` // Algorithm that avbtool will use to sign this vbmeta image. Default is SHA256_RSA4096. Algorithm *string // File whose content will provide the rollback index. If unspecified, the rollback index // is from PLATFORM_SECURITY_PATCH Rollback_index_file *string `android:"path"` // Rollback index location of this vbmeta image. Must be 0, 1, 2, etc. Default is 0. Rollback_index_location *int64 // List of filesystem modules that this vbmeta has descriptors for. The filesystem modules // have to be signed (use_avb: true). Partitions []string // List of chained partitions that this vbmeta deletages the verification. Chained_partitions []chainedPartitionProperties } type chainedPartitionProperties struct { // Name of the chained partition Name *string // Rollback index location of the chained partition. Must be 0, 1, 2, etc. Default is the // index of this partition in the list + 1. Rollback_index_location *int64 // Path to the public key that the chained partition is signed with. If this is specified, // private_key is ignored. Public_key *string `android:"path"` // Path to the private key that the chained partition is signed with. If this is specified, // and public_key is not specified, a public key is extracted from this private key and // the extracted public key is embedded in the vbmeta image. Private_key *string `android:"path"` } // vbmeta is the partition image that has the verification information for other partitions. func vbmetaFactory() android.Module { module := &vbmeta{} module.AddProperties(&module.properties) android.InitAndroidArchModule(module, android.DeviceSupported, android.MultilibFirst) return module } type vbmetaDep struct { blueprint.BaseDependencyTag kind string } var vbmetaPartitionDep = vbmetaDep{kind: "partition"} func (v *vbmeta) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) { ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), vbmetaPartitionDep, v.properties.Partitions...) } func (v *vbmeta) installFileName() string { return proptools.StringDefault(v.properties.Stem, v.BaseModuleName()+".img") } func (v *vbmeta) partitionName() string { return proptools.StringDefault(v.properties.Partition_name, v.BaseModuleName()) } // See external/avb/libavb/avb_slot_verify.c#VBMETA_MAX_SIZE const vbmetaMaxSize = 64 * 1024 func (v *vbmeta) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) { extractedPublicKeys := v.extractPublicKeys(ctx) v.output = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, v.installFileName()).OutputPath builder := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx) cmd := builder.Command().BuiltTool("avbtool").Text("make_vbmeta_image") key := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, proptools.String(v.properties.Private_key)) cmd.FlagWithInput("--key ", key) algorithm := proptools.StringDefault(v.properties.Algorithm, "SHA256_RSA4096") cmd.FlagWithArg("--algorithm ", algorithm) cmd.FlagWithArg("--rollback_index ", v.rollbackIndexCommand(ctx)) ril := proptools.IntDefault(v.properties.Rollback_index_location, 0) if ril < 0 { ctx.PropertyErrorf("rollback_index_location", "must be 0, 1, 2, ...") return } cmd.FlagWithArg("--rollback_index_location ", strconv.Itoa(ril)) for _, p := range ctx.GetDirectDepsWithTag(vbmetaPartitionDep) { f, ok := p.(Filesystem) if !ok { ctx.PropertyErrorf("partitions", "%q(type: %s) is not supported", p.Name(), ctx.OtherModuleType(p)) continue } signedImage := f.SignedOutputPath() if signedImage == nil { ctx.PropertyErrorf("partitions", "%q(type: %s) is not signed. Use `use_avb: true`", p.Name(), ctx.OtherModuleType(p)) continue } cmd.FlagWithInput("--include_descriptors_from_image ", signedImage) } for i, cp := range v.properties.Chained_partitions { name := proptools.String(cp.Name) if name == "" { ctx.PropertyErrorf("chained_partitions", "name must be specified") continue } ril := proptools.IntDefault(cp.Rollback_index_location, i+1) if ril < 0 { ctx.PropertyErrorf("chained_partitions", "must be 0, 1, 2, ...") continue } var publicKey android.Path if cp.Public_key != nil { publicKey = android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, proptools.String(cp.Public_key)) } else { publicKey = extractedPublicKeys[name] } cmd.FlagWithArg("--chain_partition ", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%s", name, ril, publicKey.String())) cmd.Implicit(publicKey) } cmd.FlagWithOutput("--output ", v.output) // libavb expects to be able to read the maximum vbmeta size, so we must provide a partition // which matches this or the read will fail. builder.Command().Text("truncate"). FlagWithArg("-s ", strconv.Itoa(vbmetaMaxSize)). Output(v.output) builder.Build("vbmeta", fmt.Sprintf("vbmeta %s", ctx.ModuleName())) v.installDir = android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, "etc") ctx.InstallFile(v.installDir, v.installFileName(), v.output) } // Returns the embedded shell command that prints the rollback index func (v *vbmeta) rollbackIndexCommand(ctx android.ModuleContext) string { var cmd string if v.properties.Rollback_index_file != nil { f := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, proptools.String(v.properties.Rollback_index_file)) cmd = "cat " + f.String() } else { cmd = "date -d 'TZ=\"GMT\" " + ctx.Config().PlatformSecurityPatch() + "' +%s" } // Take the first line and remove the newline char return "$(" + cmd + " | head -1 | tr -d '\n'" + ")" } // Extract public keys from chained_partitions.private_key. The keys are indexed with the partition // name. func (v *vbmeta) extractPublicKeys(ctx android.ModuleContext) map[string]android.OutputPath { result := make(map[string]android.OutputPath) builder := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx) for _, cp := range v.properties.Chained_partitions { if cp.Private_key == nil { continue } name := proptools.String(cp.Name) if name == "" { ctx.PropertyErrorf("chained_partitions", "name must be specified") continue } if _, ok := result[name]; ok { ctx.PropertyErrorf("chained_partitions", "name %q is duplicated", name) continue } privateKeyFile := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, proptools.String(cp.Private_key)) publicKeyFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, name+".avbpubkey").OutputPath builder.Command(). BuiltTool("avbtool"). Text("extract_public_key"). FlagWithInput("--key ", privateKeyFile). FlagWithOutput("--output ", publicKeyFile) result[name] = publicKeyFile } builder.Build("vbmeta_extract_public_key", fmt.Sprintf("Extract public keys for %s", ctx.ModuleName())) return result } var _ android.AndroidMkEntriesProvider = (*vbmeta)(nil) // Implements android.AndroidMkEntriesProvider func (v *vbmeta) AndroidMkEntries() []android.AndroidMkEntries { return []android.AndroidMkEntries{android.AndroidMkEntries{ Class: "ETC", OutputFile: android.OptionalPathForPath(v.output), ExtraEntries: []android.AndroidMkExtraEntriesFunc{ func(ctx android.AndroidMkExtraEntriesContext, entries *android.AndroidMkEntries) { entries.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_PATH", v.installDir.String()) entries.SetString("LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE_STEM", v.installFileName()) }, }, }} } var _ Filesystem = (*vbmeta)(nil) func (v *vbmeta) OutputPath() android.Path { return v.output } func (v *vbmeta) SignedOutputPath() android.Path { return v.OutputPath() // vbmeta is always signed } var _ android.OutputFileProducer = (*vbmeta)(nil) // Implements android.OutputFileProducer func (v *vbmeta) OutputFiles(tag string) (android.Paths, error) { if tag == "" { return []android.Path{v.output}, nil } return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported module reference tag %q", tag) }