#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # american fuzzy lop++ - custom code formatter # -------------------------------------------- # # Written and maintained by Andrea Fioraldi # # Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright 2019-2023 AFLplusplus Project. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # import subprocess import sys import os # import re # TODO: for future use import shutil import importlib.metadata # string_re = re.compile('(\\"(\\\\.|[^"\\\\])*\\")') # TODO: for future use CURRENT_LLVM = os.getenv('LLVM_VERSION', 15) CLANG_FORMAT_BIN = os.getenv("CLANG_FORMAT_BIN", "") def check_clang_format_pip_version(): """ Check if the correct version of clang-format is installed via pip. Returns: bool: True if the correct version of clang-format is installed, False otherwise. """ # Check if clang-format is installed if importlib.util.find_spec('clang_format'): # Check if the installed version is the expected LLVM version if importlib.metadata.version('clang-format')\ .startswith(str(CURRENT_LLVM)+'.'): return True else: # Return False, because the clang-format version does not match return False else: # If the 'clang_format' package isn't installed, return False return False with open(".clang-format") as f: fmt = f.read() CLANG_FORMAT_PIP = check_clang_format_pip_version() if shutil.which(CLANG_FORMAT_BIN) is None: CLANG_FORMAT_BIN = f"clang-format-{CURRENT_LLVM}" if shutil.which(CLANG_FORMAT_BIN) is None \ and CLANG_FORMAT_PIP is False: print(f"[!] clang-format-{CURRENT_LLVM} is needed. Aborted.") print(f"Run `pip3 install \"clang-format=={CURRENT_LLVM}.*\"` \ to install via pip.") exit(1) if CLANG_FORMAT_PIP: CLANG_FORMAT_BIN = shutil.which("clang-format") COLUMN_LIMIT = 80 for line in fmt.split("\n"): line = line.split(":") if line[0].strip() == "ColumnLimit": COLUMN_LIMIT = int(line[1].strip()) def custom_format(filename): p = subprocess.Popen([CLANG_FORMAT_BIN, filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) src, _ = p.communicate() src = str(src, "utf-8") in_define = False last_line = None out = "" for line in src.split("\n"): if line.lstrip().startswith("#"): if line[line.find("#") + 1:].lstrip().startswith("define"): in_define = True if ( "/*" in line and not line.strip().startswith("/*") and line.endswith("*/") and len(line) < (COLUMN_LIMIT - 2) ): cmt_start = line.rfind("/*") line = ( line[:cmt_start] + " " * (COLUMN_LIMIT - 2 - len(line)) + line[cmt_start:] ) define_padding = 0 if last_line is not None and in_define and last_line.endswith("\\"): last_line = last_line[:-1] define_padding = max(0, len(last_line[last_line.rfind("\n") + 1:])) if ( last_line is not None and last_line.strip().endswith("{") and line.strip() != "" ): line = (" " * define_padding + "\\" if in_define else "") + "\n" + line elif ( last_line is not None and last_line.strip().startswith("}") and line.strip() != "" ): line = (" " * define_padding + "\\" if in_define else "") + "\n" + line elif ( line.strip().startswith("}") and last_line is not None and last_line.strip() != "" ): line = (" " * define_padding + "\\" if in_define else "") + "\n" + line if not line.endswith("\\"): in_define = False out += line + "\n" last_line = line return out args = sys.argv[1:] if len(args) == 0: print("Usage: ./format.py [-i] ") print() print(" The -i option, if specified, let the script to modify in-place") print(" the source files. By default the results are written to stdout.") print() exit(1) in_place = False if args[0] == "-i": in_place = True args = args[1:] for filename in args: code = custom_format(filename) if in_place: with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(code) else: print(code)