// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package genrule import ( "fmt" "os" "regexp" "testing" "android/soong/android" "github.com/google/blueprint/proptools" ) func TestMain(m *testing.M) { os.Exit(m.Run()) } var prepareForGenRuleTest = android.GroupFixturePreparers( android.PrepareForTestWithArchMutator, android.PrepareForTestWithDefaults, android.PrepareForTestWithFilegroup, PrepareForTestWithGenRuleBuildComponents, android.FixtureRegisterWithContext(func(ctx android.RegistrationContext) { android.RegisterPrebuiltMutators(ctx) ctx.RegisterModuleType("tool", toolFactory) ctx.RegisterModuleType("prebuilt_tool", prebuiltToolFactory) ctx.RegisterModuleType("output", outputProducerFactory) ctx.RegisterModuleType("use_source", useSourceFactory) }), android.FixtureMergeMockFs(android.MockFS{ "tool": nil, "tool_file1": nil, "tool_file2": nil, "in1": nil, "in2": nil, "in1.txt": nil, "in2.txt": nil, "in3.txt": nil, }), ) func testGenruleBp() string { return ` tool { name: "tool", } filegroup { name: "tool_files", srcs: [ "tool_file1", "tool_file2", ], } filegroup { name: "1tool_file", srcs: [ "tool_file1", ], } filegroup { name: "ins", srcs: [ "in1", "in2", ], } filegroup { name: "1in", srcs: [ "in1", ], } filegroup { name: "empty", } ` } func TestGenruleCmd(t *testing.T) { testcases := []struct { name string prop string allowMissingDependencies bool err string expect string }{ { name: "empty location tool", prop: ` tools: ["tool"], out: ["out"], cmd: "$(location) > $(out)", `, expect: "__SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/tools/out/bin/tool > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out", }, { name: "empty location tool2", prop: ` tools: [":tool"], out: ["out"], cmd: "$(location) > $(out)", `, expect: "__SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/tools/out/bin/tool > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out", }, { name: "empty location tool file", prop: ` tool_files: ["tool_file1"], out: ["out"], cmd: "$(location) > $(out)", `, expect: "__SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/tools/src/tool_file1 > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out", }, { name: "empty location tool file fg", prop: ` tool_files: [":1tool_file"], out: ["out"], cmd: "$(location) > $(out)", `, expect: "__SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/tools/src/tool_file1 > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out", }, { name: "empty location tool and tool file", prop: ` tools: ["tool"], tool_files: ["tool_file1"], out: ["out"], cmd: "$(location) > $(out)", `, expect: "__SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/tools/out/bin/tool > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out", }, { name: "tool", prop: ` tools: ["tool"], out: ["out"], cmd: "$(location tool) > $(out)", `, expect: "__SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/tools/out/bin/tool > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out", }, { name: "tool2", prop: ` tools: [":tool"], out: ["out"], cmd: "$(location :tool) > $(out)", `, expect: "__SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/tools/out/bin/tool > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out", }, { name: "tool file", prop: ` tool_files: ["tool_file1"], out: ["out"], cmd: "$(location tool_file1) > $(out)", `, expect: "__SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/tools/src/tool_file1 > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out", }, { name: "tool file fg", prop: ` tool_files: [":1tool_file"], out: ["out"], cmd: "$(location :1tool_file) > $(out)", `, expect: "__SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/tools/src/tool_file1 > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out", }, { name: "tool files", prop: ` tool_files: [":tool_files"], out: ["out"], cmd: "$(locations :tool_files) > $(out)", `, expect: "__SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/tools/src/tool_file1 __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/tools/src/tool_file2 > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out", }, { name: "in1", prop: ` srcs: ["in1"], out: ["out"], cmd: "cat $(in) > $(out)", `, expect: "cat in1 > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out", }, { name: "in1 fg", prop: ` srcs: [":1in"], out: ["out"], cmd: "cat $(in) > $(out)", `, expect: "cat in1 > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out", }, { name: "ins", prop: ` srcs: ["in1", "in2"], out: ["out"], cmd: "cat $(in) > $(out)", `, expect: "cat in1 in2 > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out", }, { name: "ins fg", prop: ` srcs: [":ins"], out: ["out"], cmd: "cat $(in) > $(out)", `, expect: "cat in1 in2 > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out", }, { name: "location in1", prop: ` srcs: ["in1"], out: ["out"], cmd: "cat $(location in1) > $(out)", `, expect: "cat in1 > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out", }, { name: "location in1 fg", prop: ` srcs: [":1in"], out: ["out"], cmd: "cat $(location :1in) > $(out)", `, expect: "cat in1 > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out", }, { name: "location ins", prop: ` srcs: ["in1", "in2"], out: ["out"], cmd: "cat $(location in1) > $(out)", `, expect: "cat in1 > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out", }, { name: "location ins fg", prop: ` srcs: [":ins"], out: ["out"], cmd: "cat $(locations :ins) > $(out)", `, expect: "cat in1 in2 > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out", }, { name: "outs", prop: ` out: ["out", "out2"], cmd: "echo foo > $(out)", `, expect: "echo foo > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out2", }, { name: "location out", prop: ` out: ["out", "out2"], cmd: "echo foo > $(location out2)", `, expect: "echo foo > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out2", }, { name: "depfile", prop: ` out: ["out"], depfile: true, cmd: "echo foo > $(out) && touch $(depfile)", `, expect: "echo foo > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out && touch __SBOX_DEPFILE__", }, { name: "gendir", prop: ` out: ["out"], cmd: "echo foo > $(genDir)/foo && cp $(genDir)/foo $(out)", `, expect: "echo foo > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/foo && cp __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/foo __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out", }, { name: "$", prop: ` out: ["out"], cmd: "echo $$ > $(out)", `, expect: "echo $ > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out", }, { name: "error empty location", prop: ` out: ["out"], cmd: "$(location) > $(out)", `, err: "at least one `tools` or `tool_files` is required if $(location) is used", }, { name: "error empty location no files", prop: ` tool_files: [":empty"], out: ["out"], cmd: "$(location) > $(out)", `, err: `default label ":empty" has no files`, }, { name: "error empty location multiple files", prop: ` tool_files: [":tool_files"], out: ["out"], cmd: "$(location) > $(out)", `, err: `default label ":tool_files" has multiple files`, }, { name: "error location", prop: ` out: ["out"], cmd: "echo foo > $(location missing)", `, err: `unknown location label "missing" is not in srcs, out, tools or tool_files.`, }, { name: "error locations", prop: ` out: ["out"], cmd: "echo foo > $(locations missing)", `, err: `unknown locations label "missing" is not in srcs, out, tools or tool_files`, }, { name: "error location no files", prop: ` out: ["out"], srcs: [":empty"], cmd: "echo $(location :empty) > $(out)", `, err: `label ":empty" has no files`, }, { name: "error locations no files", prop: ` out: ["out"], srcs: [":empty"], cmd: "echo $(locations :empty) > $(out)", `, err: `label ":empty" has no files`, }, { name: "error location multiple files", prop: ` out: ["out"], srcs: [":ins"], cmd: "echo $(location :ins) > $(out)", `, err: `label ":ins" has multiple files`, }, { name: "error variable", prop: ` out: ["out"], srcs: ["in1"], cmd: "echo $(foo) > $(out)", `, err: `unknown variable '$(foo)'`, }, { name: "error depfile", prop: ` out: ["out"], cmd: "echo foo > $(out) && touch $(depfile)", `, err: "$(depfile) used without depfile property", }, { name: "error no depfile", prop: ` out: ["out"], depfile: true, cmd: "echo foo > $(out)", `, err: "specified depfile=true but did not include a reference to '${depfile}' in cmd", }, { name: "error no out", prop: ` cmd: "echo foo > $(out)", `, err: "must have at least one output file", }, { name: "srcs allow missing dependencies", prop: ` srcs: [":missing"], out: ["out"], cmd: "cat $(location :missing) > $(out)", `, allowMissingDependencies: true, expect: "cat '***missing srcs :missing***' > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out", }, { name: "tool allow missing dependencies", prop: ` tools: [":missing"], out: ["out"], cmd: "$(location :missing) > $(out)", `, allowMissingDependencies: true, expect: "'***missing tool :missing***' > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out", }, } for _, test := range testcases { t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) { bp := "genrule {\n" bp += "name: \"gen\",\n" bp += test.prop bp += "}\n" var expectedErrors []string if test.err != "" { expectedErrors = append(expectedErrors, regexp.QuoteMeta(test.err)) } result := android.GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForGenRuleTest, android.FixtureModifyProductVariables(func(variables android.FixtureProductVariables) { variables.Allow_missing_dependencies = proptools.BoolPtr(test.allowMissingDependencies) }), android.FixtureModifyContext(func(ctx *android.TestContext) { ctx.SetAllowMissingDependencies(test.allowMissingDependencies) }), ). ExtendWithErrorHandler(android.FixtureExpectsAllErrorsToMatchAPattern(expectedErrors)). RunTestWithBp(t, testGenruleBp()+bp) if expectedErrors != nil { return } gen := result.Module("gen", "").(*Module) android.AssertStringEquals(t, "raw commands", test.expect, gen.rawCommands[0]) }) } } func TestGenruleHashInputs(t *testing.T) { // The basic idea here is to verify that the sbox command (which is // in the Command field of the generate rule) contains a hash of the // inputs, but only if $(in) is not referenced in the genrule cmd // property. // By including a hash of the inputs, we cause the rule to re-run if // the list of inputs changes (because the sbox command changes). // However, if the genrule cmd property already contains $(in), then // the dependency is already expressed, so we don't need to include the // hash in that case. bp := ` genrule { name: "hash0", srcs: ["in1.txt", "in2.txt"], out: ["out"], cmd: "echo foo > $(out)", } genrule { name: "hash1", srcs: ["*.txt"], out: ["out"], cmd: "echo bar > $(out)", } genrule { name: "hash2", srcs: ["*.txt"], out: ["out"], cmd: "echo $(in) > $(out)", } ` testcases := []struct { name string expectedHash string }{ { name: "hash0", // sha256 value obtained from: echo -en 'in1.txt\nin2.txt' | sha256sum expectedHash: "18da75b9b1cc74b09e365b4ca2e321b5d618f438cc632b387ad9dc2ab4b20e9d", }, { name: "hash1", // sha256 value obtained from: echo -en 'in1.txt\nin2.txt\nin3.txt' | sha256sum expectedHash: "a38d432a4b19df93140e1f1fe26c97ff0387dae01fe506412b47208f0595fb45", }, { name: "hash2", // sha256 value obtained from: echo -en 'in1.txt\nin2.txt\nin3.txt' | sha256sum expectedHash: "a38d432a4b19df93140e1f1fe26c97ff0387dae01fe506412b47208f0595fb45", }, } result := prepareForGenRuleTest.RunTestWithBp(t, testGenruleBp()+bp) for _, test := range testcases { t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) { gen := result.ModuleForTests(test.name, "") manifest := android.RuleBuilderSboxProtoForTests(t, gen.Output("genrule.sbox.textproto")) hash := manifest.Commands[0].GetInputHash() android.AssertStringEquals(t, "hash", test.expectedHash, hash) }) } } func TestGenSrcs(t *testing.T) { testcases := []struct { name string prop string allowMissingDependencies bool err string cmds []string deps []string files []string }{ { name: "gensrcs", prop: ` tools: ["tool"], srcs: ["in1.txt", "in2.txt"], cmd: "$(location) $(in) > $(out)", `, cmds: []string{ "bash -c '__SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/tools/out/bin/tool in1.txt > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/in1.h' && bash -c '__SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/tools/out/bin/tool in2.txt > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/in2.h'", }, deps: []string{ "out/soong/.intermediates/gen/gen/gensrcs/in1.h", "out/soong/.intermediates/gen/gen/gensrcs/in2.h", }, files: []string{ "out/soong/.intermediates/gen/gen/gensrcs/in1.h", "out/soong/.intermediates/gen/gen/gensrcs/in2.h", }, }, { name: "shards", prop: ` tools: ["tool"], srcs: ["in1.txt", "in2.txt", "in3.txt"], cmd: "$(location) $(in) > $(out)", shard_size: 2, `, cmds: []string{ "bash -c '__SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/tools/out/bin/tool in1.txt > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/in1.h' && bash -c '__SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/tools/out/bin/tool in2.txt > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/in2.h'", "bash -c '__SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/tools/out/bin/tool in3.txt > __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/in3.h'", }, deps: []string{ "out/soong/.intermediates/gen/gen/gensrcs/in1.h", "out/soong/.intermediates/gen/gen/gensrcs/in2.h", "out/soong/.intermediates/gen/gen/gensrcs/in3.h", }, files: []string{ "out/soong/.intermediates/gen/gen/gensrcs/in1.h", "out/soong/.intermediates/gen/gen/gensrcs/in2.h", "out/soong/.intermediates/gen/gen/gensrcs/in3.h", }, }, } for _, test := range testcases { t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) { bp := "gensrcs {\n" bp += `name: "gen",` + "\n" bp += `output_extension: "h",` + "\n" bp += test.prop bp += "}\n" var expectedErrors []string if test.err != "" { expectedErrors = append(expectedErrors, regexp.QuoteMeta(test.err)) } result := prepareForGenRuleTest. ExtendWithErrorHandler(android.FixtureExpectsAllErrorsToMatchAPattern(expectedErrors)). RunTestWithBp(t, testGenruleBp()+bp) if expectedErrors != nil { return } gen := result.Module("gen", "").(*Module) android.AssertDeepEquals(t, "cmd", test.cmds, gen.rawCommands) android.AssertPathsRelativeToTopEquals(t, "deps", test.deps, gen.outputDeps) android.AssertPathsRelativeToTopEquals(t, "files", test.files, gen.outputFiles) }) } } func TestGensrcsBuildBrokenDepfile(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string prop string BuildBrokenDepfile *bool err string }{ { name: `error when BuildBrokenDepfile is set to false`, prop: ` depfile: true, cmd: "cat $(in) > $(out) && cat $(depfile)", `, BuildBrokenDepfile: proptools.BoolPtr(false), err: "depfile: Deprecated to ensure the module type is convertible to Bazel", }, { name: `error when BuildBrokenDepfile is not set`, prop: ` depfile: true, cmd: "cat $(in) > $(out) && cat $(depfile)", `, err: "depfile: Deprecated to ensure the module type is convertible to Bazel.", }, { name: `no error when BuildBrokenDepfile is explicitly set to true`, prop: ` depfile: true, cmd: "cat $(in) > $(out) && cat $(depfile)", `, BuildBrokenDepfile: proptools.BoolPtr(true), }, { name: `no error if depfile is not set`, prop: ` cmd: "cat $(in) > $(out)", `, }, } for _, test := range tests { t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) { bp := fmt.Sprintf(` gensrcs { name: "foo", srcs: ["data.txt"], %s }`, test.prop) var expectedErrors []string if test.err != "" { expectedErrors = append(expectedErrors, test.err) } android.GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForGenRuleTest, android.FixtureModifyProductVariables(func(variables android.FixtureProductVariables) { if test.BuildBrokenDepfile != nil { variables.BuildBrokenDepfile = test.BuildBrokenDepfile } }), ). ExtendWithErrorHandler(android.FixtureExpectsAllErrorsToMatchAPattern(expectedErrors)). RunTestWithBp(t, bp) }) } } func TestGenruleDefaults(t *testing.T) { bp := ` genrule_defaults { name: "gen_defaults1", cmd: "cp $(in) $(out)", } genrule_defaults { name: "gen_defaults2", srcs: ["in1"], } genrule { name: "gen", out: ["out"], defaults: ["gen_defaults1", "gen_defaults2"], } ` result := prepareForGenRuleTest.RunTestWithBp(t, testGenruleBp()+bp) gen := result.Module("gen", "").(*Module) expectedCmd := "cp in1 __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out" android.AssertStringEquals(t, "cmd", expectedCmd, gen.rawCommands[0]) expectedSrcs := []string{"in1"} android.AssertDeepEquals(t, "srcs", expectedSrcs, gen.properties.Srcs) } func TestGenruleAllowMissingDependencies(t *testing.T) { bp := ` output { name: "disabled", enabled: false, } genrule { name: "gen", srcs: [ ":disabled", ], out: ["out"], cmd: "cat $(in) > $(out)", } ` result := android.GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForGenRuleTest, android.FixtureModifyConfigAndContext( func(config android.Config, ctx *android.TestContext) { config.TestProductVariables.Allow_missing_dependencies = proptools.BoolPtr(true) ctx.SetAllowMissingDependencies(true) })).RunTestWithBp(t, bp) gen := result.ModuleForTests("gen", "").Output("out") if gen.Rule != android.ErrorRule { t.Errorf("Expected missing dependency error rule for gen, got %q", gen.Rule.String()) } } func TestGenruleOutputFiles(t *testing.T) { bp := ` genrule { name: "gen", out: ["foo", "sub/bar"], cmd: "echo foo > $(location foo) && echo bar > $(location sub/bar)", } use_source { name: "gen_foo", srcs: [":gen{foo}"], } use_source { name: "gen_bar", srcs: [":gen{sub/bar}"], } use_source { name: "gen_all", srcs: [":gen"], } ` result := prepareForGenRuleTest.RunTestWithBp(t, testGenruleBp()+bp) android.AssertPathsRelativeToTopEquals(t, "genrule.tag with output", []string{"out/soong/.intermediates/gen/gen/foo"}, result.ModuleForTests("gen_foo", "").Module().(*useSource).srcs) android.AssertPathsRelativeToTopEquals(t, "genrule.tag with output in subdir", []string{"out/soong/.intermediates/gen/gen/sub/bar"}, result.ModuleForTests("gen_bar", "").Module().(*useSource).srcs) android.AssertPathsRelativeToTopEquals(t, "genrule.tag with all", []string{"out/soong/.intermediates/gen/gen/foo", "out/soong/.intermediates/gen/gen/sub/bar"}, result.ModuleForTests("gen_all", "").Module().(*useSource).srcs) } func TestGenSrcsWithNonRootAndroidBpOutputFiles(t *testing.T) { result := android.GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForGenRuleTest, android.FixtureMergeMockFs(android.MockFS{ "external-protos/path/Android.bp": []byte(` filegroup { name: "external-protos", srcs: ["baz/baz.proto", "bar.proto"], } `), "package-dir/Android.bp": []byte(` gensrcs { name: "module-name", cmd: "mkdir -p $(genDir) && cat $(in) >> $(genDir)/$(out)", srcs: [ "src/foo.proto", ":external-protos", ], output_extension: "proto.h", } `), }), ).RunTest(t) exportedIncludeDir := "out/soong/.intermediates/package-dir/module-name/gen/gensrcs" gen := result.Module("module-name", "").(*Module) android.AssertPathsRelativeToTopEquals( t, "include path", []string{exportedIncludeDir}, gen.exportedIncludeDirs, ) android.AssertPathsRelativeToTopEquals( t, "files", []string{ exportedIncludeDir + "/package-dir/src/foo.proto.h", exportedIncludeDir + "/external-protos/path/baz/baz.proto.h", exportedIncludeDir + "/external-protos/path/bar.proto.h", }, gen.outputFiles, ) } func TestGenSrcsWithSrcsFromExternalPackage(t *testing.T) { bp := ` gensrcs { name: "module-name", cmd: "mkdir -p $(genDir) && cat $(in) >> $(genDir)/$(out)", srcs: [ ":external-protos", ], output_extension: "proto.h", } ` result := android.GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForGenRuleTest, android.FixtureMergeMockFs(android.MockFS{ "external-protos/path/Android.bp": []byte(` filegroup { name: "external-protos", srcs: ["foo/foo.proto", "bar.proto"], } `), }), ).RunTestWithBp(t, bp) exportedIncludeDir := "out/soong/.intermediates/module-name/gen/gensrcs" gen := result.Module("module-name", "").(*Module) android.AssertPathsRelativeToTopEquals( t, "include path", []string{exportedIncludeDir}, gen.exportedIncludeDirs, ) android.AssertPathsRelativeToTopEquals( t, "files", []string{ exportedIncludeDir + "/external-protos/path/foo/foo.proto.h", exportedIncludeDir + "/external-protos/path/bar.proto.h", }, gen.outputFiles, ) } func TestPrebuiltTool(t *testing.T) { testcases := []struct { name string bp string expectedToolName string }{ { name: "source only", bp: ` tool { name: "tool" } `, expectedToolName: "bin/tool", }, { name: "prebuilt only", bp: ` prebuilt_tool { name: "tool" } `, expectedToolName: "prebuilt_bin/tool", }, { name: "source preferred", bp: ` tool { name: "tool" } prebuilt_tool { name: "tool" } `, expectedToolName: "bin/tool", }, { name: "prebuilt preferred", bp: ` tool { name: "tool" } prebuilt_tool { name: "tool", prefer: true } `, expectedToolName: "prebuilt_bin/prebuilt_tool", }, { name: "source disabled", bp: ` tool { name: "tool", enabled: false } prebuilt_tool { name: "tool" } `, expectedToolName: "prebuilt_bin/prebuilt_tool", }, } for _, test := range testcases { t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) { result := prepareForGenRuleTest.RunTestWithBp(t, test.bp+` genrule { name: "gen", tools: ["tool"], out: ["foo"], cmd: "$(location tool)", } `) gen := result.Module("gen", "").(*Module) expectedCmd := "__SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/tools/out/" + test.expectedToolName android.AssertStringEquals(t, "command", expectedCmd, gen.rawCommands[0]) }) } } func TestGenruleWithBazel(t *testing.T) { bp := ` genrule { name: "foo", out: ["one.txt", "two.txt"], bazel_module: { label: "//foo/bar:bar" }, } ` result := android.GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForGenRuleTest, android.FixtureModifyConfig(func(config android.Config) { config.BazelContext = android.MockBazelContext{ OutputBaseDir: "outputbase", LabelToOutputFiles: map[string][]string{ "//foo/bar:bar": []string{"bazelone.txt", "bazeltwo.txt"}}} })).RunTestWithBp(t, testGenruleBp()+bp) gen := result.Module("foo", "").(*Module) expectedOutputFiles := []string{"outputbase/execroot/__main__/bazelone.txt", "outputbase/execroot/__main__/bazeltwo.txt"} android.AssertDeepEquals(t, "output files", expectedOutputFiles, gen.outputFiles.Strings()) android.AssertDeepEquals(t, "output deps", expectedOutputFiles, gen.outputDeps.Strings()) } func TestGenruleWithGlobPaths(t *testing.T) { testcases := []struct { name string bp string additionalFiles android.MockFS expectedCmd string }{ { name: "single file in directory with $ sign", bp: ` genrule { name: "gen", srcs: ["inn*.txt"], out: ["out.txt"], cmd: "cp $(in) $(out)", } `, additionalFiles: android.MockFS{"inn$1.txt": nil}, expectedCmd: "cp 'inn$1.txt' __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out.txt", }, { name: "multiple file in directory with $ sign", bp: ` genrule { name: "gen", srcs: ["inn*.txt"], out: ["."], cmd: "cp $(in) $(out)", } `, additionalFiles: android.MockFS{"inn$1.txt": nil, "inn$2.txt": nil}, expectedCmd: "cp 'inn$1.txt' 'inn$2.txt' __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out", }, { name: "file in directory with other shell unsafe character", bp: ` genrule { name: "gen", srcs: ["inn*.txt"], out: ["out.txt"], cmd: "cp $(in) $(out)", } `, additionalFiles: android.MockFS{"inn@1.txt": nil}, expectedCmd: "cp 'inn@1.txt' __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out.txt", }, { name: "glob location param with filepath containing $", bp: ` genrule { name: "gen", srcs: ["**/inn*"], out: ["."], cmd: "cp $(in) $(location **/inn*)", } `, additionalFiles: android.MockFS{"a/inn$1.txt": nil}, expectedCmd: "cp 'a/inn$1.txt' 'a/inn$1.txt'", }, { name: "glob locations param with filepath containing $", bp: ` genrule { name: "gen", tool_files: ["**/inn*"], out: ["out.txt"], cmd: "cp $(locations **/inn*) $(out)", } `, additionalFiles: android.MockFS{"a/inn$1.txt": nil}, expectedCmd: "cp '__SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/tools/src/a/inn$1.txt' __SBOX_SANDBOX_DIR__/out/out.txt", }, } for _, test := range testcases { t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) { result := android.GroupFixturePreparers( prepareForGenRuleTest, android.FixtureMergeMockFs(test.additionalFiles), ).RunTestWithBp(t, test.bp) gen := result.Module("gen", "").(*Module) android.AssertStringEquals(t, "command", test.expectedCmd, gen.rawCommands[0]) }) } } type testTool struct { android.ModuleBase outputFile android.Path } func toolFactory() android.Module { module := &testTool{} android.InitAndroidArchModule(module, android.HostSupported, android.MultilibFirst) return module } func (t *testTool) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) { t.outputFile = ctx.InstallFile(android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, "bin"), ctx.ModuleName(), android.PathForOutput(ctx, ctx.ModuleName())) } func (t *testTool) HostToolPath() android.OptionalPath { return android.OptionalPathForPath(t.outputFile) } type prebuiltTestTool struct { android.ModuleBase prebuilt android.Prebuilt testTool } func (p *prebuiltTestTool) Name() string { return p.prebuilt.Name(p.ModuleBase.Name()) } func (p *prebuiltTestTool) Prebuilt() *android.Prebuilt { return &p.prebuilt } func (t *prebuiltTestTool) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) { t.outputFile = ctx.InstallFile(android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, "prebuilt_bin"), ctx.ModuleName(), android.PathForOutput(ctx, ctx.ModuleName())) } func prebuiltToolFactory() android.Module { module := &prebuiltTestTool{} android.InitPrebuiltModuleWithoutSrcs(module) android.InitAndroidArchModule(module, android.HostSupported, android.MultilibFirst) return module } var _ android.HostToolProvider = (*testTool)(nil) var _ android.HostToolProvider = (*prebuiltTestTool)(nil) type testOutputProducer struct { android.ModuleBase outputFile android.Path } func outputProducerFactory() android.Module { module := &testOutputProducer{} android.InitAndroidArchModule(module, android.HostSupported, android.MultilibFirst) return module } func (t *testOutputProducer) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) { t.outputFile = ctx.InstallFile(android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, "bin"), ctx.ModuleName(), android.PathForOutput(ctx, ctx.ModuleName())) } func (t *testOutputProducer) OutputFiles(tag string) (android.Paths, error) { return android.Paths{t.outputFile}, nil } var _ android.OutputFileProducer = (*testOutputProducer)(nil) type useSource struct { android.ModuleBase props struct { Srcs []string `android:"path"` } srcs android.Paths } func (s *useSource) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) { s.srcs = android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, s.props.Srcs) } func useSourceFactory() android.Module { module := &useSource{} module.AddProperties(&module.props) android.InitAndroidModule(module) return module }