diff options
3 files changed, 124 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/afl-cmin b/afl-cmin
index 6b36c261..c8bbd8d7 100755
--- a/afl-cmin
+++ b/afl-cmin
@@ -103,9 +103,10 @@ function usage() {
" -o dir - output directory for minimized files\n" \
"\n" \
"Execution control settings:\n" \
+" -T tasks - how many parallel tasks to run (default: 1, all=nproc)\n" \
" -f file - location read by the fuzzed program (stdin)\n" \
" -m megs - memory limit for child process ("mem_limit" MB)\n" \
-" -t msec - run time limit for child process (default: none)\n" \
+" -t msec - run time limit for child process (default: 5000)\n" \
" -O - use binary-only instrumentation (FRIDA mode)\n" \
" -Q - use binary-only instrumentation (QEMU mode)\n" \
" -U - use unicorn-based instrumentation (unicorn mode)\n" \
@@ -119,7 +120,6 @@ function usage() {
"For additional tips, please consult README.md\n" \
"\n" \
"Environment variables used:\n" \
-"AFL_ALLOW_TMP: allow unsafe use of input/output directories under {/var}/tmp\n" \
"AFL_CRASH_EXITCODE: optional child exit code to be interpreted as crash\n" \
"AFL_FORKSRV_INIT_TMOUT: time the fuzzer waits for the forkserver to come up\n" \
"AFL_KEEP_TRACES: leave the temporary <out_dir>/.traces directory\n" \
@@ -159,13 +159,19 @@ BEGIN {
# process options
Opterr = 1 # default is to diagnose
Optind = 1 # skip ARGV[0]
- while ((_go_c = getopt(ARGC, ARGV, "hi:o:f:m:t:eACOQUXY?")) != -1) {
+ while ((_go_c = getopt(ARGC, ARGV, "hi:o:f:m:t:eACOQUXYT:?")) != -1) {
if (_go_c == "i") {
if (!Optarg) usage()
if (in_dir) { print "Option "_go_c" is only allowed once" > "/dev/stderr"}
in_dir = Optarg
} else
+ if (_go_c == "T") {
+ if (!Optarg) usage()
+ if (threads) { print "Option "_go_c" is only allowed once" > "/dev/stderr"}
+ threads = Optarg
+ continue
+ } else
if (_go_c == "o") {
if (!Optarg) usage()
if (out_dir) { print "Option "_go_c" is only allowed once" > "/dev/stderr"}
@@ -253,21 +259,30 @@ BEGIN {
# Do a sanity check to discourage the use of /tmp, since we can't really
# handle this safely from an awk script.
- dirlist[0] = in_dir
- dirlist[1] = target_bin
- dirlist[2] = out_dir
- dirlist[3] = stdin_file
- "pwd" | getline dirlist[4] # current directory
- for (dirind in dirlist) {
- dir = dirlist[dirind]
- if (dir ~ /^(\/var)?\/tmp/) {
- print "[-] Error: do not use this script in /tmp or /var/tmp." > "/dev/stderr"
- exit 1
- }
- }
- delete dirlist
+ # dirlist[0] = in_dir
+ # dirlist[1] = target_bin
+ # dirlist[2] = out_dir
+ # dirlist[3] = stdin_file
+ # "pwd" | getline dirlist[4] # current directory
+ # for (dirind in dirlist) {
+ # dir = dirlist[dirind]
+ #
+ # if (dir ~ /^(\/var)?\/tmp/) {
+ # print "[-] Error: do not use this script in /tmp or /var/tmp." > "/dev/stderr"
+ # exit 1
+ # }
+ # }
+ # delete dirlist
+ #}
+ if (threads && stdin_file) {
+ print "[-] Error: -T and -f cannot be used together." > "/dev/stderr"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ if (!threads && !stdin_file) {
+ print "[*] Are you aware of the '-T all' parallelize option that massively improves the speed for large corpuses?"
# If @@ is specified, but there's no -f, let's come up with a temporary input
@@ -350,6 +365,18 @@ BEGIN {
exit 1
+ if (threads) {
+ "nproc" | getline nproc
+ if (threads == "all") {
+ threads = nproc
+ } else {
+ if (!(threads > 1 && threads <= nproc)) {
+ print "[-] Error: -T option must be between 1 and "nproc" or \"all\"." > "/dev/stderr"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
# Check for the more efficient way to copy files...
if (0 != system("mkdir -p -m 0700 "trace_dir)) {
print "[-] Error: Cannot create directory "trace_dir > "/dev/stderr"
@@ -459,27 +486,81 @@ BEGIN {
# STEP 1: Collecting traces #
+ if (threads) {
+ inputsperfile = in_count / threads
+ if (in_count % threads) {
+ inputsperfile++;
+ }
+ cnt = 0;
+ tmpfile=out_dir "/.filelist"
+ for (instance = 1; instance < threads; instance++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < inputsperfile; i++) {
+ print in_dir"/"infilesSmallToBigFull[cnt] >> tmpfile"."instance
+ cnt++
+ }
+ }
+ for (; cnt < in_count; cnt++) {
+ print in_dir"/"infilesSmallToBigFull[cnt] >> tmpfile"."threads
+ }
+ print "ls -l "tmpfile"*"
+ }
print "[*] Obtaining traces for "in_count" input files in '"in_dir"'."
cur = 0;
- if (!stdin_file) {
- print " Processing "in_count" files (forkserver mode)..."
-# print AFL_CMIN_CRASHES_ONLY"\""showmap"\" -m "mem_limit" -t "timeout" -o \""trace_dir"\" -Z "extra_par" -i \""in_dir"\" -- \""target_bin"\" "prog_args_string
- retval = system(AFL_MAP_SIZE AFL_CMIN_ALLOW_ANY AFL_CMIN_CRASHES_ONLY"\""showmap"\" -m "mem_limit" -t "timeout" -o \""trace_dir"\" -Z "extra_par" -i \""in_dir"\" -- \""target_bin"\" "prog_args_string)
+ if (threads > 1) {
+ print "[*] Creating " threads " parallel tasks with about " inputsperfile " each."
+ for (i = 1; i <= threads; i++) {
+ if (!stdin_file) {
+# print " { "AFL_MAP_SIZE AFL_CMIN_ALLOW_ANY AFL_CMIN_CRASHES_ONLY"\""showmap"\" -m "mem_limit" -t "timeout" -o \""trace_dir"\" -Z "extra_par" -I \""tmpfile"."i"\" -- \""target_bin"\" "prog_args_string"; > "tmpfile"."i".done ; } &"
+ retval = system(" { "AFL_MAP_SIZE AFL_CMIN_ALLOW_ANY AFL_CMIN_CRASHES_ONLY"\""showmap"\" -m "mem_limit" -t "timeout" -o \""trace_dir"\" -Z "extra_par" -I \""tmpfile"."i"\" -- \""target_bin"\" "prog_args_string"; > "tmpfile"."i".done ; } &")
+ } else {
+ stdin_file=tmpfile"."i".stdin"
+# print " { "AFL_MAP_SIZE AFL_CMIN_ALLOW_ANY AFL_CMIN_CRASHES_ONLY"\""showmap"\" -m "mem_limit" -t "timeout" -o \""trace_dir"\" -Z "extra_par" -I \""tmpfile"."i"\" -H \""stdin_file"\" -- \""target_bin"\" "prog_args_string" </dev/null; > "tmpfile"."i".done ; } &"
+ retval = system(" { "AFL_MAP_SIZE AFL_CMIN_ALLOW_ANY AFL_CMIN_CRASHES_ONLY"\""showmap"\" -m "mem_limit" -t "timeout" -o \""trace_dir"\" -Z "extra_par" -I \""tmpfile"."i"\" -H \""stdin_file"\" -- \""target_bin"\" "prog_args_string" </dev/null; > "tmpfile"."i".done ; } &")
+ }
+ }
+ print "[*] Waiting for parallel tasks to complete ..."
+ # wait for all processes to finish
+ ok=0
+ while (ok < threads) {
+ ok=0
+ for (i = 1; i <= threads; i++) {
+ if (system("test -f "tmpfile"."i".done") == 0) {
+ ok++
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print "[*] Done!"
+ system("rm -f "tmpfile"*")
} else {
- print " Processing "in_count" files (forkserver mode)..."
+ if (!stdin_file) {
+ print " Processing "in_count" files (forkserver mode)..."
+# print AFL_CMIN_CRASHES_ONLY"\""showmap"\" -m "mem_limit" -t "timeout" -o \""trace_dir"\" -Z "extra_par" -i \""in_dir"\" -- \""target_bin"\" "prog_args_string
+ retval = system(AFL_MAP_SIZE AFL_CMIN_ALLOW_ANY AFL_CMIN_CRASHES_ONLY"\""showmap"\" -m "mem_limit" -t "timeout" -o \""trace_dir"\" -Z "extra_par" -i \""in_dir"\" -- \""target_bin"\" "prog_args_string)
+ } else {
+ print " Processing "in_count" files (forkserver mode)..."
# print AFL_CMIN_CRASHES_ONLY"\""showmap"\" -m "mem_limit" -t "timeout" -o \""trace_dir"\" -Z "extra_par" -i \""in_dir"\" -H \""stdin_file"\" -- \""target_bin"\" "prog_args_string" </dev/null"
- retval = system(AFL_MAP_SIZE AFL_CMIN_ALLOW_ANY AFL_CMIN_CRASHES_ONLY"\""showmap"\" -m "mem_limit" -t "timeout" -o \""trace_dir"\" -Z "extra_par" -i \""in_dir"\" -H \""stdin_file"\" -- \""target_bin"\" "prog_args_string" </dev/null")
- }
+ retval = system(AFL_MAP_SIZE AFL_CMIN_ALLOW_ANY AFL_CMIN_CRASHES_ONLY"\""showmap"\" -m "mem_limit" -t "timeout" -o \""trace_dir"\" -Z "extra_par" -i \""in_dir"\" -H \""stdin_file"\" -- \""target_bin"\" "prog_args_string" </dev/null")
+ }
- if (retval && (!AFL_CMIN_CRASHES_ONLY && !AFL_CMIN_ALLOW_ANY)) {
- print "[!] Exit code "retval" != 0 received from afl-showmap (this means a crashing or timeout input is likely present), terminating..."
+ if (retval && (!AFL_CMIN_CRASHES_ONLY && !AFL_CMIN_ALLOW_ANY)) {
+ print "[!] Exit code "retval" != 0 received from afl-showmap (this means a crashing or timeout input is likely present), terminating..."
- system("rm -rf "trace_dir" 2>/dev/null")
- system("rmdir "out_dir)
+ system("rm -rf "trace_dir" 2>/dev/null")
+ system("rmdir "out_dir)
+ }
+ exit retval
- exit retval
diff --git a/docs/Changelog.md b/docs/Changelog.md
index 816a864d..667fd634 100644
--- a/docs/Changelog.md
+++ b/docs/Changelog.md
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
- afl-showmap:
- added custom mutator post_process and send support
- add `-I filelist` option, an alternative to `-i in_dir`
- - afl-cmin.bash:
+ - afl-cmin + afl-cmin.bash:
- `-T threads` parallel task support, huge speedup!
- a new grammar custom mutator atnwalk was submitted by @voidptr127 !
diff --git a/src/afl-showmap.c b/src/afl-showmap.c
index 09a1d2dc..d0e01cb1 100644
--- a/src/afl-showmap.c
+++ b/src/afl-showmap.c
@@ -894,9 +894,7 @@ u32 execute_testcases_filelist(u8 *fn) {
while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f) != NULL) {
struct stat st;
- u8 *fn2 = buf, *fn3;
- ;
+ u8 *fn2 = buf, *fn3;
while (*fn2 == ' ') {
@@ -904,14 +902,11 @@ u32 execute_testcases_filelist(u8 *fn) {
- if (*fn2) {
- while (fn2[strlen(fn2) - 1] == '\r' || fn2[strlen(fn2) - 1] == '\n' ||
- fn2[strlen(fn2) - 1] == ' ') {
- fn2[strlen(fn2) - 1] = 0;
+ while (*fn2 &&
+ (fn2[strlen(fn2) - 1] == '\r' || fn2[strlen(fn2) - 1] == '\n' ||
+ fn2[strlen(fn2) - 1] == ' ')) {
- }
+ fn2[strlen(fn2) - 1] = 0;
@@ -926,6 +921,8 @@ u32 execute_testcases_filelist(u8 *fn) {
+ ++done;
if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode) || !st.st_size) { continue; }
if ((fn3 = strrchr(fn2, '/'))) {
@@ -946,9 +943,12 @@ u32 execute_testcases_filelist(u8 *fn) {
- if (!collect_coverage)
+ if (!collect_coverage) {
snprintf(outfile, sizeof(outfile), "%s/%s", out_file, fn3);
+ }
if (read_file(fn2)) {
if (wait_for_gdb) {
@@ -961,7 +961,6 @@ u32 execute_testcases_filelist(u8 *fn) {
showmap_run_target_forkserver(fsrv, in_data, in_len);
- ++done;
if (child_crashed && debug) { WARNF("crashed: %s", fn2); }