path: root/ui/DarkTheme/template-params.xml
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1 files changed, 171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ui/DarkTheme/template-params.xml b/ui/DarkTheme/template-params.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a8f75c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/DarkTheme/template-params.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ Copyright 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ <name>DarkTheme</name>
+ <group>UI</group>
+ <package>com.example.android.darktheme</package>
+ <minSdk>14</minSdk>
+ <dependency>com.google.android.material:material:1.1.0-alpha06</dependency>
+ <dependency>androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0-alpha05</dependency>
+ <dependency>androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.0.0-beta1</dependency>
+ <dependency>androidx.preference:preference:1.1.0-alpha05</dependency>
+ <strings>
+ <intro>
+ <![CDATA[
+ Sample demonstrating the different ways to support Dark Mode on Android.
+ Uses the Material Design Components Library.
+ ]]>
+ </intro>
+ </strings>
+ <template src="base" />
+ <androidX>true</androidX>
+ <metadata>
+ <status>PUBLISHED</status>
+ <categories>UI</categories>
+ <technologies>Android</technologies>
+ <languages>Java</languages>
+ <solutions>Mobile</solutions>
+ <screenshots>
+ <img>screenshots/light_1_welcome.png</img>
+ <img>screenshots/light_2_preferences.png</img>
+ <img>screenshots/light_3_settings.png</img>
+ <img>screenshots/light_4_theme_options.png</img>
+ <img>screenshots/dark_1_welcome.png</img>
+ <img>screenshots/smart_dark_2_preferences.png</img>
+ <img>screenshots/dark_3_settings.png</img>
+ <img>screenshots/dark_4_theme_options.png</img>
+ </screenshots>
+ <description>
+ Sample demonstrating the different ways to support Dark Mode on Android.
+ Uses the Material Design Components Library.
+ </description>
+ <intro>
+Android Q has explicit user support for Dark Mode, allowing users to choose
+whether the device theme is dark or not. There are multiple ways you can allow
+Dark Mode in your app:
+### Night mode in AppCompat and Material Components
+AppCompat has had "night mode" APIs for a number of years now. It allows developers to
+implement dark mode in their apps using the -night resource qualifier. The [Material Design
+Components library][1] builds upon AppCompat and exposes its own DayNight themes.
+The DayNight theme in the AndroidX Material Components library provides Dark Theme backwards
+compatibility down to API 14. The theme we use in the app (specified in
+`AndroidManifest.xml#L23`) extends from DayNight (`values/styles.xml#L16`).
+Use theme-defined colours when defining colours for your drawables. For example, we use
+`?attr/colorOnBackground` for the generic text color of the app (`values/styles.xml#35`).
+When it's not possible to use theme-defined colours, you can use the -night qualifier to
+extract hard-coded values and switch them out when the configuration changes to night mode.
+For example, we use a different primary colour in dark mode. Check `values-night/colors.xml`
+for more details. You can also specify custom drawables creating a drawable-night folder.
+Tell AppCompat what mode to use by calling [`AppCompatDelegate.setDefaultNightMode()`][2] or
+`getDelegate().setLocalNightMode()`. It can take different values:
+- MODE_NIGHT_YES. Always use the dark theme.
+- MODE_NIGHT_NO. Always use the light theme (Smart Dark can override it).
+- MODE_NIGHT_FOLLOW_SYSTEM. Follows the current system setting
+- MODE_NIGHT_AUTO_BATTERY. Dark when battery saver is enabled, light otherwise.
+In the code sample, you can find the code related to this in the `ThemeHelper` class.
+### Smart Dark
+Smart Dark is a new feature in Android Q which can automatically theme a light app to
+dark by dynamically re-coloring the app being drawn at runtime. It has no direct developer
+APIs. It is made for apps which do not have explicit Dark Theme support yet.
+Smart Dark applies to any theme whose value of `android:isLightTheme=true`. This is set on
+all of the `Theme.*.Light.*` variants, including those from AppCompat. You can opt-in and opt-out at
+both a theme and view level. Opt-in by setting `android:forceDarkAllowed="true"`
+in the view or theme. Alternatively, you can enable/disable it in the code by calling
+This feature is implemented in the `PreferencesFragment`. As you can see in the
+`layout/fragment_preferences.xml` file, all colours are hard-coded to be light-theme suitable.
+To make it use Smart Dark, the parent view sets `android:forceDarkAllowed="true"`
+(you can see it in `layout/fragment_preferences.xml#L19`). In this case, when Smart Dark is
+active, this screen will be automatically themed to be dark-mode friendly. The system will
+change most of the colours to make that happen.
+## Dark Mode in the code sample
+The user can decide which theme to use within the app. In the Settings screen, the user
+can choose the Light theme, Dark theme, or System Default (when the app is running on
+Android Q+) or Set by Battery Saver (when running on Android P or earlier). When using the
+System Default option, the system decides the theme based on the Platform System Settings
+introduced in Android Q.
+These options, that are also listed above, are the settings that Google recommends.
+Also, it recommends that this user choice is stored and applied whenever the user opens
+the app again. In the code sample, the user preference is automatically stored in
+`SharedPreferences` because we use the androidX preference library. Check `SettingsFragment`
+and `preferences.xml` for more information about it. In the `DarkThemeApplication` class,
+we retrieve and apply the user theme preference when the user opens the app.
+Notice that the PreferencesFragment will be only in Dark Mode when the Smart Dark is active.
+You can force it by running `adb shell setprop debug.hwui.force_dark true` on your terminal console.
+## Hands on
+In the sample, we make views Dark-Mode friendly in different ways:
+- *Vectors using tints*. `drawable/ic_brightness_2.xml` is Dark-Mode friendly by
+using the `android:tint` attribute.
+- *Vectors using hard-coded colours*. `drawable/ic_brightness.xml` is Dark-Mode friendly by
+setting its View tint in `fragment_welcome.xml#L38`. Also, you can set it programmatically
+as we do with the tinted menu icon `R.id.action_more`.
+- *Tinted menu icons*. `R.id.action_more` is tinted programmatically in `MainActivity.java#L85`.
+- *Different colorPrimary/colorsecondary for light/dark mode*. We define the primary color
+in `values/styles.xml#L21` where we set "colorPrimary" to `@color/primary`.
+`@color/primary` is defined in both `values/colors.xml` and `values-night/colors.xml`.
+- *Text color*. Same way as we did before, the text color is defined in `values/styles.xml`
+with the `"android:textColorPrimary"` attribute.
+- *Window background*. The window background is set in `values/styles.xml` with the
+`"android:windowBackground"` attribute. The value is set to `@color/background` so if
+Dark Mode is enabled the splash screen is black instead of white.
+- *Apply variations to a color using ColorStateList*. Check out `color/color_on_primary_mask.xml`.
+Instead of creating a new color with an alpha in hexadecimal values, we reuse the color and specify
+the alpha with a percentage number.
+- *Enable Smart Dark*. The `PreferenceFragment` is not Dark-Mode friendly. It has all colours
+hard-coded to be suitable for light mode. To opt the Fragment in for Smart Dark, we set
+`android:forceDarkAllowed="true"` in the root View of the Fragment. You can find the code
+in `layout/fragment_preferences.xml#19`.
+[1]: https://material.io/develop/android/docs/getting-started/
+[2]: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v7/app/AppCompatDelegate#setdefaultnightmode
+ </intro>
+ </metadata>