// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package java import ( "strconv" "strings" "github.com/google/blueprint" "github.com/google/blueprint/proptools" "android/soong/android" "android/soong/remoteexec" ) type DexProperties struct { // If set to true, compile dex regardless of installable. Defaults to false. Compile_dex *bool // list of module-specific flags that will be used for dex compiles Dxflags []string `android:"arch_variant"` // A list of files containing rules that specify the classes to keep in the main dex file. Main_dex_rules []string `android:"path"` Optimize struct { // If false, disable all optimization. Defaults to true for android_app and // android_test_helper_app modules, false for android_test, java_library, and java_test modules. Enabled *bool // True if the module containing this has it set by default. EnabledByDefault bool `blueprint:"mutated"` // Whether to continue building even if warnings are emitted. Defaults to true. Ignore_warnings *bool // If true, runs R8 in Proguard compatibility mode, otherwise runs R8 in full mode. // Defaults to false for apps, true for libraries and tests. Proguard_compatibility *bool // If true, optimize for size by removing unused code. Defaults to true for apps, // false for libraries and tests. Shrink *bool // If true, optimize bytecode. Defaults to false. Optimize *bool // If true, obfuscate bytecode. Defaults to false. Obfuscate *bool // If true, do not use the flag files generated by aapt that automatically keep // classes referenced by the app manifest. Defaults to false. No_aapt_flags *bool // If true, optimize for size by removing unused resources. Defaults to false. Shrink_resources *bool // If true, use optimized resource shrinking in R8, overriding the // Shrink_resources setting. Defaults to false. // Optimized shrinking means that R8 will trace and treeshake resources together with code // and apply additional optimizations. This implies non final fields in the R classes. Optimized_shrink_resources *bool // Flags to pass to proguard. Proguard_flags []string // Specifies the locations of files containing proguard flags. Proguard_flags_files []string `android:"path"` // If true, transitive reverse dependencies of this module will have this // module's proguard spec appended to their optimization action Export_proguard_flags_files *bool } // Keep the data uncompressed. We always need uncompressed dex for execution, // so this might actually save space by avoiding storing the same data twice. // This defaults to reasonable value based on module and should not be set. // It exists only to support ART tests. Uncompress_dex *bool // Exclude kotlinc generate files: *.kotlin_module, *.kotlin_builtins. Defaults to false. Exclude_kotlinc_generated_files *bool } type dexer struct { dexProperties DexProperties // list of extra proguard flag files extraProguardFlagsFiles android.Paths proguardDictionary android.OptionalPath proguardConfiguration android.OptionalPath proguardUsageZip android.OptionalPath resourcesInput android.OptionalPath resourcesOutput android.OptionalPath providesTransitiveHeaderJars } func (d *dexer) effectiveOptimizeEnabled() bool { return BoolDefault(d.dexProperties.Optimize.Enabled, d.dexProperties.Optimize.EnabledByDefault) } func (d *DexProperties) resourceShrinkingEnabled() bool { return BoolDefault(d.Optimize.Optimized_shrink_resources, Bool(d.Optimize.Shrink_resources)) } var d8, d8RE = pctx.MultiCommandRemoteStaticRules("d8", blueprint.RuleParams{ Command: `rm -rf "$outDir" && mkdir -p "$outDir" && ` + `$d8Template${config.D8Cmd} ${config.D8Flags} $d8Flags --output $outDir --no-dex-input-jar $in && ` + `$zipTemplate${config.SoongZipCmd} $zipFlags -o $outDir/classes.dex.jar -C $outDir -f "$outDir/classes*.dex" && ` + `${config.MergeZipsCmd} -D -stripFile "**/*.class" $mergeZipsFlags $out $outDir/classes.dex.jar $in && ` + `rm -f "$outDir/classes*.dex" "$outDir/classes.dex.jar"`, CommandDeps: []string{ "${config.D8Cmd}", "${config.SoongZipCmd}", "${config.MergeZipsCmd}", }, }, map[string]*remoteexec.REParams{ "$d8Template": &remoteexec.REParams{ Labels: map[string]string{"type": "compile", "compiler": "d8"}, Inputs: []string{"${config.D8Jar}"}, ExecStrategy: "${config.RED8ExecStrategy}", ToolchainInputs: []string{"${config.JavaCmd}"}, Platform: map[string]string{remoteexec.PoolKey: "${config.REJavaPool}"}, }, "$zipTemplate": &remoteexec.REParams{ Labels: map[string]string{"type": "tool", "name": "soong_zip"}, Inputs: []string{"${config.SoongZipCmd}", "$outDir"}, OutputFiles: []string{"$outDir/classes.dex.jar"}, ExecStrategy: "${config.RED8ExecStrategy}", Platform: map[string]string{remoteexec.PoolKey: "${config.REJavaPool}"}, }, }, []string{"outDir", "d8Flags", "zipFlags", "mergeZipsFlags"}, nil) var r8, r8RE = pctx.MultiCommandRemoteStaticRules("r8", blueprint.RuleParams{ Command: `rm -rf "$outDir" && mkdir -p "$outDir" && ` + `rm -f "$outDict" && rm -f "$outConfig" && rm -rf "${outUsageDir}" && ` + `mkdir -p $$(dirname ${outUsage}) && ` + `$r8Template${config.R8Cmd} ${config.R8Flags} $r8Flags -injars $in --output $outDir ` + `--no-data-resources ` + `-printmapping ${outDict} ` + `-printconfiguration ${outConfig} ` + `-printusage ${outUsage} ` + `--deps-file ${out}.d && ` + `touch "${outDict}" "${outConfig}" "${outUsage}" && ` + `${config.SoongZipCmd} -o ${outUsageZip} -C ${outUsageDir} -f ${outUsage} && ` + `rm -rf ${outUsageDir} && ` + `$zipTemplate${config.SoongZipCmd} $zipFlags -o $outDir/classes.dex.jar -C $outDir -f "$outDir/classes*.dex" && ` + `${config.MergeZipsCmd} -D -stripFile "**/*.class" $mergeZipsFlags $out $outDir/classes.dex.jar $in && ` + `rm -f "$outDir/classes*.dex" "$outDir/classes.dex.jar"`, Depfile: "${out}.d", Deps: blueprint.DepsGCC, CommandDeps: []string{ "${config.R8Cmd}", "${config.SoongZipCmd}", "${config.MergeZipsCmd}", }, }, map[string]*remoteexec.REParams{ "$r8Template": &remoteexec.REParams{ Labels: map[string]string{"type": "compile", "compiler": "r8"}, Inputs: []string{"$implicits", "${config.R8Jar}"}, OutputFiles: []string{"${outUsage}", "${outConfig}", "${outDict}", "${resourcesOutput}"}, ExecStrategy: "${config.RER8ExecStrategy}", ToolchainInputs: []string{"${config.JavaCmd}"}, Platform: map[string]string{remoteexec.PoolKey: "${config.REJavaPool}"}, }, "$zipTemplate": &remoteexec.REParams{ Labels: map[string]string{"type": "tool", "name": "soong_zip"}, Inputs: []string{"${config.SoongZipCmd}", "$outDir"}, OutputFiles: []string{"$outDir/classes.dex.jar"}, ExecStrategy: "${config.RER8ExecStrategy}", Platform: map[string]string{remoteexec.PoolKey: "${config.REJavaPool}"}, }, "$zipUsageTemplate": &remoteexec.REParams{ Labels: map[string]string{"type": "tool", "name": "soong_zip"}, Inputs: []string{"${config.SoongZipCmd}", "${outUsage}"}, OutputFiles: []string{"${outUsageZip}"}, ExecStrategy: "${config.RER8ExecStrategy}", Platform: map[string]string{remoteexec.PoolKey: "${config.REJavaPool}"}, }, }, []string{"outDir", "outDict", "outConfig", "outUsage", "outUsageZip", "outUsageDir", "r8Flags", "zipFlags", "mergeZipsFlags", "resourcesOutput"}, []string{"implicits"}) func (d *dexer) dexCommonFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext, dexParams *compileDexParams) (flags []string, deps android.Paths) { flags = d.dexProperties.Dxflags // Translate all the DX flags to D8 ones until all the build files have been migrated // to D8 flags. See: b/69377755 flags = android.RemoveListFromList(flags, []string{"--core-library", "--dex", "--multi-dex"}) for _, f := range android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, d.dexProperties.Main_dex_rules) { flags = append(flags, "--main-dex-rules", f.String()) deps = append(deps, f) } if ctx.Config().Getenv("NO_OPTIMIZE_DX") != "" { flags = append(flags, "--debug") } if ctx.Config().Getenv("GENERATE_DEX_DEBUG") != "" { flags = append(flags, "--debug", "--verbose") } // Supplying the platform build flag disables various features like API modeling and desugaring. // For targets with a stable min SDK version (i.e., when the min SDK is both explicitly specified // and managed+versioned), we suppress this flag to ensure portability. // Note: Targets with a min SDK kind of core_platform (e.g., framework.jar) or unspecified (e.g., // services.jar), are not classified as stable, which is WAI. // TODO(b/232073181): Expand to additional min SDK cases after validation. var addAndroidPlatformBuildFlag = false if !dexParams.sdkVersion.Stable() { addAndroidPlatformBuildFlag = true } effectiveVersion, err := dexParams.minSdkVersion.EffectiveVersion(ctx) if err != nil { ctx.PropertyErrorf("min_sdk_version", "%s", err) } // If the specified SDK level is 10000, then configure the compiler to use the // current platform SDK level and to compile the build as a platform build. var minApiFlagValue = effectiveVersion.FinalOrFutureInt() if minApiFlagValue == 10000 { minApiFlagValue = ctx.Config().PlatformSdkVersion().FinalInt() addAndroidPlatformBuildFlag = true } flags = append(flags, "--min-api "+strconv.Itoa(minApiFlagValue)) if addAndroidPlatformBuildFlag { flags = append(flags, "--android-platform-build") } return flags, deps } func d8Flags(flags javaBuilderFlags) (d8Flags []string, d8Deps android.Paths) { d8Flags = append(d8Flags, flags.bootClasspath.FormRepeatedClassPath("--lib ")...) d8Flags = append(d8Flags, flags.dexClasspath.FormRepeatedClassPath("--lib ")...) d8Deps = append(d8Deps, flags.bootClasspath...) d8Deps = append(d8Deps, flags.dexClasspath...) return d8Flags, d8Deps } func (d *dexer) r8Flags(ctx android.ModuleContext, flags javaBuilderFlags) (r8Flags []string, r8Deps android.Paths) { opt := d.dexProperties.Optimize // When an app contains references to APIs that are not in the SDK specified by // its LOCAL_SDK_VERSION for example added by support library or by runtime // classes added by desugaring, we artifically raise the "SDK version" "linked" by // ProGuard, to // - suppress ProGuard warnings of referencing symbols unknown to the lower SDK version. // - prevent ProGuard stripping subclass in the support library that extends class added in the higher SDK version. // See b/20667396 var proguardRaiseDeps classpath ctx.VisitDirectDepsWithTag(proguardRaiseTag, func(m android.Module) { dep, _ := android.OtherModuleProvider(ctx, m, JavaInfoProvider) proguardRaiseDeps = append(proguardRaiseDeps, dep.RepackagedHeaderJars...) }) r8Flags = append(r8Flags, proguardRaiseDeps.FormJavaClassPath("-libraryjars")) r8Deps = append(r8Deps, proguardRaiseDeps...) r8Flags = append(r8Flags, flags.bootClasspath.FormJavaClassPath("-libraryjars")) r8Deps = append(r8Deps, flags.bootClasspath...) r8Flags = append(r8Flags, flags.dexClasspath.FormJavaClassPath("-libraryjars")) r8Deps = append(r8Deps, flags.dexClasspath...) transitiveStaticLibsLookupMap := map[android.Path]bool{} if d.transitiveStaticLibsHeaderJars != nil { for _, jar := range d.transitiveStaticLibsHeaderJars.ToList() { transitiveStaticLibsLookupMap[jar] = true } } transitiveHeaderJars := android.Paths{} if d.transitiveLibsHeaderJars != nil { for _, jar := range d.transitiveLibsHeaderJars.ToList() { if _, ok := transitiveStaticLibsLookupMap[jar]; ok { // don't include a lib if it is already packaged in the current JAR as a static lib continue } transitiveHeaderJars = append(transitiveHeaderJars, jar) } } transitiveClasspath := classpath(transitiveHeaderJars) r8Flags = append(r8Flags, transitiveClasspath.FormJavaClassPath("-libraryjars")) r8Deps = append(r8Deps, transitiveClasspath...) flagFiles := android.Paths{ android.PathForSource(ctx, "build/make/core/proguard.flags"), } flagFiles = append(flagFiles, d.extraProguardFlagsFiles...) // TODO(ccross): static android library proguard files flagFiles = append(flagFiles, android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, opt.Proguard_flags_files)...) flagFiles = android.FirstUniquePaths(flagFiles) r8Flags = append(r8Flags, android.JoinWithPrefix(flagFiles.Strings(), "-include ")) r8Deps = append(r8Deps, flagFiles...) // TODO(b/70942988): This is included from build/make/core/proguard.flags r8Deps = append(r8Deps, android.PathForSource(ctx, "build/make/core/proguard_basic_keeps.flags")) r8Flags = append(r8Flags, opt.Proguard_flags...) if BoolDefault(opt.Proguard_compatibility, true) { r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "--force-proguard-compatibility") } if Bool(opt.Optimize) || Bool(opt.Obfuscate) { // TODO(b/213833843): Allow configuration of the prefix via a build variable. var sourceFilePrefix = "go/retraceme " var sourceFileTemplate = "\"" + sourceFilePrefix + "%MAP_ID\"" r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "--map-id-template", "%MAP_HASH") r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "--source-file-template", sourceFileTemplate) } // TODO(ccross): Don't shrink app instrumentation tests by default. if !Bool(opt.Shrink) { r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "-dontshrink") } if !Bool(opt.Optimize) { r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "-dontoptimize") } // TODO(ccross): error if obufscation + app instrumentation test. if !Bool(opt.Obfuscate) { r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "-dontobfuscate") } // TODO(ccross): if this is an instrumentation test of an obfuscated app, use the // dictionary of the app and move the app from libraryjars to injars. // Don't strip out debug information for eng builds. if ctx.Config().Eng() { r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "--debug") } // TODO(b/180878971): missing classes should be added to the relevant builds. // TODO(b/229727645): do not use true as default for Android platform builds. if proptools.BoolDefault(opt.Ignore_warnings, true) { r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "-ignorewarnings") } // resourcesInput is empty when we don't use resource shrinking, if on, pass these to R8 if d.resourcesInput.Valid() { r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "--resource-input", d.resourcesInput.Path().String()) r8Deps = append(r8Deps, d.resourcesInput.Path()) r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "--resource-output", d.resourcesOutput.Path().String()) if Bool(opt.Optimized_shrink_resources) { r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "--optimized-resource-shrinking") } } return r8Flags, r8Deps } type compileDexParams struct { flags javaBuilderFlags sdkVersion android.SdkSpec minSdkVersion android.ApiLevel classesJar android.Path jarName string } func (d *dexer) compileDex(ctx android.ModuleContext, dexParams *compileDexParams) android.OutputPath { // Compile classes.jar into classes.dex and then javalib.jar javalibJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "dex", dexParams.jarName).OutputPath outDir := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "dex") zipFlags := "--ignore_missing_files" if proptools.Bool(d.dexProperties.Uncompress_dex) { zipFlags += " -L 0" } commonFlags, commonDeps := d.dexCommonFlags(ctx, dexParams) // Exclude kotlinc generated files when "exclude_kotlinc_generated_files" is set to true. mergeZipsFlags := "" if proptools.BoolDefault(d.dexProperties.Exclude_kotlinc_generated_files, false) { mergeZipsFlags = "-stripFile META-INF/*.kotlin_module -stripFile **/*.kotlin_builtins" } useR8 := d.effectiveOptimizeEnabled() if useR8 { proguardDictionary := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "proguard_dictionary") d.proguardDictionary = android.OptionalPathForPath(proguardDictionary) proguardConfiguration := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "proguard_configuration") d.proguardConfiguration = android.OptionalPathForPath(proguardConfiguration) proguardUsageDir := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "proguard_usage") proguardUsage := proguardUsageDir.Join(ctx, ctx.Namespace().Path, android.ModuleNameWithPossibleOverride(ctx), "unused.txt") proguardUsageZip := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "proguard_usage.zip") d.proguardUsageZip = android.OptionalPathForPath(proguardUsageZip) resourcesOutput := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "package-res-shrunken.apk") d.resourcesOutput = android.OptionalPathForPath(resourcesOutput) r8Flags, r8Deps := d.r8Flags(ctx, dexParams.flags) r8Deps = append(r8Deps, commonDeps...) rule := r8 args := map[string]string{ "r8Flags": strings.Join(append(commonFlags, r8Flags...), " "), "zipFlags": zipFlags, "outDict": proguardDictionary.String(), "outConfig": proguardConfiguration.String(), "outUsageDir": proguardUsageDir.String(), "outUsage": proguardUsage.String(), "outUsageZip": proguardUsageZip.String(), "outDir": outDir.String(), "mergeZipsFlags": mergeZipsFlags, } if ctx.Config().UseRBE() && ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("RBE_R8") { rule = r8RE args["implicits"] = strings.Join(r8Deps.Strings(), ",") } implicitOutputs := android.WritablePaths{ proguardDictionary, proguardUsageZip, proguardConfiguration} if d.resourcesInput.Valid() { implicitOutputs = append(implicitOutputs, resourcesOutput) args["resourcesOutput"] = resourcesOutput.String() } ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{ Rule: rule, Description: "r8", Output: javalibJar, ImplicitOutputs: implicitOutputs, Input: dexParams.classesJar, Implicits: r8Deps, Args: args, }) } else { d8Flags, d8Deps := d8Flags(dexParams.flags) d8Deps = append(d8Deps, commonDeps...) rule := d8 if ctx.Config().UseRBE() && ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("RBE_D8") { rule = d8RE } ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{ Rule: rule, Description: "d8", Output: javalibJar, Input: dexParams.classesJar, Implicits: d8Deps, Args: map[string]string{ "d8Flags": strings.Join(append(commonFlags, d8Flags...), " "), "zipFlags": zipFlags, "outDir": outDir.String(), "mergeZipsFlags": mergeZipsFlags, }, }) } if proptools.Bool(d.dexProperties.Uncompress_dex) { alignedJavalibJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "aligned", dexParams.jarName).OutputPath TransformZipAlign(ctx, alignedJavalibJar, javalibJar, nil) javalibJar = alignedJavalibJar } return javalibJar }