# TODO list for AFL++ ## Roadmap 3.00+ - AFL_MAP_SIZE for qemu_mode and unicorn_mode - CPU affinity for many cores? There seems to be an issue > 96 cores - afl-plot to support multiple plot_data - afl_custom_fuzz_splice_optin() - intel-pt tracer ## Further down the road afl-fuzz: - setting min_len/max_len/start_offset/end_offset limits for mutation output - add __sanitizer_cov_trace_cmp* support via shmem llvm_mode: - add __sanitizer_cov_trace_cmp* support qemu_mode: - non colliding instrumentation - rename qemu specific envs to AFL_QEMU (AFL_ENTRYPOINT, AFL_CODE_START/END, AFL_COMPCOV_LEVEL?) - add AFL_QEMU_EXITPOINT (maybe multiple?), maybe pointless as we have persistent mode - add/implement AFL_QEMU_INST_LIBLIST and AFL_QEMU_NOINST_PROGRAM - add/implement AFL_QEMU_INST_REGIONS as a list of _START/_END addresses ## Ideas - LTO/sancov: write current edge to prev_loc and use that information when using cmplog or __sanitizer_cov_trace_cmp*. maybe we can deduct by follow up edge numbers that both following cmp paths have been found and then disable working on this edge id -> cmplog_intelligence branch