// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package python // This file contains the module types for building Python binary. import ( "fmt" "android/soong/android" "android/soong/bazel" "github.com/google/blueprint/proptools" ) func init() { registerPythonBinaryComponents(android.InitRegistrationContext) } func registerPythonBinaryComponents(ctx android.RegistrationContext) { ctx.RegisterModuleType("python_binary_host", PythonBinaryHostFactory) } type bazelPythonBinaryAttributes struct { Main *string Srcs bazel.LabelListAttribute Deps bazel.LabelListAttribute Python_version *string } func pythonBinaryBp2Build(ctx android.TopDownMutatorContext, m *Module) { var main *string for _, propIntf := range m.GetProperties() { if props, ok := propIntf.(*BinaryProperties); ok { // main is optional. if props.Main != nil { main = props.Main break } } } // TODO(b/182306917): this doesn't fully handle all nested props versioned // by the python version, which would have been handled by the version split // mutator. This is sufficient for very simple python_binary_host modules // under Bionic. py3Enabled := proptools.BoolDefault(m.properties.Version.Py3.Enabled, false) py2Enabled := proptools.BoolDefault(m.properties.Version.Py2.Enabled, false) var python_version *string if py3Enabled && py2Enabled { panic(fmt.Errorf( "error for '%s' module: bp2build's python_binary_host converter does not support "+ "converting a module that is enabled for both Python 2 and 3 at the same time.", m.Name())) } else if py2Enabled { python_version = &pyVersion2 } else { // do nothing, since python_version defaults to PY3. } baseAttrs := m.makeArchVariantBaseAttributes(ctx) attrs := &bazelPythonBinaryAttributes{ Main: main, Srcs: baseAttrs.Srcs, Deps: baseAttrs.Deps, Python_version: python_version, } props := bazel.BazelTargetModuleProperties{ // Use the native py_binary rule. Rule_class: "py_binary", } ctx.CreateBazelTargetModule(props, android.CommonAttributes{ Name: m.Name(), Data: baseAttrs.Data, }, attrs) } type BinaryProperties struct { // the name of the source file that is the main entry point of the program. // this file must also be listed in srcs. // If left unspecified, module name is used instead. // If name doesn’t match any filename in srcs, main must be specified. Main *string `android:"arch_variant"` // set the name of the output binary. Stem *string `android:"arch_variant"` // append to the name of the output binary. Suffix *string `android:"arch_variant"` // list of compatibility suites (for example "cts", "vts") that the module should be // installed into. Test_suites []string `android:"arch_variant"` // whether to use `main` when starting the executable. The default is true, when set to // false it will act much like the normal `python` executable, but with the sources and // libraries automatically included in the PYTHONPATH. Autorun *bool `android:"arch_variant"` // Flag to indicate whether or not to create test config automatically. If AndroidTest.xml // doesn't exist next to the Android.bp, this attribute doesn't need to be set to true // explicitly. Auto_gen_config *bool } type binaryDecorator struct { binaryProperties BinaryProperties *pythonInstaller } type IntermPathProvider interface { IntermPathForModuleOut() android.OptionalPath } var ( StubTemplateHost = "build/soong/python/scripts/stub_template_host.txt" ) func NewBinary(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported) (*Module, *binaryDecorator) { module := newModule(hod, android.MultilibFirst) decorator := &binaryDecorator{pythonInstaller: NewPythonInstaller("bin", "")} module.bootstrapper = decorator module.installer = decorator return module, decorator } func PythonBinaryHostFactory() android.Module { module, _ := NewBinary(android.HostSupported) android.InitBazelModule(module) return module.init() } func (binary *binaryDecorator) autorun() bool { return BoolDefault(binary.binaryProperties.Autorun, true) } func (binary *binaryDecorator) bootstrapperProps() []interface{} { return []interface{}{&binary.binaryProperties} } func (binary *binaryDecorator) bootstrap(ctx android.ModuleContext, actualVersion string, embeddedLauncher bool, srcsPathMappings []pathMapping, srcsZip android.Path, depsSrcsZips android.Paths) android.OptionalPath { main := "" if binary.autorun() { main = binary.getPyMainFile(ctx, srcsPathMappings) } var launcherPath android.OptionalPath if embeddedLauncher { ctx.VisitDirectDepsWithTag(launcherTag, func(m android.Module) { if provider, ok := m.(IntermPathProvider); ok { if launcherPath.Valid() { panic(fmt.Errorf("launcher path was found before: %q", launcherPath)) } launcherPath = provider.IntermPathForModuleOut() } }) } binFile := registerBuildActionForParFile(ctx, embeddedLauncher, launcherPath, binary.getHostInterpreterName(ctx, actualVersion), main, binary.getStem(ctx), append(android.Paths{srcsZip}, depsSrcsZips...)) return android.OptionalPathForPath(binFile) } // get host interpreter name. func (binary *binaryDecorator) getHostInterpreterName(ctx android.ModuleContext, actualVersion string) string { var interp string switch actualVersion { case pyVersion2: interp = "python2.7" case pyVersion3: interp = "python3" default: panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown Python actualVersion: %q for module: %q.", actualVersion, ctx.ModuleName())) } return interp } // find main program path within runfiles tree. func (binary *binaryDecorator) getPyMainFile(ctx android.ModuleContext, srcsPathMappings []pathMapping) string { var main string if String(binary.binaryProperties.Main) == "" { main = ctx.ModuleName() + pyExt } else { main = String(binary.binaryProperties.Main) } for _, path := range srcsPathMappings { if main == path.src.Rel() { return path.dest } } ctx.PropertyErrorf("main", "%q is not listed in srcs.", main) return "" } func (binary *binaryDecorator) getStem(ctx android.ModuleContext) string { stem := ctx.ModuleName() if String(binary.binaryProperties.Stem) != "" { stem = String(binary.binaryProperties.Stem) } return stem + String(binary.binaryProperties.Suffix) }