/* * Copyright (C) 2008 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.hit; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; public class Heap { String mName; // List of individual stack frames HashMap mFrames = new HashMap(); // List stack traces, which are lists of stack frames HashMap mTraces = new HashMap(); // Root objects such as interned strings, jni locals, etc ArrayList mRoots = new ArrayList(); // List of threads HashMap mThreads = new HashMap(); // Class definitions HashMap mClassesById = new HashMap(); HashMap mClassesByName = new HashMap(); // List of instances of above class definitions HashMap mInstances = new HashMap(); // The super-state that this heap is part of State mState; public Heap(String name) { mName = name; } public final void addStackFrame(StackFrame theFrame) { mFrames.put(theFrame.mId, theFrame); } public final StackFrame getStackFrame(long id) { return mFrames.get(id); } public final void addStackTrace(StackTrace theTrace) { mTraces.put(theTrace.mSerialNumber, theTrace); } public final StackTrace getStackTrace(int traceSerialNumber) { return mTraces.get(traceSerialNumber); } public final StackTrace getStackTraceAtDepth(int traceSerialNumber, int depth) { StackTrace trace = mTraces.get(traceSerialNumber); if (trace != null) { trace = trace.fromDepth(depth); } return trace; } public final void addRoot(RootObj root) { root.mIndex = mRoots.size(); mRoots.add(root); } public final void addThread(ThreadObj thread, int serialNumber) { mThreads.put(serialNumber, thread); } public final ThreadObj getThread(int serialNumber) { return mThreads.get(serialNumber); } public final void addInstance(long id, Instance instance) { mInstances.put(id, instance); } public final Instance getInstance(long id) { return mInstances.get(id); } public final void addClass(long id, ClassObj theClass) { mClassesById.put(id, theClass); mClassesByName.put(theClass.mClassName, theClass); } public final ClassObj getClass(long id) { return mClassesById.get(id); } public final ClassObj getClass(String name) { return mClassesByName.get(name); } public final void dumpInstanceCounts() { for (ClassObj theClass: mClassesById.values()) { int count = theClass.mInstances.size(); if (count > 0) { System.out.println(theClass + ": " + count); } } } public final void dumpSubclasses() { for (ClassObj theClass: mClassesById.values()) { int count = theClass.mSubclasses.size(); if (count > 0) { System.out.println(theClass); theClass.dumpSubclasses(); } } } public final void dumpSizes() { for (ClassObj theClass: mClassesById.values()) { int size = 0; for (Instance instance: theClass.mInstances) { size += instance.getCompositeSize(); } if (size > 0) { System.out.println(theClass + ": base " + theClass.getSize() + ", composite " + size); } } } /* * Spin through all of the class instances and link them to their * parent class definition objects. Then have each instance resolve * its own internal object references. */ public final void resolveInstanceRefs(State state) { for (Instance instance : mInstances.values()) { ClassObj theClass = mClassesById.get(instance.mClassId); if (theClass == null) { continue; } String name = theClass.mClassName; String superclassName = "none"; ClassObj superClass = mClassesById.get(theClass.mSuperclassId); if (superClass != null) { superclassName = superClass.mClassName; } theClass.addInstance(instance); instance.resolveReferences(state); } } public final void resolveClassStatics(State state) { for (ClassObj theClass: mClassesById.values()) { theClass.resolveReferences(state); } } public final void resolveRoots(State state) { for (RootObj root: mRoots) { root.resolveReferences(state); } } }