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authorAndroid Merger <>2019-02-26 23:42:20 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <>2019-02-26 23:42:20 +0000
commita8bf3188888dbf3a3baf441c20aea954f981d9fa (patch)
parentdffe3e0fb28d44828bb30cc3200043ce6e7ce778 (diff)
parent22963b80381260b6f5d31e8154a1f8c269c833c7 (diff)
Merge "Merge "resolve merge conflicts of ed8ae7dd1222afdb78eec81b0c6dc2b9fefc41de to oreo-mr1-cts-dev" into oreo-mr1-cts-dev am: f2b5b9f8fb" into pie-cts-dev
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/tests/tests/webkit/src/android/webkit/cts/ b/tests/tests/webkit/src/android/webkit/cts/
index a9b0d9ed427..d1993dcc5e0 100644
--- a/tests/tests/webkit/src/android/webkit/cts/
+++ b/tests/tests/webkit/src/android/webkit/cts/
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ public class WebSettingsTest extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<WebViewCts
* compatibility definition (tokens in angle brackets are variables, tokens in square
* brackets are optional):
* <p/>
- * Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android <version>; [<devicemodel>;] [Build/<buildID>;] wv)
+ * Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android <version>; [<devicemodel>] [Build/<buildID>]; wv)
* AppleWebKit/<major>.<minor> (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/<major>.<minor>
* Chrome/<major>.<minor>.<branch>.<build>[ Mobile] Safari/<major>.<minor>
@@ -113,36 +113,83 @@ public class WebSettingsTest extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<WebViewCts
if (!NullWebViewUtils.isWebViewAvailable()) {
- final String actualUserAgentString = mSettings.getUserAgentString();
- Log.i(LOG_TAG, String.format("Checking user agent string %s", actualUserAgentString));
+ checkUserAgentStringHelper(mSettings.getUserAgentString(), true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Verifies that the useragent testing regex is actually correct, because it's very complex.
+ */
+ public void testUserAgentStringTest() {
+ // All test UAs share the same prefix and suffix; only the middle part varies.
+ final String prefix = "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android " + Build.VERSION.RELEASE + "; ";
+ final String suffix = "wv) AppleWebKit/0.0 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/ Safari/0.0";
+ // Valid cases:
+ // Both model and build present
+ checkUserAgentStringHelper(prefix + Build.MODEL + " Build/" + Build.ID + "; " + suffix, true);
+ // Just model
+ checkUserAgentStringHelper(prefix + Build.MODEL + "; " + suffix, true);
+ // Just build
+ checkUserAgentStringHelper(prefix + "Build/" + Build.ID + "; " + suffix, true);
+ // Neither
+ checkUserAgentStringHelper(prefix + suffix, true);
+ // Invalid cases:
+ // No space between model and build
+ checkUserAgentStringHelper(prefix + Build.MODEL + "Build/" + Build.ID + "; " + suffix, false);
+ // No semicolon after model and/or build
+ checkUserAgentStringHelper(prefix + Build.MODEL + " Build/" + Build.ID + suffix, false);
+ checkUserAgentStringHelper(prefix + Build.MODEL + suffix, false);
+ checkUserAgentStringHelper(prefix + "Build/" + Build.ID + suffix, false);
+ // Double semicolon when both omitted
+ checkUserAgentStringHelper(prefix + "; " + suffix, false);
+ }
- String expectedRelease, expectedModel;
+ /**
+ * Helper function to validate that a given useragent string is or is not valid.
+ */
+ private void checkUserAgentStringHelper(final String useragent, boolean shouldMatch) {
+ String expectedRelease;
if ("REL".equals(Build.VERSION.CODENAME)) {
expectedRelease = Pattern.quote(Build.VERSION.RELEASE);
- expectedModel = Pattern.quote(Build.MODEL);
} else {
- // Non-release builds don't include real release version/model, be lenient.
- expectedRelease = expectedModel = "[^;]+";
+ // Non-release builds don't include real release version, be lenient.
+ expectedRelease = "[^;]+";
// Build expected regex inserting the appropriate variables, as this is easier to
// understand and get right than matching any possible useragent and comparing the
// variables afterward.
final String patternString =
- Pattern.quote("Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android ") + expectedRelease + "; " +
- "(" + expectedModel + "; )?" + // Optional
- "(Build/" + Pattern.quote(Build.ID) + "; )?" + // Optional
- Pattern.quote("wv) ") +
+ // Release version always has a semicolon after it:
+ Pattern.quote("Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android ") + expectedRelease + ";" +
+ // Model is optional, but if present must have a space first:
+ "( " + Pattern.quote(Build.MODEL) + ")?" +
+ // Build is optional, but if present must have a space first:
+ "( Build/" + Pattern.quote(Build.ID) + ")?" +
+ // We want a semicolon before the wv token, but we don't want to have two in a row
+ // if both model and build are omitted. Lookbehind assertions ensure either:
+ // - the previous character is a semicolon
+ // - or the previous character is NOT a semicolon AND a semicolon is added here.
+ "((?<=;)|(?<!;);)" +
+ // After that we can just check for " wv)" to finish the platform section:
+ Pattern.quote(" wv) ") +
+ // The rest of the expression is browser tokens and is fairly simple:
"AppleWebKit/\\d+\\.\\d+ " +
Pattern.quote("(KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 ") +
"Chrome/\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+ " +
"(Mobile )?Safari/\\d+\\.\\d+";
- Log.i(LOG_TAG, String.format("Trying to match pattern %s", patternString));
final Pattern userAgentExpr = Pattern.compile(patternString);
- Matcher patternMatcher = userAgentExpr.matcher(actualUserAgentString);
- assertTrue(String.format("User agent string did not match expected pattern. \nExpected " +
- "pattern:\n%s\nActual:\n%s", patternString, actualUserAgentString),
- patternMatcher.find());
+ Matcher patternMatcher = userAgentExpr.matcher(useragent);
+ if (shouldMatch) {
+ assertTrue(String.format("CDD(3.4.1/C-1-3) User agent string did not match expected pattern. \n" +
+ "Expected pattern:\n%s\nActual:\n%s", patternString, useragent),
+ patternMatcher.find());
+ } else {
+ assertFalse(String.format("Known-bad user agent string incorrectly matched. \n" +
+ "Expected pattern:\n%s\nActual:\n%s", patternString, useragent),
+ patternMatcher.find());
+ }
public void testAccessUserAgentString() throws Exception {