path: root/vendor_snapshot/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor_snapshot/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1022 deletions
diff --git a/vendor_snapshot/ b/vendor_snapshot/
deleted file mode 100644
index d5bed7132..000000000
--- a/vendor_snapshot/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1022 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Unzips and installs the vendor snapshot."""
-import argparse
-import glob
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import textwrap
-import json
-INDENT = ' ' * 4
-def get_target_arch(json_rel_path):
- return json_rel_path.split('/')[0]
-def get_arch(json_rel_path):
- return json_rel_path.split('/')[1].split('-')[1]
-def get_variation(json_rel_path):
- return json_rel_path.split('/')[2]
-# convert .bp prop dictionary to .bp prop string
-def gen_bp_prop(prop, ind):
- bp = ''
- for key in sorted(prop):
- val = prop[key]
- # Skip empty list or dict, rather than printing empty prop like
- # "key: []," or "key: {},"
- if type(val) == list and len(val) == 0:
- continue
- if type(val) == dict and gen_bp_prop(val, '') == '':
- continue
- bp += ind + key + ': '
- if type(val) == bool:
- bp += 'true,\n' if val else 'false,\n'
- elif type(val) == str:
- bp += '"%s",\n' % val
- elif type(val) == list:
- bp += '[\n'
- for elem in val:
- bp += ind + INDENT + '"%s",\n' % elem
- bp += ind + '],\n'
- elif type(val) == dict:
- bp += '{\n'
- bp += gen_bp_prop(val, ind + INDENT)
- bp += ind + '},\n'
- else:
- raise TypeError('unsupported type %s for gen_bp_prop' % type(val))
- return bp
-# Remove non-existent dirs from given list. Emits warning for such dirs.
-def remove_invalid_dirs(paths, bp_dir, module_name):
- ret = []
- for path in paths:
- if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(bp_dir, path)):
- ret.append(path)
- else:
- logging.warning('Dir "%s" of module "%s" does not exist', path,
- module_name)
- return ret
- 'ModuleName': 'name',
- 'ModuleStemName': 'stem',
- 'RelativeInstallPath': 'relative_install_path',
- 'ExportedDirs': 'export_include_dirs',
- 'ExportedSystemDirs': 'export_system_include_dirs',
- 'ExportedFlags': 'export_flags',
- 'Sanitize': 'sanitize',
- 'SanitizeMinimalDep': 'sanitize_minimal_dep',
- 'SanitizeUbsanDep': 'sanitize_ubsan_dep',
- 'Symlinks': 'symlinks',
- 'StaticExecutable': 'static_executable',
- 'InstallInRoot': 'install_in_root',
- 'InitRc': 'init_rc',
- 'VintfFragments': 'vintf_fragments',
- 'SharedLibs': 'shared_libs',
- 'StaticLibs': 'static_libs',
- 'RuntimeLibs': 'runtime_libs',
- 'Required': 'required',
- 'Filename': 'filename',
- 'CrateName': 'crate_name',
- 'Prebuilt': 'prebuilt',
- 'Overrides': 'overrides',
- 'MinSdkVersion': 'min_sdk_version',
- 'LicenseKinds': 'license_kinds',
- 'LicenseTexts': 'license_text',
- 'export_include_dirs',
- 'export_system_include_dirs',
- 'export_flags',
- 'sanitize_minimal_dep',
- 'sanitize_ubsan_dep',
- 'src',
- 'export_include_dirs',
- 'export_system_include_dirs',
- 'export_flags',
-# Convert json file to Android.bp prop dictionary
-def convert_json_to_bp_prop(json_path, bp_dir):
- prop = json.load(json_path)
- return convert_json_data_to_bp_prop(prop, bp_dir)
-# Converts parsed json dictionary (which is intermediate) to Android.bp prop
-# dictionary. This validates paths such as include directories and init_rc
-# files while converting.
-def convert_json_data_to_bp_prop(prop, bp_dir):
- ret = {}
- lic_ret = {}
- module_name = prop['ModuleName']
- ret['name'] = module_name
- # Soong will complain about non-existing paths on Android.bp. There might
- # be missing files among generated header files, so check all exported
- # directories and filter out invalid ones. Emits warning for such dirs.
- # TODO: fix soong to track all generated headers correctly
- for key in {'ExportedDirs', 'ExportedSystemDirs'}:
- if key in prop:
- prop[key] = remove_invalid_dirs(prop[key], bp_dir, module_name)
- for key in prop:
- if key in JSON_TO_BP:
- ret[JSON_TO_BP[key]] = prop[key]
- elif key in LICENSE_KEYS:
- if key == 'LicenseTexts':
- # Add path prefix
- lic_ret[LICENSE_KEYS[key]] = [os.path.join(NOTICE_DIR, lic_path)
- for lic_path in prop[key]]
- else:
- lic_ret[LICENSE_KEYS[key]] = prop[key]
- else:
- logging.warning('Unknown prop "%s" of module "%s"', key,
- module_name)
- return ret, lic_ret
-def is_64bit_arch(arch):
- return '64' in arch # arm64, x86_64
-def remove_keys_from_dict(keys, d):
- # May contain subdictionaries (e.g. cfi), so recursively erase
- for k in list(d.keys()):
- if k in keys:
- del d[k]
- elif type(d[k]) == dict:
- remove_keys_from_dict(keys, d[k])
-def reexport_vndk_header(name, arch_props):
- remove_keys_from_dict(EXPORTED_FLAGS_PROPS, arch_props)
- for arch in arch_props:
- arch_props[arch]['shared_libs'] = [name]
- arch_props[arch]['export_shared_lib_headers'] = [name]
-def gen_bp_module(image, variation, name, version, target_arch, vndk_list, arch_props, bp_dir):
- # Generate Android.bp module for given snapshot.
- # If a vndk library with the same name exists, reuses exported flags of the vndk library,
- # instead of the snapshot's own flags.
- if variation == 'license':
- bp = 'license {\n'
- bp += gen_bp_prop(arch_props, INDENT)
- bp += '}\n\n'
- return bp
- prop = {
- # These are common for all snapshot modules.
- image: True,
- 'arch': {},
- }
- if variation != 'etc':
- prop['version'] = str(version)
- prop['target_arch'] = target_arch
- else:
- prop['prefer'] = True
- reexport_vndk_name = name
- if reexport_vndk_name == "libc++_static":
- reexport_vndk_name = "libc++"
- if reexport_vndk_name in vndk_list:
- if variation == 'shared':
- logging.error("Module %s is both vendor snapshot shared and vndk" % name)
- reexport_vndk_header(reexport_vndk_name, arch_props)
- # Factor out common prop among architectures to minimize Android.bp.
- common_prop = None
- for arch in arch_props:
- if common_prop is None:
- common_prop = dict()
- for k in arch_props[arch]:
- common_prop[k] = arch_props[arch][k]
- continue
- for k in list(common_prop.keys()):
- if k not in arch_props[arch] or common_prop[k] != arch_props[arch][k]:
- del common_prop[k]
- # Some keys has to be arch_props to prevent 32-bit only modules from being
- # used as 64-bit modules, and vice versa.
- for arch_prop_key in ['src', 'cfi']:
- if arch_prop_key in common_prop:
- del common_prop[arch_prop_key]
- prop.update(common_prop)
- has32 = has64 = False
- stem32 = stem64 = ''
- for arch in arch_props:
- for k in common_prop:
- if k in arch_props[arch]:
- del arch_props[arch][k]
- prop['arch'][arch] = arch_props[arch]
- has64 |= is_64bit_arch(arch)
- has32 |= not is_64bit_arch(arch)
- # Record stem for snapshots.
- # We don't check existence of 'src'; src must exist for executables
- if variation == 'binary':
- if is_64bit_arch(arch):
- stem64 = os.path.basename(arch_props[arch]['src'])
- else:
- stem32 = os.path.basename(arch_props[arch]['src'])
- # header snapshots doesn't need compile_multilib. The other snapshots,
- # shared/static/object/binary snapshots, do need them
- if variation != 'header' and variation != 'etc':
- if has32 and has64:
- prop['compile_multilib'] = 'both'
- elif has32:
- prop['compile_multilib'] = '32'
- elif has64:
- prop['compile_multilib'] = '64'
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("Module %s doesn't have prebuilts." % name)
- # For binary snapshots, prefer 64bit if their stem collide and installing
- # both is impossible
- if variation == 'binary' and stem32 == stem64:
- prop['compile_multilib'] = 'first'
- module_type = ''
- if variation == 'etc':
- module_type = 'snapshot_etc'
- else:
- module_type = '%s_snapshot_%s' % (image, variation)
- bp = module_type + ' {\n'
- bp += gen_bp_prop(prop, INDENT)
- bp += '}\n\n'
- return bp
-def get_vndk_list(vndk_dir, target_arch):
- """Generates vndk_libs list, e.g. ['libbase', 'libc++', ...]
- This list is retrieved from vndk_dir/target_arch/configs/module_names.txt.
- If it doesn't exist, print an error message and return an empty list.
- """
- module_names_path = os.path.join(vndk_dir, target_arch, 'configs/module_names.txt')
- try:
- with open(module_names_path, 'r') as f:
- """The format of module_names.txt is a list of "{so_name} {module_name}", e.g.
- lib1
- lib2
- ...
- We extract the module name part.
- """
- return [l.split()[1] for l in'\n').split('\n')]
- except IOError as e:
- logging.error('Failed to read %s: %s' % (module_names_path, e.strerror))
- except IndexError as e:
- logging.error('Failed to parse %s: invalid format' % module_names_path)
- return []
-def gen_bp_list_module(image, snapshot_version, vndk_list, target_arch, arch_props):
- """Generates a {image}_snapshot module which contains lists of snapshots.
- For vendor snapshot, vndk list is also included, extracted from vndk_dir.
- """
- bp = '%s_snapshot {\n' % image
- bp_props = dict()
- bp_props['name'] = '%s_snapshot' % image
- bp_props['version'] = str(snapshot_version)
- if image == 'vendor':
- bp_props['vndk_libs'] = vndk_list
- variant_to_property = {
- 'shared': 'shared_libs',
- 'static': 'static_libs',
- 'rlib': 'rlibs',
- 'header': 'header_libs',
- 'binary': 'binaries',
- 'object': 'objects',
- }
- # arch_bp_prop[arch][variant_prop] = list
- # e.g. arch_bp_prop['x86']['shared_libs'] == ['libfoo', 'libbar', ...]
- arch_bp_prop = dict()
- # Gather module lists per arch.
- # arch_props structure: arch_props[variant][module_name][arch]
- # e.g. arch_props['shared']['libc++']['x86']
- for variant in arch_props:
- if variant in variant_to_property:
- variant_name = variant_to_property[variant]
- for name in arch_props[variant]:
- for arch in arch_props[variant][name]:
- if arch not in arch_bp_prop:
- arch_bp_prop[arch] = dict()
- if variant_name not in arch_bp_prop[arch]:
- arch_bp_prop[arch][variant_name] = []
- arch_bp_prop[arch][variant_name].append(name)
- bp_props['arch'] = arch_bp_prop
- bp += gen_bp_prop(bp_props, INDENT)
- bp += '}\n\n'
- return bp
-def build_props(install_dir, image='', version=0 ):
- # props[target_arch]["static"|"shared"|"binary"|"header"|"license"][name][arch] : json
- props = dict()
- # {target_arch}/{arch}/{variation}/{module}.json
- for root, _, files in os.walk(install_dir, followlinks = True):
- for file_name in sorted(files):
- if not file_name.endswith('.json'):
- continue
- full_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
- rel_path = os.path.relpath(full_path, install_dir)
- target_arch = get_target_arch(rel_path)
- arch = get_arch(rel_path)
- variation = get_variation(rel_path)
- bp_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, target_arch)
- if not target_arch in props:
- props[target_arch] = dict()
- props[target_arch]['license'] = dict()
- if not variation in props[target_arch]:
- props[target_arch][variation] = dict()
- with open(full_path, 'r') as f:
- prop, lic_prop = convert_json_to_bp_prop(f, bp_dir)
- # Remove .json after parsing?
- # os.unlink(full_path)
- if variation != 'header':
- prop['src'] = os.path.relpath(
- rel_path[:-5], # removing .json
- target_arch)
- module_name = prop['name']
- # Is this sanitized variant?
- if 'sanitize' in prop:
- sanitizer_type = prop['sanitize']
- # module_name is {name}.{sanitizer_type}; trim sanitizer_type
- module_name = module_name[:-len(sanitizer_type) - 1]
- # Only leave props for the sanitize variant
- for k in list(prop.keys()):
- del prop[k]
- prop = {'name': module_name, sanitizer_type: prop}
- if not lic_prop:
- # This for the backward compatibility with the old snapshots
- notice_path = os.path.join(NOTICE_DIR, module_name + '.txt')
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(bp_dir, notice_path)):
- lic_prop['license_text'] = [notice_path]
- # Update license props
- if lic_prop and image and version:
- lic_name = '{image}-v{version}-{name}-license'.format(
- image=image, version=version, name=module_name)
- if lic_name not in props[target_arch]['license']:
- lic_prop['name'] = lic_name
- props[target_arch]['license'][lic_name] = lic_prop
- else:
- props[target_arch]['license'][lic_name].update(lic_prop)
- prop['licenses'] = [lic_name]
- variation_dict = props[target_arch][variation]
- if not module_name in variation_dict:
- variation_dict[module_name] = dict()
- if not arch in variation_dict[module_name]:
- variation_dict[module_name][arch] = prop
- else:
- variation_dict[module_name][arch].update(prop)
- return props
-def convert_json_host_data_to_bp(mod, install_dir, version):
- """Create blueprint definition for a given host module.
- All host modules are created as a cc_prebuilt_binary
- blueprint module with the prefer attribute set to true.
- Modules that already have a prebuilt are not created.
- Args:
- mod: JSON definition of the module
- install_dir: installation directory of the host snapshot
- version: the version of the host snapshot
- """
- rust_proc_macro = mod.pop('RustProcMacro', False)
- prop, lic_prop = convert_json_data_to_bp_prop(mod, install_dir)
- if 'prebuilt' in prop:
- return
- if not rust_proc_macro:
- prop['host_supported'] = True
- prop['device_supported'] = False
- prop['stl'] = 'none'
- prop['prefer'] = True
- ## Move install file to host source file
- prop['target'] = dict()
- prop['target']['host'] = dict()
- prop['target']['host']['srcs'] = [prop['filename']]
- del prop['filename']
- bp = ''
- if lic_prop:
- lic_name = 'host-v{version}-{name}-license'.format(
- version=version, name=prop['name'])
- lic_prop['name'] = lic_name
- prop['licenses'] = [lic_name]
- bp += 'license {\n'
- bp += gen_bp_prop(lic_prop, INDENT)
- bp += '}\n\n'
- mod_type = 'cc_prebuilt_binary'
- if rust_proc_macro:
- mod_type = 'rust_prebuilt_proc_macro'
- bp += mod_type + ' {\n' + gen_bp_prop(prop, INDENT) + '}\n\n'
- return bp
-def gen_host_bp_file(install_dir, version):
- """Generate Android.bp for a host snapshot.
- This routine will find the JSON description file from a host
- snapshot and create a blueprint definition for each module
- and add to the created Android.bp file.
- Args:
- install_dir: directory where the host snapshot can be found
- version: the version of the host snapshot
- """
- bpfilename = 'Android.bp'
- with open(os.path.join(install_dir, bpfilename), 'w') as wfp:
- for file in os.listdir(install_dir):
- if file.endswith('.json'):
- with open(os.path.join(install_dir, file), 'r') as rfp:
- props = json.load(rfp)
- for mod in props:
- prop = convert_json_host_data_to_bp(mod, install_dir, version)
- if prop:
- wfp.write(prop)
-def gen_bp_files(image, vndk_dir, install_dir, snapshot_version):
- """Generates Android.bp for each archtecture.
- Android.bp will contain a {image}_snapshot module having lists of VNDK and
- vendor snapshot libraries, and {image}_snapshot_{variant} modules which are
- prebuilt libraries of the snapshot.
- Args:
- image: string, name of partition (e.g. 'vendor', 'recovery')
- vndk_dir: string, directory to which vndk snapshot is installed
- install_dir: string, directory to which the snapshot will be installed
- snapshot_version: int, version of the snapshot
- """
- props = build_props(install_dir, image, snapshot_version)
- for target_arch in sorted(props):
- androidbp = ''
- bp_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, target_arch)
- vndk_list = []
- if image == 'vendor':
- vndk_list = get_vndk_list(vndk_dir, target_arch)
- # Generate snapshot modules.
- for variation in sorted(props[target_arch]):
- for name in sorted(props[target_arch][variation]):
- androidbp += gen_bp_module(image, variation, name,
- snapshot_version, target_arch,
- vndk_list,
- props[target_arch][variation][name],
- bp_dir)
- # Generate {image}_snapshot module which contains the list of modules.
- androidbp += gen_bp_list_module(image, snapshot_version, vndk_list,
- target_arch, props[target_arch])
- with open(os.path.join(bp_dir, 'Android.bp'), 'w') as f:
-'Generating Android.bp to: {}'.format(
- f.write(androidbp)
-def find_all_installed_files(install_dir):
- installed_files = dict()
- for root, _, files in os.walk(install_dir, followlinks = True):
- for file_name in sorted(files):
- if file_name.endswith('.json'):
- continue
- if file_name.endswith('Android.bp'):
- continue
- full_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
- size = os.stat(full_path).st_size
- installed_files[full_path] = size
- logging.debug('')
- for f in sorted(installed_files.keys()):
- logging.debug(f)
- logging.debug('')
- logging.debug('found {} installed files'.format(len(installed_files)))
- logging.debug('')
- return installed_files
-def find_files_in_props(target_arch, arch_install_dir, variation, name, props, file_to_info):
- logging.debug('{} {} {} {} {}'.format(
- target_arch, arch_install_dir, variation, name, props))
- def add_info(file, name, variation, arch, is_sanitized, is_header):
- info = (name, variation, arch, is_sanitized, is_header)
- info_list = file_to_info.get(file)
- if not info_list:
- info_list = []
- file_to_info[file] = info_list
- info_list.append(info)
- def find_file_in_list(dict, key, is_sanitized):
- list = dict.get(key)
- logging.debug(' {} {}'.format(key, list))
- if list:
- for item in list:
- item_path = os.path.join(arch_install_dir, item)
- add_info(item_path, name, variation, arch, is_sanitized, False)
- def find_file_in_dirs(dict, key, is_sanitized, is_header):
- dirs = dict.get(key)
- logging.debug(' {} {}'.format(key, dirs))
- if dirs:
- for dir in dirs:
- dir_path = os.path.join(arch_install_dir, dir)
- logging.debug(' scanning {}'.format(dir_path))
- for root, _, files in os.walk(dir_path, followlinks = True):
- for file_name in sorted(files):
- item_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
- add_info(item_path, name, variation, arch, is_sanitized, is_header)
- def find_file_in_dict(dict, is_sanitized):
- logging.debug(' arch {}'.format(arch))
- logging.debug(' name {}'.format( name))
- logging.debug(' is_sanitized {}'.format(is_sanitized))
- src = dict.get('src')
- logging.debug(' src {}'.format(src))
- if src:
- src_path = os.path.join(arch_install_dir, src)
- add_info(src_path, name, variation, arch, is_sanitized, False)
- notice = dict.get('notice')
- logging.debug(' notice {}'.format(notice))
- if notice:
- notice_path = os.path.join(arch_install_dir, notice)
- add_info(notice_path, name, variation, arch, is_sanitized, False)
- find_file_in_list(dict, 'init_rc', is_sanitized)
- find_file_in_list(dict, 'vintf_fragments', is_sanitized)
- find_file_in_dirs(dict, 'export_include_dirs', is_sanitized, True)
- find_file_in_dirs(dict, 'export_system_include_dirs', is_sanitized, True)
- for arch in sorted(props):
- name = props[arch]['name']
- find_file_in_dict(props[arch], False)
- cfi = props[arch].get('cfi')
- if cfi:
- find_file_in_dict(cfi, True)
- hwasan = props[arch].get('hwasan')
- if hwasan:
- find_file_in_dict(hwasan, True)
-def find_all_props_files(install_dir):
- # This function builds a database of filename to module. This means that we
- # need to dive into the json to find the files that the vendor snapshot
- # provides, and link these back to modules that provide them.
- file_to_info = dict()
- props = build_props(install_dir)
- for target_arch in sorted(props):
- arch_install_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, target_arch)
- for variation in sorted(props[target_arch]):
- for name in sorted(props[target_arch][variation]):
- find_files_in_props(
- target_arch,
- arch_install_dir,
- variation,
- name,
- props[target_arch][variation][name],
- file_to_info)
- logging.debug('')
- for f in sorted(file_to_info.keys()):
- logging.debug(f)
- logging.debug('')
- logging.debug('found {} props files'.format(len(file_to_info)))
- logging.debug('')
- return file_to_info
-def get_ninja_inputs(ninja_binary, ninja_build_file, modules):
- """Returns the set of input file path strings for the given modules.
- Uses the `ninja -t inputs` tool.
- Args:
- ninja_binary: The path to a ninja binary.
- ninja_build_file: The path to a .ninja file from a build.
- modules: The list of modules to scan for inputs.
- """
- inputs = set()
- cmd = [
- ninja_binary,
- "-f",
- ninja_build_file,
- "-t",
- "inputs",
- "-d",
- ] + list(modules)
- logging.debug('invoke ninja {}'.format(cmd))
- inputs = inputs.union(set(
- subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode().strip("\n").split("\n")))
- return inputs
-def check_host_usage(install_dir, ninja_binary, ninja_file, goals, output):
- """Find the host modules that are in the ninja build dependency for a given goal.
- To use this routine the user has installed a fake host snapshot with all
- possible host tools into the install directory. Check the ninja build
- graph for any mapping to the modules in this installation directory.
- This routine will print out a vsdk_host_tools = [] statement with the
- dependent tools. The user can then use the vsdk_host_tools as the
- deps of their host_snapshot module.
- """
- file_to_info = dict()
- for file in os.listdir(install_dir):
- if file.endswith('.json'):
- with open(os.path.join(install_dir,file),'r') as rfp:
- props = json.load(rfp)
- for mod in props:
- file_to_info[os.path.join(install_dir,mod['Filename'])] = mod['ModuleName']
- used_modules = set()
- ninja_inputs = get_ninja_inputs(ninja_binary, ninja_file, goals)
- ## Check for host file in ninja inputs
- for file in file_to_info:
- if file in ninja_inputs:
- used_modules.add(file_to_info[file])
- with open(output, 'w') as f:
- f.write('vsdk_host_tools = [ \n')
- for m in sorted(used_modules):
- f.write(' "%s",\n' % m)
- f.write('] \n')
-def check_module_usage(install_dir, ninja_binary, image, ninja_file, goals,
- output):
- all_installed_files = find_all_installed_files(install_dir)
- all_props_files = find_all_props_files(install_dir)
- ninja_inputs = get_ninja_inputs(ninja_binary, ninja_file, goals)
- logging.debug('')
- logging.debug('ninja inputs')
- for ni in ninja_inputs:
- logging.debug(ni)
- logging.debug('found {} ninja_inputs for goals {}'.format(
- len(ninja_inputs), goals))
- # Intersect the file_to_info dict with the ninja_inputs to determine
- # which items from the vendor snapshot are actually used by the goals.
- total_size = 0
- used_size = 0
- used_file_to_info = dict()
- for file, size in all_installed_files.items():
- total_size += size
- if file in ninja_inputs:
- logging.debug('used: {}'.format(file))
- used_size += size
- info = all_props_files.get(file)
- if info:
- used_file_to_info[file] = info
- else:
- logging.warning('No info for file {}'.format(file))
- used_file_to_info[file] = 'no info'
- logging.debug('Total size {}'.format(total_size))
- logging.debug('Used size {}'.format(used_size))
- logging.debug('')
- logging.debug('used items')
- used_modules = set()
- for f, i in sorted(used_file_to_info.items()):
- logging.debug('{} {}'.format(f, i))
- for m in i:
- (name, variation, arch, is_sanitized, is_header) = m
- if not is_header:
- used_modules.add(name)
- with open(output, 'w') as f:
- f.write('%s_SNAPSHOT_MODULES := \\\n' % image.upper())
- for m in sorted(used_modules):
- f.write(' %s \\\n' % m)
-def check_call(cmd):
- logging.debug('Running `{}`'.format(' '.join(cmd)))
- subprocess.check_call(cmd)
-def fetch_artifact(branch, build, target, pattern, destination):
- """Fetches build artifacts from Android Build server.
- Args:
- branch: string, branch to pull build artifacts from
- build: string, build number to pull build artifacts from
- target: string, target name to pull build artifacts from
- pattern: string, pattern of build artifact file name
- destination: string, destination to pull build artifact to
- """
- fetch_artifact_path = '/google/data/ro/projects/android/fetch_artifact'
- cmd = [
- fetch_artifact_path, '--branch', branch, '--target', target, '--bid',
- build, pattern, destination
- ]
- check_call(cmd)
-def install_artifacts(image, branch, build, target, local_dir, symlink,
- install_dir):
- """Installs vendor snapshot build artifacts to {install_dir}/v{version}.
- 1) Fetch build artifacts from Android Build server or from local_dir
- 2) Unzip or create symlinks to build artifacts
- Args:
- image: string, img file for which the snapshot was created (vendor,
- recovery, etc.)
- branch: string or None, branch name of build artifacts
- build: string or None, build number of build artifacts
- target: string or None, target name of build artifacts
- local_dir: string or None, local dir to pull artifacts from
- symlink: boolean, whether to use symlinks instead of unzipping the
- vendor snapshot zip
- install_dir: string, directory to install vendor snapshot
- temp_artifact_dir: string, temp directory to hold build artifacts fetched
- from Android Build server. For 'local' option, is set to None.
- """
- artifact_pattern = image + '-*.zip'
- def unzip_artifacts(artifact_dir):
- artifacts = glob.glob(os.path.join(artifact_dir, artifact_pattern))
- for artifact in artifacts:
-'Unzipping Vendor snapshot: {}'.format(artifact))
- check_call(['unzip', '-qn', artifact, '-d', install_dir])
- if branch and build and target:
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
- 'Fetching {pattern} from {branch} (bid: {build}, target: {target})'
- .format(
- pattern=artifact_pattern,
- branch=branch,
- build=build,
- target=target))
- fetch_artifact(branch, build, target, artifact_pattern, tmpdir)
- unzip_artifacts(tmpdir)
- elif local_dir:
- if symlink:
- # This assumes local_dir is the location of vendor-snapshot in the
- # build (e.g., out/soong/vendor-snapshot).
- #
- # Create the first level as proper directories and the next level
- # as symlinks.
- for item1 in os.listdir(local_dir):
- dest_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, item1)
- src_dir = os.path.join(local_dir, item1)
- if os.path.isdir(src_dir):
- check_call(['mkdir', '-p', dest_dir])
- # Create symlinks.
- for item2 in os.listdir(src_dir):
- src_item = os.path.join(src_dir, item2)
-'Creating symlink from {} in {}'.format(
- src_item, dest_dir))
- os.symlink(src_item, os.path.join(dest_dir, item2))
- else:
-'Fetching local VNDK snapshot from {}'.format(
- local_dir))
- unzip_artifacts(local_dir)
- else:
- raise RuntimeError('Neither local nor remote fetch information given.')
-def get_args():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument(
- 'snapshot_version',
- type=int,
- help='Vendor snapshot version to install, e.g. "30".')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--image',
- help=('Image whose snapshot is being updated (e.g., vendor, '
- 'recovery , ramdisk, host, etc.)'),
- default='vendor')
- parser.add_argument('--branch', help='Branch to pull build from.')
- parser.add_argument('--build', help='Build number to pull.')
- parser.add_argument('--target', help='Target to pull.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--local',
- help=('Fetch local vendor snapshot artifacts from specified local '
- 'directory instead of Android Build server. '
- 'Example: --local /path/to/local/dir'))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--symlink',
- action='store_true',
- help='Use symlinks instead of unzipping vendor snapshot zip')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--install-dir',
- required=True,
- help=(
- 'Base directory to which vendor snapshot artifacts are installed. '
- 'Example: --install-dir vendor/<company name>/vendor_snapshot/v30'))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--overwrite',
- action='store_true',
- help=(
- 'If provided, does not ask before overwriting the install-dir.'))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--check-module-usage',
- action='store_true',
- help='Check which modules are used.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--check-module-usage-goal',
- action='append',
- help='Goal(s) for which --check-module-usage is calculated.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--check-module-usage-ninja-file',
- help='Ninja file for which --check-module-usage is calculated.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--check-module-usage-output',
- help='File to which to write the check-module-usage results.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--vndk-dir',
- help='Path to installed vndk snapshot directory. Needed to retrieve '
- 'the list of VNDK. prebuilts/vndk/v{ver} will be used by default.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '-v',
- '--verbose',
- action='count',
- default=0,
- help='Increase output verbosity, e.g. "-v", "-vv".')
- return parser.parse_args()
-def main():
- """Program entry point."""
- args = get_args()
- host_image = args.image == 'host'
- verbose_map = (logging.WARNING, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG)
- verbosity = min(args.verbose, 2)
- logging.basicConfig(
- format='%(levelname)-8s [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s',
- level=verbose_map[verbosity])
- if not args.install_dir:
- raise ValueError('Please provide --install-dir option.')
- install_dir = os.path.expanduser(args.install_dir)
- if args.check_module_usage:
- ninja_binary = './prebuilts/build-tools/linux-x86/bin/ninja'
- if not args.check_module_usage_goal:
- raise ValueError('Please provide --check-module-usage-goal option.')
- if not args.check_module_usage_ninja_file:
- raise ValueError(
- 'Please provide --check-module-usage-ninja-file option.')
- if not args.check_module_usage_output:
- raise ValueError(
- 'Please provide --check-module-usage-output option.')
- if host_image:
- check_host_usage(install_dir, ninja_binary,
- args.check_module_usage_ninja_file,
- args.check_module_usage_goal,
- args.check_module_usage_output)
- else:
- check_module_usage(install_dir, ninja_binary, args.image,
- args.check_module_usage_ninja_file,
- args.check_module_usage_goal,
- args.check_module_usage_output)
- return
- local = None
- if args.local:
- local = os.path.expanduser(args.local)
- if local:
- if or args.branch or
- raise ValueError(
- 'When --local option is set, --branch, --build or --target cannot be '
- 'specified.')
- elif not os.path.isdir(local):
- raise RuntimeError(
- 'The specified local directory, {}, does not exist.'.format(
- local))
- else:
- if not ( and args.branch and
- raise ValueError(
- 'Please provide --branch, --build and --target. Or set --local '
- 'option.')
- snapshot_version = args.snapshot_version
- if os.path.exists(install_dir):
- def remove_dir():
-'Removing {}'.format(install_dir))
- check_call(['rm', '-rf', install_dir])
- if args.overwrite:
- remove_dir()
- else:
- resp = input('Directory {} already exists. IT WILL BE REMOVED.\n'
- 'Are you sure? (yes/no): '.format(install_dir))
- if resp == 'yes':
- remove_dir()
- elif resp == 'no':
-'Cancelled snapshot install.')
- return
- else:
- raise ValueError('Did not understand: ' + resp)
- check_call(['mkdir', '-p', install_dir])
- if args.vndk_dir:
- vndk_dir = os.path.expanduser(args.vndk_dir)
- else:
- vndk_dir = 'prebuilts/vndk/v%d' % snapshot_version
- logging.debug('Using %s for vndk directory' % vndk_dir)
- install_artifacts(
- image=args.image,
- branch=args.branch,
- local_dir=local,
- symlink=args.symlink,
- install_dir=install_dir)
- if host_image:
- gen_host_bp_file(install_dir, snapshot_version)
- else:
- gen_bp_files(args.image, vndk_dir, install_dir, snapshot_version)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()