// Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package rust import ( "fmt" "strings" "android/soong/android" ) var ( defaultProtobufFlags = []string{""} ) const ( grpcSuffix = "_grpc" ) type PluginType int func init() { android.RegisterModuleType("rust_protobuf", RustProtobufFactory) android.RegisterModuleType("rust_protobuf_host", RustProtobufHostFactory) } var _ SourceProvider = (*protobufDecorator)(nil) type ProtobufProperties struct { // List of relative paths to proto files that will be used to generate the source. // Either this or grpc_protos must be defined. Protos []string `android:"path,arch_variant"` // List of relative paths to GRPC-containing proto files that will be used to generate the source. // Either this or protos must be defined. Grpc_protos []string `android:"path,arch_variant"` // List of additional flags to pass to aprotoc Proto_flags []string `android:"arch_variant"` // List of libraries which export include paths required for this module Header_libs []string `android:"arch_variant,variant_prepend"` } type protobufDecorator struct { *BaseSourceProvider Properties ProtobufProperties protoNames []string grpcNames []string grpcProtoFlags android.ProtoFlags protoFlags android.ProtoFlags } func (proto *protobufDecorator) GenerateSource(ctx ModuleContext, deps PathDeps) android.Path { var protoFlags android.ProtoFlags var grpcProtoFlags android.ProtoFlags var commonProtoFlags []string outDir := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx) protoFiles := android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, proto.Properties.Protos) grpcFiles := android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, proto.Properties.Grpc_protos) protoPluginPath := ctx.Config().HostToolPath(ctx, "protoc-gen-rust-deprecated") commonProtoFlags = append(commonProtoFlags, defaultProtobufFlags...) commonProtoFlags = append(commonProtoFlags, proto.Properties.Proto_flags...) commonProtoFlags = append(commonProtoFlags, "--plugin=protoc-gen-rust="+protoPluginPath.String()) if len(protoFiles) > 0 { protoFlags.OutTypeFlag = "--rust_out" protoFlags.Flags = append(protoFlags.Flags, commonProtoFlags...) protoFlags.Deps = append(protoFlags.Deps, protoPluginPath) } if len(grpcFiles) > 0 { grpcPath := ctx.Config().HostToolPath(ctx, "grpc_rust_plugin") grpcProtoFlags.OutTypeFlag = "--rust_out" grpcProtoFlags.Flags = append(grpcProtoFlags.Flags, "--grpc_out="+outDir.String()) grpcProtoFlags.Flags = append(grpcProtoFlags.Flags, "--plugin=protoc-gen-grpc="+grpcPath.String()) grpcProtoFlags.Flags = append(grpcProtoFlags.Flags, commonProtoFlags...) grpcProtoFlags.Deps = append(grpcProtoFlags.Deps, grpcPath, protoPluginPath) } if len(protoFiles) == 0 && len(grpcFiles) == 0 { ctx.PropertyErrorf("protos", "at least one protobuf must be defined in either protos or grpc_protos.") } // Add exported dependency include paths for _, include := range deps.depIncludePaths { protoFlags.Flags = append(protoFlags.Flags, "-I"+include.String()) grpcProtoFlags.Flags = append(grpcProtoFlags.Flags, "-I"+include.String()) } stem := proto.BaseSourceProvider.getStem(ctx) // The mod_stem.rs file is used to avoid collisions if this is not included as a crate. stemFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "mod_"+stem+".rs") // stemFile must be first here as the first path in BaseSourceProvider.OutputFiles is the library entry-point. var outputs android.WritablePaths rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx) for _, protoFile := range protoFiles { // Since we're iterating over the protoFiles already, make sure they're not redeclared in grpcFiles if android.InList(protoFile.String(), grpcFiles.Strings()) { ctx.PropertyErrorf("protos", "A proto can only be added once to either grpc_protos or protos. %q is declared in both properties", protoFile.String()) } protoName := strings.TrimSuffix(protoFile.Base(), ".proto") proto.protoNames = append(proto.protoNames, protoName) protoOut := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, protoName+".rs") depFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, protoName+".d") ruleOutputs := android.WritablePaths{protoOut, depFile} android.ProtoRule(rule, protoFile, protoFlags, protoFlags.Deps, outDir, depFile, ruleOutputs) outputs = append(outputs, ruleOutputs...) } for _, grpcFile := range grpcFiles { grpcName := strings.TrimSuffix(grpcFile.Base(), ".proto") proto.grpcNames = append(proto.grpcNames, grpcName) // GRPC protos produce two files, a proto.rs and a proto_grpc.rs protoOut := android.WritablePath(android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, grpcName+".rs")) grpcOut := android.WritablePath(android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, grpcName+grpcSuffix+".rs")) depFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, grpcName+".d") ruleOutputs := android.WritablePaths{protoOut, grpcOut, depFile} android.ProtoRule(rule, grpcFile, grpcProtoFlags, grpcProtoFlags.Deps, outDir, depFile, ruleOutputs) outputs = append(outputs, ruleOutputs...) } // Check that all proto base filenames are unique as outputs are written to the same directory. baseFilenames := append(proto.protoNames, proto.grpcNames...) if len(baseFilenames) != len(android.FirstUniqueStrings(baseFilenames)) { ctx.PropertyErrorf("protos", "proto filenames must be unique across 'protos' and 'grpc_protos' "+ "to be used in the same rust_protobuf module. For example, foo.proto and src/foo.proto will conflict.") } android.WriteFileRule(ctx, stemFile, proto.genModFileContents()) rule.Build("protoc_"+ctx.ModuleName(), "protoc "+ctx.ModuleName()) // stemFile must be first here as the first path in BaseSourceProvider.OutputFiles is the library entry-point. proto.BaseSourceProvider.OutputFiles = append(android.Paths{stemFile}, outputs.Paths()...) // mod_stem.rs is the entry-point for our library modules, so this is what we return. return stemFile } func (proto *protobufDecorator) genModFileContents() string { lines := []string{ "// @Soong generated Source", } for _, protoName := range proto.protoNames { lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("pub mod %s;", protoName)) } for _, grpcName := range proto.grpcNames { lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("pub mod %s;", grpcName)) lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("pub mod %s%s;", grpcName, grpcSuffix)) } if len(proto.grpcNames) > 0 { lines = append( lines, "pub mod empty {", " pub use protobuf::well_known_types::Empty;", "}", "pub mod wrappers {", " pub use protobuf::well_known_types::{", " DoubleValue, FloatValue, Int64Value, UInt64Value, Int32Value, UInt32Value,", " BoolValue, StringValue, BytesValue", " };", "}") } return strings.Join(lines, "\n") } func (proto *protobufDecorator) SourceProviderProps() []interface{} { return append(proto.BaseSourceProvider.SourceProviderProps(), &proto.Properties) } func (proto *protobufDecorator) SourceProviderDeps(ctx DepsContext, deps Deps) Deps { deps = proto.BaseSourceProvider.SourceProviderDeps(ctx, deps) deps.Rustlibs = append(deps.Rustlibs, "libprotobuf_deprecated") deps.HeaderLibs = append(deps.SharedLibs, proto.Properties.Header_libs...) if len(proto.Properties.Grpc_protos) > 0 { deps.Rustlibs = append(deps.Rustlibs, "libgrpcio", "libfutures") deps.HeaderLibs = append(deps.HeaderLibs, "libprotobuf-cpp-full") } return deps } // rust_protobuf generates protobuf rust code from the provided proto file. This uses the protoc-gen-rust plugin for // protoc. Additional flags to the protoc command can be passed via the proto_flags property. This module type will // create library variants that can be used as a crate dependency by adding it to the rlibs, dylibs, and rustlibs // properties of other modules. func RustProtobufFactory() android.Module { module, _ := NewRustProtobuf(android.HostAndDeviceSupported) return module.Init() } // A host-only variant of rust_protobuf. Refer to rust_protobuf for more details. func RustProtobufHostFactory() android.Module { module, _ := NewRustProtobuf(android.HostSupported) return module.Init() } func NewRustProtobuf(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported) (*Module, *protobufDecorator) { protobuf := &protobufDecorator{ BaseSourceProvider: NewSourceProvider(), Properties: ProtobufProperties{}, } module := NewSourceProviderModule(hod, protobuf, false, false) return module, protobuf }